• 沒有找到結果。

小說的連貫 小說的連貫 小說的連貫 小說的連貫

第三章 第三章

第三章    小說的連貫 小說的連貫 小說的連貫 小說的連貫

貝克(Mona Baker)認為,連貫是關連的網絡,組織、創造出文本。連貫潛 藏於表層文本下,是觀念聯繫的網絡。(1992: 218)

討論小說翻譯,若只是針對某字某句來討論,難免流於細瑣,會有見樹不見 林之憾。動輒六、七百頁的小說,理應用較宏觀的角度來檢視。本章將從「連貫」

來看整體小說氣氛的營造是否成功,茲以關鍵詞彙、懸念筆法、故事邏輯三點來 討論兩種譯本的策略。

第一節 第一節 第一節

第一節 關鍵詞關鍵詞關鍵詞彙關鍵詞彙彙 一、「bag of bones」

「bag of bones」是本書書名,也多次出現在書中。第一次出現是主角引用英 國小說家哈代(Thomas Hardy)之言,質疑小說創作的本質:不管小說人物寫得 再精彩,也不過是個虛構的人物,終究不可能有血有肉,所以只是「a bag of bones」。此亦為其第一種指涉。


According to gloomy old Dennison Carville, the aspiring novelist should understand from the outset that fiction’s goals were forever beyond his reach, that the job was an exercise in futility. “Compared to the dullest human being actually walking about on the face of the earth and casting his shadow there,” Hardy supposedly said, “the most brilliantly drawn character in a novel is but a bag of bones.” I understood because that was what I felt like in those interminable, dissembling days: a bag of bones. (45)

根据阴郁的老丹尼森‧卡威利的观点,有 抱负的小说家应该从一开始就理解小说的 用意永远是超出他的把握的,这个工作是 无意义的活动。”相比于真正在大地上行走 并留下影子的最蠢笨的人,”我猜想哈代 说,”小说里描写的最光鲜的角色也不过是

依悲觀的老丹尼森‧卡維爾的說法,懷抱 創作理想的小說家一定要從一開始就看清 楚這件事:小說創作的目標,永遠非他所 能企及,小說創作這件事,純屬徒勞無功。

「在地球表面真正行走過、投下過身影的 人,就算再愚騃不過」據稱哈代說過,「小


Well…what if Mrs. Danvers is down there?

The voice doesn’t answer. It knows I’m not afraid of Rebecca de Winter’s housekeeper, she’s just a character in an old book, nothing but a bag of bones. (72) 那么……如果丹弗斯太太在那里该怎么 bones」。例二提到的 Mrs. Danvers,是《蝴蝶夢》(Rebecca)中的管家太太,形 象陰鬱。

簡體字版分別用「一袋骨頭」與「一袋屍骨」來譯;正體字版追求一致,均 統一為「一袋白骨」。

「bag of bones」在小說中的第二種指涉,是指瘦骨嶙峋的人與老年人。


God, she’s thin, I thought. She’s nothing but a bag of—

……... Hello there, lady standing out by the floating bar. Hello there, you old bag of bones, you scared the living shit out of me but it doesn’t take much these days and I forgive you. (171)



“Mike, please.” Mrs. M. was crying. “Royce’s funeral is tomorrow. Everyone in the TR who matters—the old-timers—will be there.”

 Yes, of course they would. The old ones, the bags of bones who knew what they knew and kept it to themselves. (551)

“迈克,求你了。”梅赛夫太太抽泣着,” 骨」意象。例三第一次出現,指的就是 Rogette Whitmore 很瘦。另外 Rogette 滿 頭白髮,年紀也不小。例四的老頭子是 Max Devore,年紀一大把,行將就木,

不時得靠氧氣罩呼吸。例五是指鎮上老一輩的居民。此三例的「bag of bones」


簡體字版分別譯為「老掉牙的骨頭袋子」、「一袋子骨頭」、「骨頭袋子」,大 體上不脫「骨頭」與「袋子」,把例三的 old 譯為「老掉牙」還有點雙關語的趣


I reached into the dripping hole, slapping wet earth from the ancient canvas…….As I seized the canvas, the tips of my fingers punching through and letting out a fresh billow of green and gassy stench, I could hear grunting. (685)

There was a low ripping sound as the roll tore the rest of the way up and down.

Inside was what remained of them— (689)

I looked over toward the gray rock and saw the bag of bones I had pulled out of the wet ground like a festering tooth. (693)



Thomas Hardy, who supposedly said that the most brilliantly drawn character in a novel is but a bag of bones, stopped writing novels himself after finishing Jude the Obscure and while he was at the height of his narrative genius.(732)

托马斯‧哈代据说曾经说过,所有的小说 里最精彩的角色,不过是一袋子骨头。在 完成了《无名的裘德》之后,处于才华顶 峰的他自愿停止了创作。(495)

據說湯瑪斯‧哈代講過小說裡寫得最精彩 的角色也不過是一袋白骨。他在寫完《無 名裘德》(Jude the Obscure)之後,雖然正 值他說故事才華鼎盛的時候,卻毅然封筆 小說創作。(619-620)


並陳述此事對他寫作生涯的影響。此處重提開頭 Thomas Hardy 對於小說的看 法,回到「bag of bones」的第一個指涉,讓小說前後呼應。

史蒂芬‧金以「Bag of Bones」為書名,並在小說中不斷穿插這個意象,「帶 領讀者到中心概念:過去的鬼魂於現在縈繞不去,不管是真的鬼還是比喻上的」

(Russell,93)。真的鬼指的是黑人女歌手 Sara Tidwell 與兒子 Kito,而比喻上的 除了小鎮上包藏秘密的老者,還有對小說創作的質疑。


來包裝史蒂芬‧金,小說如此定名,符合恐怖小說的形象。全書中「bag of bones」


正體字版為求一致,從頭到尾均採用「一袋白骨」,只除了最後變成「一白 骨袋」,彰顯其在文中的意象;書名也訂為「一袋白骨」,顯得整齊。不過過於講 求一致也是缺點,尤其在指涉「老人」時,用「一袋白骨」在中文裡不太恰當。

二、「boys/guys in the basement」

小說另一個常出現的詞彙,是「boys/guys in the basement」,主角指的是自己 的潛意識。和「bag of bones」一詞不同的是,這個詞沒有多種指涉意義,比較


真實/想像、意識/潛意識的對比,是縈繞小說的重要主題。史蒂芬‧金在 小說中用了現實與想像的交替寫作手法,主角透過潛意識(不管這個能力是誰賦 予他的),能穿越地域限制,洞悉小鎮的許多事件,並與某些人物(如小女孩 Kyra)


「boys/guys in the basement」領著他馳騁想像的國度,因此這個詞彙對營造本小 說的意境,的確是重要的。



All that should have rung true, and yet somehow it didn’t, quite. It should have, but…well…

It was the boys in the basement. They were the ones who didn’t buy it. The boys in the basement didn’t buy it at all.(90)

所有这些听上去应该是对的,然而不知为 何又不很对。应该是这样的,但是……那 么……

是地下室里的小家伙。他们是不接受这个 解释的原因。地下室里的小家伙完全不接 受这个解释。(60-61)




是下面的小子啦。是他們不肯信。是下面 的小子就是不肯信。(84)

例一是這個詞首次在書中出現。主角反覆在夢境裡見到自己手背有割傷,結 果在現實中竟然成真,他試圖說服自己這只是巧合,但「boys in the basement」

不肯相信,埋下伏筆。簡體字版在例一加了註解,直接點名這個譬喻是「潛意識」。 正體字版譯「下面的小子」,省去「地下室」的意象。


45這個地下室的意象,也出現在《On Writing》中。史蒂芬‧金認為,寫作就是一種心靈感應

(telepathy),當他寫作時,身處於另一個地方—類似地下室的地方(a basement place),那裡「視 野遼闊」。

I walked and made no effort to think—an old trick from my writing days. Work your body, rest your mind, let the boys in the basement do their jobs. I made my way past camps where Jo and I had once had drinks and barbecues and attended the occasional card-party, I soaked up the silence like a sponge, I drank my juice, I armed sweat off my forehead, and I waited to see what thoughts might come. (169) 我这么走着什么也不用心去想—这是我写

寫作的靈感何來?就交給「boys in the basement」來掌權。例二講的就是寫作時,

Mike 慣用的技巧。簡體字版對這個詞彙掌握得宜,譯法一致。正體字版此例譯 為「下面的小弟弟」,帶有性暗示,完全無法傳達出潛意識的意思。


I thought this was a good place to end the conversation, but the guys in the basement seemed to have other ideas. “Was she seeing anyone, Bonnie?”

Silence from the other end. (392)


簡體字譯本因為在例一時就加註點明「boys in the basement」之意,後來這 個詞彙出現時,有時會直接譯成「潛意識」。正體字版出現第三種不同的譯法「地 下室的那些傢伙」。


When trouble comes and steps have to be taken, I find it’s generally better to just stand aside and let the boys in the basement do their work. That’s blue-collar labor down there, non-union guys with lots of muscles and tattoos. Instinct is their specialty, and they refer problems upstairs for actual cogitation only as a last resort.


And there were the fridgeafator people. They were another kind of sharing, an even spookier kind. I hadn’t quite had nerve enough to tell Mattie about mine, but she might know anyway. Down low in her mind. Down below in her mind, where the blue-collar guys moved around in the zone. Her guys and my guys, all part of the same strange labor union. (473)

还有那些”冰箱人”,我们之间另一种共有 四進一步將「boys in the basement」比喻為「blue-collar labor」;例五沒有提到「guys in the basement」,而是直接用「blue-collar guys」。簡體字版的翻譯方式沿用「地 下室裡的小傢伙」,雖未直譯「體力工人」或「藍領工人」,但意思清楚傳達。正 體字版譯為「藍領階級男人遊走」在「她心底深處」,guys 譯為「男人」,性別 指涉過於明顯,干擾真正要突顯的意思。


Except it was really the boys in the basement who had reacted to John’s tape; my subconscious co-conspirator. And it hadn’t been her voice that had scared them badly enough to turn my face white. The underhum had done that. The characteristic underhum you always got on TR calls, both those you made and those you received.


然而,让我大惊失色的真正原因,是地窖 里的小家伙们—我的潜意识—对约翰的磁 带做出了反应。听着他们,从而让我脸色 变白的并不是她的声音,而是电话背景里 的”嗡----“声,在 T 镇打电话时你总能听到 这标志性的”嗡----“声,不论是打出去还是 接进来。(471)

只不過,那其實是我那地下室的小子,我 那躲在潛意識裡的同謀,聽了約翰的錄音 帶在作怪。而且,絕對不是因為她的嗓音 聽得我那地下室的小子嚇得臉色發白。是 錄音帶背景裡的嗡嗡聲。你在 TR 打電話 一定會聽到這裡獨有的嗡嗡聲,不論是打 出去還是接電話。(591)


