• 沒有找到結果。


為配合國家發展委員會推動「藍色經濟發展構想」政策,本署於 104 年 6 月 30 日函報「政 策引導型公共建設計畫-水域運動發展計畫」至行政院;計畫內容係以「小大鵬,大臺灣」為主軸,

將規劃於屏東大鵬灣設置國家帆船訓練中心,並藉由結合南高屏地區(臺南安平港、高雄西子灣 等)現有的海陸觀光休憩資源,促成國內第一個水域運動產業示範園區來引爆,進而擴展到其他 地區,讓國人有機會從海洋水域,看見不一樣的臺灣。

24 日

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18 日

新北市政府舉辦「2016 國際少年運動會(ICG)





29 日


20 日

運(1932 年,當時叫世運)、亞運(1954 年)、東亞運(1993 年)…。1987 年我們開始進軍世界大學運動 會(世大運),屈指算來,到今年閉幕的 2015 年韓國光州的第 28 屆世大運;臺灣的大學生運動員經歷過 28 年的 15 屆比賽,我們表現卓越,總計得到 46 面金牌、53 面銀牌、79 面銅牌,並且在滿「30 而立」值得紀 念的 2017 年即將當東道主接待全世界,承辦第 29 屆「臺北世大運」。各種國際運動會自然有不同的屬性、

有個別的競賽規則,但是回顧我國運動體育史,在參與世大運的過程裡,教育部、前行政院體育委員會、大 專體總及承辦的各位大學體育教師們殫精竭慮、兢兢業業,勇於任事、精於管理,在這個領域取得最大的參 賽效益,為我國體育事業擷取無上榮譽,為大學體育教育創造豐碩成果,也讓大學運動健兒在求學階段不但 未荒廢學業,也沒有中斷運動競技的強化。在臺北即將承辦世大運的前夕,匯整過往歷史吉光片羽,或許我 們可從中獲得若干新的體會。

In the history of the Republic of China's (ROC) participation in international sporting events, the account began with the first appearance at the 1st Far East Championship Games in 1913;

subsequently, ROC appeared at the 1932 Olympic Games (known as the Games of the X Olympiad), 1954 Asian Games, 1993 East Asian Games, etc. In 1987, ROC entered for the first time in the Summer Universiade. As of the 28th Universiade in Gwangju, student athletes from ROC competed in 15 Universiades over a period of 28 years; our remarkable achievements included a medal tally of 46 gold medals, 53 silver medals, and 79 bronze medals. What is even more amazing is that Taipei City will serve as host to the 29th Universiade in 2017. Various international sporting events have their own unique characteristics and varying competition regulations, but in retrospect, in our nation’s sports history and in the process of participating in the Universiade, the collective efforts of the Ministry of Education, Sports Affairs Council,Executive Yuan, CTUSF and various competent authorities have achieved maximum results through diligence, dedication, courage and excellent management. In addition to claiming numerous honors for the nation, the synchronized efforts united all sources and created enviable achievements for university sports – this allowed student athletes to shine in their academic fields and continue to develop their competitive athletic skills. In the eve of Taipei Universiade, perhaps we can have a new understanding of ourselves as we reflect on how we got here.


1987 年 7 月 8 日第 14 屆南斯拉夫札格瑞布世界大學運動會,我國首次由大專體總組成代表團參賽,為 爾後臺灣參與國際大學運動競賽開啟了第一道門,也開啟了希望。當年,大專體總會長學校為臺灣師大,全 校動員奔走各項事務,並在教育部、外交部及中華奧會協助之下完成歷史使命。1987 年 3 月教育部指示秉精 簡、實力原則組團參賽,經評估後派出田徑及女排兩個運動種類,並組成 27 人的精緻代表團參賽。在會員大 會上,中國大陸對我國百般刁難,惟透過主席歡迎我國入會的補充說明及梁會長即席致謝之詞,最終成功申 請入會。籌備過程中環環相扣的細節,在有條不紊的規劃下,官方民間通力合作,逐步完成,都是促成我國 加入國際大學運動總會會員,並完成參加國際大學競賽願景的重要因素。我國選手由於第一次參賽,成績表 現及名次雖非亮眼,但仍在預期之內,其展現出不卑不亢的風度及運動家精神,為我國在各國與會人員當中 獲得了一致好評。尤其是透過世界大學運動會的參與,突破了外交的限制,更提供大學生極佳的運動競技舞 臺。這一路篳路藍縷,備極艱辛的關鍵過程,惟有透過文字,細數回憶,方能將這段偉大的歷史敘說成故事,


The 1987 Summer Universiade commenced in Zagreb, SR Croatia, SFR Yugoslavia (now Croatia) in 8th July 1987, and it was our nation’s first participation in the Universiade. Subsequently, the event opened the door for our nation and brought hope. That year, the alma mater of the president of the Chinese Taipei University Sport Federation (CTUSF) was the National Taiwan Normal University, and the whole school was mobilized to achieve all matters; with the help of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, a historic feat was accomplished. In March 1987, the Ministry of Education directed the formation of a delegation based on athlete strength; after much evaluation, a delegation of 27, composed of athletes in track & field and women’s volleyball, was formed. During the general assembly, great opposition was exerted from representatives of the People’s Republic of China (PRC); however, great welcome by the president of FISU and CTUSF president finally secured our nation’s entrance to FISU. During the preparation process, careful planning, synergy between government and private sectors, all serve to contribute to the successful fulfillment of our vision to participate in Universiade. Even though results of our first-time participation were spectacular, they were within the range of expectations. However, our athletes demonstrated their sportsmanship and won the acclaim of most competing nations and athletes. This feat was remarkable as it surpassed diplomatic limitations and provided university students with a world-class competition arena. This heart-felt journey and the numerous obstacles it has to overcome can only be passed on through words and detailed accounts in the form of stories; let’s keep the flame burning.

業領域,服役於陸光田徑隊王守千教練嚴格督訓,促使筆者達到世大運參賽標準,見識世大運賽會規模與特 色,感受國際賽會觀眾的熱情,並體驗許義雄教授等人的學養風範,深信體育是最佳的全人教育。

The scale and scope of the Universiade is only second to that of the Olympic Games, and is the competitive paradise of university sports. From my own perspective, as I reflect back on Taiwan’s first participation in 1987, I am thankful for the following mentors: passionate instruction from my enlightenment teacher Liu Ming-yang, introduction to sports professionalism by teacher Lei Yin-hsiong, and disciplinary instruction from coach Wang Shou-chien of the Luguang Track & Field team; through their efforts and guidance, we were able to participate in the Universiade and experience firsthand the scope and uniqueness of the Universiade, embrace the passion of the international audience, and learn moral character from professor Hsu Yi-hsiung. We firmly believe sports is the best whole-rounded education.
