A Total Variation and Group Sparsity Based Tensor Optimization Model for Video Rain Streak Removal
Ye-Tao Wang, Xi-Le Zhao∗, Tai-Xiang Jiang∗, Liang-Jian Deng, Tian-Hui Ma, Yue-Tian Zhang, Ting-Zhu Huang
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, 611731, P. R. China
Rain streak removal is an important issue of the outdoor vision system and has been investigated extensively. In this paper, we propose a novel tensor optimiza- tion model for video rain streak removal by fully considering the discriminatively intrinsic characteristics of rain streaks and clean videos. In specific, rain streaks are group sparse and smooth along the rain streaks’ direction; the clean videos are smooth along the perpendicular direction of rain streaks and the time direction.
For rain streaks, we use thel2,1 norm to enhance the group sparsity and theUni- directional Total Variation(UTV) to promote the smoothness along rain streaks’
direction. For clean videos, we use two UTV to enhance the smoothness along the perpendicular direction of rain streaks and the time direction. We develop an efficient alternating direction method of multipliers(ADMM) algorithm to solve the proposed model. Experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate the su- periority of the proposed method over state-of-the-art methods in terms of both quantitative and qualitative assessments.
Keywords: video rain streak removal, group sparsity, unidirectional total
variation, tensor optimization model, alternating direction method of multipliers.
Bad weather impairs visibility of an image and introduces undesirable inter- ference that can severely hinder the follow-up processing (e.g., object detection,
∗Corresponding author
Email address:xlzhao122003@163.com(Xi-Le Zhao)
recognition, and tracking [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]). This paper mainly focuses on the rain streak removal problem [6,7,8,9,10,11].
The degradation of rainy images is generally modeled as the sum of the un- known clean images and the rain streaks. A single rainy image is generally mod- eled asO =B+R[7, 12,13], whereO ∈ Rm×n, B ∈ Rm×n, andR ∈ Rm×n are the observed rainy image, the unknown clean image, and the rain streaks, re- spectively. This model can be extended to the video case: O =B+R, whereO, B, andR ∈ Rm×n×tare the observed rainy video, the unknown clean video, and the rain streaks, respectively. The goal of rain streak removal is to estimate the clean images from its rainy version. This typical inverse problem is often solved by regularization methods which are based on additional prior knowledge.
Existing rain streak removal algorithms can be categorized into two classes:
the single image rain streak removal algorithms and the video rain streak removal algorithms. For the single image rain streak removal, Kang et al. [7] decomposed a rainy image into low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components using a bilateral filter and then performed morphological component analysis(MCA)- based dictionary learning and sparse coding to separate the rain streaks in the HF component. However, learning HF image bases typically results in a loss of de- tailed image information. To alleviate this problem, Sun et al. [14] exploited the structural similarity of the derived HF image bases. Nevertheless, the background- s estimated using their method still tend to be blurry. Chen et al. [12] considered the pattern of the rain streaks and the smoothness of the background, but the con- straints in their objective function were not sufficiently strong. Discriminative sparse coding was adopted by Luo et al.[8]. Their method preserves the clean content well but is not able to remove most of the rain streaks. The recent work by Li et al. [13] was the first to utilize Gaussian mixture model (GMM) patch priors for rain streak removal, with the ability to account for rain streaks of differ- ent orientations and scales. Nonetheless, their method tends to yield over-smooth clean images; i.e., the details of the clean image content are not preserved well. To cope with this issue, Zhu et al. [15] proposed a joint bi-layer optimization method progressively separate rain streaks from background details, in which the gradient statistics are analyzed. In [16], the directional property of rain streaks received attentions. The recently developed deep learning technique is also applied to the single image rain streak removal task [17,18].
For the video rain streak removal, Garg et al. [19] firstly raised a video rain streak removal method with comprehensive analysis of the visual effects of rain streaks on an imaging system. Since then, multiple methods have been proposed for the video rain streak removal and attained good rain removing performance in
videos with different rain circumstances. Tripathi et al. [20] took the spatiotem- poral properties into consideration. In [12], the similarity and repeatability of rain streaks were utilized, and a generalized low-rank appearance model was proposed.
Additionally, comprehensive early existing video-based methods are reviewed in [21]. Kim et al. [6] considered the temporal correlation of rain streaks and the low-rank nature of clean videos, but the effectiveness of their method is still low for certain dynamic videos recorded by dynamic cameras. Very recently, the rain streaks were stochastically modeled as a mixture of Gaussians in [22]. In [23], a novel tensor-based video rain streak removal approach was proposed, with con- sidering numerous discriminative prior information.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a) The rain streaks, (b) A random sparse image.
In [23], Jiang et at. proposed the model as
minB,R α1k∇xRk1+α2kRk1+α3k∇yBk1+α4k∇tBk1+α5kBk∗, s.t. O =B+R, B,R>0,
(1) where∇x,∇y, and∇tare the derivative operators along rain streaks direction, the perpendicular direction of rain streaks, and time direction, respectively. For sim- plicity, we assume that the rain streaks direction and the perpendicular direction of rain streaks are the vertical direction and the horizontal direction, respectively.
However, model1 has two drawbacks. First, the rain streaks are not only s- parse and but also group sparse; see Figure 1. Second, the clean video does not exhibit obvious low-rankness; see Figure2. Hence, there is room for improvemen- t. Based on the above observations, we introduce the group sparsity regularizer
the singular values of the unfolding matrix along vertical
direction the singular values
of the unfolding matrix along horizontal direction the singular values
of the unfolding matrix along time
Figure 2: From left to right: the singular values of unfolding matrices of the rainy video, the clean video, and the rain streaks.
for rain streaks and disuse the low-rankness regularizer for the clean video. The novel tensor optimization model consists of the group sparsity regularizer and the Unidirectional Total Variation(UTV) regularizer along vertical direction for rain streaks and the UTV regularizers along horizontal direction and time direction for clean videos. We build model as
arg min
α1kRk2,1+α2k∇xRk1+α3k∇yBk1+α4k∇tBk1, s.t. O =B+R, B,R ≥ 0.
(2) To solve the proposed model, we develop an efficient ADMM [24, 25, 26, 27]
algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate the superior of the proposed method qualitatively and visually.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, some notations and the basic knowledge are introduced. In Sec.3, the proposed model and proposed algorithm are presented. Experimental results are reported in Sec. 4. Finally, we draw some conclusions in Sec. 5.
Following [23, 28, 29], we use lower case letters (e.g., x) for scalars, bold lower case letters (e.g., x) for vectors, bold upper case letters (e.g., X) for ma- trixes, and bold upper calligraphic letters (e.g., X) for tensors. An n-mode ten- sor is denoted as X ∈ RI1×I2×...×In. Its elements are denoted asxi1,...,in, where 1 ≤ ik ≤ Ik and 1 ≤ k ≤ n. The inner product of two same-size tensors is defined as
hX,Yi = X
xi1,i2...in×yi1,i2...in. (3) Based on (3), the Frobenius norm of a tensor is defined as
kX kF :=hX,X i12 = ( X
|xi1,i2...in|2)12. (4) For an n-mode tensor, we define the derivative along the k-th direction of X as
∇kX ∈ RI1×I2×...×In in the cyclic boundary condition, where the elements of
∇kX obey that
(∇kX)i1,i2...ik...in =xi1,i2...ik...in −xi1,i2...(ik−1)...in.
Whenik= 1, theik−1will beIk. The “unfold” operation along thek-th direction on a tensorX is defined as
unfoldk(X) =X(k) ∈RIk×(I1...Ik−1Ik+1...In). (5) The projection operator “fold” is defined as
foldk(X(k)) = X. (6)
Based on the unfolding rule (5) and folding rule (6), the tensor and the matrix can be transformed to each other. It is easy to obtain that, for any1≤k ≤n,
kX kF =kX(k)kF, hX,Yi =hX(k),Y(k)i,
∇kX =foldk(∇1unfoldk(X)).
Supposex ∈ Rn is a group sparse vector. Let{xgi ∈ Rni : i = 1, ..., s}be the grouping of x, where gi ⊆ {1,2, ..., n} is an index set corresponding to the i-th group, andxgi denotes the subvector ofxindexed bygi [30]. Generally,gi’s can be any index sets, and they are predefined based on prior knowledge. Thel2,1 norm is defined as follows:
kxk2,1 =
l2,1 norm is known to facilitate group sparsity [30]. For the matrix, each column is considered as a group. Thusl2,1 norm for a matrix is usually denoted as
kXk2,1 =
Here, gi’s are the column index set. Since one column is treated as a group, we can extendl2,1norm from the matrix to the tensor as
kX k2,1 =kunfold1(X)k2,1.
More extensive overview of group sparsity can be found in [30].
This section gives the proposed model and the algorithm for rain streak re- moval.
3.1. Proposed model
Without loss of generality, we useO, B, andR to represent the rainy video, the target clean video, and the rain streaks, respectively. We recall the proposed model:
arg min
α1kRk2,1+α2k∇xRk1+α3k∇yBk1+α4k∇tBk1, s.t. O =B+R, B,R ≥ 0,
(7) where∇x,∇y, and∇tare the derivative operators along the vertical direction, the horizontal direction, and the time direction, respectively. In what followings, we will explain all components in our model in details.
Group sparsity of the rain streaks: The rain component is sparser than the clean video, and the rain component exhibits line pattern structure rather than being randomly distributed just like Figure1. Therefore, we use the termkRk2,1
to characterize the group sparse which can simultaneously enhance the sparsity and preserve the line pattern. It is superior over the sparsity itself used in [23].
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) The histogram of the absolute values of the derivatives along the vertical direction of the rain streaks. (b) The histogram of the absolute values of the derivatives along the vertical direction of the clean video.
The smoothness along the rain streak direction of the rain streaks: The rain streaks share similar directions. When the angle between the direction of rain streaks and the vertical direction is small, the derivatives of rain streaks and the clean video along the vertical direction are different, i.e., the derivatives along the vertical direction of rain streaks are more sparse as compared with those of the clean video; see Figure3. Therefore, we use thel1 norm of∇xR to enhance the smoothness along the vertical direction of the rain streaks.
The smoothness along the horizontal direction of the clean video: Natural images are piecewise smooth, which indicates that the derivatives of frames in a video are not dense along vertical and horizontal directions. The vertical rain streaks destroy the smoothness along the horizontal direction. Compared with the rain streaks, the derivatives of the clean video are sparse along the horizontal direction. As a result, the derivatives along the horizontal direction of rain streaks are dense, which is shown in Figure4. Therefore, we use thel1 norm of∇yBto enhance the smoothness along the horizontal direction of the clean video.
The smoothness along the time direction of the clean video: Since that a video maintains at least 25 frames per second, there is a strong smoothness along time direction. The derivatives of the clean video are sparse along the time
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) The histogram of the absolute values of the derivatives along the horizontal direction of the rain streaks. (b) The histogram of the absolute values of the derivatives along the horizontal direction of the clean video.
direction. However, the rain streaks are not smooth. Because of its high velocity, its smoothness is broken. As displayed in Figure5, the derivatives along the time direction of the clean video are sparse while those of the rain streaks Therefore, we use thel1norm of∇tBto enhance the smoothness along the time direction of the clean video.
Discussion of low-rankness: Meanwhile, we discard the low-rankness reg- ularizer which is considered in [23]. The clean video is low-rank only when it is static, but not the case even if there is only a light object moving in the clean video. Usually the low-rankness regularizer will be slacked to the singular values of three unfolding matrixes of the video in quantitative analysis. From thesingu- lar value decomposition(SVD) [31] of rain streaks and clean video in Figure2, it can be found the singular value of clean video does not have zero elements in any directions, and the singular values of rain streaks are smaller than those of clean video.
3.2. Proposed algorithm
The proposed model (7) is a convex optimization problem which can be solved by various of convex optimization algorithms. We adopt the ADMM, an effective strategy for solving large scale optimization problems, to solve it. After introduc- ing four auxiliary tensors Y, S, X, and T ∈ Rm×n×t, we rewrite the proposed
(a) (b)
Figure 5: (a) The histogram of the absolute values of the derivatives along the time direction of the rain streaks. (b) The histogram of the absolute values of the derivatives along the time direction of the clean video.
model (7) as the following equivalent constrained problem:
arg min
α1kYk2,1 +α2kSk1+α3kX k1+α4kT k1, s.t. Y =R,
S =∇xR,
X =∇y(O − R), T =∇t(O − R), O >R>0.
Then the augmented Lagrangian function of (8) is:
Lβ(R,Y,S,X,T,Λ) =α1kYk2,1+α2kSk1+α3kX k1+α4kT k1 +hΛ1,Y − Ri+β1
2 kY − Rk2F +hΛ2,S − ∇xRi+ β2
2 kS − ∇xRk2F +hΛ3,X − ∇y(O − R)i+β3
2 kX − ∇y(O − R)k2F +hΛ4,T − ∇t(O − R)i+ β4
2 kT − ∇t(O − R)k2F, (9)
where Λ = [Λ1,Λ2,Λ3,Λ4] are Lagrange multipliers and β = [β1, β2, β3, β4] are four positive penalty parameters. This joint minimization problem can be decomposed into five subproblems which can be easily solved. By separating the variables of (9) into two groups: Rand (Y, S, X,T), (9) fits the framework of ADMM. It requests us to solve variables of each group by keeping another group fixed. The solution of the five subproblems will be introduced in the following.
Y sub-problem: With other variables fixed, theY sub-problem is arg min
α1kYk2,1+ β1
2kY − R+Λ1
β1k2F, (10) which has a closed-form solution by the soft-shrinkage formula [30], thusYcould be updated as
i = max
kQgik2− α1 β1,0
kQgik2,Qgi =Rtg
i − (Λ1t)gi
β1 , (11) whereQgi denotes thei-th group of the video.
S, X, and T sub-problems: With other variables fixed, S, X, and T sub- problems are
arg min
2 kS − ∇xR+ Λ2
β2 k2F arg min
α3kX k1+β3
2kX − ∇y(O − R) + Λ3
β3 k2F arg min
α4kT k1+β4
2 kT − ∇t(O − R) + Λ4
β4 k2F,
which have closed-form solutions by soft-thresholding , thusS,X, andT could be updated as
S(t+1) =Shrinkα2 β2
∇xR(t)−Λ(t)2 β2
, (13)
X(t+1) =Shrinkα3
∇y(O − R(t))−Λ(t)3 β3
, (14)
T(t+1) =Shrinkα4
∇t(O − R(t))− Λ(t)4 β4
. (15)
R-subproblem: TheRsub-problem is a least squares problem:
arg min
2 kY − R+ Λ1
β1k2F + β2
2 kS − ∇xR+Λ2 β2k2F + β3
2 kX − ∇y(O − R) + Λ3
β3k2F +β4
2 kT − ∇t(O − R) + Λ4 β4k2F. With the problem is transformed to
β1Y(t+1)+Λ(t)1 +∇Tx(β2S(t+1)+Λ(t)2 ) +∇Ty(β3X(t+1)−β3∇xO+Λ(t)3 ) +∇Tt(β4T(t+1)−β4∇tO(t+1)+Λ(t)4 ).
The solution has the following closed-form solution:
R(t+1) =F−1
F(K1) F(K2)
, (16)
where F andF−1 denote the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and its inverse trans- form, respectively. Here
K1 =β1Y(t+1)+Λ(t)1 +∇Tx(β2S(t+1)+Λ(t)2 ) +∇Ty(β3X(t+1)
−β3∇xO+Λ(t)3 ) +∇Tt(β4T(t+1)−β4∇tO(t+1)+Λ(t)4 ) and
K2 =β1I+β2∇Tx∇x−β3∇Ty∇y −β4∇Tt∇t.
Multipliers updating: Finally, following the framework of the ADMM, the Lagrange multipliersΛ= [Λ1,Λ2,Λ3,Λ4]are updated as:
Λ(t+1)1 =Λ(t)1 +β1(Y(t+1)− R(t+1)), Λ(t+1)2 =Λ(t)2 +β2(S(t+1)− ∇xR(t+1)),
Λ(t+1)3 =Λ(t)3 +β3(X(t+1)− ∇y(O − R(t+1))), Λ(t+1)4 =Λ(t)4 +β4(T(t+1)− ∇t(O − R(t+1))).
The proposed algorithm is summarized in Algorithm1. Since the proposed model is convex, the convergence of the proposed algorithm is theoretically guar- anteed under the ADMM framework [32].
Algorithm 1Algorithm for video rain streak removal Input: The rainy videoO;
1: Initialization:B(0) =O,R(0) = zeros(m×n×t);
2: whilenot convergeddo
3: UpdateY via (11);
4: UpdateS via (13),X via (14), andT via (15);
5: UpdateRvia (16);
6: Update the multipliers via (17);
7: end while
Output: The estimation of rain streaksRand the clean videoB=O − R.
Preprocessing: The color video is a four-mode tensor of sizem×n×3×t.
We convert videos from the RGB color space to YUV color space and only con- duct the method on the Y channel. Thus the videos that we process become a three-mode tensor of sizem×n×t. To reduce the boundary effect, we pad the input tensors O ∈Rm×n×tby 5-pixel-width under reflective boundary condition.
Thus the size of the input tensors becomes(m+10)×(n+10)×(t+10). To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we compare the proposed method with two state-of-the-art methods: rain streak removal using temporal correlation and low-rank matrix completion (LRMC) [6] and rain streak removal using discrimi- natively intrinsic priors (DIP) [23]. Readers can find the Matlab code (p-code) to test the performance of our methodthere.
4.1. Synthetic data
For synthetic data, since the clean videos are available, thepeak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and structure similarity (SSIM) [33] are selected to measure the performance of methods. Six videos named as “carphone”, “container”, “coast- guard”, “bridgefar”, “highway” and “foreman”1are selected as our test datasets.
These videos can be viewed as four-mode tensors of size144×176×3×150.
Rainy videos generation: The rainy videos are generated by the following steps. (1) The salt and pepper noise is added to a zero tensor with the same size as the clean video tensor. (2) The noise tensor is blurred by Gaussian blur. (3) The blurred and noisy tensor is further blurred by motion blur. There exists 5-15
degrees between motion direction and vertical direction. (4) Finally, the blurred and noisy tensor is directly added to the clean videos, and the intensity values greater than 1 are set as 1.
Parameters setting: The parameters{β1, β2, β3, β4}are set as 50, and other parameters {α1, α2, α3, α4} are selected from {0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000}. The stopping criterion is that the relative error of rain streaks is less than 5×10−3 or the iteration number is larger than 250.
Performance comparisons: We can observe from Table1, that the proposed method significantly outperforms the companying methods in terms of PSNR val- ues and SSIM values. For light and heavy rain, the proposed method achieves the highest PSNR and SSIM values except the last video for light rain streaks. In av- erage, the PSNR values of the proposed method are 8.016 dB and 2.966 dB higher than those of LRMC and DIP for heavy rain streaks. In average, the PSNR values of the proposed method are 7.292 dB and 0.330 dB higher than those of LRMC and DIP for light rain streaks.
Moreover, the frames of estimated videos are displayed in Figures6and7for visual inspection. As observed, the proposed method achieves significantly better visual quality than the compared methods in rain streak removal, visibility en- hancement, and detail preservation. There are two main reasons. The first reason is that LRMC and DIP both assume the clean video is low-rank, which leads to that some obvious details are lost. However, we disuse the low-rankness of the clean video, which preserves the details in dynamic clean video. For example, DIP and LRMC remove the street lights in “highway” for both heavy rain streaks and light rain streaks . In “bridgefar”, although the clean video is almost static, some small objects such as water pattern destroy the low-rankness. Thus, the de- tails of water pattern are lost in the results of DIP and LRMC. Another reason is that we use the group sparsity to characterize rain streaks, which helps to preserve the line pattern and keep the continuity of the rain streaks, leading to more accu- rate rain streak removal results than other methods. In comparison, DIP does not extract sufficient rain streaks and does not preserve the continuity of rain streaks, e.g., “coastguard” and “foreman” for heavy rain streaks and “carphone” for light rain streaks. Since the continuity is more significant for heavy rain streaks, the proposed method equipped with group sparsity term outperforms the companying methods for heavy rain streaks.
Discussion of each term: We investigate the role of each term in our mod- el (7) by changing one parameter while fixing the others. Figure 8 shows the PSNR curves of the proposed method using different parameter settings, where the testing parameter is chosen from the geometric series {0.1,0.121, ...,0.1×
Figure 6: Rain streak removal results by different methods. From left to right: the rainy frames, the results by LRMC [6], DIP [23], the proposed method, and the ground truth. From top to bottom:
the “carphone”, “container”, “coastguard”, “highway” “bridgefar” and “foreman” videos with the heavy synthetic rain streaks, respectively.
Figure 7: Rain streak removal results by different methods. From left to right: the rainy frames, the results by LRMC [6], DIP [23], the proposed method, and the ground truth. From top to bottom:
the “carphone”, “container”, “coastguard”, “highway” “bridgefar” and “foreman” videos with the light synthetic rain streaks, respectively.
Figure 8: The PSNR values of the proposed method using different parameter settings.
1.1k, ...,1000}. It could be found that each parameter has an important contribu- tion to the performance of the proposed method.
Discussion of groups: The group size is an vital important parameter which is set as one column in this paper unless otherwise specified. And it is very in- teresting to investigate the influence on the performance the proposed model with different group sizes. Table2shows the PSNR and SSIM values of the proposed model using different group sizes. From Table 2, we can observe that the group size has an impact on the performance of the proposed model. More specially, heavy videos favor large group sizes while light videos favor small group sizes.
For simplicity, we choose one column as default in all experiments because there is no significant difference between different group sizes.
Discussions of the oblique rain streaks: Generally, the rain drops are falling from top to bottom and the rain streaks are close to being vertical. As we exhibited above, our method is robust to a small range of the angles since the rain streaks in
the synthetic data are not strictly vertical. However, the assumption is not always established (the angle between the direction of the rain streaks and the vertical direction would be very large). The proposed model consists of 4 regularization terms, which simultaneously contribute to the rain streak removal. When the rain streaks are oblique, the one regularizer corresponding to the directional property and the group sparsity of the rain streaks would not be helpful. Nonetheless, the temporal and the horizontal continuity of the background still exist. Thus, tuning the parameters to enlarge the effects of these two regularizers would help the proposed method to remove the rain streaks. Figures 9 and Table 3 show the results on two synthetic videos the “highway2”(35-55 degrees between the direction of the rain streaks and the vertical direction) and the “waterfall” (15-35 degrees between the direction of the rain streaks and the vertical direction) with oblique rain streaks. It can be found that when the rain streaks are not vertical, our method still works and achieves promising performances.
Figure 9: Rain streak removal results by different methods. From left to right: the rainy frames, the results by LRMC [6], DIP [23], the proposed method, and the ground truth. From top to bottom:
the “highway2”and “waterfall” videos, respectively.
Discussions of the preprocessing: Before applying our algorithm, there are two preprocessing steps, i.e., (a) the conversion from RGB space to YUV space, and (b) adding reflective boundary condition. We would like to illustrate the influ- ence of the two preprocessing steps using the video, “carphone”, with heavy rain streaks and light rain streaks. Table 4shows the quantitative effects from these two preprocessing steps. It can be found from Table4that our algorithm generat- ed comparative results with and without the conversion from RGB space to YUV space. This conversion would largely reduce the running time and hardly affect the performance. Meanwhile, as we expected, the reflective boundary condition slightly improved the performance. The method in [6] is designed for the RGB
videos so that we fed the RGB videos to it. The algorithm in [23] is also a ten- sor based method and involves the fast calculation using Fourier transform. For fair comparison, we did the same preprocessing steps when running the algorithm in [23]. It can be found that without the two preprocessing steps, the proposed method still work best.
4.2. Real data
We test two real rainy videos. One is a clipped part of size260×440×3×128 from the movie “the Matrix”, and the other one is a backyard video of size512× 256×3×128 recorded in a rainy day. It is worth mentioning that the proposed method is not sensitive to parameters. The parameters for real data are the same as those in the first synthetic experiments.
Performance comparisons: For the first real video, we compare all the meth- ods on one extreme cases. The first video is a very challenge video under lightning which enlarges the difference between adjacent frames and breaks the the conti- nuity along time direction. The rain streak removal results are displayed in Figure 10. And we can observe from Figure10that the rain streaks are more effectively removed by the proposed methods as compared with the other methods.
For the second real video, the rain streak removal results are displayed in Figure11. We observe from Figure11that due to the clean video is static, which makes low-rankness a good video description, DIP performs well for this video.
In spite of this, the rain streaks are more effectively removed by the proposed methods as compared with the other methods.
In this paper, we propose a tensor-based rain streak removal model. We use the group sparsity and the smoothness along the vertical direction to characterize rain streaks, and use the smoothness along the horizontal direction of rain streaks and the time direction to characterize the clean video. Meanwhile we discuss low-rankness. We develop an efficient ADMM algorithm to solve the proposed model. The experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over state-of-the-art method in terms of both quantitative and qualitative assessments. We will explore the group sparsity of the derivatives in the vertical direction of the rain streaks in our further work.
Figure 10: Rain streak removal results by different methods. From left to right: the rainy frames, the results by LRMC[6], DIP [23], and the proposed method. From top to bottom: three frames of the first real video.
Figure 11: Rain streak removal results by different methods. From left to right: the rainy frames, the results by LRMC[6], DIP [23], and the proposed method.
The research is supported by NSFC (61876203 61772003, 61702083) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (ZYGX2016J132, ZYGX2016KYQD142, ZYGX2016J129).
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Table 1: Quantitative comparisons of rain streak removal results by LRMC [6], DIP [23], and the proposed method, on the selected 6 synthetic videos, respectively.
Rain type Heavy Light
Rainy 28.151 0.751 - 36.641 0.926 -
LRMC 30.496 0.848 2230.193 36.490 0.978 1381.876 DIP 35.196 0.955 190.997 42.742 0.987 280.895 Proposed 38.486 0.971 230.311 43.021 0.991 343.444
Rainy 28.551 0.758 - 37.162 0.929 -
LRMC 31.338 0.877 1850.684 37.426 0.982 1240.786 DIP 39.093 0.970 184.324 51.061 0.998 259.875 Proposed 45.252 0.993 293.509 51.363 0.998 317.864
Rainy 28.128 0.833 - 36.579 0.956 -
LRMC 34.955 0.960 2709.774 34.880 0.955 1980.656 DIP 34.338 0.963 203.535 40.070 0.985 285.622 Proposed 35.951 0.971 344.890 40.222 0.986 423.444
Rainy 29.056 0.744 - 37.524 0.925 -
LRMC 33.388 0.890 1752.019 38.511 0.968 1308.776 DIP 39.469 0.968 238.900 43.564 0.985 297.554 Proposed 41.281 0.974 367.434 43.629 0.982 444.590
Rainy 28.945 0.713 - 37.264 0.910 -
LRMC 34.392 0.900 1678.564 41.852 0.974 1298.344 DIP 42.221 0.979 186.909 48.672 0.992 239.443 Proposed 45.743 0.983 333.867 49.921 0.994 397.441
Rainy 28.341 0.808 - 36.954 0.947 -
LRMC 30.101 0.855 2200.713 36.300 0.974 1460.754 DIP 34.650 0.965 190.546 41.122 0.988 254.388 Proposed 36.050 0.967 289.332 41.055 0.987 338.564
Table 2: Quantitative comparisons of rain streak removal results by the proposed method with one column, half of one column, quarter of one column, eighth of one column.
Rain type Heavy Light
Rainy 28.151 0.751 - 36.641 0.926 -
one column 38.486 0.971 230.311 43.021 0.991 343.444 half of one column 38.138 0.973 224.136 41.372 0.990 330.496 quarter of one column 37.486 0.973 234.334 42.248 0.991 344.667 eighth of one column 35.166 0.956 242.899 43.081 0.991 339.799
Rainy 28.551 0.758 - 37.162 0.929 -
one column 45.252 0.993 293.509 51.363 0.998 317.864 half of one column 45.146 0.992 289.778 51.900 0.998 328.565 quarter of one column 44.677 0.991 288.526 52.347 0.998 331.965 eighth of one column 44.837 0.993 299.657 52.430 0.998 329.999
Rainy 28.128 0.833 - 36.579 0.956 -
one column 35.951 0.971 344.890 40.222 0.986 423.444 half of one column 35.982 0.970 339.756 40.538 0.986 434.899 quarter of one column 35.934 0.965 346.813 40.665 0.987 423.131 eighth of one column 35.754 0.970 334.287 40.497 0.986 435.998
Rainy 29.056 0.744 - 37.524 0.925 -
one column 41.281 0.974 367.434 43.629 0.982 444.590 half of one column 39.899 0.970 359.142 43.326 0.986 435.827 quarter of one column 41.799 0.976 339.982 43.413 0.985 437.896 eighth of one column 41.842 0.977 378.869 43.223 0.983 447.867
Rainy 28.945 0.713 - 37.264 0.910 -
one column 45.743 0.983 333.867 49.921 0.994 397.441 half of one column 46.005 0.985 340.665 50.518 0.994 403.676 quarter of one column 46.203 0.985 328.443 50.924 0.994 399.674 eighth of one column 45.989 0.984 329.441 51.167 0.995 402.335
Rainy 28.341 0.808 - 36.954 0.947 -
one column 36.050 0.967 289.332 41.055 0.987 338.564 half of one column 36.090 0.966 296.996 40.693 0.986 365.447 quarter of one column 35.781 0.966 302.154 39.327 0.986 336.732 eighth of one column 36.009 0.966 288.838 40.317 0.988 332.655
Table 3: Quantitative comparisons of rain streak removal results by LRMC [6], DIP [23], and the proposed method, on the selected 2 synthetic videos, respectively.
Rain video Quantitative comparisons
Video Method PSNR SSIM TIME(S)
Rainy 27.170 0.803 -
LRMC 27.640 0.878 2530.393 DIP 33.406 0.929 258.067 Proposed 36.783 0.953 343.453
Rainy 28.551 0.758 -
LRMC 31.338 0.877 1850.684 DIP 35.593 0.939 184.324 Proposed 37.782 0.960 293.509
Table 4: Quantitative comparisons of rain streak removal results by LRMC [6], DIP [23], and the proposed method on the “carphone”synthetic videos, respectively.
Rain type Heavy Light
Rainy 28.151 0.751 - 36.641 0.926 -
LRMC 30.496 0.848 2230.193 36.490 0.978 1381.876 DIP 35.196 0.955 190.997 42.742 0.987 280.895 Proposed 38.486 0.971 230.311 43.021 0.991 343.444 Proposed without (a) 38.406 0.969 763.256 43.005 0.990 1027.011 Proposed without (b) 37.856 0.962 221.054 42.958 0.989 310.520