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2017 臺北世界大學運動會競技運動人才培育策略

Development Strategies of Competitive Talents for the 2017 Taipei Universiade

李昱叡、謝奇穎、洪志昌 Yu-Jui,LiQi-Ying, XieChih-Chang,Hung

2017 年夏季世界大學運動會將在臺北舉辦,身為地主國,參賽成績也將受國人矚目,為提升競賽實力,

教育部體育署刻正推動競技運動人才培育計畫,整合培訓資源,落實選手培育工作,全力備戰 2017 臺北世大 運。教育部體育署訂定之總目標為爭取 2017 世大運獎牌榜前 5 強;另設定預期績效指標為:(一)階段目標 進入 2015 年韓國光州世大運獎牌榜前 7 名,進而達成 2017 年臺北世大運「保七搶五」培訓計畫目標;(二)

建構國家代表隊選手培訓機制,確立分層分級培訓原則;(三)設置運動科學支援團隊,樹立運科介入及支 援訓練模式;(四)增進國家競技運動競爭力,提升國際運動社會曝光度及影響力;執行策略及方法:(一)


(三)行政、運科全力支援,提供完整後勤支援。期望透過具體的計畫及策略執行,進而達成 2017 臺北世大 運爭取獎牌榜前 5 強之總目標。

The upcoming 2017 Universiade is scheduled to be held in Taipei City, and as host nation, the accomplishments of our nation will surely be noticed. The Sports Administration, Ministry of Education

sports science support team and establish a model for the utilization of sports science and training support; (4) Improve national sports competitiveness, and international exposure and influence; specific implementation measures included: (1) Integrate training programs for the Olympic Games and Asian Games, integrate resources, and improve competitiveness; (2) Organize training and participation in competitions based on sport disciplines; (3) Provide full administrative and sports science support. It is hoped that through specific planning and implementation strategies, our nation can be in the top five positions in the upcoming 2017 Taipei Universiade.


Aspects of the Universiade

洪嘉文、張勝傑 Chia-Wen,HungSheng-Chieh,Chang

世界大學運動會是臺北市首次主辦層級最高之國際大型運動賽會,為了迎接來自各國代表團的嘉賓、運 動員及遊客,不論是城市市容的美化、交通運輸的整頓規劃及運動場館的整建等,都將為臺北帶來新的風貌 和氣象。然而,臺北市也面臨主辦賽會的挑戰,如新整建的運動場館賽會後的營運管理與設備整合;國內首 次獨立營運,於賽會期間如同小型聯合國社會的選手村;以及涵蓋臺灣北部六縣市各場館交通接駁運輸的艱 鉅挑戰等。此外,一如韓國 MERS 疫情的蔓延等不可抗拒之傳染疾病,可能對賽會產生的風險及威脅,臺北市 都需在各項事務推動及協調上,以最大的效益及最低的風險,規劃最完善的配套措施及應變機制。

The Universiade is Taipei City’s top international multi-sport event ever to be held. The city’s beautification process, transport integration and venue construction/renovation are all well under way to welcome dignitaries, athletes and tourists from various competing countries; the process will bring about a brand new image and atmosphere for Taipei City. However, Taipei City is also facing numerous challenges not uncommon to host cities, such as post-Games operations and equipment integration of the various venues; the first independently operational Athletes’ Village that house athletes from different countries; as well as transportation between six counties and cities during the Games period.

In addition, Taipei City need to coordinate and be prepared in cases of contagious epidemics, such as the MERS situation in Korea; all these provide potential risks and challenges to a successful hosting of the Games, and the best preparatory measures and response mechanism need to be in place in order to ensure that the Games could reach its maximum benefits.

技體操、韻律體操、柔道、水上運動(游泳、公開水域)、水球、跳水、桌球、網球、排球、跆拳道及 7 個 選辦種類,包括棒球、羽球、舉重、高爾夫、滑輪溜冰、射箭及武術和示範賽的撞球,共 22 種。2017 臺北 世大運場館以新建與整修兩個方向進行。新建場館部分:有臺北市網球中心與臺北市和平國小暨籃球運動館。

整修場館部分:因臺北市的運動設施不足,因此有些場館借用鄰近的 4 縣市,且有些較為老舊,因此藉此盛 會加以整修,改善後可提升至舉辦國際賽會等級,並可當作訓練及提供各縣市舉辦國際賽會之用。因場館眾 多,本文只介紹 21 種比賽種類,示範項目撞球在花博爭豔館,因不計獎牌數因此不在介紹範圍。隨著韓國光 州世大運於今年 7 月舉行,也同時宣告 2 年後臺北世大運將很快來臨。政府對於場館的整修應加快腳步,期 望在不久的將來,能以嶄新的面貌,迎接來自超過 160 個國家,約 10,000 名世界各國的選手及職員的到來。


After five long bids for the Universiade, Taipei City was finally attributed the Summer Universiade on 29th November 2011. One of the main reasons was that 85% of the proposed venues were already in place. Events of the Taipei Universiade included 14 sports: athletics, basketball, fencing, football, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, judo, aquatics (swimming, open waters) , water polo, diving, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, taekwondo and 7 elective sports including baseball, badminton, weightlifting, golf, roller sports, archery and wushu; cue sports was a demonstration sport. Venues of the 2017 Taipei Universiade proceeded in two main directions: construction or renovation. Newly construction venues included: Taipei Tennis Center and Basketball Court of Heping Elementary School; renovation of venues included: borrowing of venues from surrounding four counties and cities due to lack of facilities in Taipei City; some are more dilapidated and require upgrades before they fulfill international standards.

Renovation will allow these facilities to host international-level events. As there are many venues, this article will only introduce those 21 disciplines that are competed in the Universiade, excluding the renowned cue sports, which claimed international renown at the Zhengyan Venue of the Flora Expo.

As 2015 Gwangju commenced on July this year, it declared the coming of the Taipei Universiade. The government should hasten their renovation/construction pace, and we hope that in the near future, Taipei City is ready to welcome over 10,000 athletes and personnel from 160 countries. Mayor of Taipei City said: If we are going to host it, we will do the best. We hope that all visitors can experience the best of Taiwan, and that the Universiade can successfully market Taiwan to the world.

因應 2017 年臺灣舉辦世界大學運動會,教育部體育署及各單項協會正如火如荼地展開運動員培訓制度與 計畫,歷年國內舉重運動員在國際競賽上成績表現亮眼,舉重一度被列為重點培訓項目,可知國人適合發展 舉重運動。本文目的為分析近年國內優秀舉重運動員的成績紀錄,評估目前舉重實力,預測 2017 年世界大學 運動會奪牌機會。所使用之方法是與 2011 年深圳及 2013 年喀山世界大學運動會第三名成績做交叉比對,分 析 17~28 歲(出生年為 1989 至 1999 年)舉重運動員歷年成績,篩選合適參賽人選及量級,預測其進步幅度,

探討我國 2017 年世界大學運動會舉重實力。分析結果顯示國內優秀舉重選手歷年成績與 2011、2013 年世界 大學運動會成績比對,發現女子 53、58、69 公斤級具較高奪牌機會,男子 56 及 105+ 公斤級可能較有奪牌 機會。國內選手賽前的選拔與集訓是影響比賽致勝關鍵,競賽前選手落實訓練與生活管理,將提升我國 2017 年的奪牌機會。

In response to the upcoming 2017 Taipei Universiade, the Sports Administration (SA) and various sports federations are gearing up and proceeding with their training system and programs. In recent years, weightlifting athletes have claimed international renown, and weightlifting is listed as a prioritized training sport; it also shows that our physique is suited to the sport of weightlifting. This article aims to analyze recent records of outstanding weightlifting athletes and predict medal-winning chances for the 2017 Taipei Universiade based on current strength analysis. All analysis methods were cross-referenced with the results of the 2011 Shenzhen Universiade and 2013 Kazan Universiade; samples were past results of athletes born between 1989 and 1999, and suitable athletes were thus chosen to predict their ability to improve up till the 2017 Universiade. The results of our analysis indicate that in comparison to the results of the 2011 and 2013 Universiade, women’s 53kg, 58kg and 69kg categories have greater chance of winning medals than men’s’ 56kg and 105kg+ categories. The selection and joint training of athletes prior to the Games are critical to winning the Games, and thus by ensuring that athletes follow training and lifestyle governance properly, their chances to winning medals at the 2017 Universiade will be greatly enhanced.
