Compressive phase retrieval
George Barbastathis
University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute 密西根交大学院 (academic year 2013-14)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre
• Zhengyun Zhang, Adam Pan, Kelli Xu, Yunhui Zhou, Yi Liu, Justin Lee, Shakil Rehman
• Lei Tian, Laura Waller UC Berkeley
• Jon Petruccelli SUNY Albany
• David Brady Duke University
• Colin J. R. Sheppard Italian Institute of Technology
• Rajiv Gupta Massachusetts General Hospital
• Haris Kudrolli, Vivek Nagarkar RMD Inc
• Singapore’s National Research Foundation
• US Department of Homeland Security
• Chevron Technology Company
This talk is about
• Phase
• Phase space
• Phase space tomography
• Compressive imaging
• Phase tomography
This talk is about
• Phase
• Phase space
• Phase space tomography
• Compressive imaging
• Phase tomography
The significance of phase
(F. Zernike, Science 121, 1955)
intensity image phase-contrast image
Visible X-ray
includes losses due to scattering) can thereby be pro- duced,6and because they rely on different contrast mech- anisms, they can provide complementary information.
The refraction image, being sensitive to the gradient of the refractive index, shows dramatic edge enhancement and provides a map of the boundaries between regions with differing refractive indices (see figure 3).
DEI requires an intense monochromatic x-ray beam for reasonable exposure times. Synchrotron sources have a definite advantage in this respect, but are not practical for clinical applications. Pisano and company have recent- ly demonstrated the improved cancer detail visualization that is possible with synchrotron-based DEI,7and the team has also shown that DEI can be used for CT,8which could increase the clinical potential for this technique. A Euro- pean collaboration led by Ralf Menk (Elettra) that is bring- ing together researchers at synchrotrons (Daresbury in the UK, DESY in Germany, Elettra, and ESRF), universities (Bremen and Siegen), and industry (Siemens AG) has also begun exploring the medical potential of DEI. Ingal and Beliaevskaya, meanwhile, have continued to explore the use of commercial x-ray tubes.9
Phase-contrast radiography
If just a detector, and no analyzer crystal, is in the beam path (figure 1c), the x rays emerging from the sample at their various angles will propagate through free space until they reach the detector. With the detector immedi- ately behind the sample, one will get a conventional absorption image. If the source is very highly coherent and the detector is placed very far behind the sample, one will observe a fringe pattern as different components of the beam, having been diffracted by the sample, interfere with each other on further propagation through space.
This regime corresponds to Fraunhofer or far-field dif- fraction. The interference pattern contains useful phase information, but extracting that information is an ongoing
computational and physics challenge.
With the detector placed at an intermediate distance, one gets Fresnel or near-field diffraction. Here, a combi- nation of imaging and diffraction effects is found, typical- ly involving interference fringes at the edges of features.
These fringes improve edge visibility (see figure 4). The optimum positioning of the detector for best enhancement effects varies from sample to sample, depending on the x- ray wavelength and the size of the features of interest.
This “in-line” phase-sensitive technique, exploiting Fresnel diffraction and dubbed phase-contrast imaging (although it is distinct from optical phase-contrast imag- ing), was first explored by Anatoly Snigirev and coworkers at ESRF10and by Wilkins and colleagues at CSIRO.11It is very similar to the original techniques for holography developed by Dennis Gabor in 1948.
In the absence of absorption, the contrast depends on the Laplacian of the phase shift f in the sample. “Inter- pretation of the measured ¹2f or f in terms of object prop- erties becomes more difficult for thick objects due to the effects of multiple scattering within the sample,” says Wilkins. X rays that have been scattered through large angles will miss the detector altogether, which improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the image.
FIGURE2. COMPUTED TOMOGRAMof a human kidney sample (5 mm in diameter) obtained with phase-contrast x-ray interfer- ometry. The image maps the difference in the refractive index between the sample and water. The darker region on the right is cancerous. The density difference between the normal and can- cerous tissues is calculated from the image to be 10 mg/cm3. (From A. Momose et al., SPIE Proc. 3659, 365 [1999].)
FIGURE3. HUMAN BREAST CANCER SPECIMEN, imaged in vitro with conventional absorption (top) and diffraction- enhanced techniques (bottom). The DEI technique is sensitive to variations in the refractive index, which are greatest at the boundaries between different regions. Because of the resulting edge enhancement, spiculations (thin lines of cancerous growth) that are barely discernable in the top image (arrow) are more clearly visible in the DEI refraction image. (From ref. 7.)
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includes losses due to scattering) can thereby be pro- duced,6and because they rely on different contrast mech- anisms, they can provide complementary information.
The refraction image, being sensitive to the gradient of the refractive index, shows dramatic edge enhancement and provides a map of the boundaries between regions with differing refractive indices (see figure 3).
DEI requires an intense monochromatic x-ray beam for reasonable exposure times. Synchrotron sources have a definite advantage in this respect, but are not practical for clinical applications. Pisano and company have recent- ly demonstrated the improved cancer detail visualization that is possible with synchrotron-based DEI,7and the team has also shown that DEI can be used for CT,8which could increase the clinical potential for this technique. A Euro- pean collaboration led by Ralf Menk (Elettra) that is bring- ing together researchers at synchrotrons (Daresbury in the UK, DESY in Germany, Elettra, and ESRF), universities (Bremen and Siegen), and industry (Siemens AG) has also begun exploring the medical potential of DEI. Ingal and Beliaevskaya, meanwhile, have continued to explore the use of commercial x-ray tubes.9
Phase-contrast radiography
If just a detector, and no analyzer crystal, is in the beam path (figure 1c), the x rays emerging from the sample at their various angles will propagate through free space until they reach the detector. With the detector immedi- ately behind the sample, one will get a conventional absorption image. If the source is very highly coherent and the detector is placed very far behind the sample, one will observe a fringe pattern as different components of the beam, having been diffracted by the sample, interfere with each other on further propagation through space.
This regime corresponds to Fraunhofer or far-field dif- fraction. The interference pattern contains useful phase information, but extracting that information is an ongoing
computational and physics challenge.
With the detector placed at an intermediate distance, one gets Fresnel or near-field diffraction. Here, a combi- nation of imaging and diffraction effects is found, typical- ly involving interference fringes at the edges of features.
These fringes improve edge visibility (see figure 4). The optimum positioning of the detector for best enhancement effects varies from sample to sample, depending on the x- ray wavelength and the size of the features of interest.
This “in-line” phase-sensitive technique, exploiting Fresnel diffraction and dubbed phase-contrast imaging (although it is distinct from optical phase-contrast imag- ing), was first explored by Anatoly Snigirev and coworkers at ESRF10and by Wilkins and colleagues at CSIRO.11It is very similar to the original techniques for holography developed by Dennis Gabor in 1948.
In the absence of absorption, the contrast depends on the Laplacian of the phase shift f in the sample. “Inter- pretation of the measured ¹2f or f in terms of object prop- erties becomes more difficult for thick objects due to the effects of multiple scattering within the sample,” says Wilkins. X rays that have been scattered through large angles will miss the detector altogether, which improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the image.
FIGURE2. COMPUTED TOMOGRAMof a human kidney sample (5 mm in diameter) obtained with phase-contrast x-ray interfer- ometry. The image maps the difference in the refractive index between the sample and water. The darker region on the right is cancerous. The density difference between the normal and can- cerous tissues is calculated from the image to be 10 mg/cm3. (From A. Momose et al., SPIE Proc. 3659, 365 [1999].)
FIGURE3. HUMAN BREAST CANCER SPECIMEN, imaged in vitro with conventional absorption (top) and diffraction- enhanced techniques (bottom). The DEI technique is sensitive to variations in the refractive index, which are greatest at the boundaries between different regions. Because of the resulting edge enhancement, spiculations (thin lines of cancerous growth) that are barely discernable in the top image (arrow) are more clearly visible in the DEI refraction image. (From ref. 7.)
Downloaded 06 Apr 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at:
(E. D. Pisano et al., Radiology 214, 2000)
Density Refractive index
temperature pressure humidity
(x o ) = k Z
n(r)dl ⇢ / n 2 1 n 2 + 2
⇢ /
attenuation image phase-contrast image
(human breast cancer specimen)
Phase Imaging
• Non-quantitative
(phase contrast) • Quantitative
(brightness ∝ OPL)
OPL 0 L 0
no t q ua nt ifia ble
OPL = optical path length
Phase Retrieval
• Interferometric • Axial stack
camera camera camera camera
External reference • Lippmann / Lateral stack
• Refractive
back focal plane sensor
Wavefront Sensing
lens array computed
wavefront slope (phase profile)
incoming coherent
Captured Image
• spot location → slope estimate
• spot shape → fine details
• wavefront sensing approach
throws away fringe info
• light field imaging approach
assumes fringes are extra rays
• can we do better?
+ + +
+ + +
+ +
Z. Zhang and G. Barbastathis, Focus on Microscopy 2014, paper MO-AF1-PAR-D
Sydney, Australia
coherence modes measured
intensity predicted intensity
Factored Form Descent (FFD)
lens array input field
back focal plane
output field
y = Kx coherence retrieval
output intensity
➔ input field
argmin X X M
w m 2 y m k m XX T k T m 2
X ⌘ (x 1 x 2 . . . x M )
R = 1 = ) phase retrieval (purely coherent) M = 1 = )
Zhang et al Opt. Express 21:5759 (2013)
Single image not sufficient...
• each lens separately focuses
• low spatial frequency → no overlap (crosstalk)
• phase relationship between A and B can be obtained
• phase relationship between A and C cannot be obtained
lens array input field
back focal plane A
Fix with multiple images
lens array positions
lens array positions
Experimental Geometry (not to scale)
cover slip
cover slip specimen
Olympus 40X/0.75 NA
LED illumination, 540 nm bandpass filter,
aperture and field fully stopped down
micro- scope body
port wavefront
XYZ translation stage Thorlabs WFS150-7AR 150 micron pitch 4.65 micron pixels
1280×1024 25 micron
Experiment: 50μm bead
➡ Polysterene in ethylene glycol
➡ Five images:
➡ four shifts
➡ one background for subtraction
➡ repeated 16 times for noise statistics
➡ Reconstruction using
rank-constrained FFD
Experiment: 50μm bead
amplitude phase
reconstruction (scalebar = 10 microns in specimen)
single lens element
Z. Zhang and G. Barbastathis, Focus on Microscopy 2014, paper MO-AF1-PAR-D
Sydney, Australia
Experiment: cheek cells
amplitude phase
reconstruction (scalebar = 10 microns in specimen)
single lens element
cell 1
cell 2
cell 1
cell 2
Z. Zhang and G. Barbastathis, Focus on Microscopy 2014, paper MO-AF1-PAR-D
Sydney, Australia
This talk is about
• Phase
• Phase space
• Phase space tomography
• Compressive imaging
• Phase tomography
back focal plane sensor
Wavefront Sensing
lens array
incoming coherent
x 1
x 2
x 3
u u u 3 2 1 u 4 u 5
u u u 3 2 1 u 4 u 5
u u u 3 2 1 u 4 u 5
sampling position momentum
partially coherent
u u u 3 2 1 u 4 u 5 x 1 x 2 x 3
mo mentum
L. Tian et al, Opt. Express
21:10511, 2013
Partially coherent light
U (x) Random field
J(x, x 0 ) ⌘ hU(x)U ⇤ (x 0 ) i Correlation function (mutual intensity)
Young’s two-slit experiment x
x 0
B. J. Thompson and E. Wolf, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 47:895, 1957.
|J| / contrast
The mutual intensity
J(x, x 0 ) ⌘ hU(x)U ⇤ (x 0 ) i
(x, y)
(x 0 , y 0 )
D. L. Marks, R. A. Stack, and D. Brady, Appl. Opt. 38:1332, 1999
The mutual intensity
J(x, x 0 ) ⌘ hU(x)U ⇤ (x 0 ) i
• completely characterizes the (quasi-monochromatic) partially coherent field,
• in particular, the Optical Path Length (OPL);
• J. C. Petruccelli, L. Tian, and G. Barbastathis, Opt. Express 21:14430, 2013
• is analogous to the density matrix in quantum mechanics;
• is semi-positive definite (eigenvalues≥0);
• is a 4-dimensional quantity;
• but does it contain 4D information?
• J. Rosen and A. Yariv, Opt. Lett. 21:1011, 1996
• J. Rosen and A. Yariv, Opt. Lett. 21:1803, 1996
• D. L. Marks, R. A. Stack, and D. Brady, Appl. Opt. 38:1332, 1999
Eugene Paul Wigner
1902 Budapest, Hungary -!
1995 Princeton, New Jersey!
1927 symmetries in quantum mechanics!
1932 “On the quantum correction for !
thermodynamic equilibrium”!
1960 “The unreasonable effectiveness of!
mathematics in the natural sciences”!
1963 Nobel prize in Physics
W (x, u) =
Z ✓
x + x 0 2
x x 0 2
exp ( i2⇡ux 0 ) dx 0 W (x, u) =
Z ✓
x + x 0 2
x x 0 2
exp ( i2⇡ux 0 ) dx 0
The Phase Space
• Wigner distribution function
W (x, u) =
Z ✓
x + x 0 2
x x 0 2
exp ( i2⇡ux 0 ) dx 0
<.> < ... >
W (x, u) = Z
x + x 0
2 , x x 0 2
exp ( i2⇡ux 0 ) dx 0
• Ambiguity function
A(u 0 , x 0 ) = Z
x + x 0
2 , x x 0 2
exp ( i2⇡u 0 x) dx
F x $ u 0 u $ x 0
• By the way, W (x, u) is real.
Phase space (Wigner space)
time Temporal frequency
Chirp function Spherical wave
space variable x
Lo ca l s pa tia l fr equency u
Phase space description
space variable x
0 2 4 6 8 10
−0.5 0 0.5 1
x (Wigner distribution function, WdF)
point source
x-z space
Wigner space (x-u space)
(x) = (x x 0 )
position lateral!
position momentum!
(spatial frequency)
spherical wave
x-z space
Wigner space (x-u space)
(x) = exp
i ⇡ (x x 0 ) 2 z
WDF shears/rotates upon propagation
boxcar (“rect”) function: 1D slit
integrate WDF along frequency axis
integ ra te WDF a lo ng s pa ce axi s
original function
FT of
original function
diffraction from a rectangular slit aperture
x x
Example: waveguide (3rd mode) + lens
waveguide lens free space
position position position position
mo me n tu m
This talk is about
• Phase
• Phase space
• Phase space tomography
• Compressive imaging
• Phase tomography
Wavefunction evolution and the WDF
time evolution t
propagation distance z ( ) propagation Fresnel
Tomographic measurement
time evolution t
propagation distance z ( ) propagation Fresnel
measurement (quantum demolition)
intensity measurement
from evolution/propagation
Phase-space tomography
partially coherent
field (unknown)
camera (intensity measurement)
z 0 z 1 z 2 z 3 z 4
Phase-space tomography
x 1
x 2
x Wigner u
Mutual Intensity function
J (x 1 , x 2 ) W J (x, u)
Wigner Distribution function
z=z 0
z=z 1
z=z 2
z=z 3
z=z 4
x u
W J (x, u)
Wigner Distribution function
Phase-space tomography
Δu Δx
Ambiguity function
z=z 0
z=z 1
z=z 2
z=z 3
z=z 4
A J (Δx, Δu)
Quantum phase space tomography
C. Kurtsiefer, and et al, Nature, 1997 J. Itatanl, and et al, Nature, 2000
Squeezed state recovery Matter wave interference
Optical Homodyne Tomography
Tomographic reconstruction
D. Smithey, and et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1993
measurement Tomographic
Optical phase space tomography
Axial intensity measurement Reconstructed WDF Reconstructed MI Spatial coherence measurements of a 1D soft x-ray beam
C.Q.Tran, and et al, JOSA A 22, 1691-1700(2005)
• Non-interferometric technique
The problem of limited data
u x
too close
too far z < 0
inaccessible 1
• Assume intensity symmetric about z=0
measurement range
Make up for limited data?
☛ Compressive reconstruction
This talk is about
• Phase
• Phase space
• Phase space tomography
• Compressive imaging
• Phase tomography
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
−0.5 0 0.5 1
Numerical example: 3 spikes
Original signal with 3 spikes (total length=64) DFT measurements (# of samples=12)
Compressive (L1) reconstruction Conventional (L2) reconstruction
DFT samples
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
−0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
−0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
−0.5 0 0.5 1
f = argmin ˆ f kfk 2
s.t. F 1 y red = F 1 f
f = argmin ˆ f kfk 1
s.t. F 1 y red = F 1 f
Why L1?
Least squares solution (minimizes L2 on the line)
soluti on (und erdetermi
ned )
NOT Sparse
Why L1?
Compressive solution (minimizes L1 on the line)
soluti on (und erdetermi
ned )
Generally, of the form
(0, . . . , 0, ⇠, 0, . . . , 0)
Reconstruction success is subject to sparsity
# N yqui st sa mpl es
(# non-zero samples) / (# Nyquist samples) (# non-zero samples) / (# Nyquist samples)
E. Candés, J. Romberg, and T. Tao, IEEE Trans. Info. Th. 52:489, 2006
Exprerimental compressive phase-space tomography
• Illumination central wavelength: 620nm;
bandwith: 20nm
• Width of illumination slit: 300μm
• Coherence length: 93μm
• Width of object slit: 400μm
• 32 measurements (axial positions)
1D object
Scanning z detector
Slit Lens
f = 75mm
Lei Tian et al, Opt. Expr. 20(8):8296, 2012
Limited data in our experiment
u x
too close
too far
• Total # of slices: 32
• Missing angle : 38 o
• Missing angle : 22 2 o
Ground Truth
Illumination Slit
Imaging system
van Cittert-Zernike theorem
Global Degree of Coherence
Filtered back-projection fails
correlation function
Underestimates the degree of
coherence μ=0.12
Compressive reconstruction
Error around the edge due to resolution limit of
the imaging system
Error in compressive reconstruction
(compared to Van Cittert-Zernike)
Estimate of the coherent modes
Coherent modes eigenvalues
Validation: vCZ theorem
eigenvalues Difference between
CS and vCZ eigenvalue estimates
Compressive estimate
4D phase space tomography:
astigmatic imaging
collimating lens
cylindrical lens (along x)
cylindrical lens (along y)
linear stage linear stage camera
100μm 300μm
L. Tian, S. Rehman, and G. Barbastathis, in Frontiers in Optics 2012, paper FM4C.4.
M. Raymer, M. Beck and D. McAlister, Phys.Rev.Lett. 1994 D. Marks, R. Stack and D. Brady, Opt. Lett. 2000
central wavelength: 620nm
bandwidth: 20nm
Inaccessible Inaccessible
• Dimension of unknown mutual intensity: 64 uʹ′ 4
• Total # of samples: 64 2 (# of samples in each image)×20(# of planes in a focal stack)×12(# of focal stack)
“Missing slices” in Ambiguity space
L. Tian, S. Rehman, and G. Barbastathis, in Frontiers in Optics 2012, paper FM4C.4.
x 1
x 2
Mutual intensity
Theoretical Prediction
300μm 100
μ m VCZ theorem
aperture object
y 2
y 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
horizontal direction has more modal structure due to lower coherence
L. Tian, S. Rehman, and G. Barbastathis, Frontiers in Optics 2012, paper FM4C.4.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Mutual intensity
x 2
x 1
y 1
y 2
Compressive Reconstruction
This talk is about
• Phase
• Phase space
• Phase space tomography
• Compressive imaging
• Phase tomography
Why X-ray phase imaging?
• X-ray absorption images do NOT provide good contrast for soft tissues
• Call for alternative contrast mechanism
☛ X-ray PHASE imaging
“X-ray not good for lung cancer screening” refractive index of water (n=1-δ-iβ)
15 20 25
1E−10 1E−8 1E−6 1E−4
X−ray photon energy (keV)
TIE for x-rays?
➯ synchrotron
© 1996 Nature Publishing Group
x-ray interferometer (Nat. Med. 2, 473-475) extremely sensitive to mech. stability & alignment
Talbot interferometer (Nat. Phys. 2, 256-261) requires 3 gratings & complicated measurement
d between G
1and G
2corresponding to the first Talbot distance
20of d = p
21/ 8l, a coherence length of ξ
s= l l/γ
0≥ p
1is required, where l is the distance between G
0and G
1. With a typical value of a few micrometres for p
1, the spatial coherence length required is of the order of ξ
s≥ 10
−6m, similar to the requirements of existing methods (see above). It is important to note, however, that a setup with only two gratings (G
1and G
2) already requires, in principle, no spatial coherence in the direction parallel to the grating lines, in contrast with propagation-based methods
As the source mask G
0can contain a large number of individual apertures, each creating a sufficiently coherent virtual line source, standard X-ray generators with source sizes of more than a square millimetre can be used efficiently. To ensure that each line source produced by G
0contributes constructively to the image-formation process, the geometry of the setup should satisfy the condition (Fig. 1b)
0= p
2× l d .
It is important to note that the total source size w only determines the final imaging resolution, which is given by wd/l . The arrayed source thus decouples spatial resolution from spatial coherence, and allows the use of X-ray illumination with coherence lengths as small as ξ
s= l l/w ∼ 10
−8m in both directions, if the corresponding spatial resolution wd/l can be tolerated in the experiment. Finally, as a temporal coherence of ξ
t≥ 10
−9m ( # E/E ≥ 10%) is sufficient
20, we deduce that the method presented here requires the smallest minimum coherence volume ξ
s× ξ
s× ξ
tfor phase-sensitive imaging if compared with existing techniques.
The DPC image-formation process achieved by the two gratings G
1and G
2is similar to Schlieren imaging
21and diffraction-enhanced imaging
5–7. It essentially relies on the fact that a phase object placed in the X-ray beam path causes slight refraction of the beam transmitted through the object. The fundamental idea of DPC imaging depends on locally detecting these angular deviations (Fig. 1b). The angle, α is directly proportional to the local gradient of the object’s phase shift, and can be quantified by
21α = l 2 π
∂ Φ (x, y)
∂ x ,
where x and y are the cartesian coordinates perpendicular to the optical axis, Φ ( x, y) represents the phase shift of the wavefront, and l is the wavelength of the radiation. For hard X-rays, with l < 0 . 1 nm, the angle is relatively small, typically of the order of a few microradians.
In our case, determination of the angle is achieved by the arrangement formed by G
1and G
2. Most simply, it can be thought of as a multi-collimator translating the angular deviations into changes of the locally transmitted intensity, which can be detected with a standard imaging detector. For weakly absorbing objects, the detected intensity is a direct measure of the object’s local phase gradient d Φ (x, y)/ d x . The total phase shift of the object can thus be retrieved by a simple one-dimensional integration along x . As described in more detail in refs 19,20, a higher precision of the measurement can be achieved by splitting a single exposure into a set of images taken for different positions of the grating G
2. This approach also allows the separation of the DPC signal from other contributions, such as a non-negligible absorption of the object, or an already inhomogeneous wavefront phase profile before the object. Note that our method is fully compatible with conventional absorption radiography, because it simultaneously yields separate absorption and phase-contrast images, so that information is available from both.
p0 p1
p2 α
x y z
G0 G1 G2
G1 G2
Imaging detector
Incoherent X-ray source
Au Si Si Au
l d
p2 p1
200 µm 4 µm 2 µm
Figure 1
Talbot–Lau-type hard-X-ray imaging interferometer. a, Principle: the source grating (G
0) creates an array of individually coherent, but mutually incoherent sources. A phase object in the beam path causes a slight refraction for each
coherent subset of X-rays, which is proportional to the local differential phase gradient of the object. This small angular deviation results in changes of the locally transmitted intensity through the combination of gratings G
1and G
2. A standard X-ray imaging detector is used to record the final images. b, Scanning electron micrographs of cross-sections through the gratings. The gratings are made from Si wafers using standard photolithography techniques, and subsequent electroplating to fill the grooves with gold (G
0and G
Figure 2 shows processed absorption, DPC and reconstructed phase images of a reference sample containing spheres made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). From the cross-section profiles (Fig. 2d), we deduce that 19 ± 0 . 6% (7 . 0 ± 0 . 6%) of the incoming radiation is absorbed in the centre of the PTFE (PMMA) sphere. By comparison with tabulated literature values
22, a mean energy of the effective X-ray spectrum of E
mean≈ 22 . 4 ± 1 . 2 keV (l ≈ 0 . 0553 nm) is deduced. To discuss the results for the object’s phase shift (Fig. 2c), we have to consider the real part of the refractive index, which, for X-rays, is typically expressed as n = 1 − δ . For a homogenous sphere with radius r , the total phase shift through the centre of the sphere is Φ = 4 πrδ/ l.
The experimentally observed maxima of the integrated phase shifts are Φ
PTFE= 54 ± 2 π and Φ
PMMA= 32 ± 2 π (Fig. 2f), from which we obtain: δ
PTFE= 9 . 5 ± 0 . 8 × 10
−7and δ
PMMA= 5 . 9 ± 0 . 6 × 10
−7, which is in agreement with the values in the literature
22. Note that because our method provides a quantitative measure of the absorption and integrated phase shift of the object in each pixel, the results can be used for further quantitative analysis, such as the reconstruction of a three-dimensional map of the real and
naturephysics VOL 2 APRIL 2006 259
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Nature Publishing Group
Transport of Intensity (TIE)
I i (z)
no object
• Images corrected for lateral magnification
• Attenuation neglected
• Long propagation distance (short wavelength)
➦ two instead of four measurements k
✓ I(z)
I i (z) 1
⇡ r 2 x
x-ray source
(with small spot size) x-ray detector
k @I
@z = r x · (Ir x )
I ⟹ ⇡ 1
Experimental geometry
• Experimental arrangement at RMD, Inc., Watertown, Mass.
• Three experiments:
• Polystyrene spheres on flat tape (Andor
• Polystyrene spheres taped onto drinking straw (Andor camera)
• Beetle (Andor camera)
Hamamatsu micro-focus source
∅5µm spot size operated at 20kVp
(λ=0.06nm) Rad-icon
CMOS camera 48µm pixel size 2000×2000 pixels
object on rotation
Andor EM CCD with scintillator by RMD
16µm pixel size
512×512 pixels
X-ray phase tomography: beetle
y (mm)
x (mm)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
30 o
y (mm)
x (mm)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
60 o
y (mm)
x (mm)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 o
intensity measurements
y (mm)
x (mm)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
−0.01 0 0.01 0.02
90 o 0.03
30 o
60 o 0 o Phase
projections obtained by inverting the
intensity images using
TIE at each angle
90 o
Phase projections
Filtered backprojection:
reconstructed cross-sections
“phase CAT scan”
Total projections: 72 (every 5 degrees)
• Low frequencies
• TIE transfer function ➡ cloud-like artifacts
• ! High frequencies:
• missing Fourier slices ➡ streaking
• finite source size ➡ blurring
TIE tomography in the Fourier domain
u y
u x
(c) (a)
−2 0 2 4 6 x 10
(b) (c)
nati on
Compressive reconstruction:
total variation
knk TV = X q
(r x n) 2 + (r y n) 2 + (r z n) 2 Total variation (TV) function:
data fitting term sparsity constraint
• project the solution onto the gradient basis with few nonzero coefficients (which represents sharp boundaries)
• look for piecewise constant refractive index distribution minimize 1
2 g F 1 H TIE H proj Fn 2 + ⌧knk TV
−2 0 2 4 6
x 10 −6
−2 0 2 4 6 x 10 −6
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 10−6