• 沒有找到結果。

Users’ values in the wellness

There are 17 personal values investigated from previous stages. The study divides it into 4 types, which are “The gradual progress in the wellness”, “The


How to use the P-HVM for design How to build a

proposed HVM The findings- from the

aspects of wellness and applications


efficiency in the wellness”, “The motivation can lead to better performance in the wellness” and “The quality in the wellness”. The values table is shown and explained as bellowed:

The gradual progress in the wellness.

Long-term habit Effectiveness Progress Achievement

The efficiency in the wellness.

Profession in sport/health

Efficiency but not profession in sport Right to choose

Cost performance index Fast and convenience The motivation can lead to

better performance in the wellness.

Strong motivation to do something

Already have strong motivation to take exercises Novelty

Coherent social network Image conscious

The quality in the wellness.


Privacy and security Return to nature Table 5-1 Values table

5.1.1 The gradual progress in the wellness

In this group, it tells that participants want to consider involving in physical activities as a long term habit. They think they can receive much effectiveness from taking exercise regularly and persistently

[Quote 01] Participant 3: “The free service attracts me to stay in it for a long run that can cause effectiveness and make me persistent.”

Once participants involve in physical activities, they want to see progress, they want to feel that they are getting better, which makes them achieved and



[Quote 02] Participant 3:”The sociability in the service can inspired me to do the best when I am taking exercise, which can help me getting progressive.”

[Quote 03] Participant 3:“If the level of the sporting game is too hard to complete, it’ll be annoying, and I’ll feel frustrated that fail to achieve the aim.”

According to the introduction in Chapter2, several studies have noted that designers should consider the question “Did users perceive the usage as good experiences?” when delivering the design. This type of values lends support to that idea.

Along with the progress, users will attain achievement, which makes them fulfilled and perceive the whole experience is useful and pleasing, and build it as psychology values in minds. Next time, when users facing the similar context, they will recall the experience, in order to attain the values, they may encourage

themselves to try again. The whole process will form as a cycle, and thus, users may develop it into a long-term habit.

5.1.2 The efficiency in the wellness

In this group, participants perceive moderate profession and restriction, good cost performance index, as well as convenience are ways to pursue efficiency in the wellness.

In detail, Participants think the services which can learn some health knowledge or host by doctors, coaches and dietitians are more professional and reliable. But somehow, some female participants point out that if the service is too professional, it’ll make them feel pressured or becoming masculine.

[Quote 04] Participant 4:“I think go to the gym using its facilities and guided by


coaches is more professional than playing sporting games, I don’t believe that sporting games are effective.”

[Quote 05] Participant 6:“I think the service is competitive, but it’s too professional to me that I’ll feel pressured.”

Although participants trust profession, they still want to have right to choose what they want to meet personal needs.

[Quote 06] Participant 4:“The service is already planned that I can’t skip what I don’t have interests. It makes me feel restricted. ”

All the participants care about cost performance index of a service. If they spend more money, they’d expect they can get effectiveness more efficiently from the service, such as getting slimmer as soon as they can. They also take convenience as a matter to increase efficiency, such as taking exercise anytime anywhere, which can make work out become faster and easier to access.

[Quote 06] Participant 4:“Because I care about cost performance index, I’ll be more diligent to get effectiveness.”

[Quote 07] Participant 7:“Taking exercise by phone is really into my life context. If I can access it easily, then I won’t be lazy doing it, so it can increase efficiency.”

The type of values support the claim, reported above in Chapter1, that

technological devices and applications can act as persuaders on wellness promotion domain.

The three aspects of mobile computing proposed in Chapter 2 add the supplement for it. Firstly, the mobile communication can send information data instantly, which can satisfy the values of fast, convenience and efficiency. Secondly, mobile hardware provides diverse functionalities, such as storage, processing capabilities and multimedia can deliver immersive instructions that are more

professional than traditional web portals. Lastly, mobile software in the APPs market


gains chances for users to experience and choose from, which meets the value of cost performance index.

5.1.3 The motivation can lead to better performance in the wellness

A lot of studies documented that being physically active requires motivations (Arteaga et al., 2010). We also got this information from our interviews. Participants commented that taking exercise is a hard work, so they need motivations to push themselves work out. Pursue novelty will make them assume the physical activity is not hard, it’s something enjoyable, attractive and lure them stay in it.

[Quote 08] Participant 2:“The reason that obliges me to take exercise is considering my health situation. I want to reduce weight to keep healthy and slim.”

[Quote 09]Participant 4:“I think taking exercise by my phone is really novel, and make me feel curious about it. And it’ll be a motivation to try it.”

The service combined with social activities is also a way to increase participants’

motivation, in which they can feel accompanied and interactive. Moreover, they can build young, cool and healthy images through sharing with friends.

[Quote 10] Participant 5:“I think sharing the information that I’m working out with my friends and get some encouragement can be very interactive, and also help me build a cool and healthy image.”

Sometimes the participants already have regular exercise habits that they don’t need strong motivations to push themselves. In this situation, they consider the services with too many fancy functions are out of context of taking exercise.

[Quote 11]Participant 5:“I think the functions “avatar” and “complete the mission and level up” are additional and out of context, because I already have the habit, and don’t need any strong motivation to press myself.”


This type of values likewise appeared in the definition of wellness in Chapter2.

Adams et al. (1997) conceptualized wellness from a systems perspective, includes the social dimension that one will keep friends and families in his relationships, and support each other to attain secure self-identity and learn the meaning and purpose of life. Furthermore, Forlizzi and Battarbee (2004) proposed that fun and joy of use is now recognized as good user experience. Hence, combining sociability and

enjoyment can be the motivation to involve in the wellness, which also meets the conclusion from Jääskö and Mattelmäki (2003), personal motivation, attitudes and values having influence in the user experience.

5.1.4 The quality in the wellness

The participants in the study are all economic independent. Thus, while

speaking about charges, they think the quality is more important than the price. They also think the service with higher price deliver better quality and bring them privacy and security.

[Quote 12] Participant 4: “I think sport center is crowded, without privacy and facilities aren’t maintained well. I’d rather spend more money on World gym with higher level.”

Although indoor gyms are more comfortable and set up with professional facilities, participants still prefer outdoor sports. They enjoy scenery and fresh air, which make them getting close to nature.

[Quote 13]Participant 1:“I really enjoy jogging along the riverside that I can listen to the voice and seeing the scenery of nature.”

The value about quality was discussed by Renger et al. (2000) in Chapter 2. They indicated environmental wellness as the impact on and balance between nature and


community resources. It explains people’s instincts of pursuing nature and seeking for privacy and security to feel relax and relieved.

Through the conclusion of values from our study, we can know that users pursue progress and efficiency from different types of motivations, and enjoy the quality of wellness living style. In sum, these values are emerged to pursue a good user

