• 沒有找到結果。

Former Senior Researcher of the Institute for Future Technology


Hu Jintao’s military leading group has been kept at its strong power base.

Hu still trusts people who belongs same group with Jiang Zemin era and has assigned them to the important posts in the Central Military Commission.

The main interests of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) are enlarging a important point of their strategic task from power to win the war to talent for carrying out stratagem. Military new role “historical mission” gave them more powerful role in politics. The distinctive feature of political work is to put in a good amount of effort to making rules and regulations. China’s Taiwan policy has changed from “early reunification” to “anti-independent”.

After Beijing addressed their policy to safeguard their interests concerning sovereignty, national security and development, the U.S.-China military confrontation became very obvious in 2010. However, CPC’ central showed their strong initiative to solve this problem as Hu Jintao directly managed to improve relationship with U.S. At the fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, it was referred to the importance of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and adjusted its hard-line foreign policy. The top post in Committee of Border and Coastal Defense comes from military and Combat Operation Command team at the General Staff Department of the PLA takes charge of its operation to maintain its power in the coastal defense policy.

Keywords: Hu Jintao’s military leading group; military strategy and talent for carrying out stratagem; safeguard China’s interests in terms of sovereignty, security and development; building a moderately prosperous society in all respects; State Committee of Border and Coastal Defense


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