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(四) 期刊、學位論文與網路資料


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The National Agricultural Engineering Corporation and the Development of Farm Mechanization of Modern China,


Ho, Chia-hsing

Ph.D. student, Department of History, National Chengchi University

The National Agricultural Engineering Corporation (NAEC) was a special industrial company with full investment from the Chinese Government, founded during December 1943 in Chongqing, and then relocated to Shanghai in February 1946 after the end of WWII. Initially in 1944, NAEC’s factories produced many kinds of agricultural machinery, especially irrigation equipment (pumps and motors), which was the most important type of farm machinery in early 20th century in China. The NAEC also began experimental manufacture of new agricultural tools. However, the production scale of NAEC in the Chongqing period was small until “General Works” was set up in Shanghai.

The major task of NAEC in the Shanghai period was to accept a commission from the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), which was to popularize agricultural machinery, and was named “National Service”. In order to achieve this target, NAEC successively built factories and service stations in Nanjing, Guangzhou, Liuzhou, Changsha, and Kaifeng and so on. Furthermore, at end of 1948, the number of employees NAEC’s General Works in Shanghai increased to over 1,500, which meant it was in the top 100 largest companies in the city and even in China. Based on the study of the NAEC, we can understand the development of farm mechanization in modern China, and be able to grasp the difficulties of business during wartime in both WWII and the ensuing Civil War periods.

Keywords: Farm Mechanization, National Agricultural Engineering Corporation, Agricultural Improvement, Agricultural Technology
