• 沒有找到結果。



但在有限的時間與資源下,尚有不足之處,故在列出研究限制作為建議,可做為後續研 究之方向。

一、 樣本自我陳述上的客觀偏差

受訪者在自我陳述時,可能無法完全客觀公正,因擔心研究者的想法或是顧慮受訪 者不曾到過臺灣,而提供較為模糊的資料。故後續之研究可針對更多元旅行社資料,針 對問題進行不同角度的探討,再以回顧本研究的方式,比對印度獎勵旅遊市場會更為客 觀及全面性。

二、 研究對象單一且更深入探討

本研究以獎勵旅遊三方進行,故在選取樣本時,樣本較少,例如:參與獎勵旅遊的 企業,可針對不同體量的企業探索其針對獎勵旅遊目的地選址的差異。

三、 定量 (量化) 方法之後續探索

由於定性 (質化) 方法與定量 (量化) 方法,本質上各具有優點和缺點,故未來的 研究方向可朝定量方法,針對印度獎勵旅遊做量化的實證,以更多元及更豐富的思維與 發現,對印度獎勵旅遊的選址因素做更完整的探討。

四、 抽樣地點



清奈、坎普爾…等。另外,也可以在臺灣進行研究,藉以延伸本研究,透過全方位完整 呈現印度與臺灣獎勵旅遊市場之差異。



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2018/1/12 拜訪印度理工學院孟買分校 Arti 教授

2018/1/15 與 TBI 訪談 孟買


2018/1/17 與 Inspiration India 和 Venture Market 訪談 新德里

2018/1/17 與 JTB 訪談 新德里


2018/1/18 與 Cox & Kings 訪談 新德里

2018/1/19 與 EasternTravels 訪談 哲雪舖


2018/1/19 與 TaTa Steel 訪談 哲雪舖



Questionnaire for Incentive Travel Planners

1. Demographics and business

a. Please state your age at your last birthday ___________

b. Please state your gender Male____ Female______

c. Please state the year of operation ___________

d. Please state the management in number of persons ___________

e. Please indicate the average number of incentive trips you organize per year _____

f. Please indicate the average number of participants per incentive trip ___________

2. Plan an incentive travel for companies.

a. What are the most industries would arrange an incentive travel? (Insurance, IT…)

b. How do you package an incentive tour and what’s the percentage of budget? (Flight ticket, accommodation, food and beverage, others.)

c. What’s the most impressive package you’ve done inbound to India or outbound from India?

d. What do you think the obstacles between you and companies? (language?)

e. Is it necessary that organizer investigate the tour in person before packaging an incentive travel? If it repeats with previous one, will you investigate the destination again?

f. If the personal site inspection is necessary, what other factors would increase the influence of the trip?

g. What is required to be an incentive travel planner and a guide?

3. Incentive destination choice.

3-1. The following criteria you consider in selecting an incentive travel destination?

(Accessibility of the destination, Accommodation, Destination imagine, Local support, Extra-conference opportunities, Meeting facilities, Novelty, Perceived risk, Currency/

exchange rates)

Accessibility of the destination

a. What obstacles would you consider as enter to foreign countries? How do you overcome those difficulties? (Ease of getting Visa/ travel permission)


a. First class hotel rooms/ Brand name hotel Destination imagine

a. What are most popular countries/ cities for Indian choosing as incentive travel destination?

(Europe? Asia?)

b. What are images of destinations in Asia in your mind? Can you give me a briefly description (Japan, Taiwan, China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Australia) Local support


h. Will you look for destination management company (DMC) or the local convention and visitor bureau (CVB) for getting local support?

i. Many governments in some countries recruit incentive travel groups by attractive

marketing strategies, would you consider those advertisements? What some examples you cooperate with those government?

j. If the benefit is good in some countries, will you suggest it to your customer?

Extra-conference opportunities

a. An unusual or different destination? Unique attractions / opportunities? (shopping, sightseeing or education, team building activities)

Meeting facilities

a. Can you give me some idea incentive traveler needed to or could be accommodated on-site (i.e., in a hotel integrated with the meeting facilities) versus off-site (i.e., in other separate hotel or building?)


a. Besides of hotels, transportation, what else increases the sense of prestige?

b. After a tour ends, will you track the satisfaction of customers?

Perceived risk

a. What do you think the risk of transportation might be in some countries? How do you reduce the risk? (Taiwan, China, Thailand, Singapore) (Safety and security.)

Currency/ exchange rates

a. Would you consider currency/ exchange rate as criteria for incentive destination selection?

b. Will currency fluctuations be problematic for countries where the exchange rates varied significantly but this can be to the benefit of other countries where the exchange rate remain more stable?

3-2 Please indicate below other things that you feel are important to take into account when selecting an incentive travel destination:







Questionnaire for Incentive Travel Company.

1. Demographics and business

a. Please state your age at your last birthday ___________

b. Please state your gender Male____ Female______

c. Please indicate the average number of incentive trips your company purchase per year __________

d. Please indicate the average number of participants per incentive trip ____________

(____________ total staff in your company) 2. Incentive destination choice.

a. What’s the concern of the following criteria do you consider in selecting an incentive travel destination? (Accessibility of the destination, Accommodation, Destination imagine, Local support, Extra-conference opportunities, Meeting facilities, Novelty, Perceived risk, Currency/ exchange rates)

b. What is the most satisfying services in many incentive travel?

c. What are customized services for you to hold incentive travels?

d. What do you think the customized services could be increased?

e. What do you think the key consideration for choosing a travel agency?

f. What are those images of different countries in your mind?

g. What do you think the obstacles between you and travel agencies?


h. How to achieve an incentive travel in this company?

i. Which countries would you like to choose as next incentive travel destination? Why?



Questionnaire for Incentive Travel participants.

1. Demographics and business

a. Please state your age at your last birthday ___________

b. Please state your gender Male____ Female______

c. Please indicate the total number of incentive trips you have participated in this company __________

d. Please indicate the number of incentive destination you have been to ____________

2. Incentive destination choice.

a. What’s the concern of the following criteria do you consider in selecting an incentive travel destination? (Accessibility of the destination, Accommodation, Destination imagine, Local support, Extra-conference opportunities, Meeting facilities, Novelty, Perceived risk, Currency/ exchange rates)

b. What is the most satisfying services in many incentive travel?

c. What do you think the customized services could be increased?

d. What do you think the key consideration for choosing a travel agency?

e. What are those images of different countries in your mind?

f. What do you think the key consideration for not choosing a destination? (Religious?) g. Which part of incentive travel you think should be removed?

h. Which countries would you like to choose as next incentive travel destination? Why?



