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A study on the teachers' health conditions of the elementary schools practicing the health promoting 黎龍珠、黃娟娟


Academic year: 2022

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A study on the teachers' health conditions of the elementary schools practicing the health promoting


E-mail: 324853@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The Health Promoting School Program has been implemented in the elementary and junior high schools in Miaoli County since 2008. The main purpose of this survey was to find out the health conditions of the elementary school teachers in Miaoli County whose schools have practiced the program. It probed the different health conditions among teachers with different personal

backgrounds, it also investigated the different health conditions between teachers who knew the program and who didn’t know the program. The subjects of the research were elementary school teachers in Miaoli County. Through mailed questionnaires, basic personal and health condition information of the subjects were gathered. There are 1,361 effective questionnaires obtained. The collected data were analyzed by the statistic methods such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t, and one-way ANOVA. The result showed that the differences among teachers of different gender, ages, teaching years, physical, psychological, spiritual, and overall healthy conditions were significant. Male teachers had better performance on physiological level, on the other hand, female teachers performed better on psychological, spiritual and overall healthy level. Teachers who were older than 41 years old and those who taught more than 21 years had better health conditions. More than 70.32% elementary school teachers in Maioli County didn

’t know the issues concerning the Health Promoting School Pro-grams, while teachers who thought their school had practiced the program had better performance on above mentioned levels.

Keywords : Health Promoting School Programs、Elementary School Teachers、Health Conditions Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................

... iv 誌謝辭 ...................... vi 內容目錄 .................

... vii 表目錄  .................... ix 圖目錄  .................

... xi 第一章  緒論.................. 1   第一節  研究背景與動機.........

.. 1   第二節 研究問題................ 6   第三節 研究目的..............

.. 7   第四節 研究範圍................ 7   第五節 研究限制..............

.. 7   第六節  名詞解釋.............. 8 第二章  文獻探討...............

. 10   第一節  健康之意涵............. 10   第二節  健康促進學校之定義與發展.....

. 16   第三節  健康促進學校計畫之相關研究..... 23 第三章  研究方法...............

. 31   第一節  研究架構.............. 31   第二節  研究假設.............

. 32   第三節  研究對象.............. 33   第四節  研究工具.............

. 35   第五節  資料分析方法............ 48 第四章  結果分析與討論............

. 49   第一節  研究樣本人口資料分析........ 49   第二節  國小教師健康狀況量表之分佈....

. 53   第三節  國小教師健康狀況與背景變項之關係.. 56   第四節  熟悉健康促進學校計畫與否其健康狀況 之 差異................ 73 第五章  結論與建議............... 79   第一節   結論................ 79   第二節  建議................ 80 參考文獻 .

................... 82   附錄A  研究預試問卷............ 91 附錄B  研 究正式問卷.............. 95


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