• 沒有找到結果。

Issues for Future Study


5.2 Issues for Future Study

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classifier are true classifiers in this experiment, there were totally thirty-nine test items that are definitely true classifiers. Finally, both the twenty-two core classifiers and thirty-nine non-core classifiers are grouped together as sixty-one true classifiers in Mandarin Chinese.

In the third part, sixty-one true classifiers are further classified according to their semantic meanings from the Mandarin Daily Dictionary of Chinese Classifiers (Huang et. al. 1997) in the bottom-up form because there are some defects in the traditional top-down semantic categorization. In the bottom-up semantic categorization of Mandarin Chinese classifiers, each classifier is given a brief description of its semantic meanings. Also each classifier starts from the lowest specific level to the highest general level to form a tree diagram. This bottom-up semantic categorization not only solves the defects in top-down semantic categorization but also provides an explicit semantic categorization of Mandarin Chinese classifiers.

To sum up, this thesis offers sixty-one strongly-confirmed true classifiers in Mandarin Chinese by means of four consentient linguistic norms, two mathematical methods and a questionnaire experiment. A bottom-up semantic categorization consisting of these sixty-one true classifiers offering an explicit semantic categorization was then derived.

5.2 Issues for Future Study

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Noting the discrepancies in the different inventories of Mandarin Chinese classifiers, this thesis offers a group of sixty-one true classifiers as definite classifiers in Mandarin Chinese. However, several issues remain unexplored. First of all, use statistics to analyze the result of the questionnaire experiment. The differences and the relations of the percentage of the three options in the questionnaire experiment can precisely explained through using statistics.

Second, there is the question as to whether these sixty-one true classifiers are also definite classifiers in other dialects such Taiwan Southern Min or Hakka. If these sixty-one true classifiers can also be identified as true classifiers in other dialects, these sixty-one true classifiers may be cross-linguistically approved as definitely true classifiers. If these sixty-one true classifiers do not all occur in other dialects, the classifier systems of different dialects are inferred to have cross-linguistical differences. Noticing, the language backgrounds of subjects have to be the same because the different language backgrounds may have an impact on the results.

Finally, there is an implication for these sixty-one true classifiers in the teaching Chinese as second language. As these sixty-one classifiers are definitely true classifiers, a list of these sixty-one classifiers will provide a norm for teachers when teaching classifiers and measure words and also help students to understand classifiers more easily.

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Taiwan Google: http://www.google.com.tw/

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現代標準漢語與粵語對照資料庫: http://win2003.chi.cuhk.edu.hk/hanyu/

分辨分類詞 (classifier) 和量詞 (measure word)

簡述分類詞(以下簡稱C)和量詞(以下簡稱 M):

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如:`對',`打'為典型量詞 一對夫妻 一對的夫妻

二打雞蛋 二打的雞蛋


如果您認為是分類詞,請圈選C; 如果您認為是量詞,請圈選 M;

如果您認為分類詞和量詞都有可能,請圈選 O,並說明其歧義現象,分類詞 表示之義為何,量詞表示之義為何。

例如:`一把刀'具有分類詞概念和量詞概念。分類詞概念為‘a knife’,

量詞概念為‘a handful of knives’。

No. Test Items Examples Options No. Test Items Examples Options 1

ding3 頂

一頂草帽 C M O 14

zhang1 張

一張床 C M O 2

gen1 根

一根頭髮 C M O 15

zhi1 枝

一枝鉛筆 C M O 3

ge 個

一個人 C M O 16

kuai4 塊

一塊肉 C M O 4

jia4 架

一架飛機 C M O 17

pian4 片

一片樹葉 C M O 5

jian4 件

一件毛衣 C M O 18

chuan4 串

一串佛珠 C M O 6

ke1 棵

一棵松樹 C M O 19

dui1 堆

一堆土 C M O 7

li4 粒

一粒紅豆 C M O 20

hang2 行

一行柳樹 C M O 8

liang4 輛

一輛警車 C M O 21

lie4 列

一列駱駝 C M O 9

pi1 匹

一匹馬 C M O 22

qun2 群

一群朋友 C M O 10

shou3 首

一首兒歌 C M O 23

shuang1 雙

一雙鞋 C M O 11

sao1 艘

一艘船 C M O 24

shu4 束

一束鮮花 C M O 12

tou2 頭

一頭大象 C M O 25

tao4 套

一套餐具 C M O 13

zhi1 隻

一隻貓 C M O 26

zu3 組

一組人員 C M O


No. Test Items Examples Options No. Test Items Examples Options


ban1 班

一班飛機 C M O 46

mu4 幕

一幕情景 C M O

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ju4 句

一句口號 C M O 80

zhi1 只

一只酒罈 C M O


ju4 具

一具屍體 C M O 81

zhi1 支

一支樹枝 C M O


juan3 卷

一卷錄音帶 C M O 82

zhi3 紙

一紙切結書 C M O


kou3 口

一口井 C M O 83

zhou2 軸

一軸畫 C M O


long3 壟

一壟田 C M O 84

zhu1 株

一株櫻花 C M O


lü3 縷

一縷線 C M O 85

zhu4 柱

一柱電線杆 C M O


lun2 輪

一輪明月 C M O 86

zhu4 炷

一炷香 C M O


mei2 枚

一枚獎章 C M O 87

zhuang1 樁

一樁意外 C M O


men2 門

一門大砲 C M O 88

zong1 宗

一宗意外 C M O


mian4 面

一面鏡子 C M O 89

zun1 尊

一尊佛像 C M O


ming2 名

一名學生 C M O 90

zuo4 座

一座山 C M O


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A Semantic Categorization of Mandarin Chinese Classifier (Hu

