• 沒有找到結果。

Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Secondary Day Schools by Grade, 2009-2019

Figures include ordinary secondary day schools, but not special schools and secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

Figures on operating classes in a very small number of non-public sector schools involve a small number of combined classes, i.e. classes operated in the same classroom comprising students of different grades. When counting the total number of classes in a school, a combined class is treated as one class. When counting the number of classes broken down by grade, a combined class is split into different classes in proportion to the number of students from each grade and the numbers are rounded to the nearest integer. Accordingly, figures on operating classes for individual grades may not add up to the total number of classes in schools.

Figures on accommodation refer to the number of students that can be accommodated in operating classes (excluding vacant classrooms) in accordance with the planned class sizes as adopted by schools concerned.

Upon implementation of the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure, there are no subsidised Secondary 7 places under the local curriculum starting from 2012.

在很少數的非公營學校中,開辦班數涉及少數的混合班,即一班內有不同級別的學生於同一課室上課。於計算每所學校總班數時,混 合班只會視作一班計算。當計算按級別劃分的班數時,混合班會根據不同級別學生人數的比例分拆,並按四捨五入以整數表列。因此



4.1 (續) 2009年至2019年中學日校開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 ─ 按級別統計 (Cont'd)

(B) 本地學校

Local Schools

級別 Grade 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

所有級別 班數 Classes 12 945 12 917 13 819 12 550 12 253 11 982 11 726 11 464 11 363 11 288 11 298 All Grades 學額 Accommodation 479 187 469 335 504 780 453 412 430 774 408 046 389 093 374 796 367 396 361 042 360 268 學生人數 Enrolment 455 622 435 276 452 179 403 257 379 257 356 689 336 079 321 488 313 848 308 020 309 417 重讀生人數 Repeaters 18 384 18 095 14 005 14 195 13 505 12 566 11 545 10 678 9 931 9 352 8 814

中一 班數 Classes 2 104 2 062 1 883 1 897 1 865 1 853 1 840 1 828 1 833 1 877 1 906

Secondary 1 學額 Accommodation 77 654 72 227 65 785 65 970 62 555 60 590 58 558 58 233 58 492 59 612 61 782 學生人數 Enrolment 73 101 66 708 61 673 62 086 57 167 54 346 52 155 51 612 52 809 54 930 58 226 重讀生人數 Repeaters 2 701 2 833 2 369 2 171 2 447 2 494 2 451 2 446 2 176 2 092 1 968

中二 班數 Classes 2 146 2 107 2 060 1 879 1 898 1 862 1 847 1 830 1 829 1 828 1 871

Secondary 2 學額 Accommodation 82 540 77 875 72 525 65 892 66 084 62 626 60 757 58 626 58 430 58 516 59 717 學生人數 Enrolment 77 556 73 096 66 722 61 396 61 621 56 707 53 603 51 653 51 585 52 585 54 689 重讀生人數 Repeaters 2 940 2 914 2 500 2 118 2 103 2 139 2 023 1 939 1 888 1 829 1 740

中三 班數 Classes 2 189 2 136 2 097 2 058 1 879 1 896 1 863 1 844 1 825 1 822 1 825

Secondary 3 學額 Accommodation 84 936 82 611 77 901 72 703 65 924 66 061 62 724 60 834 58 627 58 398 58 557 學生人數 Enrolment 80 497 76 200 72 244 66 437 60 875 60 959 56 224 53 439 51 514 50 992 51 961 重讀生人數 Repeaters 2 362 2 541 2 497 2 333 2 071 2 071 2 014 1 909 1 839 1 658 1 557

中四 班數 Classes 2 252 2 248 2 214 2 198 2 158 1 991 1 987 1 942 1 894 1 873 1 872

Secondary 4 學額 Accommodation 85 770 85 642 83 686 78 527 73 168 66 273 66 496 63 224 61 157 59 134 58 834 學生人數 Enrolment 79 516 79 694 75 024 71 030 65 330 59 837 59 561 55 305 52 585 50 446 49 810 重讀生人數 Repeaters 2 951 4 058 3 643 3 272 3 092 2 809 2 569 2 530 2 387 2 232 2 139

中五 班數 Classes 2 209 2 298 2 250 2 219 2 199 2 158 1 995 1 992 1 956 1 906 1 883

Secondary 5 學額 Accommodation 86 309 87 760 86 181 83 504 78 728 73 384 66 448 66 651 63 449 61 449 59 261 學生人數 Enrolment 82 995 77 382 75 307 70 865 66 988 61 616 56 254 56 013 52 178 49 414 47 405 重讀生人數 Repeaters 6 396 4 874 2 752 2 493 2 273 2 022 1 786 1 379 1 388 1 284 1 177

中六 班數 Classes 1 026 1 038 2 283 2 274 2 223 2 191 2 160 1 995 1 992 1 947 1 905

Secondary 6 學額 Accommodation 31 124 31 674 87 207 86 320 83 702 78 514 73 406 66 499 66 501 63 156 61 280 學生人數 Enrolment 32 052 31 917 70 799 71 033 66 793 62 695 57 714 52 887 52 525 49 009 46 647

重讀生人數 Repeaters 536 409 29 1 808 1 519 1 027 700 474 251 256 233

中七 班數 Classes 1 019 1 028 1 032 25 31 31 34 33 34 35 36

Secondary 7 學額 Accommodation 30 854 31 546 31 495 496 613 598 704 729 740 777 837

學生人數 Enrolment 29 905 30 279 30 410 410 483 529 568 579 652 644 679

重讀生人數 Repeaters 498 466 215 - - 4 2 1 2 1

-註: (1) 數字包括普通中學日校,但不包括特殊學校及由營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所開辦的日間中學課程。

(2) 數字反映該年9月中的情況。


(4) 學額數字指有關學校按照其預設班額所開辦的班數(不包括空置課室)而可容納的學生人數。

(5) 在推行新高中學制後,本地課程自2012年起沒有中七津貼學額。

(6) 部分本地非公營學校開辦非本地正規課程。

Notes: (1)

(2) Figures refer to the position as at mid-September of the respective years.


(4) (5) (6)

Figures on operating classes in a very small number of non-public sector schools involve a small number of combined classes, i.e. classes operated in the same classroom comprising students of different grades. When counting the total number of classes in a school, a combined class is treated as one class. When counting the number of classes broken down by grade, a combined class is split into different classes in proportion to the number of students from each grade and the numbers are rounded to the nearest integer. Accordingly, figures on operating classes for individual grades may not add up to the total number of classes in schools.

Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Secondary Day Schools by Grade, 2009-2019

Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.




Figures include ordinary secondary day schools, but not special schools and secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

Figures on accommodation refer to the number of students that can be accommodated in operating classes (excluding vacant classrooms) in accordance with the planned class sizes as adopted by schools concerned.

Upon implementation of the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure, there are no subsidised Secondary 7 places under the local curriculum starting from 2012.


4.1 (續) 2009年至2019年中學日校開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 ─ 按級別統計 (Cont'd)

(C) 國際學校

International Schools

級別 Grade 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

所有級別 班數 Classes 590 622 647 690 707 737 737 751 790 807 832

All Grades 學額 Accommodation 15 747 16 651 16 867 17 552 18 140 18 631 18 676 19 268 19 790 20 200 21 376 學生人數 Enrolment 13 844 14 461 14 908 15 530 16 088 16 442 16 530 16 664 16 956 17 478 17 977

重讀生人數 Repeaters 16 25 15 12 35 19 15 14 14 10 15

中一 班數 Classes 97 101 104 115 113 116 115 119 124 134 136

Secondary 1 學額 Accommodation 2 605 2 760 2 743 2 896 2 928 3 022 3 024 3 178 3 302 3 555 3 558 學生人數 Enrolment 2 329 2 516 2 589 2 672 2 716 2 805 2 820 2 867 3 036 3 210 3 328

重讀生人數 Repeaters 1 2 - - 4 4 3 2 6 1

-中二 班數 Classes 94 101 103 113 113 112 115 115 121 126 133

Secondary 2 學額 Accommodation 2 534 2 741 2 717 2 856 2 922 2 924 3 008 3 028 3 203 3 372 3 486 學生人數 Enrolment 2 310 2 364 2 494 2 621 2 703 2 720 2 736 2 771 2 829 3 018 3 181

重讀生人數 Repeaters 2 1 1 - - 1 - - - 2

-中三 班數 Classes 91 96 99 109 110 115 113 117 118 118 127

Secondary 3 學額 Accommodation 2 471 2 616 2 602 2 710 2 806 2 905 2 859 3 015 3 050 3 019 3 294 學生人數 Enrolment 2 233 2 293 2 288 2 455 2 549 2 616 2 575 2 613 2 593 2 645 2 860

重讀生人數 Repeaters 3 1 3 - 1 - 1 2 1 3 1

中四 班數 Classes 83 89 95 98 107 109 112 107 113 109 113

Secondary 4 學額 Accommodation 2 270 2 426 2 512 2 473 2 692 2 743 2 791 2 772 2 828 2 711 2 918 學生人數 Enrolment 2 006 2 156 2 255 2 216 2 317 2 371 2 378 2 332 2 384 2 347 2 396

重讀生人數 Repeaters 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2

中五 班數 Classes 78 85 90 94 96 106 105 108 107 112 114

Secondary 5 學額 Accommodation 2 141 2 259 2 345 2 472 2 444 2 601 2 609 2 732 2 632 2 773 2 939 學生人數 Enrolment 1 904 1 940 2 064 2 179 2 171 2 244 2 258 2 261 2 274 2 314 2 285

重讀生人數 Repeaters 2 11 4 5 4 3 2 - - 2 3

中六 班數 Classes 81 83 89 91 97 100 98 101 114 112 120

Secondary 6 學額 Accommodation 2 093 2 148 2 239 2 333 2 473 2 458 2 444 2 516 2 677 2 602 2 973 學生人數 Enrolment 1 777 1 816 1 829 1 938 2 056 2 079 2 121 2 136 2 144 2 197 2 177

重讀生人數 Repeaters 5 6 6 4 5 8 5 5 2 - 9

中七 班數 Classes 65 67 67 70 71 80 79 84 93 96 89

Secondary 7 學額 Accommodation 1 633 1 701 1 709 1 812 1 875 1 978 1 941 2 027 2 098 2 168 2 208 學生人數 Enrolment 1 285 1 376 1 389 1 449 1 576 1 607 1 642 1 684 1 696 1 747 1 750

重讀生人數 Repeaters - - - 2 20 2 3 2 2 -

-註: (1) 數字包括普通中學日校,但不包括特殊學校及由營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所開辦的日間中學課程。

(2) 數字反映該年9月中的情況。


(4) 學額數字指有關學校按照其預設班額所開辦的班數(不包括空置課室)而可容納的學生人數。

Notes: (1)

(2) Figures refer to the position as at mid-September of the respective years.



Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Secondary Day Schools by Grade, 2009-2019

Figures on accommodation refer to the number of students that can be accommodated in operating classes (excluding vacant classrooms) in accordance with the planned class sizes as adopted by schools concerned.

在很少數的非公營學校中,開辦班數涉及少數的混合班,即一班內有不同級別的學生於同一課室上課。於計算每所學校總班數時,混 合班只會視作一班計算。當計算按級別劃分的班數時,混合班會根據不同級別學生人數的比例分拆,並按四捨五入以整數表列。因此


Figures include ordinary secondary day schools, but not special schools and secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

Figures on operating classes in a very small number of non-public sector schools involve a small number of combined classes, i.e. classes operated in the same classroom comprising students of different grades. When counting the total number of classes in a school, a combined class is treated as one class. When counting the number of classes broken down by grade, a combined class is split into different classes in proportion to the number of students from each grade and the numbers are rounded to the nearest integer. Accordingly, figures on operating classes for individual grades may not add up to the total number of classes in schools.


4.2 2009年至2019年中學日校開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 ─ 按學校類別統計

Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Secondary Day Schools by Sector, 2009-2019

學校類別 Sector 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

各類學校合計 班數 Classes 13 535 13 539 14 466 13 240 12 960 12 719 12 463 12 215 12 153 12 095 12 130 All Sectors 學額 Accommodation 494 934 485 986 521 647 470 964 448 914 426 677 407 769 394 064 387 186 381 242 381 644 學生人數 Enrolment 469 466 449 737 467 087 418 787 395 345 373 131 352 609 338 152 330 804 325 498 327 394 重讀生人數 Repeaters 18 400 18 120 14 020 14 207 13 540 12 585 11 560 10 692 9 945 9 362 8 829

本地 班數 Classes 12 945 12 917 13 819 12 550 12 253 11 982 11 726 11 464 11 363 11 288 11 298 Local 學額 Accommodation 479 187 469 335 504 780 453 412 430 774 408 046 389 093 374 796 367 396 361 042 360 268 學生人數 Enrolment 455 622 435 276 452 179 403 257 379 257 356 689 336 079 321 488 313 848 308 020 309 417 重讀生人數 Repeaters 18 384 18 095 14 005 14 195 13 505 12 566 11 545 10 678 9 931 9 352 8 814

官立 班數 Classes 843 829 875 776 754 743 730 714 706 703 705

Government 學額 Accommodation 31 638 30 478 32 484 28 850 27 405 26 104 25 057 24 275 23 997 23 752 23 696 學生人數 Enrolment 30 146 28 659 29 798 26 313 24 937 23 540 22 260 21 360 21 013 20 574 20 551

重讀生人數 Repeaters 666 715 593 648 586 614 550 571 545 505 492

資助 班數 Classes 10 087 10 053 10 794 9 777 9 514 9 278 9 032 8 799 8 695 8 624 8 615 Aided 學額 Accommodation 377 601 368 072 396 668 355 585 335 170 314 959 297 362 284 559 277 875 272 027 270 996 學生人數 Enrolment 361 427 344 552 359 310 318 624 297 177 277 105 258 899 245 956 238 971 233 630 234 319 重讀生人數 Repeaters 13 209 12 837 10 753 10 538 10 147 9 733 8 881 8 201 7 723 7 290 6 809

按位津貼 班數 Classes 103 101 93 85 49 47 45 42 41 40 40

Caput 學額 Accommodation 3 696 3 716 3 484 3 196 1 806 1 681 1 573 1 445 1 385 1 325 1 318 學生人數 Enrolment 3 786 3 519 3 285 2 914 1 577 1 465 1 366 1 293 1 258 1 221 1 256

重讀生人數 Repeaters 133 174 118 95 43 35 52 61 40 50 56

直接資助計劃 班數 Classes 1 541 1 566 1 703 1 595 1 615 1 611 1 604 1 599 1 593 1 587 1 595 DSS 學額 Accommodation 54 884 55 926 62 396 57 779 58 422 57 828 57 340 56 606 55 950 55 358 55 369 學生人數 Enrolment 51 123 49 982 52 319 48 985 49 103 48 268 47 232 46 356 45 863 45 601 46 049 重讀生人數 Repeaters 3 259 3 502 2 333 2 448 2 311 1 922 1 819 1 653 1 490 1 407 1 333

私立 班數 Classes 371 368 354 317 321 303 315 310 328 334 343

Private 學額 Accommodation 11 368 11 143 9 748 8 002 7 971 7 474 7 761 7 911 8 189 8 580 8 889 學生人數 Enrolment 9 140 8 564 7 467 6 421 6 463 6 311 6 322 6 523 6 743 6 994 7 242 重讀生人數 Repeaters 1 117 867 208 466 418 262 243 192 133 100 124

國際 班數 Classes 590 622 647 690 707 737 737 751 790 807 832

International 學額 Accommodation 15 747 16 651 16 867 17 552 18 140 18 631 18 676 19 268 19 790 20 200 21 376 學生人數 Enrolment 13 844 14 461 14 908 15 530 16 088 16 442 16 530 16 664 16 956 17 478 17 977

重讀生人數 Repeaters 16 25 15 12 35 19 15 14 14 10 15

英基學校 班數 Classes 245 245 246 259 236 243 243 252 260 260 258

ESF 學額 Accommodation 7 012 7 024 7 025 7 020 6 979 7 006 6 990 7 030 7 186 7 220 7 194 學生人數 Enrolment 6 651 6 726 6 729 6 768 6 806 6 836 6 758 6 743 6 765 6 880 6 918

重讀生人數 Repeaters - 5 3 2 - 3 2 8 2 2 6

其他私立國際 班數 Classes 345 377 401 431 471 494 494 499 530 547 574

Other Private 學額 Accommodation 8 735 9 627 9 842 10 532 11 161 11 625 11 686 12 238 12 604 12 980 14 182 International 學生人數 Enrolment 7 193 7 735 8 179 8 762 9 282 9 606 9 772 9 921 10 191 10 598 11 059

重讀生人數 Repeaters 16 20 12 10 35 16 13 6 12 8 9

註: (1) 數字包括普通中學日校,但不包括特殊學校及由營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所開辦的日間中學課程。

(2) 數字反映該年9月中的情況。


(4) 部分本地非公營學校開辦非本地正規課程。

Notes: (1)

(2) Figures refer to the position as at mid-September of the respective years.


(4) Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.


Figures include ordinary secondary day schools, but not special schools and secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

Figures on accommodation refer to the number of students that can be accommodated in operating classes (excluding vacant classrooms)in accordance with the planned class sizes as adopted by schools concerned.


圖 11 2009年至2019年中學日校學額及學生人數

Chart 11 Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Secondary Day Schools, 2009-2019

圖 12 2009年至2019年中一每班平均人數 - 按學校類別統計 Chart 12 Average Class Size in Secondary One by Sector, 2009-2019

280 000 300 000 320 000 340 000 360 000 380 000 400 000 420 000 440 000 460 000 480 000 500 000 520 000 540 000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
