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第五章 結論與未來研究方向

以往的研究鮮少以相片內容去做使用者的行為模式分析,在本論文中,我們提出 以電腦視覺與機器學習的技術去分析圖像內容,並根據實驗結果進行使用者行為模式分 析。本論文共招募 32 位受測者,在取得他們上傳到臉書上的相片後,針對該資料集去 做研究,以及觀察每位受測者發佈相片的類型,可以發現大部分使用者的照片類型以人 物照為主,而人物照裡又以個人照居多。另外女性所張貼的人物照比例較男性多,其他 內容性質則差異不大,以及大部分受測者的相片內,同性出現的機率會高於異性。分群 結果也可大致上看出不同的使用者樣貌。且我們也可發現依相片分類與標籤來分群的結 果不盡相同。

另外,在章節 3.3.3 針對標籤處理的部分,除研究員自行處理以外,有另找二位研 究生協同分類、合併,可以發現所測量的信度不符合標準,並無大於 0.9,所以之後分 類、合併結果直接由三位編碼員討論得出,雖然有討論,但由於標籤編碼過程繁複以及 時間因素,故並無做第二次信度檢測,加上沒有問卷或是深度訪談去做驗證,因此本論 文的標籤分類較帶有我們一點主觀的詮釋。整體而言,目前各個類別主要是以標籤去做 分類,在分類結果上可能會有些問題,例如某張相片內有很多應該分到的標籤,但由於 有幾個特徵比較明顯加上標籤數量以十個為上限,故有些標籤會沒標到;或是由於相片 分類很依賴標籤,即使標籤不正確,也會因為此分類方式而被分到不正確的類別,所以 本論文只初步將相片取標籤及分類,各個分類在未來可以有更精準的方式去改進,並改 善分類結果的準確度,達到更完整的分析。

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再者,我們也期望未來可以做更多的利用,去更深入使用者樣貌分析,例如可以 藉由單一使用者特徵,來做使用者分類,假設把使用者分為兩類,分別為喜愛戶外活動 的人及不喜愛戶外活動的人,如此可藉由 training 還有 testing 去訓練分類器,之後若有 新的資料輸入,便可以直接去將使用者做分類。另外也可由此來看使用者會傾向哪個事 件,假設如果想要約 A 使用者出去走走,我們可藉由上述所提到的特徵分類資訊來判斷,

如果 A 使用者被分類到喜愛戶外活動的類別,或許約 A 使用者一起參與戶外活動的成 功率會比較高。除了看該使用者對於不同活動的參與機率,分類結果及標籤的資訊或許 可以再加上時間的參數,來比較不同時間點的差異,也就是來看使用者的行為模式隨著 時間軸的變化,例如 B 使用者以前可能小團體照居多,但後來異性照的比例漸漸增高,

可以推測 B 使用者可能交了男/女朋友等等。


這樣就可以知道最常出現在該使用者相片內的人是誰;或是探討不同的受測對象,本論 文的受測者大多以大學生為主,並無做到跨年齡比對,另外也可以針對各族群去分析,



[1] Viola, Paul, and Michael J. Jones. "Robust real-time face detection." International journal of computer vision 57.2 (2004): 137-154.

[2] ImageNet


[3] Russakovsky, Olga, et al. "Imagenet large scale visual recognition challenge." arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0575 (2014).

[4] Vinyals, Oriol, et al. "Show and tell: A neural image caption generator." arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.4555 (2014).

[5] Hu, Yuheng, Lydia Manikonda, and Subbarao Kambhampati. "What we instagram: A first analysis of instagram photo content and user types." Proceedings of ICWSM. AAAI (2014).

[6] Ensky’s Album Downloader for Facebook, https://sofree.cc/download-fb-album-photo/.

[7] Face++,


[8] Rekognition,


[9] Itti, Laurent, Christof Koch, and Ernst Niebur. "A model of saliency-based visual attention for rapid scene analysis." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence 11 (1998): 1254-1259.

[10] Cheng, Ming, et al. "Global contrast based salient region detection." Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 37.3 (2015): 569-582.

[11] Perazzi, Federico, et al. "Saliency filters: Contrast based filtering for salient region

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detection." Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on.

IEEE, 2012.

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[17] 王石番(1991),《傳播內容分析法》,幼獅

performer dimples muscle skirt dance sexy boy scarf miniskirt hiking worker man shoulder formal_dress running

child beauty glasses knee picnic tourist female sunglasses thigh reading

clerk girl goggles gown kiss

diner woman suit robe sitting

soldier daughter coat hat interview baby lady overcoat helmet kicking bridesmaid people apparel cap class

sibling crowd jacket crash_helmet school teen team costume hardhat hang_out athlete group_shot sweater beanie leisure_activities musician audience blouse football_helmet vacation

band finger shirt sun_hat night_club groom mouth cardigan baseball_cap night_life teacher arm blazer batting_helmet party

face cloak sweatshirt pants rave

person tie plaid jeans fitness

portrait lip maillot swimwear work_out head beard underwear bikini exercise human barefoot t-shirt graduation parade

hair ankle jersey sport demonstration black_hair hand footwear game marathon

haircut shorts shoe wedding cross_country dark_hair back boot carnival

blonde tuxedo riding_boot standing smile jaw cowboy_boot walking laughing frown dress kindergarten

wall desk bridge baseball_field pond billboard vault_ceiling court football_field highway

train environment snow paddy_field freeway window art_gallery nature forest arena

brick workshop playground jungle stadium condo room town woodland vessel mural bedroom kite rainforest boat

flare dorm_room slate sea ship lamp conference_room croquet coast moon corridor meeting_room stream ocean full_moon enclosure waiting_room headquarters beach aircraft

pool reception_room weather bay airplane hotel interior_design land cloud airfield door restaurant dock cumulus train_track apartment food_court tree grass rail

beam cafeteria conifer grassland night

plaza bar fir lawn night_club

porch pub oak bench night_life

class speech spruce park_bench architecture school lecture palm_tree sunrise cottage shelter bookstore blossom sunset villa canopy bookcase cherry_blossom dusk building awning outdoors city dawn high_rise

market sky downtown red_sky apartment_building bazaar water urban hill skyscraper college park path mountain house campus vegetation walkway valley office_building flooring countryside sidewalk peak mansion

floor deck boardwalk crest tower column fence pavement astronomy clock_tower

pillar asphalt garden galaxy bell_tower furniture rock yard universe worship

bed sand backyard space temple

club hiking gardening outer_space shrine stage district road fog castle library soil gravel smoke fort

非寫實照(9 個標籤項目)

sticker graphics plot snapshot webpage diagram drawing collage page

食物照(53 個標籤項目)

bowl sandwich dish cupcake hot_pot stew curry supper chocolate bread dessert artemisia buffet brownie cornbread alcohol gravy dough drink sprout

cafe cocktail candy beverage bean_sprout plate bbq sweets coke vegetable pasta food confectionery coca produce cookie meal cup cream milkshake seafood dinner coffee_cup creme smoothie

fruit breakfast cake icing custard appetizer birthday_cake fondue

動物照(14 個標籤項目)

animal adorable golden_retriever spaniel kitten pet dog hound cocker_spaniel black_cat mammal canine beagle cat

文字照(20 個標籤項目)

calligraphy file label logo ampersand alphabet receipt word symbol badge

mail text handwriting sign signature letter font document trademark autograph

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植物照(27 個標籤項目)

potted_plant grass blossom spruce yard vegetation grassland cherry_blossom palm_tree backyard

forest lawn tree plant gardening

jungle flower conifer flora woodland flower_arrangement fir herbs rainforest flower_bouquet oak garden

物品照(44 個標籤項目)

screen doll blackboard motor computer_keyboard electronics bag crock_pot vehicle cell_phone

cardboard mascot teddy_bear car phone

box tool supplies computer mobile_phone

toy book banner pc bike

ball cosmetics squash laptop bicycle ticket light_fixture musical_instrument manga bike_cyclist bottle chair motorcycle comic mountain_bike porcelain diary motor_scooter keyboard

coat helmet person black_hair girl overcoat cap portrait haircut woman

suit crash_helmet head dark_hair daughter jacket hardhat human blonde lady costume beanie

sweater football_helmet people shoe dress blouse sun_hat crowd footwear skirt

shirt baseball_cap team boot miniskirt cardigan batting_helmet group_shot riding_boot formal_dress

blazer smile audience cowboy_boot sweatshirt laughing

plaid dimples glasses leisure_activities exercise maillot man sunglasses hang_out work_out underwear boy goggles vacation fitness

t-shirt swimwear thigh gown pants

jersey bikini knee robe jeans

parade marathon class night_life party

demonstration cross_country school night_club rave


room building tree

conifer fir oak spruce palm_tree

path walkway sidewalk boardwalk


sea coast ocean beach bay bedroom high_rise

dorm_room apartment_building conference_room skyscraper

meeting_room house waiting_room office_building

reception_room mansion galaxy dusk interior_design field yard astronomy sunset

forest baseball_field garden universe sunrise

jungle football_field backyard space dawn woodland paddy_field gardening outer_space red_sky


shelter restaurant city road grass

canopy food_court downtown gravel grassland awning cafeteria urban street lawn

tower airplane vessel fog peak

clock_tower aircraft boat smoke valley bell_tower airfield ship smog crest

worship class market campus floor

temple school bazaar college flooring shrine

blossom bookcase speech bar column

cherry_blossom bookstore lecture pub pillar

night_life cloud bench mountain lake

night_club cumulus park_bench hill pond

castle train_track moon stadium highway

fort rail full_moon arena freeway

非寫實照 drawing



food sweets cake creme cup

meal candy birthday_cake cream coffee_cup dinner confectionery cupcake icing

breakfast fondue coke drink chocolate appetizer hot_pot coca beverage brownie


supper bread sprout vegetable smoothie buffet cornbread bean_sprout produce milkshake dough

golden_retriever mammal black_cat

hound adorable beagle

spaniel cocker_spaniel


text logo signature

font symbol autograph label sign

word trademark handwriting ampersand

document badge


bike motorcycle phone computer vehicle

bicycle motor_scooter cell_phone pc car bike_cyclist motor mobile_phone laptop

mountain_bike manga

keyboard comic



tree forest yard grass flower

conifer jungle garden grassland flower_arrangement fir woodland backyard lawn flower_bouquet oak rainforest gardening blossom plant

spruce cherry_blossom flora

palm_tree herbs

television sleeping handrail art poster

tv asleep banister modern_art flyer

