• 沒有找到結果。

Interchange Association (JAPAN) Taipei Office, Research Fellow


Since the Ma Ying-jeou administration took office in 2008, Taiwan and China began to restart “Chiang-Chen Talk” which had been suspended for 9 years. Furthermore, cross strait relations, especially economic relations, have begun to normalize in recent years. Under Ma’s administration, the number of Chinese visitors, including students and tourists, has been steadily increasing. These visitors numbered over 1.63 million in 2010 which was a 67.8% increase from the previous year. In January 2011, Taiwan agreed to enlarge the daily capacity of Chinese group tourists. In addition, Taiwan is going to go forward in this division, for example Taiwan is going to accept more formal university and grad students from Mainland from September 2011.

On movement of people in cross-straight, “scale” and “speed” will be more focused, which are based on huge population of China and big economic power of China Ma Ying-jeou intends to not only accrue economic benefit but also change mainland China by means of making an appeal of present situation of Taiwan and “soft power” of Taiwan to Chinese visitors, which is the first free and democratic area from viewpoint of politics and society in all ethnic Chinese communities around the world. On the contrary, China intends to make Taiwanese people depend on China more heavily, especially which means to extend its influence in sharing profits of Taiwan and its concerned. It is high time that Taiwan decide its attitude to growing China and its influence.

Keywords: Cross-strait relations, Tourism, Students, Soft Power, Economic Dependence


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