• 沒有找到結果。

The Historical Significance of Chang Shang-ying's Defense of Buddhism

在文檔中 張商英護法的歷史意義 (頁 35-52)

李穡雖曾表示「不樂釋氏」,但因為國王崇佛,遂從而支持佛教,為〈護 法論〉張目,使高麗佛教而得以益盛。[142]

綜上所論,張商英之護法,由輔翼叢林發展,提拔叢林人才,至作〈護 法論〉與排佛者辯,為佛法作不平之鳴,實在為後世護法者立下一個典 範。他雖主三教並尊,卻最重佛教,不能與北宋時主張三教一致論者同 日而語。

p. 164

The Historical Significance of Chang Shang-ying's

This article addresses the issue of the Confucian defense of Buddhism with special reference to Chang Shang-ying(1043~1121),who was prime

minister at the court of Emperor Hui-tsung (r.1101~1105).It discusses the historical significance of his patronage and defense of Buddhism. It offers a disinterested account of his active involvement with Buddhist institutions, his unflagging support of younger and outstanding clerics, his genuine concern for the reputation and growth of Buddhist institutions, and his lengthy apologetic writing defending the Buddhist dharma. The article analyses his famous essay, viz., "Essay in Defense of the Dharma" (Hu-fu lun), which challenged the Confucians' attack

p. 165

on Buddhism, and argues that it repressents a rational and logical discussion on the inherent differences between the two teachings. Unlike many

previous essays written to safeguard Buddhism, it is an appologetic writing which defends Buddhist dharma in its own terms rather than a doctrinal potpourri of two or three teachings.

The article consists of six sections. The first section defines the Chinese term hu-fa in the context of religious, or more specifically, Buddhist history, It explains that the formation of Sung hu-fa discourse was partly stirred up by the annoying resurgence of the traditional, chauvinistic I-hsia lun──a notion that asserts the alien origin of Buddhism and its inferiority vis-a-vis native Chinese culture. It also arose from the Sung anti-Buddhist proposition that "Buddhismgrew out of Confucians' inability to safeguard their own teachings." Chang Shangying took it upon himself to repond to this line of anti-Buddhist censure. The second section takes into account Chang's historical image, pointing out the contrasting roles he played in politics and religion. It demonstrates the significance of his hu-fa experience, which was made particularly evident by the manifold goals of his essay, the Hu-fa lun.

The third section details Chang's unswerving patronage of Buddhism on the basis of various Sung sources, including Buddhist histories, monastery records, Sung scholars' random jottings, and local gazettes. It argues that Chang supported Buddhist institutions as an offical as well as an individual, and his support clearly entails counsel and admonition. The fourth section discusses the possibility of Chang being inspired by some of his precursors, in particular Lung Ch'ang-ch'i (fl.Chen-tsung's reign),a native of his home province and a recluse scholar.

The fifth section of the article further discusses the background and motivation of Chang's writing of theHu-fa lun, along with its content and goals. This section comprises three parts: the first part focuses on Chang's refutation of anti_Buddhist strictures which Ou-yang Hsiu(1007~1072)and his cohort had passed on Buddhism; the second part outlines how Chang differentiated the three teachings and accentuated the supremacy of Buddhism; the third part depicts his seemingly rational interpretation of contemporary popular Buddhist beliefs. The final section reiterates Chang's assertion of the positive value and functions of Buddhism as a higher form of religion and the edifying effects of this favorable

p. 166

affirmations. It broaches the potential impact of Chang's work:as a retired prime minister and a Confucian elite who stood up to countering the anti-Buddhist condemnation and to protesting against the proscription of Buddhism, he would doubtless hearten the despondent Buddhist clergy who were despairing of their future.

In sum, Chang Shang-ying's defense of Buddhism was unprecedented. He insisted that rulers should be advised not to purge any religion, and that Buddhism is the ultimate cure of all social ailments which should in no way be condemned. His views and arguments appealed widely to pro-Buddhist Confucians in later times and enriched their works aiming at the defense of Buddhism. Much admired by fellow Chinese defenders, he also inspired the monks in Korea and Japan who braved the danger of religious persecution to defend the dharma on their respective lands.

關鍵詞:1.controversial 2.epistemology 3.apologetics 4.hermeneutics 5.metaphor 6.reality 7.upright 8.incorruptible

[1] 最近美國學者 John Keenan 著

有 How Master Mou Removes Our Doubts( Albany︰

State University of New York Press,1994)一書,係翻譯並討論《牟子 理惑論》之作。其書強調〈牟子理惑論〉一篇其實不是佛教教義的辯解


其立論基礎是牟子理惑論一篇幾無闡揚佛教教義之處,而實以藉儒說佛 為主。個人以為,這種以詮釋儒家思想使儒、佛同一化的論述,亦為「護 法」之途徑,因其目標在排除對佛教的敵視,以爭取信徒。

[2] 見契嵩《鐔津集》(商務影印《四庫全書本》)卷 1,〈原教〉,


[3] 詳見〈牟子理惑論〉,收於《中國佛教思想資料選編第一卷》 (北 京︰中華書局,1981),頁 8。

[4] 同上注。

[5] 見任繼愈主編《中國佛教史第三卷》(北京︰中國社會科學出版社,

1988),頁 102。

[6] 見《廣弘明集》(《大正藏》本)卷 11,〈上廢省佛僧表〉。

[7] 按《高識傳》一書已佚,此語見於法琳撰《破邪論》(《大正藏》


[8] 見《舊唐書》(臺北︰鼎文書局影印本)卷 79,〈傅奕傳〉。

[9] 《韓昌黎集》(臺北︰河洛圖書出版社影印本)頁 354~355〈 論 佛骨表〉。

[10] 同上注。

[11] 見石介《徂徠石先生文集》(北京︰中華書局點校本,1984),卷 6,頁 70~71,〈明四誅〉;又見卷 5,頁 60~61,〈怪說〉全文。

[12] 同上注,卷 12,頁 134~139,〈上趙先生書〉。

[13] 《徂徠石先生文集》,卷 13,頁 142,〈上蔡副樞書〉。

[14] 同上注,卷 13,頁 153~154,〈上劉工部疏〉。按︰劉隨初為言 官,以清直聞。官終工部郎中天章閣待制,故稱劉工部。見《宋史》(臺 北︰鼎文書局影印本)卷297,劉隨傳。

[15] 《歐陽修全集》卷 5,《集古錄跋尾》(一),頁 178~179,〈後漢 公昉碑〉。

[16] 《歐陽修文集》(臺北︰河洛圖書出版社影印本)卷 1《居士集》,


[17] 同上注。

[18] 《歐陽修全集》卷 6,《集古錄跋尾》(二),頁 14~15,〈唐司刑 寺大腳跡敕〉。

[19] 孫復的〈儒辱〉見《孫明復小集》(商務影印《四庫全書》本)。

[20] 《宋史》(臺北︰鼎文書局本影印本)卷 351,〈張商英傳〉。

[21] 《東都事略》(臺北︰商務印書館影印文淵閣《四庫全書》本)卷 102。

[22] 《容齋隨筆》(筆記小說大觀本)卷 16,頁 4。

[23] 見《全蜀藝文志》(臺北︰商務印書館影印文淵閣《四庫全書》本)

卷44,頁 22。

[24] 見《宋蜀文輯存》(香港︰龍門書店,1971)卷 50,頁 3。按︰唐 文若(1106~1165),字立夫,其父唐庚(1070~1120),曾受張商英 之薦,擢提舉京畿常平,張商英罷相,亦受貶惠州。唐文若作此祠堂記,

因有人情因素在,比之於唐張九齡,其語不免誇大。但其祠堂記謂「公 嘗嗜浮圖學,謂其要與孔、孟合」則為實錄。

[25] 見 Helwig Schimidt-Glintzer, "Zhang Shang-ying (1043~1122)

-- An EmbarrasingPolicy Adviser under the Northern Sung," 在衣穿強

(Kinugawa, Tsuyoshi)所編之《劉子健博士頌壽紀念宋史研究論集》

( Collected Studies on Sung History Dedicated toProfessor James T.

C. Liu in Cerelabration of His Seventieth Birthday)(京都︰同朋社,

1989),pp.521~530 。作者於文中稱張商英事實上為一「廉潔」

(incorruptible)的諫臣,而且在當時民眾印象中是「正直」(upright ) 的 官吏。他並舉《大宋宣和遺事》大觀四年(1110)條,徽宗與張商英的 對話來證明這種正面的形象。

[26] 見安藤智信〈宋の張商英について──佛教關係の事跡を中心とし て,《東方學》no.22;57~63(1961),〈張商英の護法論とその背 景(《大谷學報》42.3︰29~40(1963)。又見阿部肇一〈北宋の張商 英と佛教〉,原豋於《宗教學論集》收入《中國關係論說資料》30(1980)︰


[27] 吳澄《吳文正公集》(商務影印《四庫全書》本),卷 31〈跋張 丞相護佛論〉。

[28] 見《續藏經》冊 47(中華佛教會影印《續藏經》本),惠洪著《法 華經合論》及張商英〈護法論〉所引各經論。

[29] 考張商英之著作,除與佛教有關者外,還有《黃石公素書》、《息 諍論》、〈金籙齋三洞讚詠儀〉、〈金籙齋投簡儀〉、〈三才定位圖〉

等等,都是與道家有關之著作。除《息諍論》外,其餘皆存,皆收於《道 藏》。參看

Judith M. Boltz., A Survey of Taoist Literature,Tenth to Seventeenth C enturies (Berkeley : Institute of East Asian Studies, University ofCalifo rnia,1987) p.50。

[30] 本文所用之記錄包括︰《羅湖野錄》、《雲臥紀談》、《雪堂拾遺 錄》、《先覺宗乘》、《林間錄》、《嘉泰普燈錄》、《禪林寶訓》、


[31] 見《羅湖野錄》(臺北︰新文豐出版社,《卍續選輯》《史傳部》

卌12)頁 972;《釋氏稽古略》(《大正藏》卌 49)頁 878 上。這五位 名禪,究竟為誰,僧傳並未交代。但考各燈錄之記載,知這五位名僧當 包括廬山東林寺的照覺常總、歸宗寺的真淨克文、及他從潭州請來住持 洪州觀音寺的靈源惟清。唯常總不久即告遷化。

[32] 見《禪林僧寶傳》(新文豐《史傳部》冊 7)頁 563;《羅湖野錄》

頁971;《禪林寶訓順硃》(臺北︰文殊出版社《禪宗全書》冊 34)頁 395~396。又張漕江西時間,《羅湖野錄》時而說元祐六年,時而說七 年,前後矛盾,應以元祐六年為正確。參看下文注。

[33] 「皓布裩」之「皓」一作「浩」。《羅湖野錄》頁 965,及《雪堂 拾遺錄》(新文豐《史傳部》冊12)頁 958。

[34] 《雪堂拾遺錄》頁 958。

[35] 同上。撰塔銘事見《佛祖歷代通載》(《大正藏》冊 48)頁 674c

~675a,及《雲臥紀談》(新文豐《史傳部》冊 18)頁 32。按︰張商 英所撰〈荊門玉泉皓長老塔銘〉略謂元祐六年承皓遣人至江西見張商 英,謂「老病且死,得百丈肅為代可也。」可見元祐六年,張已在江西。

[36] 《羅湖野錄》頁 987~988。

[37] 見《大慧普覺禪師語錄》(文殊出版社《禪宗全書》冊 42)頁 470


1100),為黃龍慧南(1002~1069 ) 法嗣,靈源惟清之師,故說「全似 我晦堂老和尚」。

[38] 按︰湛堂文準為真淨克文法嗣,與覺范惠洪、兜率惠照為昆仲。大 慧因法友李彭(商老)之建議,赴荊南向致仕在家之張商英求塔銘。見


[39] 同上,頁 470~471。按︰死心悟新為黃龍祖心法嗣,與靈源惟清 為昆弟,繼祖心住持黃龍山。

[40] 見《大慧普覺禪師語錄》頁 472~474。原文謂「雅為右丞相呂舜 徒所重」。按︰呂好問字舜徒,呂公著(1018~1089)之孫,呂希哲之 子,呂本中(1084~1145)之父。高宗即位,拜尚書右丞,並未拜相,

故「右丞相」為誤稱。見《宋史》卷362〈本傳〉,及卷 213〈宋宰輔 年〉表頁5544。

[41] 見《石林避暑錄話》(京都︰中文出版社《宋元人說部叢書》本上 冊)頁215。

[42] 《禪林寶訓順硃》卷 2,頁 425。

[43] 《禪林寶訓順硃》卷 2,頁 366。

[44] 《禪林寶訓順硃》卷 2,頁 398。按︰歸雲如本為瞎堂靈隱惠遠法 嗣,住撫州疎山,為大慧宗杲法侄。

[45] 《僧寶正續傳》(新文豐《史傳部》冊 7)卷 1,頁 574。

[46] 同上,卷 2,頁 580。根據《僧寶正續傳》,惠洪入歸宗依真淨,

「研究心法,隨遷泐潭,凡七年,得真淨之道,辭之東吳」。按︰惠洪 於元祐七年(1092)入廬山歸宗寺依真淨,元符二年(1099)游東吳,

前後共計七年,張商英於紹聖三年(1096)入洪州淨名庵訪真淨,遂得 識惠洪。見筆者僧史家惠洪與其「禪教合一」說一文所附惠洪年譜簡 編〉,刊於《大陸雜誌》82 卷 5 期。關於惠洪與張商英有三十年之交情,

見惠洪《石門文字禪》(新文豐出版社影印本)卷24,頁 10 上〈送一 上人序〉,序中謂「餘游二老,蓋三十年,今俱成千古。」所謂「二老」


冊7)卷 7,頁 112 載兜率從悅塔於龍安之乳峰。同卷頁 129 載「張[無 盡]嘗自謂得龍安悅末後句」,是龍安為兜率禪寺所在,故兜率從悅又 稱龍安悅禪師,故其臨終前有偈說「四十有八,聖凡盡殺;不是英雄,

龍安路滑」。惠照既繼龍安悅所虛之席,自然稱龍安照禪師。其上堂語 有「龍安山下,道路縰橫,兜率宮中,樓閣重疊;雖非天上,不是人間」

之語,亦可以為證。見同書卷10,頁 174,《五燈會元》(北京︰中華 書局點校本,1984)卷 18,頁 1198。

[47] 見《僧寶正續傳》卷 2,頁 581~583。關於張商英邀惠洪出主禪剎,

見前引《石門文字禪》卷 29,頁 1 上~2 上〈上張無盡退崇寧書〉及〈上 張天覺退傳慶書〉。

[48] 關於大洪叢林之發展,筆者另有專文討論。見筆者〈宋代地方叢林 之形成、發展及中日佛教關係〉,將刊於《東亞傳統文化國際會議論文 集》(臺北︰正中書局,1995)。

[49] 《嘉泰普燈錄》列有南北宋外護三十五人,在張商英之前有十二人。

[50] 關於宋初皇帟與佛教,請參看筆者「宋太宗與佛教」一文,刊 於

《故宮學術季刊》卷12,二期,頁 107~133 ,及筆者

“ Imperial Rulership and Buddhism in the Northern Sung ”in Imperial

Rulership and cultural Change in Traditional China

( Seattle, Unitversity ofWashington Press,1994),pp.144~187。

[51] 見《東坡禪喜集》(臺北︰老古文化公司影印明徐長孺輯本)卷 5,


[52] 見《釋氏資鑒》(新文豐《史傳部》冊 2)頁 207~208。按︰據作 者元僧熙仲,富弼此書係引自《言行錄》並《紀談》,二者不詳是何書?


[53] 〈護法論〉(《大正藏》本)頁 639a。亦見前引《東坡禪喜集》

卷8,頁 7。

[54] 見鄧廣銘等編《宋史研究論文集》(河北︰教育出版社,1987)頁 414~440。

[55] 《宋史》卷 299,頁 9942,〈胡則傳〉。

[56] 同上注。

[57] 《范文正公集》(商務影印《四庫全書》本),卷 13,頁 19〈資 政大學士禮部尚書贈太子太師謚忠獻范公墓志銘〉。

[58] 同上注。

[59] 《安陽集》(商務影印《四庫全書》本),卷 40,頁 6 ,〈龍昌 期等授賜國子四門助教制〉。

[60] 《潞公文集》(商務影印《四庫全書》本),卷 11,頁 2~3,〈龍 昌期先生歸蜀序〉。

[61] 見吳文引劉喜海《金石苑》冊 6,〈宋賜龍昌期敕並文潞公劄子〉。

[62] 王闢之《澠水燕談錄》(京都︰中文出版社,《宋元人說部叢書》

本下冊,1980),卷 6,頁 5。

[63] 《續資治通鑒長編》(臺北︰世界書局本)卷 190,頁 9。

在文檔中 張商英護法的歷史意義 (頁 35-52)
