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Multi-Object Tracking Using Dynamical Graph Matching


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Copyright c 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Multi-Object Tracking Using Dynamical Graph Matching

Hwann-Tzong Chen Horng-Horng Lin Tyng-Luh Liu Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

Nankang, Taipei 115 Taiwan

{ pras, hhlin, liutyng } @iis.sinica.edu.tw


We describe a tracking algorithm to address the inter- actions among objects, and to track them individually and confidently via a static camera. It is achieved by construct- ing an invariant bipartite graph to model the dynamics of the tracking process, of which the nodes are classified into objects and profiles. The best match of the graph corre- sponds to an optimal assignment for resolving the identi- ties of the detected objects. Since objects may enter/exit the scene indefinitely, or when interactions occur/conclude they could form/leave a group, the number of nodes in the graph changes dynamically. Therefore it is critical to maintain an invariant property to assure that the numbers of nodes of both types are kept the same so that the matching problem is manageable. In addition, several important issues are also discussed, including reducing the effect of shadows, ex- tracting objects’ shapes, and adapting large abrupt changes in the scene background. Finally, experimental results are provided to illustrate the efficiency of our approach.

1. Introduction

There has been considerable work on visual tracking for a variety of applications. We will concentrate mostly on real-time tracking systems/algorithms.

The CONDENSATION introduced by Isard and Blake is to track curves even in clutter background [7], [8]. They modeled objects as a set of parameterized curves in terms of B-splines, then used factored sampling to predict the po- sitions of curves during tracking. The algorithm is supe- rior to previous Kalman filter-based approaches. More re- cently, Toyama and Blake have established a probabilistic exemplar-based framework, the Metric Mixture model, to combine the exemplars in a metric space with a probabilis- tic treatment for visual tracking [15].

Paragios and Deriche [12], [13] addressed the problem of simultaneously tracking several non-rigid objects and estimating their motion parameters using a coupled front propagation model, of which it integrates boundary and

region-based information. Their implementation for solv- ing the PDEs used a level set approach to deal with topo- logical changes of the moving front. In [9], Isard and Mac- Cormick adopted multi-blob likelihoods as the observation models for both background and foreground, and described a Bayesian tracker via particle filtering to track multiple ob- jects efficiently.

Another vein of approaches in visual tracking is based on frame differencing and shape analysis. Pfinder [17] is a real-time system to perform person segmentation, tracking and interpretation. To find and follow the head and body parts of a person, the system can build up a blob model dy- namically using a multi-class statistical model of color and shape. Haritaoglu et al. [6] proposed theW4 system that combines shape analysis and statistical techniques to track people and their part structures in an outdoor environment.

To handle interactions among the tracked people, they used appearance models to resolve the ambiguities. The Back- pack system [5] was designed to work under the control of W4silhouette model. The basic steps of Backpack are his- togram projection, shape periodicity analysis and symmetry analysis. A non-symmetric region which has insignificant periodicity is classified as an object carried by a person.

Unlike most background extraction tracking algorithms, Lipton [10] combined temporal differencing and template correlation matching to perform target tracking. In [11] a system for color image sequences was presented. The ap- proach is similar to W4 built upon a background model combining pixel RGB and chromaticity values with local image gradients.

The mean shift was used by Comaniciu et al. to track objects by modeling them as probability distributions [3].

It does not require a static camera, and can track objects, even with partial occlusions. In [2], Chen and Liu have pro- posed a new tracking algorithm based on trust-region meth- ods. They showed that a trust-region tracker should per- form better than a line-search tracker. In particular, track- ing with mean shift is a typical line-search one since the iterative optimization process is driven by mean shift vec- tors, i.e., the iterates are restricted to the approximated gra-


dient directions. Another tracking method based on the co- inference between shape and color models has been recently presented by Wu and Huang [18]. The tracking system was implemented with a sequential Monte Carlo technique to approximate the co-inference process between the models.

1.1. Our Approach

A variety of issues must be investigated when designing a reliable real-time multi-object tracking system. We con- centrate on resolving the ambiguities caused by the inter- actions among the objects. More specifically, our approach contributes to this field of research by addressing the fol- lowing three problems.

Shape contour extraction and shadow deletion: Shad- ows caused by indoor lighting and interactions be- tween objects should be detected and removed so that they will not interfere with the performance of the tracking system. We have used a two-pass shadow deletion algorithm to reduce the effects of shadows.

Furthermore, a contour extraction scheme motivated by the level set method is developed to derive the shape/silhouette of each target object.

Dynamical bipartite graph and best assignment: Dur- ing tracking, each target object is represented with its color distribution. To simulate the process of multi- object tracking and account for interactions, an invari- ant bipartite graph is constructed. The invariant prop- erty makes sure that the two classes of nodes in the graph will have the same number, i.e., the number of target objects currently in the scene. Since our goal is to track objects without mixing up their identities, a multiple mode detection method via kernel analysis is used to segment the foreground pixels in an interaction area such that each object can be tracked individually.

Once the bipartite graph is available, it is convenient to find the optimal matching, of which it corresponds to the best identity assignment to all detected objects.

Scene background change and automatic adaption:

There are two types of background change to be dis- cussed. Illumination change during tracking is of the first type concerned us most since this happens grad- ually and persistently. We use a scheme combining short-time updating and iterative training to guarantee that at any moment of a tracking process, the statis- tical quantities used for the reference background are mostly derived from real data rather than by approxi- mation. The other type of background change is more drastic, e.g. an object that is initially part of the ref- erence background later becomes active, then starts to move and interacts with other objects in the scene.

How to detect and handle such events is quite difficult, and it will be explained in detail later.

2. Foreground Separation and Contour Ex- traction

We assume a stationary background scene where the interactions of multiple objects occur. When the system starts to perform tracking, the first few image frames will be used to compute some statistical quantities about the scene. By a reference background, we mean the back- ground scene and the derived statistical quantities. To detect moving objects in an image frame, the algorithm uses fore- ground/background extraction, shadow deletion and shape contour extraction to separate foreground objects from the background scene.

2.1. Foreground/Background Separation

The initial background training is carried out, say over the first N image frames, where we assume that there is no object undertaking large/significant movements in the scene. Then for each pixel pj,k, its intensity mean µj,k

and unbiased sample variance σj,k2 can be computed us- ing the following iterative formula. For image framef = 2, . . . , N, we have

j,k]f = [µj,k]f −1+1

f([Ij,k]f − [µj,k]f −1) , 2j,k]

f = f −2

f − 1[σ2j,k]f −1+ 1

f([µj,k]f −1− [Ij,k]f)2, (1) where [·]f denotes the corresponding value at framef, and j,k]1 = [Ij,k]1 and [σj,k2 ]1 = 0. Equations (1) can be shown by straightforward calculations that they yield the sample mean and unbiased sample variance for the firstN image frames. Right after the training stage, the system is ready to perform real-time tracking. In each new image frame, the foreground pixels can be obtained by compar- ing their intensity values to the corresponding mean values.

A pixelpj,kis extracted as a foreground pixel if its intensity Ij,ksatisfies|Ij,k− µj,k| > α · σj,kwhere the parameterα can be adjusted to yield more or less foreground pixels.

In general, the extracted foreground pixels are raw and sensitive to noise. Thus several low-level image processing techniques are used to refine the foreground. To efficiently manage the low-level image processing, we create a support map to represent the foreground region. A support map is a binary image where pixel values are set to 1 if they belong to foreground or set to 0 otherwise. Firstly, one iteration of erosion is applied to support map to eliminate single- pixel noise. Secondly, the support map is divided into 8× 8


blocks. A block is marked as valid block if it contains more than 20 foreground pixels. Thirdly, connected components of valid blocks are constructed to locate the corresponding minimal bounding box enclosing each’s foreground pixels.

After the low-level image processing, several steps of high-level grouping are performed to obtain the final shape contours and bounding boxes. We first eliminate bounding boxes which consist of less than 5 blocks since we don’t want to track small objects. Bounding boxes with small width/height ratios or at inadequate locations are ignored.

The rest of bounding boxes are verified to see if they can be grouped into larger ones. Such grouping step is nec- essary for handling partial occlusions or undetected fore- ground due to similar color to the background. Once the bounding boxes are determined, the foreground pixels in- side each bounding box can be further refined by one itera- tion of dilation.

As mentioned before, it is preferable that the system can adapt to the illumination change automatically. Thus, dur- ing tracking, we periodically update the background statis- tics for pixels outside the bounding boxes (those are back- ground pixels). Let [µj,k]oldand [σj,k2 ]

old, respectively, be the old intensity mean and variance before updating has oc- curred at pixelpj,k. Then the update rules for pixelpj,kat image framef are

j,k]f = [µj,k]f −1+ 1

N([Ij,k]f− [µj,k]old) j,k2 ]

f = [σj,k2 ]

f −1+ 1

N − 1([Ij,k]2f− [µj,k]2old)


N − 1([µj,k]2f− [µj,k]2f −1) − 1

N[σj,k2 ]old. With the above formulae, if some pixel has been updated N times, not necessary over consecutive frames, then the newly computed mean and variance will be the exact ones rather than by approximation. Again, this can be easily ver- ified by straightforward calculation. Thus, if some pixel’s referenced mean and variance have been updatedN times, they will be replaced by the newly computed ones. In this way, the related statistical quantities of the reference back- ground will be more accurate.

2.2. Shadow Deletion

Lighting in an indoor environment can cause serious problem of shadows (e.g. Figure 1(a)). Typically the inten- sity changes within shadow areas are significant enough to make some pixels to be incorrectly detected as foreground ones. Thus a bounding box will be enlarged by shadows since it would contain more foreground pixels. Such phe- nomenon is rather undesirable especially when most sta- tistical features are determined by the foreground pixels.

Nevertheless, the problem of shadows is common to all background-extraction based tracking algorithms.

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) Shadows caused by lighting and moving object interactions in an indoor en- vironment. (b) Foreground object segmen- tations derived after shadow deletions.

McKenna et al. have used chromatic information to de- tect and eliminate shadows [11]. It is also possible to use more than one camera and depth information to identify the plane of shadow as described in [6]. More complicated is to remove shadows in a grayscale image without using any information from stereo. Our approach follows the ideas proposed in [14], i.e., to model the shadows as regions of constant contrast change. This gives us two heuristics to detect shadows.

• The pixel intensity values within shadow regions de- crease in most cases, when compared to the means computed in the reference background.

• The intensity reduction rate changes smoothly between neighboring pixels, i.e., the photometric gain does not vary much in a shadow region. Furthermore, it is also true most shadow regions do not have strong edges.

The two criteria will fail and mistakenly remove correct foreground pixels when pixels of foreground objects are darker than the background and have a uniform gain with respect to the surface they occlude. However, it only occurs occasionally and should be considered as an exception.

We use a two-pass shadow deletion algorithm, where the foreground pixels are scanned horizontally and vertically, respectively. Such scheme makes sure most of the shadow pixels will be investigated and deleted. Therefore to deter- mine that a pixel is within a shadow region or not, we check


(a) An object (c) X-Probe:X (e)X ∨ Y (g) Initial contour


yB yT

xR Bounding Box

(b) Foreground pixels:F (d) Y-Probe:Y (f)X ∧ Y (h) Final contour

Figure 2. Shape contour extraction for a disconnected set of foreground pixels.

whether the intensity reduction rates decrease smoothly in a small neighborhood. To improve the accuracy and robust- ness, information of neighboring pixels are considered to support the decision. After eliminating shadow pixels from foreground pixels, each bounding box needs to be adjusted to fit the corrected foreground data.

2.3. Shape Contour Extraction

Once the foreground pixels are identified, we are ready to extract the shape contours. Foreground pixels enclosed by a bounding box are considered to belong to a same ob- ject. However, they may not form a connected component as it could happen that some part of the object may have color distribution similar to the background (e.g., see Fig- ure 2 (a),(b)). To overcome such circumstance, we design a fast contour extraction algorithm motivated by the basic idea of level set methods. Recall that the level set methods are designed to solve the initial value problems, where in our case we focus on the 2D closed curve evolution prob- lem. More precisely, the level set equation is

φt+ V |∇φ| = 0 given φ(x, t = 0) , (2) whereV is the speed, and φ is the level set function and its zero level set at any timet, {x | φ(x, t) = 0, x ∈ R2} is the curve’s locus at timet. In practice, for real-time multi- object tracking application, it is not feasible to solve the above equation accurately. Instead, we try to come out with a good approximating solution for (2) in one time step. To achieve such effectiveness, one needs to first have a good guess for the initial curveφ(x, 0) = 0, then a reasonable mechanism to assign the speedV for points on the initial

curve. Nevertheless, it turns out that the two issues can be simplified a lot as we are solving a level-set evolution prob- lem over a binary image. The details of contour extraction scheme are summarized as follows.

1. Finding the initial contour: To find the initial contour inside a bounding box, two probes are carried out to es- timate the object’s shape. The first one is performed by horizontal scan. We first create a binary image, called X, with the same dimension as the bounding box’s and set all its pixel values to 0. The probe is executed row by row, starting from the first one. Each row is scanned simultaneously using two pointers at the two ends xL and xR (see Figure 2(b)). Each pointer will continue to move toward the center until it reaches a foreground pixel or the two pointers meet each other. When a row scan is completed, we check if there are any pixels in between the two pointers (including the two pointers), then set the pixels at the corresponding positions inX to 1. When the row probe is done, a dilation operation is applied toX for robustness. The column probe can be performed in a similar manner, and the resulting shape will be named asY . Finally, we set the initial contour to be the boundary of the union of two probe sets, i.e.,

{x | φ(x, 0) = 0} = ∂(X ∨ Y ) , (3) whereX ∨ Y = {x | X(x) = 1 or Y (x) = 1}.

Analogously, we define X ∧ Y = {x | X(x) = 1 and Y (x) = 1} (see Figure 2(e),(f)). Notice that an initial contour yielded according to (3) will always include the object’s silhouette.


2. Estimating the speed function: Since the curve evolu- tion is assumed to be completed in one time step, we only need to figure out the speed for points on the ini- tial contour. Following a counter-clockwise order, for each x on the contour, its speed V (x) will be set to 0, if F (x) = 1, that is, x is a foreground pixel (see Figure 2(b)). The other case is more complicated that one needs to check whetherx is on a vertical edge or a horizontal one. Supposex = (x, y)tis on a vertical edge. Then its speed will be defined as

V (x) = min{|x − xi| | (xi, y)t∈ ∂(X ∧ Y )}.

Likewise, forx on a horizontal edge, its speed can be defined in a similar way. In case that there is a gap in X ∧ Y , the above definition may not be appropriate.

However a smoothness property is imposed onV so that if a jump inV (x) is too large then V (x) will be adjusted to its previous neighbor’s speed.

In all our experiments, except for few frames, the out- comes of the shape contour extraction are quite satis- factory, e.g., in Figure 2(g),(h), the initial contour and the final contour are shown, respectively.

3. Tracking with Dynamical Graph Matching

After applying background/foreground separation and shape contour extraction, every detected object is enclosed by a shape contour. Our task is now to identify each object by taking account of information provided by the current image frame as well as the tracking outcome so far.

Before proceeding to discuss how the detected objects are tracked, we need to define a representation model to characterize an object. In our approach, each object is represented by a probability distribution of intensity val- ues via histogram analysis. The intensity space is divided inton bins, and a well-defined single-valued bin assignment functionb is defined uniquely by pixel’s intensity value as b : x → {1, . . . , n}, where x is any pixel in an image.

Suppose now the detected shape contour of an object isC, and the area enclosed is denoted asA(C). Then it can be represented with the following probability distribution,

p(u) = 1



δ(b(x) − u) ,

whereδ is the Kronecker delta function, and it is clear that


u=1p(u) = 1.

3.1. Dynamical Graph Matching

Intuitively, it makes sense to use a bipartite graph to model a multi-object tracking problem. When a new frame

is under investigated, what we have is the previously track- ing history left behind and the currently detected objects.

The two classes of objects are well divided, and finding a best matching among them is the key to determine their identities. Thus, we classify the two classes of nodes in the bipartite graph as profile nodes and object nodes, where they correspond to the past and the present, respectively. More precisely, both types of nodes have the same type of data structure, called profile and object, respectively , where po- sition, intensity distribution, and dimension of its enclosing bounding box are stored.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 3. (a) End of framef − 1. The match- ing information is used to update the pro- files used in framef.(b)Beginning of frame f. The bipartite graph only has 2 profile nodes. (c)After contour extraction, 3 ob- jects are detected so the graph now has 3 new object nodes. (d) A bipartite matching is carried out. Since there is one object node left unmatched, a profile node is created to match it as shown in (e) and (f).

During tracking, say at the beginning of framef (for illustration, see Figure 3), the profile nodes are constructed first according to the tracking outcome from last frame. No- tice that the number of profile nodes reveals how many ob- jects are in the scene in the beginning of framef. (Later, we will explain some of the nodes may need to be counted according to its multiplicitydue to interaction.) After the foreground pixels and shape contour extraction, the num- ber of objects currently in the scene is determined. Thus, the same number of object nodes are created. We then use a bipartite matching algorithm to find the best match to re- solve the identities. If there are any unmatched object nodes


left, this implies that new objects have been detected so new profiles will be created to track them.

For convenience, the object nodes are named in an alpha- betical order depending on the raster order at each image frame. To name the profile nodes, the system maintains a non-decreasing global numeral counter. Each time a profile data structure is created the counter will be increased by 1.

Since objects may enter or leave the scene indefinitely, the number of nodes in the graph changes dynamically. How- ever, an invariant property is always maintained that the numbers of nodes of both types are kept the same. Dur- ing tracking, when interactions of multiple objects cause them to be segmented inside one single bounding box, the corresponding object node in the graph will be represented with a multi-person icon, and such nodes will be counted according to their multiplicities (see Figure 5(c),(g)). In the following, we summarize the details of the tracking via bi- partite matching algorithm.

1. The matching cost/dissimilarity between a profile node and an object node is measured by the Kullback- Leibler distance,

D(p(u)||q(u)) =n


p(u) logp(u) q(u), wherep(u) and q(u) are the corresponding intensity probability distribution of the profile and object, re- spectively. After finding the optimal bipartite match, the position, and the dimension of every matched pro- file are set to the same values of its corresponding ob- ject except that its new representation model is up- dated by averaging the intensity distributions from each matching pair.

2. If there exist unmatched object nodes, then new pro- files are is created for each newly detected object b If there exist unmatched object nodes, then a new pro- file is created for each of them, by setting all of its fea- tures to be the same as the associated object node’s.

Note that when an object is entering the scene, the properties of its dimension change continuously. Thus it is appropriate to assume that an object will only be tracked/matched when it completely enters the scene.

3. When an object leaves the scene, its corresponding profile will become unmatched. To detect such event, an aging tag is maintained in the profile data structure.

An aging tag will be reset to 0 every time a profile is matched to some object. However, the aging tag of an unmatched profile will be increased by 1 to indicate the profile is about to be deleted. A profile node will be deleted from the bipartite graph if its aging value exceeds a threshold.

4. After finding the optimal bipartite matching, we check all profiles to see if there are some profiles getting too close to others. If so, this is a good indication that interactions are likely to happen soon. Those profiles will be marked as ”TBM” (to-be-merged). In the next image frame, the TBM profiles will be processed sep- arately to see if any interaction has occurred or not.

More precisely, we check every bounding box’s posi- tion and dimension to see if it covers more than one TBM profile significantly. In case this is true, an in- teraction has occurred, and the number of objects in- volved is exactly the number of profiles covered by the bounding box. To track the objects engaged in an interaction individually, an adaptive kernel smooth- ing technique is used to detect the modes of the hori- zontal projection of the distribution for the foreground pixels inside the bounding box [1], [16]. Specifically, we apply the iterative plug-in scheme, as suggested in [1], to the projected distribution to find its modes. If the number of derived modes is no less than the num- ber of objects, then the objects are tracked separately (see Figure 5(d),(h)). Only when insufficient modes are detected, some of the objects will be tracked as a whole (see Figure 5(c),(g)). The system will resume to track these interacting objects separately when suf- ficient modes are detected again, or they no longer take part in the interaction.

Note that the whole process of bipartite matching must fulfill the invariant property that the number of profiles and bounding boxes must be kept equal. By maintaining the in- variant property, it becomes more manageable to track ob- jects with interactions, and yields a more stable system.

3.2. Background Change Adaption

Most background-extraction based tracking systems are vulnerable to abrupt changes in the reference background.

Of course, it is not possible to build a tracking system to account for all sorts of background change scenarios. We concentrate on problems caused by objects that are almost stationary during the training stage, and later start to move indefinitely.

The key idea is to integrate background differencing with inter-frame temporal differencing. When the algorithm de- tects a new object, and it is not matched to any of the exist- ing profiles, if this is not due to an object entering the scene or an object breaking from others (see Figure 5(a),(b)), it must be caused by some object that is part of the back- ground. To handle such events, an object of this kind will not be processed until the object moves to a certain distance away from its original location. This can be detected, say at framef, when it starts to separate into two bounding boxes.

We then check the set of moving pixels, consisting of the


(a) (c) (e)

(b) (d) (f)

Figure 4. (a) Two image frames, say frame 1 andf, of a video sequence are pasted to- gether to show a person’s motion at frame f. The same person on the right is cropped from frame1to indicate he is originally part of the referenced background. (b) The re- sult of frame differencing between frame f and the reference background. (c) The ab- solute inter-frame temporal differencing be- tween framefandf − 1. (d) Themoving pixels are obtained by an intersection of (b) and (c).

(e) The object has been detected. (f) The background referencing indicates that the reference background has been updated.

intersection between the background differencing and the absolute temporal differencing between frame f − 1 and f (see Figure 4). Only the bounding box containing more moving pixels should be kept, and a profile will be gener- ated to match it. It is because that the deleted bounding box is caused by the background change. To adapt to the background change, for each pixel pj,k inside the deleted bounding box of framef, the corresponding reference mean µj,k will be set topj,k’s intensity value, andσ2j,k set to 0.

In the following frames, we have to re-train the mean and variance for eachpj,kinside this region using the iterative training rules (1). However, it is not required to wait until the re-training process to complete for the system to extract foreground pixels in the region. In our experiments, the sys- tem starts to extract foreground pixels only 2 frames after the reference background has been updated, and the results are fairly good.

4. Experimental Results and Discussion

We have presented a tracking system using shape con- tour extraction and dynamical graph matching. Overall, the approach is effective and promising. Our system runs com- fortably at 20fps on a P-III 1GHz PC. For illustration, two sets of tracking results are provided. The first is to demon- strate that the tracker can deal with interactions. The second is to show that it works reliably even when there are signifi- cant changes in the reference background. We are currently investigating into adding other possible profile features to assure the tracker’s performance, and extending the algo- rithm for tracking via a non-static camera.


This work was supported in part by an NSC grant 90- 2213-E-001-016 and the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.


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(a) Frame no. 120 ( b) Frame no. 180 (c) Frame no. 468 (d) Frame no. 558

(e) Frame no. 0 (f) Frame no. 43 (g) Frame no. 261 (h) Frame no. 282

Figure 5. (a)-(d) Tracking with interactions. (a) Two persons entering the scene together. (b) Separating into two objects. (c) Profile 1, 2, and 3 are matched to a 3-person object node A.

(d) After interactions, each object is tracked correctly. (e)-(f) Background change adaption. (e) Initially there are two persons (almost stationary) appeared in the background. So they have been trained into the reference background. (f) One background object starts to move and is detected correctly. (g),(h) The two initially stationary persons interact with a third person.

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Figure 1. (a) Shadows caused by lighting and moving object interactions in an indoor  en-vironment
Figure 2. Shape contour extraction for a disconnected set of foreground pixels.
Figure 5. (a)-(d) Tracking with interactions. (a) Two persons entering the scene together



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It costs >1TB memory to simply save the raw  graph data (without attributes, labels nor content).. This can cause problems for

Because simultaneous localization, mapping and moving object tracking is a more general process based on the integration of SLAM and moving object tracking, it inherits the

Note that this method uses two separate object variables: the local variable message and the instance field name.. A local variable belongs to an individual method, and you can use