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Experiences and Lessons in Developing Industry-Strength Machine Learning and Data Mining Software


Academic year: 2022

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Experiences and Lessons in Developing Industry-Strength Machine Learning and

Data Mining Software

Chih-Jen Lin

National Taiwan University eBay Research Labs


Machine Learning and Data Mining Software

Most machine learning and data mining works focus on developing algorithms

This can be seen in KDD papers

Researchers didn’t pay much attention to software The task is often left to companies developing software packages

The gap between the two sides has caused some problems


Machine Learning and Data Mining Software (Cont’d)

1. The deployment of new algorithms still involves some issues needed to be studied by researchers.

2. Without further investigation after publishing papers, researchers don’t know how their algorithms are used.

How to generate useful machine learning software for practical industry use is a difficult and

challenging issue


Machine Learning and Data Mining Software (Cont’d)

In this talk, I will share our experiences in developing LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR.

LIBSVM (Chang and Lin, 2011):

One of the most popular SVM packages; cited 10, 000 times on Google Scholar

LIBLINEAR (Fan et al., 2008):

A library for large linear classification; widely used in Internet companies (e.g., Google, Yahoo!, eBay) They are cited/mentioned by 20+ of 163 KDD 2012 papers!


Machine Learning and Data Mining Software (Cont’d)

Example of LIBLINEAR’s practice use in Industry:

dependency parsing at Google NLP applications

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John hit the ball with a bat .


See details in Chang et al. (2010)



1 How users apply machine learning methods

2 An example: support vector machines

3 Considerations in designing machine learning software

4 Discussion and conclusions


How users apply machine learning methods


1 How users apply machine learning methods

2 An example: support vector machines

3 Considerations in designing machine learning software

4 Discussion and conclusions


How users apply machine learning methods

Most Users aren’t Machine Learning Experts

In developing LIBSVM, we found that many users have zero machine learning knowledge

It is unbelievable that many asked what the difference between training and testing is


How users apply machine learning methods

Most Users aren’t Machine Learning Experts (Cont’d)

A sample mail From:

To: cjlin@csie.ntu.edu.tw Subject: Doubt regarding SVM Dear Sir,

sir what is the difference between testing data and training data?

Sometimes we cannot do much for such users


How users apply machine learning methods

Most Users aren’t Machine Learning Experts (Cont’d)

Fortunately, more people have taken machine learning courses

Also, companies hire people with machine learning knowledge

However, these engineers are still not machine learning experts


How users apply machine learning methods

How Users Apply Machine Learning Methods?

For most users, what they hope is Prepare training and testing sets Run a package and get good results What we have seen over the years is that

Users expect good results right after using a method If method A doesn’t work, they switch to B

They may inappropriately use most methods they tried


How users apply machine learning methods

How Users Apply Machine Learning Methods? (Cont’d)

In my opinion

Machine learning packages should provide some simple and automatic/semi-automatic settings for users

These setting may not be the best, but easily give users some reasonable results

If such settings are not enough, users many need to consult with machine learning experts.

I will illustrate the first point by a procedure we developed for SVM


An example: support vector machines


1 How users apply machine learning methods

2 An example: support vector machines

3 Considerations in designing machine learning software

4 Discussion and conclusions


An example: support vector machines

Support Vector Classification

Training data (xi, yi), i = 1, . . . , l , xi ∈ Rn, yi = ±1 Most users know that SVM takes the following formulation (Boser et al., 1992; Cortes and Vapnik, 1995)



2wTw + C



i =1

max(1 − yi(wTφ(xi)+ b), 0)

φ(x): high dimensional, use kernel K (xi, xj) ≡ φ(xi)Tφ(xj)


An example: support vector machines

Let’s Try a Practical Example

A problem from a user in astroparticle physics

1 2.61e+01 5.88e+01 -1.89e-01 1.25e+02 1 5.70e+01 2.21e+02 8.60e-02 1.22e+02 1 1.72e+01 1.73e+02 -1.29e-01 1.25e+02 ...

0 2.39e+01 3.89e+01 4.70e-01 1.25e+02 0 2.23e+01 2.26e+01 2.11e-01 1.01e+02 0 1.64e+01 3.92e+01 -9.91e-02 3.24e+01 Training set: 3,089 instances

Test set: 4,000 instances


An example: support vector machines

The Story Behind this Data Set


I am using libsvm in a astroparticle physics application .. First, let me congratulate you to a really easy to use and nice package. Unfortunately, it gives me astonishingly bad results...

OK. Please send us your data

I am able to get 97% test accuracy. Is that good enough for you ?


You earned a copy of my PhD thesis


An example: support vector machines

Direct Training and Testing

For this data set, direct training and testing yields 66.925% test accuracy

But training accuracy close to 100%

Overfitting occurs because some features are in large numeric ranges (details not explained here)


An example: support vector machines

Data Scaling

For SVM, features shouldn’t be in too large numeric ranges

Also we need to avoid that some features dominate A simple solution is to scale each feature to [0, 1]

feature value − min max − min , There are other scaling methods

For this problem, after scaling, test accuracy is increased to 96.15%

Scaling is a simple and useful step; but many users didn’t know it


An example: support vector machines

Parameter Selection

For the earlier example, we use C = 1, γ = 1/4,

where γ is the parameter Gaussian (RBF) kernel K (xi, xj) = e−γkxi−xjk2

Sometimes we need to properly select parameters For another set from a user

Direct training and test

Test accuracy = 2.44%

After proper data scaling

Test accuracy = 12.20%


An example: support vector machines

Parameter Selection (Cont’d)

Use parameter from cross validation on a grid of (C , γ) values

Test accuracy = 87.80%

For SVM and other machine learning methods, parameter selection is sometimes needed

⇒ but users may not be aware of this step


An example: support vector machines

A Simple Procedure for Beginners

After helping many users, we came up with the following procedure

1. Conduct simple scaling on the data 2. Consider RBF kernel K (x, y) = e−γkx−yk2

3. Use cross-validation to find the best parameter C and γ

4. Use the best C and γ to train the whole training set 5. Test


An example: support vector machines

A Simple Procedure for Beginners (Cont’d)

We proposed this procedure in an “SVM guide”

(Hsu et al., 2003) and implemented it in LIBSVM From research viewpoints, this procedure is not novel. We never thought about submiting our guide somewhere

But this procedure has been tremendously useful.

Now almost the standard thing to do for SVM beginners


Considerations in designing machine learning software


1 How users apply machine learning methods

2 An example: support vector machines

3 Considerations in designing machine learning software

4 Discussion and conclusions


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Which Functions to be Included?

The answer is simple: listen to users

While we criticize users’ lack of machine learning knowledge, they point out many useful directions Example: LIBSVM supported only binary

classification in the beginning. From many users’

requests, we knew the importance of multi-class classification

There are many possible approaches for multi-class SVM. Assume k classes


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Which Function to be Included? (Cont’d)

- One-versus-the rest: Train k binary SVMs:

1st class vs. (2, · · · , k)th class 2nd class vs. (1, 3, . . . , k)th class


- One-versus-one: train k(k − 1)/2 binary SVMs (1, 2), (1, 3), . . . , (1, k), (2, 3), (2, 4), . . . , (k − 1, k) We finished a study in Hsu and Lin (2002), which is now well cited.

Currently LIBSVM supports one-vs-one approach


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Which Function to be Added? (Cont’d)

LIBSVM is among the first SVM software to handle multi-class data.

This helps to attract many users.

Users help to identify what are useful and what are not.


Considerations in designing machine learning software

One or Many Options

Sometimes we received the following requests 1. In addition to “one-vs-one,” could you include other multi-class approaches such as “one-vs-the rest?”

2. Could you extend LIBSVM to support other kernels such as χ2 kernel?

Two extremes in designing a package

1. One option: reasonably good for most cases 2. Many options: users try options to get best results


Considerations in designing machine learning software

One or Many Options (Cont’d)

From a research viewpoint, we should include everything, so users can play with them


more options ⇒ more powerful

⇒ more complicated Some users have no abilities to choose between options

For LIBSVM, we took the “one option” approach but made it easily extensible


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Simplicity versus Better Performance

This issue is related to “one or many options”

discussed before

Example: Before, our cross validation (CV) procedure is not stratified

- Results less stable because data of each class not evenly distributed to folds

- We now support stratified CV, but code becomes more complicated

In general, we avoid changes for just marginal improvements


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Simplicity versus Better Performance (Cont’d)

A recent Google research blog “Lessons learned developing a practical large scale machine learning system” by Simon Tong

From the blog, “It is perhaps less academically interesting to design an algorithm that is slightly worse in accuracy, but that has greater ease of use and system reliability. However, in our experience, it is very valuable in practice.”

That is, a complicated method with a slightly higher accuracy may not be useful in practice


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Numerical Stability

Many classification methods (e.g., SVM, neural networks) involve numerical methods (e.g., solving an optimization problem)

Numerical analysts have a high standard on their code, but machine learning people do not

This situation is expected:

If we carefully implement method A but later method B gives higher accuracy ⇒ Efforts are wasted

We should improve the quality of numerical implementations in machine learning packages


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Numerical Stability (Cont’d)

Example: In LIBSVM’s probability outputs, we need to calculate

1 − pi, where pi ≡ 1 1 + exp(∆) When ∆ is small, pi ≈ 1

Then 1 − pi is a catastrophic cancellation

Catastrophic cancellation (Goldberg, 1991): when subtracting two nearby numbers, the relative error can be large so most digits are meaningless.


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Numerical Stability (Cont’d)

In a simple C++ program with double precision,

∆ = −64 ⇒ 1 − 1

1 + exp(∆) returns zero but


1 + exp(∆) gives more accurate result Catastrophic cancellation may be resolved by reformulation

This example shows that some techniques can be applied to improve numerical stability


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Legacy Issues

The compatibility between earlier and later versions restricts developers to conduct certain changes.

We can avoid legacy issues by some programming techniques

Example: we chose “one-vs-one” as the multi-class strategy in LIBSVM.

What if one day we would like to use a different multi-class method?


Considerations in designing machine learning software

Legacy Issues (Cont’d)

Earlier in LIBSVM, we did not make the trained model a public structure

Encapsulation in object-oriented programming User can call

model = svm_train(...);

but cannot directly access a model’s contents int y1 = model.label[1];

We provide functions to get model information svm_get_nr_class(model);

svm_get_labels(model, ...);

Then users are transparent to the internal change


Discussion and conclusions


1 How users apply machine learning methods

2 An example: support vector machines

3 Considerations in designing machine learning software

4 Discussion and conclusions


Discussion and conclusions

Software versus Experiment Code

Many researchers now release experiment code used for their papers

Reason: experiments can be reproduced

This is important, but experiment code is different from software

Experiment code often includes messy scripts for various settings in the paper – useful for reviewers


Discussion and conclusions

Software versus Experiment Code (Cont’d)

Software: for general users

One or a few reasonable settings with a suitable interface are enough

Many are now willing to release their experimental code

Basically you clean up the code after finishing a paper

But working on and maintaining high-quality software take much more work


Discussion and conclusions

Software versus Experiment Code (Cont’d)

Reproducibility different from replicability (Drummond, 2009)

Replicability: make sure things work on the sets used in the paper

Reproducibility: ensure that things work in general The community now lacks incentives for researchers to work on high quality software


Discussion and conclusions

Research versus Software Development

Shouldn’t software be developed by companies?

Two issues

1 Business models of machine learning software

2 Research problems in developing software


Discussion and conclusions

Research versus Software Development (Cont’d)

Business model

Machine learning software are basically “research”


They are often called by some bigger packages

For example, LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR are called by Weka and Rapidminer through interfaces

It is unclear to me what a good model should be


Discussion and conclusions

Research versus Software Development (Cont’d)

Research issues

A good package involves more than the core learning algorithm

There are many other research issues - Numerical algorithms and their stability

- Parameter tuning, feature generation, and user interfaces

- Serious comparisons and system issues These issues also need researchers

Currently we lack a system to encourage researchers to study these issues


Discussion and conclusions


From my experience, developing machine learning software is very interesting

We have learned a lot from users in different application areas

We should encourage more researchers to develop high quality machine learning and data mining software


Discussion and conclusions


All users have greatly helped us to make improvements

Without them we cannot get this far

We also thank all our past group members



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