• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter 3 Methodology

2. Formality of words

立 政 治 大 學

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y

f. Syntactic particle

Syntactic particle involves in using question marker “嗎,” which semantically denotes a question, is taken as a feature of high semantic density word. Example (6) depicts this point.


M: ..對啊..就是..節目在講的…就整個炸掉..然後那個…旁邊的車全部都是 血就變紅了..地板上也全部都是紅的..那種…鯨魚的血肉整個都..炸飛..


F: (0)可是我覺得很怪耶..怎麼會爆炸<閩乎閩>

M: …(0.5)他那個是..不知道是怎麼樣就是

F: (0)壓力嗎還是什麼

In example (6), the female speaker shifts from low density words (pragmatic particles such as “耶” and “乎”) to a syntactic particle “嗎,” which has semantic denotation thus is considered as high semantic density word.

2. Formality of words

In this study, it is hypothesized that lexical formality is also applicable to manifest frame. When a lexical item’s semantic referential meaning is partially or completely subtracted, that lexical item is usually taken as less formal. In this study, formality of lexical items is divided into low formality and high formality. Since formality is influenced by contextual factors, such as topics and types of speech activity, it is presumed that shifting of word formality entails the existence of context of communication and its components. For instance, in professional talk, the situational formality is relatively higher, and the formality of words, as a reflection of the context, is also high; and vice versa.

In addition, it is proposed that linguistic features which distinguish formality of words include ellipsis, pro-form, pragmatic particle, discourse marker, vernacular, technical


term & jargon, syntactic particle, and archaic form (as opposition to vernacular). All these features are defined and illustrated below. Examples (7) to (11) are instances for SV form high formality to low formality; examples (12) to (14) are illustrations for SV in opposite direction.

a. Ellipsis

Ellipsis is one of the linguistic features which indicates low formality. Ellipsis includes abbreviation, blending, and acronym. In this study, only abbreviation and blending are found in the data. Example (7) is an illustration of ellipsis.


In example (7), speaker M2 shifts from jargons such as “研究所,” “國家考試,”

and “練筆” (which are taken as high formality words) to “上” as an abbreviation of

“考上,” which is considered as low formality word.

b. Pro-form

Pro-form, without semantic referential meaning, is more likely to be regarded as feature of low formality. Example (8) illustrates this point.


In example (8), the female speaker shifts from high formality word (jargon such as “全球經濟體系”) to pro-form “他們,” the semantic meaning of which is subtracted and, thus, considered as low formality word.

c. Pragmatic particle

Pragmatic particle, a word with pragmatic meaning but without semantic meaning, is also considered as a word of low formality. Example (9) is an illustration.


M2: ...(1.4)可我覺得台大心理跟我..唸心輔..其實原來好像不太一樣 M1: ... (0.4) 大學部的東西..我覺得..不知道

M2: ..(TSK)我覺得還是差滿多的耶..台大的很...(0.5)很...(0.6)很

In example (9), M2 speaker shifts from high formality words (jargons such as

“台大心理” and “心輔”) to pragmatic particle such as “耶,” which is pragmatically functional but semantically not functional, and, thus, considered as low formality word.

d. Discourse marker

Discourse marker, like pragmatic particle, which serves discourse function but carries no semantic meaning, is regarded as word of low formality. Example (10) is the illustration of discourse marker.


In example (10), the female speaker shifts from high density jargon such as “全球 暖化” and “二氧化碳排放量” to a discourse marker “對,” which is used as a form to regulate the communication process. It is thus considered as a low semantic density word.

e. Vernacular

According to Labov (1972), vernacular is the style that people take the least attention to the monitoring of speech; it is a person’s “most basic style.” Vernacular words include slang, cursing word, and casual expression, all of which are taken as words of low formality. In example (11), shifting to vernacular words is illustrated.


In example (11), the speaker shifts from high formality lexical items (jargons such as “因應,” “全球暖化,” and “二氧化碳排放量”) to vernacular form such as “搞不好,”

which is considered as low formality word. In addition, the speaker uses nick name “龍井 茶” to refer to a person in her speaking, which is used in informal context only.


‧ 國

立 政 治 大 學

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y

f. Technical term & jargon

Using technical term & jargon, which are usually used in more formal setting, are more likely to be regarded as words of high formality. Example (12) is an illustration.





In example (12), the speaker shifts from fragmental expression of low formality (such as “先淹的”) to jargon “全球經濟體系,” which is considered as high formality word.

g. Syntactic particle

The use of syntactic particle is considered as a feature of high formality.

Example (13) provides an illustration.


M1: ..(0.5)你說那個..這樣子...(1.8)是喔...(1.7)為甚麼 M2: ...(1.6)我覺得..那個需要有錢又有閒

M1: ...(1.2)那你不覺得非洲是更好的選擇嗎

In example (13), speaker M1 shifts from low formality expressions (such as pro-form “那個” and “這樣子”) to a syntactic particle “嗎” to denote an interrogative of the propositional content, which is, thus, considered as high formality word.

h. Archaic form

Contrary to vernacular word, archaic form is either formal or less formal, but never casual. Therefore, it is more likely to be regarded as high formality. Example (14) describes this point.


‧ 國

立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y


M2: ..應該是說..你可以在那一邊做幾個...(0.9)打工然後你又可以玩啊 M1: ...(2.2)可能吧..我覺得..因為..那時候電視新聞就在講..啊..學英文學英

文..這樣子可以..免費學英文..怎麼樣怎麼樣..那然後我就覺得那根本就 是狗屁..根本就是去那裡當廉價勞工

M2: ...(1.4)我覺得那應該是說..體驗另外一種生活還比較實在..我 覺得學英文反而是其次

In example (14), speaker M2 shifts from low formality words (pragmatic particle such as “啊”) to archaic form such as “其次,” which is considered as high formality word.