名詞釋義 (續) Glossary of Terms (Cont’d)
資助學校 Aided School
由志願團體開辦的學校。這些學校的辦學經 費,主要由政府按照統一的資助則例撥與。
A school operated by a voluntary body and mainly financed by the Government through the unified Code of Aid.
按位津貼學校 Caput School
受政府以按位津貼形式資助的學校(即按每名 學生計算)。
A school which receives Government assistance in the form of a Per Caput Grant (i.e. on a per student basis).
每班人數 Class Size
在統計參照日(即9月中)各班所註冊的學生人 數 。 如 一 班 內 有 不 同 級 別 的 學 生 ( 即 混 合 班),各級別的學生人數會以個別級別所有的 學生計算。而班級數目則按該班內不同級別的 數目而分為二分之一班、三分之一班等。
The number of students registered in a class as at the reference date (i.e. mid-September). For a combined class with students from different grades, the class size of a particular grade is the number of students of that grade. The number of class is counted as one-half, one-third, etc. according to the number of grades in the class.
直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS)
一項在1991年推行的計劃,目的旨在使教育制 度更多元化,以為家長提供更多選擇。在這計 劃下,直接資助學校在符合基本教育標準的情 況下,可自行決定課程、學費及收生條件。政 府所給予的資助,則視乎有關學校的收生人數 而定(即有關學校能否吸引家長)。
A scheme introduced in 1991 to inject more variety into the education system to provide parents with more choices. Under the scheme, schools are free to decide their curriculum, fees and entrance requirements that are consistent with basic education standards.
Government subsidy may vary depending on the number of enrolment in the schools, i.e. on the success of the schools in attracting parents.
名詞釋義 (續) Glossary of Terms (Cont’d)
英基學校協會學校 English Schools Foundation Schools
「英基學校協會」是在1967年根據有關條例成 立,在香港或其他地方擁有、管理、管治和營 辦學校,該等學校是不分種族及宗教、提供以 英語為媒介的現代的通才教育予能從上述教育 獲益的男童及女童的。
They refer to those international schools operated under the administration of the English Schools Foundation (ESF). The ESF was established by Ordinance in 1967 to own, manage, administer and operate within Hong Kong or elsewhere schools offering, without regard to race or religion, a modern liberal education through the medium of English language to boys and girls who are able to benefit from such an education.
官立學校 Government School
完全由政府資助及直接營辦的學校。 A school wholly financed and operated by the Government.
級別 Grade
代表學生在一個學年內所修讀的學校課程。 A division of the instructional programme of a school representing the work of one school year.
國際學校 International Schools
指主要為非本地學生提供完整的非本地正規課 程,並經教育局認可為國際學校的學校。國際 學校包括「英基學校協會」屬下的學校及其他 私立國際學校。
They refer to those schools recognised by the Education Bureau as international schools that offer full non-local formal curricula primarily for non-local students. They include schools under the English Schools Foundation and other private international schools.
幼稚園教育計劃 Kindergarten Education Scheme
由 2017年開始,政府推行新的幼稚園教育計
政府會直接向參加幼稚園教育計劃的合資格本 地非牟利幼稚園提供資助。政策目的是提供易 於負擔的優質幼稚園教育,以及提高學童按其 所需接受不同模式幼稚園教育的機會。
From 2017, the Government has implemented the new Kindergarten Education Scheme to replace the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme. Under the new policy, eligible local non-profit-making kindergartens joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme will be provided with direct subsidy. The policy objectives are to provide quality and highly affordable kindergarten education, and to enhance students’
access to different services that suit their needs.
名詞釋義 (續) Glossary of Terms (Cont’d)
本地學校 Local Schools
幼稚園方面,本地學校是指根據香港課程發展 議會頒布的最新幼稚園課程指引,提供全面的 本 地 課 程 的 幼 稚 園 ( 包 括 幼 稚 園 暨 幼 兒 中 心)。
For kindergartens, local schools refer to those kindergartens (including kindergarten-cum-child care centres) which offer a full local curriculum in accordance with the latest kindergarten education curriculum guide issued by the Curriculum Development Council of Hong Kong.
就中、小學而言,本地學校是指提供本地正規 課程的學校,而該校學生準備參與本地公開考 試(例如:香港中學文憑),以及主要為本地 學生提供非本地正規課程的直接資助計劃學校 及私立學校。
For primary and secondary schools, local schools refer to schools which offer a local formal curriculum and whose students are prepared to sit for local examinations (e.g. the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education), and those Direct Subsidy Scheme schools and private schools which offer non-local formal curricula primarily for non-local students.
非牟利幼稚園和私立獨立幼稚園 Non-profit-making Kindergartens and Private Independent Kindergartens
本港所有幼稚園(包括幼稚園暨幼兒中心)均 屬私營,主要可分為非牟利和私立獨立幼稚園 兩大類。非牟利幼稚園是指根據《稅務條例》
獲豁免繳稅的幼稚園。所有參加幼稚園教育計 劃的幼稚園必須為非牟利幼稚園。而私立獨立 幼稚園是指不屬於非牟利類別的幼稚園。
All kindergartens (including kindergarten-cum-child care centres) in Hong Kong are privately run. There are two main categories of kindergartens, namely non-profit-making kindergartens and private independent kindergartens. The former refers to those kindergartens granted tax exemption under the Inland Revenue Ordinance. All kindergartens joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme must be non-profit-making kindergartens. Private independent kindergartens refer to those kindergartens which do not belong to the non-profit-making category.
私立獨立學校 Private Independent Schools
私立獨立學校是根據 1999年私立學校政策檢討
Private Independent Schools are private schools established under the Private Independent School Scheme which was launched pursuant to the 1999 Private School Policy Review. Most of the Private Independent Schools operate non-local formal curriculum course.
私立學校 Private Schools
私立學校屬於私營學校,以自負盈虧和市場運 作的原則營辦。
Private schools are privately run and operate on a self-financing and market driven basis.
名詞釋義 (續) Glossary of Terms (Cont’d)
重讀生 Repeaters
重讀生是指 Repeaters refer to
甲 ) 在統計參照日(即9月中)就讀與上個學
年同一級別的學生,不論他們是在同一 學校重讀,或是從另一學校轉校重讀,
a) students who as at the reference date (i.e. mid-September), are studying the same grade as they were in the last school year regardless of whether they are studying in the same school or have been transferred there from another school, or
乙 ) 在上個學年內輟學而現時就讀輟學前同一
級別的學生,不論他們以前是在那一所學校就 讀。
b) students who had withdrawn from studies during the last school year and are now attending the same grade as they did before they withdrew regardless of the school they previously attended.
學校 School
在學年初正在辦學的教育機構,而不論其註冊 學生人數。學校的數目是以註冊數目計算。一 間學校可以有一個或多個校址,以及有一個或 多個學校行政單位。另一方面,兩間或以上的 學校亦可分佔同一個校址辦學,及由一個或多 個學校行政單位管理。
An education institution in operation at the beginning of the school year, irrespective of the number of students enrolled. The number of schools is registration based. A school may be situated at one or more locations and managed by one or more school administrations. On the other hand, two or more schools may share accommodation in a single premises and managed by one or more administrations.
學校數目的統計數字是由教育局學校發展分部 提供。藝術與科技教育中心(前稱實用教育中 心)、可觀自然中心暨天文館和明愛陳震夏郊 野學園亦包括在學校數目內。
Statistics on the number of schools are provided by the School Development Division of the Education Bureau. The Arts & Technology Education Centre (previously known as Practical Education Centre), Ho Koon Nature Ed Cum Astronomical Centre and Caritas Chan Chun Ha Field Studies Centre have been included in the total number of schools.
學校類別 Sector
學校可根據經費來源及營辦方式而劃分為官 立、資助、按位津貼、直接資助計劃、私立及 國際。
Schools are classified into government, aided, caput, Direct Subsidy Scheme, private and international according to the mode of financing and operation.
上課時間 Session
學校指定學生回校上課的一段時間。學校可分 別開辦上午班、下午班及全日制班級或同時開 辦上述班級。
A period of time on a school day in which a group of students attend school. Schools may operate AM, PM, and Whole Day sessions separately or in combinations.
名詞釋義 (續) Glossary of Terms (Cont’d)
普通學校內的特殊班 Special Class in Ordinary School
在普通學校內特別為視障/聽障、或在學習方 面有困難的兒童所開辦的班級。只有很少數的 非公營普通學校開辦特殊班。
A class operated in an ordinary school for visually/hearing impaired children and for those with learning difficulties. Only a very small number of non-public sector ordinary schools are operating special classes.
特殊學校 Special School
A school which provides education for children with more severe disability, e.g. visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical disability and intellectually disability.
學生人數 Student Enrolment
照日(即 9月中)的就讀人數。所列數字已包括
Student enrolment in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools refers to the number of students in these schools as at the reference date (i.e. mid-September). Figures shown include the number of repeaters.
Student Enrolment Statistics, 2019/20
(頁 118-124)