• 沒有找到結果。

出國時間地點 20070601~20070812 國外研究機構 芬蘭土庫未來研究中心

一、2007/06-08 芬蘭田野調查訪談名單

機構 受訪人 日期 地點 備註


(Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics)

Dr Jari Kaivo-oja , Research Director

2007/06/01 Research Manager

2007/07/04 Helsinki 首先聯繫 Pirjo Kyläkoski, FinnSight 2015。

(4) 芬蘭貿工部技術處 (Ministry of Trade and Industry, Technology policy department)

Hannes Toivanen,

Senior Researcher,

VISION ERA-NET coordinator

2007/07/06 Helsinki 了解芬蘭貿工部技 術政策與VISION ERA-NET歐盟創新政 策學習網絡計畫 (5)國家消費者研究中心 Petteri Repo, 2007/07/09 Helsinki 了解芬蘭在技術應

(National Consumer Research Centre)

Research manager 用上的消費者與市 場分析

(6)芬蘭經濟研究中心 (The research institute of Finnish economy ,ETLA)

Dr Terttu Luukkonen 2007/07/10 Helsinki 了解芬蘭國家創新 系統歷史與運作 (7) Professor Ahti Salo


Professor Ahti Salo 2007/07/12 Turku 了解芬蘭創新系統 網絡機制、創新前瞻 與預測技術等。

二、訪談問題一版 The main issues of the interview:

About the Finnish innovation system:

(To find some facts and practices to show the networking)

Q1: Finnish innovation system emphases the close cooperation and networking at all levels, can you give us some project cases or policy practices from your position or observation to illustrate that how different actors work together?

Q2: From your own expertise and perspectives, what is your opinion about the Finnish Innovation System? What about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? Or how would you describe the Finnish model? Why the “innovation” is emphasized specially for Tekes now?

Q3: How to make sure that there is good collaborations between company, university and research institutes? By the founding principles and contracts, or the evaluation reports? Any concrete policy measures or actions?

Q4: Can you give us an example to illustrate the relationship between the VTT, Universities, TE-centres, centres of expertise, and technology and science park? How do these different actors in the system build up the close and long-term networking

by projects or programs?

Q5: Presently, the question how to make more out of long-term investments to innovation, research and technological development in the midst of global competition is occupying the minds of Finnish decision-makers. What is your opinion?

How to raise the value of innovation and ensure the long-term investments and a good balance between input and output? How to evaluate? Or is it the necessary investment to give considering to the intangible asset or tacit knowledge which were create in the process of innovation?

Q6: From the starting point of innovation system, an important issue is to seek to have the synergy as a whole system, what are the strategies to orchestrate innovation policy across sector boundaries horizontally and at the same time vertically at national and regional levels? What are your opinions or suggestions?

Q7: Does the foresight an important policy tool for the strategic industry development?

Q8: About the management of effective innovation processes, how to strengthen in your suggestions?

Q9: What is the meaning of the “Finnsight 2015” to Finland Does the government use Finnsight 2015 to claim its vision for future and seek to the consensus through the discussion in the foresight platform?

Q10: In the knowledge system, talking about knowledge acquisition and distribution, knowledge creation, knowledge standardization and regulation, knowledge use and application, in which part would be the good practices Finland innovation system does from your opinion?

Q15: In the age of open innovation and dynamic, how does the policy maker act to respond the trend? And how to make sure that the knowledge would be embedded in the society under the open innovation context in the long term?

Q16: How to manage the foresight network? And what is the different between foresight and forecast?

Q17: How about the relationship between the EU resources or projects and Finnish networking?

About FinnSight 2015:

1. What is the role of foresight in the innovation system? Is it inspired by other countries’ foresight plans? How often it takes?

2. Is there any special methodology to generate the foresight? Is it a long-term research oriented effort or a short-term brain storming process that reached conclusion quickly?

3. Do you plan to measure its validity and impact in the future? If you do, are there already criteria of evaluation?

4. We see many industry/academic fields highlighted in the proposal. Is there any industry/academic fields discussed during the process but was finally dropped out of the proposal? How do you justify the inclusion or exclusion of certain trends?

5. How do you describe the relationship between these keywords: future, innovation, value, knowledge, and dynamic?

Cooperation between Academic institution and other actors of the society in Finland

1. Do state-funded research institutes and universities in Finland connect well to the private businesses? When measuring performance of the mentioned institutions, is it contribution to industry used as an indicator?

2. When undergraduates graduate does they possess necessary skills for their career?

Is it common in Finland that undergraduates work in private business as interns?

3. In FinnSight 2015, when a trend is identified, the correspondence academic research and industrial innovation were often considered at the same time. Is it common in Finland that private business and schools working together on a regular basis? Is the institutional environment of schools in Finland particularly friendly to cooperation with industry?

4. How does the education system do to promote the entrepreneurship of students?



包含議會未來委員會的重要性、未來研究社群、未來預測,以及 Tekes 的角色及 其評估機制對於專案管理之影響。因此茲將其說明如下:


隨著科技的發展及其對於社會的影響遽增,面對科學與技術對於產業經濟的 各項影響與政策制訂,美國的國會曾於 1972 年成立「科技評估辦公室」(the office of technology assessment, OTA),將其規模,由原本小型研究室擴增 為將近有 140 位員工的研究性機構1。因此,在 1980 年代,許多歐洲國家也相繼 成立類似的科技評估(TA)辦公室,例如荷蘭、丹麥與英國,以對於議會的決策 進行政策建言與支援2

芬蘭「未來委員會」(the committee for the future),是一個特別的制度 設計,專職於對於廣泛「未來相關議題(future-related)」的關注。而此新制度 的初始則奠基於芬蘭在 70s 與 80s 年代在未來導向議題研究上的強化,其後 1992 年政府被要求必須對於芬蘭的未來提出論述,而考量到議會成員平日關注與著力 的焦點在於短程的議題,對於長程未來的政策卻缺少宏觀思維,因此於芬蘭 1993 年於議會開啟「未來委員會」的運作。

1993 年至目前為止,此「未來委員會」仍在運作中,其歷史變革在此略為 說明。其於 1994 年提出第一份政府對於未來論述的報告,第二次論述於 1996/10~1997/04 提出,第三次則於 2001 年秋,這些對於國家未來政策發展與 方向的評估報告之展望時程為未來 5~10 年,討論的政策議題包含各領域,正對 應未來委員會的運作係以聆聽各領域專家意見為基礎。其間於 1997 年,未來委 員會曾經再成立一個專職為 TA 活動負責的 TA 子小組,以協調與組織 TA 活動。

在 2000 年,未來委員會成為正式的議會委員會(目前芬蘭議會中共有十六個各 領域的委員會)。在組機架構上,該委員會包含 17 位成員,三位公職人員:

counselor、研究員、秘書。其主要的功能包含:對於政府未來的發展方向提出 回 應 與 說 明 、 對 於 未 來 研 究 進 行 深 入 檢 視 與 監 控 、 替 議 會 進 行 科 技 評 估 (technology assessment, TA)活動以及協調。

但在 1999 年經過討論,將子 TA 小組停止,用意在於議會認為「未來委員會」

應該以其整體為議會關注的 TA 活動負責;同時間,Sitra(the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development),由議會直接督導的獨立公共資助機構,於同年決

1 美國的科技評估辦公室成立於 1972~1995 年,近來,因應複雜的科學、技術與社會發展,美



2 EX:the Rathenau Institute in the Netherlands; Teknologiradet in Denmark; and the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) in the United Kingdom.

議聘請 Dr Osmo Kuusi(未來研究方法學專家,亦為 Chair of the Finnish Society for Futures Research)為科技評估顧問專家(TA advisor)。整體未來委員會的運作更 直接仰賴未來研究及其方法學,更專注於科技評估。而整個委員會的運作在傳統 媒體上亦有高度的曝光,在 TA 報告中所提出的各種不同觀點,以及對於未來的 不同想像藍圖,在媒體上受到注意,也引起相關興趣團體的注意。

除了代表政府對於未來發展提出論述外,其可說是「科技評估」活動的啟始 者(initiator)、催化者與提倡者,對於整體芬蘭社會發展,扮演相當活躍角色。

因此,芬蘭的 TA 運作模式與上述其他國家並不相同(Salo & Kuusi, 2001)。 相對於其他國家的 TA 活動,芬蘭的「未來委員會」不僅僅替議會成員進行 TA 研究與分析,同時,議會成員本身也是 TA 的參與者,對於 TA 活動的研究構 成、研究報告產出的管理以及與知識擴散都有其影響力。亦即,從 S&T 政策發 展的過程來看,TA 活動成為「中介」的角色,在對話過程中將 TA 研究的觀點具 體外顯化,成為或影響具體政策,具知識管理上的外化功能。正因為 TA 報告在 未來委員會中受到重視,使得其後由未來委員會選擇出的重要科學與技術相關議 題,在其後受到產官學界持續的討論,引起社會注意。因為 TA 活動與研究,使 得未來委員會成為獨特的制度,在社會-政治環境皆具其影響力。


1、 替議會準備報告文件以提出回應,例如對於政府所釋出的未來發展政 策,提出議會的回覆與意見。

2、 因應其他議會委員會之要求,將相關的重要未來議題進行論述。

3、 對於未來經濟社會的發展要素與模式,提出討論的方向與議題。

4、 對於未來研究專家學者所提出的報告與方法學,進行分析與討論。

5、 對於科學技術的發展及其對社會的影響,在議會中扮演專職的評估者角 色。


「芬蘭未來研究中心」設立於 1992 年,於土庫、赫爾辛基與 Tampere 設有 辦公室。在成員組成與運作上,總計該中心之人員有 42 人(Turku: 22, Tampere: 10,

Helsinki: 10),包含 10 位執行董事。其倚重許多「跨領域」的專家與社群,以保

持其競爭力。這些中心研究成員加入許多國際網絡,成為其重要外部專家,包含 有 the Club of Rome3、千禧專案(the Millennium Project4)、World Futures Studies

3 The Club of Rome is a global think tank and centre of innovation and initiative.

As a non-profit, non govermental organisation (NGO), it brings together scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from all five continents who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies.資料來源:http://www.clubofrome.org/。

4 The purpose of the Millennium Project is to be an international utility to assist in organizing futures research by continuously updating and improving humanity's thinking about the future and making that thinking available for feedback as a geographically and institutionally dispersed think tank. 資料來源:http://www.acunu.org/。

Federation (WFSF)、World Futures Society (WFS)等這些重要的未來學研究網絡。

芬蘭土庫大學經濟與商學院並於 2005 年開始設立「未來研究」的碩士學位課程。

該中心研究重點在於「未來前瞻研究」(Foresight Research)、「教育研究」

(Educational Research)、「文化研究」(Cultural Research)、「願景領導」(Visionary Leadership)、「環境研究」(Environmental Research)領域。透過這些研究針對「未 來知識社會」的可能發展機會有更進一步瞭解、預先揭示其威脅並發展策略因應 其挑戰。該中心並致力於未來研究領域的「方法學」之創新與應用,扮演社群建 構與組織諮詢之角色,幫助政府單位發展未來預測之能耐、策略建構以及理性決 策。其研究專案跨越不同主題、具多元性,包含博士後研究。

「芬蘭未來研究中心」針對未來可能發生的社會形貌、其所將面臨的相關挑 戰與機會等進行研究,發展與提供各種未來想像的知識基礎,以為政府部門在政 策決策上的建議。其客戶包含政府部門與企業創業家,尤其是那些位居需求端上 的管理基層或專家。其以專業領域與國際市場為出發點,提供經過嚴謹探究、以

「芬蘭未來研究中心」針對未來可能發生的社會形貌、其所將面臨的相關挑 戰與機會等進行研究,發展與提供各種未來想像的知識基礎,以為政府部門在政 策決策上的建議。其客戶包含政府部門與企業創業家,尤其是那些位居需求端上 的管理基層或專家。其以專業領域與國際市場為出發點,提供經過嚴謹探究、以
