• 沒有找到結果。

會議地點 日本東京日本大學

日期: 105 年 6 月 1 日


2016 年日本選舉學會學術研討的「変化する台湾の民意―2016 年総統・立 法院同日選挙」場次,由來自政治大學、中正大學及淡江大學的十位學者,發表 四篇文章,發表人及題目如下:

1. Eric Chen-hua Yu (National Chengchi University), Chao-Chi Lin (National Chengchi University)

「 The Transformations of Candidate Selection Methods in Taiwan’s Major Political Parties」

計畫編號 NSC 102-2414-H-004-128-MY2

計畫名稱 解析「台灣人/中國人」認同及其對兩岸關係的影響


姓名 鄭夙芬 服務機構 及職稱

政治大學選舉研究中心 研究員


105 年5 月14 日 至 105 年5 月15 日





2016 日本選舉學會年會及研討會


2016 Japanese Association of Electoral Studies Annual Conference




Sensibility and Rationality of Identity in Taiwan

2. Su-feng Cheng (National Chengchi University), Kuang-hui Cheng (National Chung Cheng University), Wan-ying Yang (National Chengchi University)

「Sensibility and Rationality of Identity in Taiwan」

3. Kah-Yew Lim (National Chengchi University), Chi Huang (National Chengchi University), Ching-Hsin Yu (National Chengchi University)

「 Assessment of Cross-Strait Policy and Voting Choices in Taiwan's 2016 Presidential Election」

4. Ying Lung Chou (Tamkang University), Ching-Hsin Yu (National Chengchi University), Tsung-Han Tsai (National Chengchi University)

「The Impact of Social Context on Voting Behavior in Taiwan’s 2016 Presidential Election」


本場次的主持人是津田塾大學的西川賢教授,評論人則是国際基督教大 學的石生義人教授、愛媛大學的梅田道生教授及美國南卡羅來納大學

(University of South Carolina)的謝復生(John F. Hsieh)教授。雖然二位日 本的評論人表示對臺灣及認同主題並不熟悉,但仍就問卷調查的方法及過程 提出一些問題與建議,謝復生教授則對認同與統獨立場間的概念聯結提出質 疑與建議。由於三位評論人分別評論四篇文章,並且都有相當多深入的建議,




This study adopts a hypothetical scenario to examine whether Taiwanese citizens are rational or sensible when facing to the issue of China’s rise. Similar to Wu’s finding (2005), it is found in this analysis that identity remains a powerful variable account for people’s attitudes toward China. This leads us to the conclusion that people in Taiwan are sensible when encountering the issue of identity. However, economic interests does matter. Although their perception of household level

economic performance is not related to their attitudes toward China, those who have a negative evaluation of Taiwan’s retrospective economic performance are more reluctant to receive China’s aid. It is possible that these people attribute the worsening of economic condition in Taiwan to China’s expansion, which cause the fall of exports and the loss of job opportunities, and therefore they are more determined to reject the aid from China.

However, two findings are also worth noting. First, the youngest generation are different from their older counterparts. Different from the older generations taking a sensible perspective to preserve their dignity resulting from identity, the youngest generation are more rational and therefore are more likely to face the issue of identity in a more practical way than by sticking to identity. Furthermore, democratic values are significantly related to how people deal with the identity issue. Therefore, whether China would transform its political system to a democratic one would affects the interaction between Taiwan and China.


成立於 1981 年的日本選舉學會,是以促進日本國內選舉研究及國外學術交 流為目的專業研究學會,目前學會註冊的成員有來自日本國內各大學及臺灣與韓


並不太願意和臺灣學界有太多的接觸與交流,但近年來有較多國外留學回日的學 者,觀念較為開放,英文也相當流利,對於和臺灣學界的往來較無顧慮。政大選 舉研究中心自 2001 年即開始參與該學會的活動,迄今並有游清鑫教授及黃紀教 授曾當選理事及參與理事會的運作。日本選舉學會的年會及學術研討會於每年五 月的第三個星期召開,因為臺灣方面的積極參與,自 2003 年起,大會每年幾乎 都會特別設立一個英文的國際比較研究的場次,最近四年由於韓國學者的參與減 少,以及日本國內對於臺灣選舉的興趣增加,每年皆以臺灣選舉為主題,設立一 個專門的場次。

今年度的場次,更是由日本選舉學會的學術研討會籌備委員淺野和生教授主 動邀請,淺野教授於 2015 年 11 月帶領學生至臺灣進行學術交流活動時,特別安

術研討會中,籌備一個討論臺灣立委及總統選舉的場次;2016 年 1 月淺野教授 再度來臺,除了觀察臺灣的總統與立委選舉之外,並與游清鑫教授確認了 2016 年日本選舉學會學術研討的場次主題,游教授也組織了來自政治大學、中正大學 及淡江大學的十位學者參與,未來也希望持續擴大臺灣學者的參與,並推廣與日


