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Twenty-first Congregation


Academic year: 2021

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President's Address by Professor Tony F CHAN 校長陳繁昌教授的講辭

Honorary Degree Citations (in order of degree presentation)


Dr CHOW Yei Ching, Doctor of Social Sciences honoris cαusα


Professor Marvin L COHEN, Doctor of Science honoris cαusα

Marvin L COHEN教授理學榮譽博士

Professor Evelyn L HU, Doctor of Engineering honoris causa


Mr Jack Yun MA, Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa


Professor Bright Zong-Liang SHENG, Doctor of Humanities honoris causa


The Hon WONG Yan Lung, Doctor of Laws honoris cαusa 黃仁龍先生法學榮譽博士 民1:edal Citations 獎章得主的讚辭 4 8 12 16 20 24 28

Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching 32


Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body 34


President's Cup 36


Addresses by Graduate Representatives 38


Congregation Programs 單位頒授典禮 6 November 2013 2013年 11 月 6 日 Ord巴rof Proceedings 典禮程序

Graduates in the School of Engineering 工學院畢業生名錄

7 November 2013

2013年 11 月 7 日

Order of Proceedings 典禮程序

Graduates in the School of Business and Management


Graduates in the Interdisciplinary Programs Office 跨學科課程事務處畢業生名錄

Graduates in the HKUST Fok Ying 百mgGraduate School 香港科技大學霍英東研究院畢業生名錄 8 November 2013 2013年 11 月 8 日 Appendices 附錄 Order of Proceedings 典禮程序

Graduates in the School of Science 理學院畢業生名錄

Graduates in the School of Humanities and Social Science 人文社會科學學院畢業生名錄 Degrees Conferred 頭援學位 PhD Theses Completed in 2012-13 20日-13年博士畢業論文 48 so 74 76 94 96 100 102 III 114 116


President's Address

Professor Tony F CHAN

Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends and colleagues:

We celebrate the achievements of bright, enthusiastic young minds on this happy occasion of our graduation ceremony. But I would also like to speak for a few minutes about the vital role awaiting them as they step into the world at large.

At HKUST, we strive to provide an all-round education that fosters the very best in our graduates, not only academically but as contributing, compassionate global citizens, with high integrity, who will go on to have meaningful and beneficial lives that lead by example. This may be in Hong

Kong. It may be elsewhere. But more than ever,

the world needs the open minds and hearts of those leaving proudly from the Atrium after today's ceremony.

We are faced with unsettling times in many, many ways. From political controversies to economic volatility to social divisions at home and abroad, we are challenged by complex issues that jeopardize the values we hold dear, both personally and as citizens.

But graduates, always remember you have a strong foundation for meeting these challenges, helped not only by your knowledge but also by the personal attributes in your possession as a result of your years at HKUST.


Firstly, you have acquired critical thinking. Through your studies and many discussions with your professors and fellow students, you know how to arrive at conclusions based on facts and evidence. Quick judgments, prejudice and small mindedness have no place in a globalized modern society; indeed any civilized society. Analytical skills learnt here in this unique, best-of-the-East-and-West University enable a HKUST graduate to be rational and to think through every issue.

Secondly, a HKUST graduate knows how to be respectful of other views even when you disagree with them. You may have made friends on campus with people from different backgrounds, and with different views, to your own; or you may have gone on exchanges or other activities outside Hong Kong; or you may have taken part in community service. You have seen that the world is not uniform, that there are many perspectives out there. And being respectful of others' views does not necessarily mean you agree with them, but it actually helps you understand the issue better.

Thirdly, you have also learned from your time here that to discuss an issue rationally is to gain new insight on how to reconcile differences and - equally awesome - spark shared ideas and goals. There is no need to shout someone down when you can calmly and objectively weigh up a situation and advance toward mutual solutions, which should be discussed and not forced.


Fourthly, working with others in teams and on group projects, and time spent with student organizations and societies, will have helped you to understand that there is no place for pressuring people to take a stand. Ideals and principles are great motivators, and people can be passionate about persuading others to see their views. However, if they choose not to stand on the same side, it is their decision to make.

Finally, everyone is responsible for his or her own actions. Blaming others, making excuses, or jumping in immediately to criticize the system are not qualities that foster a civil society. At HKUST, you have had opportunities to make your own decisions in many areas of your life, from how you studied to what activities you joined. I believe you will be able to use such experience to serve as responsible individuals and citizens, who can contribute usefully and wholeheartedly to the communities in which you live.

It is not an easy task you face. However, as

the distinguished lives of our six honorary graduates show, it is possible to excel through personal endeavor and open-mindedness; through cross-cultural awareness, through courage and perseverance; through adherence to justice and fair play; and through a drive to share the rewards of success and pass on experience to others.

So go forth, HKUST graduates, with the assurance that you are among the leaders and shapers of tomorrow, and that you are equipped to make a positive difference. Faculty members, alumni, supporters and parents, take pride in these young people - to whom we entrust our future.

-Today is a joyful day. Let all those here remember the shared exuberance and shining expectations of this moment and go build a better world!

Thank you!



校長講辭 陳繁昌教授 J 各位嘉賓、畢業同學、家長、親友和同事: 今日:是本校的畢業典禮,祝賀各位年輕有為、滿 腔熱誠的畢業同學學有所成。你們快將踏上世界 舞台,擔當重要角色,我藉此機會向各位贈言。 思想。科大是東西著草、兼容並蓄的國際大學, 在這裡學習的分析能力,可以幫助你們以理性思 考不同問題。 第二,我相信科大畢業生已學懂尊重不同的意 見,校園有來自各種文化背景的同學,透過日常 香港科技大學致力提供全人教育,讓各位盡展所 相處或到外地交流、參加社區服務,你們得以明 長,不但在學術上有卓越成就,更希望培養大家 白世界是多元化的,每人都有不同觀點和立場。 成為有承擔、關懷社會、品格高尚的世界公民; 尊重他人意見並不代表認同,但有助於清晰理解 無論留在香港,或身處何地,都活出有意義的人 議題。 生,造福社群,成為黑人的榜樣。今天的典禮完 結後,各位同學將會自豪地離開這個會場;世 第三,大學教育強調理性討論,方能找到新的論 界越來越需要像你們所擁有的開明思想與廣闊胸 據,達成共識,更重要的是藉著討論,建立彼此 懷。 接受的新思維和取向。我們可以平靜客觀地商討 無論在香港或其他地方,大家都面對政治爭議、 經濟波動、社會分化等複雜議題;我們個人和作 為社會公民所持守的價值或會被動搖。 然而,各位畢業同學,請謹記在科大的歲月已為 你們建立穩固基礎,去面對種種挑戰,大學教育 不僅幫助你們增進知識,亦陶造了你們的個人特 質,終生受用。 首先,你們已經掌握批判的思維方式。在學的時 候,透過與師長、同學反覆討論,實事求是,達 致有理可做的結論。今日全球化的現代社會,或 者任何文明社會,不能接受武斷、偏頗和狹隘的 6 I 校長陳繁昌教授的講辭 解決方案,讓各人表述意見。 第四,各位同學透過參與不同團隊、小組討論, 以至學生組織和活動,可以領略到不應該強要別 人接受某種想法。有理想、講原則固然是強大的 動力,你可以積極表達個人立場,然而,任何人 都可以有自己的想法,這是個人決定。 最後,對一己行為負責尤其重要。指責、藉口或 者動輒批評制度不完善,無助於建立文明社會。 科大提供自由的空間,讓你們選擇修讀的科目、 參與各項活動,我相信透過這些經驗,各位不但 懂得為自己的行為負責,而且可以竭盡所能,因 饋社會。 、‘﹒


已 縱然前路未必是坦途,然而,正如今屆六位榮譽 博士所展示的,趕著個人努力,廣闊的胸襟,接 受不同文化,加上男氣和堅毅的意志,秉持公平 公正,而且願意與別人分享自巴的所想所得,前 景是光明的。 各位畢業同學是明日的社會領袖,掌握著未來。 放心吧!你們已作好準備,令社會變得更善更 美。各位老師校友、朋友和家長,讓我們以在座 各位未來社會的主人翁為榮。 今天是值得高興的日子,我們欣喜萬分,滿懷憧 憬,讓我們銘記於心,為建立更美好的世界而奮 門,發光發熱。 多謝各位! /于〉 校長陳繁昌教授的講辭 1 7


Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa

Dr CHOW Yei Ching


When visionary entrepreneur Dr Chow Yei Ching started his company in 1970, he sought a name to make it stand out while conveying the core principles on which the firm was founded. He decided an English word would not do. "How about French?" a multilingual friend suggested. "And how about


Just right, he thought. The adventurous fighting spirit and honorable behavior encapsulated in

chevalier -



± J

(homonym of 1 ~

± J )

in Chinese and "knight" in English - were the perfect match for the enterprise that the dynamic, engaging Dr Chow then built. His business grew from a seven-person enterprise based in Star House, Tsim Sha Tsui, into the Chevalier Group, an international conglomerate with over 3 70 subsidiaries and associated companies and about 9,800 employees worldwide. He is Chairman of the Group.

It has been a wonderfully daring and fast-paced

journey for the boy from Shanghai, who arrived in Hong Kong at the age of 17 in the early 1950s with his love of machines and high-flying dreams. Indeed, entering his chairman's office is like opening a door into his heart. Lined in disciplined ranks are rows of model planes, a reminder of his days as a swashbuckling member of the Republic of China Air Force Academy; and model motorbikes, a testament to his love of speed on the ground, in particular cool Harley Davidsons.

Yet it has also always been an odyssey tempered by self-discipline and adherence to the ancient


Chinese philosophical view known as the "Doctrine of the Mean", where balance, harmony, and moderation have continuously guided his way.

Returning to Hong Kong with his air force training, a degree in mechanical engineering from Taiwan University, and his inner discipline, Dr Chow took up work for a Japanese firm, before seizing an opportunity to stride ahead with his own business. Always thinking how improvements could be made, as well as keen to embrace the new, his list of companies soon lengthened, steered throughout by the integrity he has made his watchword.

No bad debts. Punctual and respectful. Understanding of the fact that no one is perfect. Consideration and appreciation of others. Added together with his broad circle of friends and associates in countries ranging from Japan to the Middle East to North America, he kept alert to different ways of thinking and developing · trends, creating an unbeatable combination of courage, integrity and foresight down the decades.

Beyond the business world, he is a committed philanthropist, who translates good intentions into action through the Chow Yei Ching Foundation and Chevalier Culture and Education Foundation, and believes firmly in quiet quests that go on to

change lives. "If you want to let people know you

are doing good deeds, then you are not doing good deeds," he notes.


Learning about the proposed Lifeline Express Hospital Eye-Train, that sought to bring light back into the lives of cataract sufferers in the poorest parts of China, he became one of the founding supporters, setting off without fanfare to travel to those remote corners to see and meet for himself the people whom the train set out to help.

Education, which Dr Chow views as the cornerstone of personal growth and development, has been another beneficiary of his goal to foster meaningful lives. He has been a staunch supporter of universities in Hong Kong and Mainland China, and HKUST is very thankful to have had his support over many years. Two of our lecture theaters are named for his parents. More recently, the Library's Learning Commons was named the Chevalier Learning Commons. His wisdom has been shared as an honora11y member of HKUST's Court, and he is now happy to see his son, Mr Oscar Chow, following in his footsteps as a member of the University Council.

A dedicated father, Dr Chow regards family education as important as formal education, seeking most of all to leave his seven children with "a legacy of good deeds", along with a contributing mindset and a willingness to help others. Good qualities of character introduced when young will remain with children for the rest of their lives, he believes.

His own public service is long and distinguished, applying his wide-ranging insight to many different roles, including Vice Patron of The Community Chest of Hong Kong, Chairman of Hong Kong Bahrain Business Association, President of The Japan Society, Counselor of the China-United States Exchange Foundation, and Founding President of the International Ningbo

Merchants Association. Since 2001, he has been the Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Bahrain in Hong Kong. His work and achievements have also been recognized in a series of prestigious honors, including a Gold Bauhinia Star from Hong Kong, The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon from Japan, and awards from the UK, France and Belgium.

Accomplished businessman, compassionate leader, active benefactor, concerned parent, wise friend of the community, Dr Chow, you are a true


Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Dr Chow Yei Ching, CBS, Chairman of the Chevalier Group, for the award of Doctor of Social


honoris causa.


社會科學榮譽博士 門 周亦卿博士 讚辭 周亦卿博士是成功的企業家,目光遠大,他在 1970 年已經自立門戶。他為公司的命名費煞思 量:既與別不同,又要突顯公司核心價值。周博 士一改以英語命名的習慣,請教一位精通多國語 言的朋友,對方建議: í 那法文好嗎? chevαlier 這個名字行嗎? J 周博士認這個名字正合心意。「其士」與「騎 士」諧音,英文是 knight '象徵著昂揚門志和高 尚情操。周博士幹勁十足、奮進不懈,公司名 稱正是其事業的最佳寫照。開業之初,公司只有 七個人,辦事處設於尖沙咀星光行。但隨著業務 不斷發展,公司現已成為跨國綜合企業「其士集 團 J '旗下逾 370 間附屬及聯營公司遍佈全球, 僱用近 9 , 800 名員工。他現為集團之主席。 周博士於 1950 年代初從上海來港,當時年僅 17 歲,他憑著對機械的熱愛,胸懷壯志,勇往直 前開展人生旅程,平步青雲 o 踏入他的主席辦公 室,猶如通往他內心世界:排列得井井有條的飛 機模型,讓人想起他當年在中華民國空軍軍官學 校的懦人風果,而摩托車模型,則見誰他駕駛有 型有格的哈雷摩托車,享受風馳電摯的樂趣。 在挑戰重重的事業路上,周博士律己以嚴,悼守 中國先賢的中庸之道,待人處事務求不亢不卑, 困時制宜,折中致和。 10 I 榮譽博士的讀辭 他在台灣完成空軍訓練,獲得臺灣大學機械工程 學位,亦培養了嚴謹的紀律精神。返港後,他在 一家日本公司工作,後來把握機會開創事業。周 博士精益求精,男於創新,並堅守以誠信作為經 營宗昌,使業務蒸蒸日上,公司規模日益壯大。 周博士守時守信,決不拖欠,而且為人謙恭有 禮。他虛懷若谷,有知人之明,交遊廣闊,朋友 及生意夥伴遍佈日本、中東以至北美等地。他觸 覺敏銳,緊貼嶄新思維,數十年來一直無畏無 懼,執中守正,往往洞悉先機。 周博士長袖善舞,樂善好施。他設立「周亦卿基 金」及「其士文教基金會 J '把善心化作行動, 深信「善欲人知非真善」的道理,認為默默付出 可以改變許多人的生命。 「健康快車」眼科醫院創立之初,屑博士即鼎力 支持,幫助中國亦貧地區的白內障患者重見光 明,並身體力行,親身前往多個偏遠地區,探訪 視障人士。 周博士認為教育乃萬事之本,他積極資助教育事 業,對香港和內地的大學慷慨捐助,香港科技大 學非常感謝周博士多年來的支持。大學的其中兩 個演講廳均以周博士雙親的名字命名,而大學 圖書館的綜合研習坊最近亦命名為「其士綜合研


習坊 J '以表揚周博士對大學的支持。周博士還 擔任科大顧問委員會榮譽委員,分享他的真知灼 見。他的兒子周維正先生以父親為榜樣,出任科 大校董會成員,令他感到欣慰。 周亦卿博士亦是一位盡心盡力的父親,他認為家 庭教育與正規教育同樣重要。他希望七名子女積 德行善,時時熱心奉獻,樂於助人。他相信從小 培養孩子的良好品德,使他們終生受用。 多年來,周博士熱心公共服務,成就斐然。他見 識廣博,擔任多項公職,包括香港公益金名譽副 會長、香港巴林商會會長、香港日本文化協會會 長、中美交流基金會顧問、世界中華寧波總商會 創會會長等。自 2001 年起,他擔任巴林王國駐 港名譽領事。他的成就卓越,獲獎無數,包括香 港特區政府頒發的金紫荊星章、日本的旭日中綾 章,以及英國、法國、比利時政府頒授的勳銜。 周博士縱橫商界,卓有成就,是具有仁者風範的 頭袖。他熱心公益,治家有道,對社會建樹良 多,是名副其實的「騎士」。 主席先生,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請閣下頒授社會科學榮譽博士予其士集團主席 周亦卿博士 GBS 。 榮譽博士的還辭 I 11


Doctor of Science honoris causa

Professor Marvin L COHEN


Think on this. As a world, we want to explore the possibilities of green energy to give us and our children a sustainable future. To do so, we need to design materials that are stronger, or lighter, or better conductors, or combinations of all three. We require environmentally friendly materials that can convert more light into electricity or store more hydrogen. We want new materials to improve our medical technology. We need materials to take forward our communication systems.

The remarkable advances of theoretical physicist Prof Marvin L Cohen in condensed matter physics and the method he has pioneered will soon enable us to do so in a rational way rather than the serendipity of the past. While it had been posited as possible in the 1920s, no one had been able to fathom a practical way of realizing this. Until Prof Cohen arrived.

What the Montreal-born American's remarkable "pseudopotential" theory and insights into valence electrons have given us all is a way to predict the properties of a real material through the properties of an individual atom. This first-principle approach enables researchers to understand how atoms come together to form a material and, combined with powerful computer crunching, accurately predict how a never-been-seen-before material should behave.

Published in the 1960s, Prof Cohen's predictive work on semi-conductors and the subsequent


computer programs generated together with his students have been particularly influential. The programs were made freely available and rapidly adopted by academics and industrial researchers, helping to transform the electronics world. For his 2001 National Medal of Science award, the top accolade for scientists in the US, the citation read: "For his creation and application of a quantum theory for explaining and predicting properties of real materials, which formed the basis for semiconductor physics and nanoscience."

A master's and PhD graduate of the University of Chicago, Prof Cohen returned to his undergraduate alma mater of the University of California at Berkeley in 1965, after a short stay at Bell Labs. He joined the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory a year later, and has stayed with the two eminent institutions for almost 50 years.

Among his many other honors and awards, he is a recipient of the American Physical Society Oliver E Buckley Prize for Solid State Physics; a· Foresight Institute Richard P Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology; and the Technology Pioneer Award from the World Economic Forum. He is a fellow of both the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He has also contributed more than 800 technical publications.

To those who know him, Prof Cohen is someone you recognize within 10 minutes of conversation


as being super-smart. You also know he is not going to use his intelligence to intimidate, but to offer you the gift of a truly great teacher and mentor, the chance to pinpoint your own strengths and develop your own potential under his guidance and through his wisdom. Prof Cohen has taught an array of students who have gone on to greatness, including John Joannopoulos, whose own student Robert Laughlin received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998.

The HKUST community has also been fortunate to be able to benefit from this wonderful talent. In 2005, then President Paul Chu, a global superconductivity giant along with Prof Cohen, was setting up the HKUST Institute for Advanced Study as an intellectual hub to draw the best global minds to Asia. Prof Cohen, at the time president of the American Physical Society representing more than 47,000 physicists in addition to all his other accomplishments, was just the kind of active, engaged, brilliant character the Institute sought to attract.

Prof Cohen became a member of the Institute's illustrious International Advisory Committee in 2006 and a visiting professor in 2010, making regular visits to campus to share his expertise with graduate students and faculty members.

Now 78, and retired from classroom teaching, Prof Cohen remains a research professor of the Berkeley graduate school where he is continuing his ground-breaking work through the Cohen research group and his company Nanomix, Inc, founded together with fellow physics professor Alex Zettl and currently focused on nano-electronic biosensor technology. He is a keen promoter of physics among pre-college students and an ardent advocate for attracting more

women to choose careers in science, while his public service record appears almost as extensive as his citations. One of the best things about being a theoretician, he has said, is that thinking can be carried out with just a pen and paper and just about anywhere. "My favorite spots to do physics are Paris and Hawaii," he has been quoted as saying.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Prof Marvin L Cohen, University Professor of Physics at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Faculty Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for the award of

Doctor of Science

honoris causa.



Marvin L


讀辭 今日,全球都在探索綠色能源的發展潛力,為自 己和下一代締造可持糟的未來。為此,我們需要 設計更強韌、更輕巧、更優質的材料,甚至三者 皆備。我們需要環保材料更有效地把光轉化為電 力,或儲藏更多氫氣。我們要開發新材料來提升 醫學科技,推動傳訊系統的發展。 Marvin Cohen 教授是理論物理學家,他在擬聚態 物理學方面取得重大成果;他開創的方法建立理 論根據,讓我們可以製造這些材料,而不再像以 往單靠偶然。早於 1920 年代,已經有人提出這種 構想,卻苦無實踐方法, Cohen 教授的研究讓這個 構想變得可能。 Marvin Cohen 教授是美國人,出生於加拿大蒙特 利爾,他開創「廣勢」理論及更深入理解「價電 子 J '透過研究原子的性質,預測真實材料的特 質。運用這種「第一原理」的方法,研究人員能夠 明白原子如何結合成為物質,再配合精密的電腦運 算,在製造嶄新材料時,可以準確估測其表現。 1960 年代, Cohen教授發表半導體預測性研究結 果,以及與學生共同研發的電腦程式,影響深 遠。這些程式可供免費使用,旋即獲得學者及業 界研究人員應用,為電子世界帶來翻天覆地的改 變。 2001 年, Cohen教授榮獲美國科學界最高榮譽 美國國家科學獎章,讚辭表揚其貢獻: 1"他創造 及應用量子理論,解釋及預測真實材料的特質, 為半導體物理及納米科學奠下基礎。」 14 I 榮譽博士的輔 Cohen教授在芝加哥大學取得碩士及博士學位。他 在貝爾實驗室短暫工作後,於 1965 年重返大學母 校加州大學柏克萊分枝,一年後加入勞倫斯柏克 萊國家實驗室,並在這兩家著名機構工作近五十 年。 Cohen 教授屢獲殊榮,包括美國物理學會的奧利 弗﹒巴克利固體物理學獎、前瞻協會的理查﹒ 費曼納米技術獎及世界經濟論壇的科技先鋒 獎。 Cohen教授是美國物理學會及美國科學促進會 院士,亦是美囡囡家科學院院士,出版科技論著 逾八百篇。 認識 Cohen教授的人都認同,與他交談不消十分 鐘,便會發現他聰明絕頂,而且不會恃才傲物, 反而以他的睿智,道出對方優點,循循善誘,協助 他人發掘潛能,盡展所長。 Cohen教授桃李滿門, 不少門生卓有成就,包括 John Joannopoulos' 而 他的學生 Robert Laughlin 更是 1998 年諾貝爾物理 學獎得主。 香港科技大學有幸得蒙 Cohen 教授的支持。 2005 年,與 Cohen教授同為超導體研究專家、 科大前任校長朱經武教授設立香港科技大學高 等研究院,雲集全球精英 o Cohen 教授當時擔 任美國物理學會會長,代表逾 47 , 000 位物理 學家,成就斐然。高等研究院正是期望匯聚像 Cohen教授同樣積極投入、專心致志、品格高尚 的傑出學者。


Cohen教授於 2006 年成為高等研究院國際顧問委 員會成員,並於 2010 年擔任訪問教授,經常到訪 校園,與研究生及教學人員分享他的真知灼見。 Marvin Cohen 教授現年 78 歲,已告別授謀生涯, 但仍然擔任加州大學柏克萊分校研究院的研究教 授,並繼續與他的研究團隊,及 Nanõm尬, Inc 這 所與他的同僚、物理學者 Alex Zettl 共同制辦的公 司,進行開創性的研究工作,目前專注於納米電 子生物感測技術。 Cohen教授積極向中學生推廣物 理學,並鼓勵女性投身科研,亦參與多項社會公 職。他曾經說過,當理論物理學者的其中一個好 處,就是只要有一支筆、一張紙,便可隨時隨地 進行研究;他曾笑言: 1"我最喜歡進行物理研究 的地方是巴黎和夏威夷。」 主席先生,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請閣下頒授理學榮譽博士予加州大學柏克萊分校 物理學教授及勞倫斯柏克萊國家實驗室資深科學 家 Marvin Cohen教授。 榮譽博士的讀辭 I 15


Doctor of Engineering honoris causa

Professor Evelyn L HU


A boundary-breaking applied physicist and electrical engineering researcher and educator, Prof Evelyn L Hu has brought her singular worldview and interdisciplinary brilliance to the cutting-edge field of nanoscience and technology, an infinitesimally small realm but one with huge impact for our lives in the future. Equally significant, she has served over the past four decades as a wonderful role model for aspiring and established women scientists everywhere, showing how to make a difference at the peak of her chosen field as well as encourage others to join her.

Working within the nano world - where the head of a pin is about one million nanometers across - is particularly challenging with its wide-ranging requirements for minds equipped with understanding of basic, engineering and

information sciences. It is also incredibly exciting,

given its enormous potential for applications in areas ranging from biotechnology to computers to medicine to aerospace. Prof Hu has provided pioneering contributions to highly sophisticated nanofabrication technology, including nano-scale optical devices and lasers, and gleaned fresh insights from the organic and biological worlds to form novel electronic and photonic materials.

Illustrating the outstanding reach of her work, she has been elected to both the US National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Sciences, with such dual membership a significant accolade. She is also a fellow of the IEEE, the American


Physical Society and the American Association of the Advancement of Science.

Current interests with her research group at Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences are materials science for energy and environmental technologies and nanophotonics, which could eventually lead to energy-efficient optical sources and quantum computing, raising the prospect of far more powerful machines than are currently available.

Born in New York, Prof Hu has credited her liberal arts education as the foundation for her broad vision, with her curiosity in science fostered through weekend physics courses at school, a variety of pre-college summer programs ranging from mathematics and computer science to biology, and her Chinese immigrant parents' regard for the impact that science can have on the development of a country. "Their heroes were scientists," she has said previously.

As an undergraduate, she attended Barnard College, a prestigious women's liberal arts institution, graduating in physics but keeping open many different avenues of thought. Her master's and PhD, both in physics, were undertaken at Columbia University, where another amazing woman scientist, Prof Chien Shiung Wu, became her doctoral supervisor. China-born Prof Wu, known as the "First Lady of Physics", was the first female President of the American Physical Society and a particular icon for the Hu family.


Perspicacious, dedicated, and ever ready to persevere in problem solving, Prof Hu worked at Bell Labs from the mid-1970s to mid-1980s, developing microfabrication and nanofabrication techniques to assist the study of superconducting and semiconducting devices and circuits. This was followed by 25 years at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she explored compound semiconductors and shared her insight into the tremendous possibilities of electrical engineering and the nano field as a respected, inspiring and beloved teacher. Responding to a question about women working in the hard sciences, she has said: "You have to ask yourself: why would you think it's not the right thing for you?"

Always looking to the wider view, Prof Hu has actively encouraged and demonstrated the importance of building links between academia and industry to enable discoveries to be applied. She has directed two major research centers: QUEST, a National Science Foundation (NSF) Science and Technology Center for Quantized Electronic Structures; and Nanotech, part of the original National Nanofabrication Users Network. In addition, she has co-founded companies, including Cambrios Technologies Corporation with her former post-doctoral fellow Angela Belcher, now a professor at MIT. The company has developed transparent conducting materials using silver nanowires, with applications for liquid crystal displays, OLED devices and thin film photovoltaics, among others.

Since moving to Harvard in 2009, Prof Hu has been instrumental in initiating a new working partnership with HKUST to boost undergraduate engineering connections. After visiting HKUST in 2012 and being impressed by the University

and Hong Kong, she wrote a proposal for a grant from Harvard. The aim is to provide opportunities for HKUST students and those from Harvard to work on innovative engineering projects together, including visits to each other's campus. Earlier this year, she also became a HKUST Institute for Advanced Study visiting professor.

The small details of life are not only important in Prof Hu's work. Despite her packed schedule, she will handwrite notes of thanks for the help of others. She will refuse to take additional positions simply for the name, only accepting if she believes she can fulfill the commitment required of the role. And she generously gives time to students, remaining a friend, mentor and model long after they build careers of their own.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Prof Evelyn L Hu, Tarr-Coyne Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at Harvard University, for the award of Doctor of


honoris causa.


工程學樂譽博士 胡玲教授 讚辭 胡玲教授是勇於創新的應用物理學家,領導電機 出生於紐約的胡玲教授深受博雅教育薰陶,培養 工程研究,熱心教育。她以獨到的世界視野及跨 出寬廣的視野。中學時期,她參加週末的物理課 學科的才華開展尖端的納米科技研究,納米雖然 程,以及數學、計算機科學、生物學等暑期班, 極為細小,卻對人類未來產生巨大影響。同樣重 孕育她對科學濃厚的興趣。而她的父母從中國移 要的是,四十多年來,世界各地不少發奮上進及 民到美國,確信科技興國,胡教授曾經說過: 卓有成就的女科學家都以胡玲教授為榜樣。胡教 「他們最崇拜科學家。」 授既在事業達到頂峰,為世界帶來改變,亦同時 鼓勵更多人投身科研。 在一個小小的針頭已有一百萬納米寬的納米世 界,研究人員必須同時將基礎科學、工程學及資 訊科學的知識融會貫通,甚具挑戰。納米技術可 廣泛應用於生物科技、電腦、醫學以至航天科 技等多個範疇,潛力無限。胡教授對高度精密的 納米製造技術'包括納米量級的光學設備及錯射 器,作出開創性貢獻,並從有機及生物世界獲得 靈感,開發創新的電子及光子材料。 胡教授出類拔萃,獲選為美國國家工程學院及美 國國家科學院院士,同時獲此兩項殊榮實在難能 可貴。她亦是國際電機電子工程師學會、美國物 理學會及美國科學促進會的成員。 胡教授與她在哈佛大學工程及應用科學系的研究 團隊,正在埋首研究對能源、環保科技、納米光 電有重大影響的材料科學,有望開發具能源效益 的光源及量子計算,大大提升機器效能。 18 I 榮譽博士的讀辭 胡教授在著名的女子巴納德學院修讀物理本科課 程,她眼界廣闊,興趣廣泛。她於哥倫比亞大學取 得物理碩士及博士學位,當年另一位出色女科學 家吳健雄教授便是她的博士導師。吳教授出生於中 國,被譽為「世界物理女王 J '是美國物理學會的 第一位女性會長,胡玲教授一家對她尊崇備至。 胡教授天資聰穎,專心致志,為解決問題錢而不 拾。她由 1970 年代中至 1980 年代中於貝爾實驗室 工作,開發微型製造及納米製造技術,推動超導 體及半導體設備及電路的研究工作。其後二十五 年,她在加州大學聖芭芭拉分校從事有關化合物 半導體的研究,是位備受尊崇和愛載的老師,她 與學生分享電機工程及納米科技的最新發展,為 他們帶來散發。有人提出女性為什麼要鑽研自然 科學,胡教授反問: r 你需要問自己:為什麼你 會覺得這種工作不適合你? J 胡玲教授目光遠大,積極推動學術界與科技界 合作,令研究成果得以應用。她曾領導兩個主


要研究中心:美國國家科學基金會量化電子結構 科技中心以及原稱 National Nanofabrication Users Network 屬下的 Nanotech 。此外,她創辦多家公

司,包括 Cambrios Technologies Corporation '

合營夥伴是 Angela Belch缸,她是麻省理工學院教 授,曾為胡教授的博士後研究員。這家公司開發 納米銀線透明傳導物料,可應用於液晶顯示器、 有機發光二極管設備及薄膜光伏裝置等。 2009 年,她加入哈佛大學,並致力推動哈佛與 香港科技大學建立合作關餘,加強雙方工學院本 科生的聯繫。 2012 年她到訪科大,對大學及香港 留下深刻印象,因此向哈佛申請撥款,資助兩校 學生一同研究創新的工程項目,包括校園互訪。 本年初,胡教授更出任科大高等研究院的訪問教 授。 無論對於研究還是待人接物,胡教授都生巨細無 遣。儘管日程表排得密密麻麻,依然會親筆寫信 致謝曾幫助她的人。她不會為求虛名而擔任更多 職位,只會接受自己能勝任的工作。胡教授從不 吝脅時間關心學生,因此不少學生事業有成後, 依然與胡教授保持亦師亦友的關餘,並繼蜻以她 為榜樣。 主席先生,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請餌下頒授工程學榮譽博士予哈佛大學應用物理 學及電機工程學 Tarr-Coyne 教授胡玲教授。 榮譽博士的讀辭 I 19


- - -

-Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa

Mr Jack Yun MA


Many people might think that Jack Yun Ma needs little introduction. Lead Founder, Chairman and previously Chief Executive Officer of the Alibaba Group, he has shaken and stirred e-commerce for small and medium-sized enterprises in China, and the international business world, since the founding of Alibaba.com in 1999.

Some numbers help to illustrate his success. The Group's online business-to-business marketplaces currently serve more than 100 million registered users in China and some 240 other countries and territories. Connected platforms include business-to-consumer Tmall.com and consumer-to-consumer Taobao Marketplace, where some five million active sellers and merchants are connected with hundreds of millions of consumers, in total generating more than RMB1 trillion in transactions in 2012, more goods than the combined might of Amazon and eBay. The first Mainland China entrepreneur featured

on the global Forbes Magazine cover and a news

headliner for more than a decade, mentioning Jack Ma's name alone is enough for a lively conversation to follow.

But what of the man behind the headlines? Here we must return to Hangzhou, where Jack Ma was born in 1964. Hailing from an ordinary background, yet propelled forward by a powerful determination once decided on a course of action, he took the college entrance examination three times in the early 1980s until eventually able to major in English at Hangzhou Teachers Institute.


Perseverance and a willingness to steer his destiny have been hallmarks of the Jack Ma success story. Driven by his idea that learning English would be helpful for his future, most days as a teenager he would rise at Sam to go to the city's famous West Lake and work as a voluntary guide to _foreign tourists. Those pivotal years changed him in other ways too, opening his eyes and bringing connections to a world outside China at a time when few in the country had such exposure.

As a result, he has said, he became more open-minded and attuned to Western concepts. This meant when he was introduced to the internet during a visit to American friends in Seattle in the mid-1990s, he immediately grasped its significance for the business world east and west, particularly small businesses. On returning home, the teacher turned entrepreneur set out to drive e-commerce in China. Eventually, the launch of Alibaba.com in 1999, and its multicultural "open sesame" association with fortune, unlocked the door to domestic and international trade for China's millions of SMEs. Just two years after the founding of Alibaba.com, Jack Ma was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

Always ready to venture further, he and his team started Taobao Marketplace, online payment gateway Alipay, and Tmall.com, creating in the process three hugely influential engines for internet retailing and internal consumption in China. The company went on to establish other related businesses and receive further international


and Chinese accolades in subsequent years. Jack

Ma was among Barron's 30 World's Best CEOs in

2008, placed among the TIME 100: World's Most

Influential People in 2009 and recognized as one of the 15 Business People Who've Changed China by Fortune Chinese edition in 2012.

But how did he so effectively succeed? Not through technical expertise as he readily acknowledges. As he has sometimes said he only really knows how to send email on the internet. What he does possess in abundance is the global vision to build platforms perfectly attuned to Chinese marketplace needs, melded with international business concepts of customer-centric provision and a values-based corporate culture.

When combined with the capability to think and act decisively, confidence to take risks and pioneer change, and a legendary ability to inspire loyalty - many founding partners of the Alibaba Group were his former students and remain senior executives in the group today - the impact has been unprecedented. As noted by Jack Ma: "Successful entrepreneurs create value for people and take care of their employees. They focus on helping others and if they are successful good things come their way." As noted by a Harvard

China business specialist in The Economist, the

result has been a transformative firm for the Chinese national economy.

Such talents and outlook are also employed in giving back. A strong conservationist, Jack Ma currently serves as the chair of The Nature Conservancy's China board of directors and adheres to a no shark's fin personal policy, as well as banning the sale of shark fins and endangered species on the company's platforms. He was named one of Asia's Heroes of Philanthropy by

Forbes Asia in 2010 for his contributions to poverty

and disaster relief in China. In addition, always a teacher at heart, first with his students, now with a much wider audience, he is an active sharer of his experience globally, including speaking at a HKUST Round Table organized by the University's Tanoto Center for Asian Family Business and Entrepreneurship Studies in 2011.

Now, another fascinating story is in the making, following the formation of Cainiao Network Technology Co Ltd led by Alibaba Group to develop a smart logistics network for China. The outcome could be equally dramatic in terms of change. For Jack Ma, though, the goal is to stay with his overall dream. Not the transience of money or fame or a business empire, but the more powerful motivation to improve the lives of others by using technology to level the playing field.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Mr Jack Yun Ma, Chairman of the Alibaba Group, for the award of Doctor of Business

Administration honoris causa.




讚辭 在許多人心目中,馬雲根本無需多作介紹。他是 阿里巴巴集團的主要創辦人、主席兼前任首席執 行官,他在 1999 年成立阿里巴巴網站,自此為中 國的中小企業電子商務發展以至國際商業社會帶 來翻天覆地的變化。 馬雲先生成就非凡,從一些數字可見一斑。阿里 巴巴集團的兩個網上企業對企業交易平台目前 服務逾億名註冊用戶,遍佈中國和其他 240 多個 國家和地區。集團旗下的平台還包括企業對消費 者交易平台「天貓」和消智者對消費者交易平台 「淘寶網 J '至今已有約 500 萬個活躍賣家透過該 兩個平台接觸到數以億計的消費者;「天貓」和 「淘寶網」於 2012 年的交易額合計超過人民幣 1 萬 億元,比 Amazon 和 eBay 合計的交易額還要高。 馬雲是首位登上〈福布斯〉國際雜誌封面的中國 企業家,十多年來他一直是頭條新聞人物,單是 提起他的名字就足以引起人們熱烈的討論。 私底下,馬雲先生是個怎樣的人?要了解馬雲, 必須由杭州開始: 1964 年,馬雲出生於杭州一個 普通家庭,但自小擁有過人的門志,每當立下目 標都會奮發圖強,勇往直前。 1980 年代初,馬雲 兩次高考失利,不過憑著堅定意志,他最終通過 第三次高考,獲杭州師範學院取錄,主修英語。 堅毅不拔,努力掌握自己的前途,是馬雲的成功 要訣。他相信學好英語有助未來發展,所以年 少時堅持清早五點起床,到杭州著名景點西湖兔 22 I 榮譽博士的輔 費為外國遊客擔任導遊,藉此鍛鍊自己的英語能 力。這些體驗開拓了他的國際視野,使他得以接 觸中國以外的世界;在那個年代,鮮有人得到同 樣的機會。 正如馬雲先生所說,他的思想變得更開明,更容 易接受西方觀念。 1990 年代中期,馬雲先生前 往西雅圖探訪在美國的朋友,他在旅程中首次接 觸立聯網,便立即意識到立聯網對東西方商業世 界尤其是小企業的重要性。回國後,馬雲放下教 鞭,立志推動中國電子商務發展。 1999 年,阿 里巴巴網站正式成立,為中國數以百萬計的中小 企閒敲了圍內與國際貿易大門,仿如中外皆知的 「芝麻開門 J '象徵通往寶庫之道。馬雲先生創 辦阿里巴巴網站僅兩年之後,就獲得世界經濟論 壇評為全球青年領袖之一。 馬雲先生積極進取,其復與他的團隊相繼成立 「淘寶網」、網上支付平台「支付寶」以及「天 貓 J '為中國主聯網零售業和內地消費格局帶來 空前巨變。隨後幾年,公司繼縮發展其他相關業 務,並獲得海內外多項殊榮。 2008 年,馬雲先生 獲〈巴隆氏〉雜誌選為 30 位「全球最佳 CEO


之 一 ; 2009 年,他蹄身〈時代〉雜誌「全球百名最 具影響力的人物 J ; 2012 年,獲〈財富〉雜誌中 文版評選為 r 15 位改變中國的商業人士」之一。 究竟他的成功之道是什麼?馬雲坦言自己並非以 技術知識取勝,唯一熟悉的立聯網操作就只有發


電郵。他的過人之處在於他擁有環球視野,建立 的平台完全迎合中國市場需要之餘,也揉合了以 客為尊的國際營商理念和以價值觀為基礎的企業 文化。 馬雲先生在商界化呢風雪,源於他果斷英明,勇 於冒險,開闢前人未達之境,並且具有過人風 範'使公司上下一心一阿里巴巴集團的許多創業 夥伴都是馬雲以前的學生,雨至今依然在集團身 居要職。馬雲曾說: í 成功的企業家要為人們創 造價值,關心自己的員工。他們專注於幫助別人 達成目標的話,成功也自然隨之而來。」正如哈 佛大學一位中國商業專家在〈經濟學人〉雜誌上 所言,阿里巴巴集團令中國經濟徹底改變。 馬雲先生同樣以自己的才華和遠見回饋社會。他 熱衷於環境保育,現時擔任美國大自然保護協會 中國理事會主席。他個人反對食用魚翅,並禁止 商戶在阿里巴巴集團旗下的平台銷售魚翅和瀕危 物種。馬雲先生積極參與中國的服災扶貧工作, 當選 2010 年〈亞洲福布新〉雜誌的「亞洲慈善英 雄」之一。此外,他心繫教育,早年他對學生循 循善謗,如今則在世界各地積極與廣大群罪分享 成功經驗,例如於 2011 年在香港科技大學陳江和 亞洲家族企業與創業研究中心舉辦的研討會上發 表演說。 今年,阿里巴巴集團牽頭創立了茱烏網絡科技有 限公司,致力建構中國智能物流骨幹網。茱鳥的 成立將會掀起同樣重大的變革,成就另一個精彩 故事。然而,馬雲先生的目標並非爭取一時的名 成利就或閱拓商業王圈,而是繼續透過科技創造 更公平的競爭環境,改善人們生活質素。 主席先生,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請閣下頒授工商管理學榮譽博士予阿里巴巴集團 主席馬雲先生。 榮譽博士的讀辭 I 23


Doctor of Humanities honoris causa

Professor Bright Zong-Liang SHENG


For Prof Bright Zong-Liang Sheng, world-renowned composer, conductor and pianist, the illuminating power of music is an astonishing and unceasing joy, a transformational ascent to a realm beyond, an experience that lifts away the present and opens up sparkling avenues of new thought through which the imagination can freely roam. Best of all, through music, these inspirational peaks can be shared in shimmering, ephemeral moments of truth and revelation between composer and performer, and with those who listen.

Indeed, infusing and enthusing others with fresh insight has been a lifetime mission for this pioneering artist and enlightened educator. Born in 1955 in Shanghai, raised in the tumultuous times of the Cultural Revolution, later a top composition student at the Shanghai Conservatory before a move to New York and more than 30 years in the US, Prof Sheng has sought to bring together east and west, tradition and innovation, history and contemporaneity within his constantly unfolding musical vision.

To Prof Sheng, composing is always a way forward to the next piece, the next performance. It is not a chapter or a full stop but the opening of a door through which to advance. With works spanning stage, orchestral, chamber and vocal works, his prestigious accomplishments show how successful he has been in striding through such portals to innovative new soundscapes.


The list of his commissions and performances stretches for pages, reaching from North America to Europe to Asia, and involving the world's greatest orchestras and ensembles. Some of the foremost musicians of our time- Yo-Yo Ma, Leonard Slatkin, Kurt Masur, and his late, great mentor and friend Leonard Bernstein - have asked him to compose or played his works.

In the late 1990s, he performed a work he had been specially commissioned by the White House to create for a state dinner to honor the visit of Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji. In 2008, he composed for the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. His talents have also brought him elite recognition as the recipient of a highly prized MacArthur Foundation "genius" grant as well as numerous other prizes and awards.

His teaching is based on the premise that learning never stops, either for students or those who guide them. Over the past 20 years, he has guided a whole generation, including teaching at the University of Michigan as the Leonard Bernstein Distinguished University Professor of Composition.

For Prof Sheng, learning is an exchange, not a one-way street, and this continual search to know more is all part of the journey of an artist. Meanwhile, the willingness to take risks is a constant companion along the way.


At HKUST, we have been the beneficiary of such courage in Prof Sheng's guidance on music-based courses offered by our School of Humanities and Social Science. He has done so as the Y K Pao Distinguished Visiting Professor of Cultural Studies, a HKUST Named Professorship supported by Dr Helmut and Mrs Anna Sohmen and named after the late leading Hong Kong industrialist and arts benefactor Sir Yue-Kong Pao.

Prof Sheng has also made an outstanding contribution in this regard through his realization of the internationally acclaimed Intimacy of Creativity, held annually on our campus for the past three years. As Founder and Artistic Director of the remarkable two-week partnership that promotes dialogue between young composers and eminent performers, he has helped to rewrite the score on the idea that a science and technology university is no place for an artistic mindset. It has been hailed by the

Financial Times

as "the city's most innovative musical experience".

The word "intimacy" has not been lightly chosen. What is imparted during these workshops is the wonderful togetherness that the creative process inspires. That is why there are open rehearsals for students and the public to attend. For artists illustrate why creativity and imagination should always be with you. And that is why, according to Prof Sheng, it is even more important to hold this event at HKUST rather than a conservatory, where students are already committed to the arts.

For Prof Sheng, the leaps and bounds of the imagination that great art makes possible are important to every profession and to each and

every one of us. In his life's work, he has given us all a great gift in opening so many doors through which to reach beyond the here and now and into that amazing realm of creativity.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Prof Bright Zong-Liang Sheng, Leonard Bernstein Distinguished University Professor of Composition at the University of Michigan, for the

award of Doctor of Humanities

honoris causa.




讚辭 盛宗亮教授是世界著名作曲家、指揮家及鋼琴 家。對盛教授而言,音樂散發璀曝光芒,帶來超 乎想像的無窮喜悅,使人達致超凡境界;音樂更 開敢思想空間,讓想像力自由馳騁。而音樂最美 妙之處,莫過於讓作曲家、演奏家、聽原三者一 起分享真善美的動人時刻。 作為勇於創新的藝術家和思想開明的教育家,盛 教授一直以其嶄新思維敢迪他人,並以此作為終 身抱負。 1955 年,盛教授出生於上海,在動盪的 文革時代成長,後來在上海音樂學院攻請作曲, 成績優異。移居紐約後,他在美國生活了超過 30 年,不斷開拓音樂領域,致力融匯東西,新舊並 蓄,古今著萃。 1990 年代末,當時的中國總理朱鎔基出訪美國, 白宮特地邀請盛宗亮教授為此創作樂曲,並於宴 請朱總理的國宴中演奏該作品。 2008 年,盛教授 為北京奧運會的閉幕式作曲。他的才華令他屢獲 殊榮,包括麥克阿瑟基金天才獎等榮譽。 盛宗亮教授深信,無論身為學生還是導師,都應 以學無止境為原則。過去 20 年,他培育了一整 代人。盛教授於密歇根大學任教,獲該校委任為 倫那德﹒伯恩斯坦傑出大學作曲教授。盛教授認 為,學習是立動而非單向的;藝術家必須不斷求 新求變,富有冒險精神。 科大人文社會科學學院得蒙盛教授悉心指導,他 勇於開創,領導音樂課程,本校獲益良多。他是 盛教授認為作曲是永遠朝著下一首作品、下一次 科大人文社會科學學院的包玉剛傑出文化研究訪 表演進發;完成一首樂曲並非等於寫畢一個篇 問教授。該冠名教授席得到蘇海文博士倪儷贊助 章,或者劃上句號,而是開散了一扇門,繼纜向 支持,以巴故著名香港實業家及藝術贊助人包玉 前邁進。盛教授的作品包羅萬有,不論是舞台 剛爵士命名。 音樂、管弦樂、室樂和聲樂等,均享負盛名,見 誰他跨越不同的音樂之門,開創新聲景的卓越成 盛宗亮教授在本校推廣音樂藝術不遺餘力,貢獻 就。 超卓。在他的領導下,科大過去三年在校園內舉 辦每年一度的「創意闊的親暱」。這個為期兩周 盛教授的受託工作及表演不勝枚舉,所到之處遍及 的活動享譽國際,促進了年輕作曲家與傑出演奏 北美洲、歐洲以至亞洲,合作團體當中不乏世界最 家之間的對話。盛教授是該項目的創辦人和藝術 著名的管弦樂團和合奏圈。當今顯赫的音樂家如 總監,一玫藝術無法立足於一所科技大學的想 馬友友、史拉金、馬蘇爾,還有亦師亦友、已故的 法。「創意闊的親暱」獲〈金融時報〉譽為「全 伯恩斯坦,均邀請他譜寫樂曲或演奏他們的作品。 城最創新的音樂體驗」。 26 I 榮譽博士的讀辭


「親暱」一詞並非隨意挑選的。這個工作坊希望 透過創作引發共鳴,因此設有公開綠排,歡迎學 生和公原參與藝術家展示出人人都可以擁有創 造力和想像力。盛教授相信,這項活動在科大校 園舉行,比在音樂學院內舉行更具意義,因為音 樂學院的學生早已熱愛藝術。 盛宗亮教授認為,偉大藝術引發天馬行空的想像 力,對任何專業、對任何人都十分重要。我們 衷心感謝盛教授闖關了許多門徑,讓我們超越時 空,遨遊奇妙的創意空間。 主席先生,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請閣下頒授人文學榮譽博士于密歇根大學倫那德﹒ 伯恩斯坦傑出大學作曲教授盛宗亮教授。 榮譽博士的讀辭 I 27


Doctor of Laws honoris causa

The Han WONG Yan Lung


When you have moved from pushing an ice-cream trolley from Causeway Bay to the Central Peak Tram station to help your father with his work as a street vendor to being the second person to hold the crucial HKSAR government position of Secretary for Justice, it would appear you have done well in life.

But Wong Yan Lung, outstanding former government minister, successful barrister, empathetic community volunteer, loyal eldest son, and dedicated father, has done much more. He has stayed out in front in who he is as well as his outward achievements. HKUST is not the only institution to recognize his many accomplishments recently and, characteristically, he has said that in accepting these honors, he does so not for himself but for the Department of Justice and colleagues in recognition of their work.

Thinking of others has been a theme throughout Mr Wong's impactfullife.

A member of the 1960s generation, Mr Wong grew up in a postwar sub-divided tenement in Wanchai, and later in public housing at Wah Fu Estate, near Aberdeen. Busy assisting his father from Primary Two onward, he quickly learned to use his restricted time to study effectively, securing a secondary school place at prestigious Queen's College. There, he soon became first in his form and a stalwart of the school's winning debate team. Later, as head prefect, he would


discuss school regulations with teachers, sparking an initial interest in rules and behavior. Bright, a skilled communicator, and intrigued by the administration of governance, undergraduate study and a career in law beckoned.

In the early 1980s, he took his first plane ride, heading to the UK and Magdalene College at the University of Cambridge after winning a Prince Philip Scholarship, an award scheme for talented local young people set up by Friends of Cambridge University in Hong Kong. The initially daunting encounter with a new culture and study environment was made more testing for Mr Wong when he was knocked down on his bicycle near the beginning of his stay, putting all 10 fingers out of action for five weeks. This baptism by fire was met by typical enterprise and endeavor by recording his supervisions and lectures, working extra hard over the Christmas term break, and eventually being in the happy position to lend out his very tidy and substantial collection of notes to less organized classmates.

Called to the Bar in England & Wales and in Hong

Kong in 1987, Mr Wong rapidly built a successful practice as a barrister following his return to the city, specializing in constitutional, administrative, property and civil law. He was appointed a Senior Counsel in 2002. Over the years, he has also brought his diligence, focus, training and integrity to many public service offices for the legal profession and the community.


His appreciation of the opportunities he received from the community while growing up and Hong Kong's unique post-handover position made serving as Secretary for Justice from 2005 to 2012 a willing responsibility.

The rule of law is far more than a system of governance or regulation of people's behavior, according to Mr Wong, but an attitude, a cherished norm in a community, one that is embraced not because you are being watched, but because you believe and accept the system as a core value, and will abide by it even when not being watched.

Assisting the constitutional development of the Basic Law and one country, two systems, and advancing Hong Kong as a sophisticated, truly cosmopolitan international city, was a challenging but immensely satisfying undertaking, he has said. The invaluable part he has played in this regard was recognized in 2012 by a Grand Bauhinia Medal, Hong Kong's highest honor. His citation noted his "significant contribution in upholding the rule of law and in safeguarding the public interest".

As a father of three young daughters as well as a core member of Hong Kong's "can-do" society, he also sees belief and action in a good cause as important for positive development.

With a deep understanding of poverty from his childhood days, a strong Christian faith, and a drive to do more than simply accumulate money, in the 1990s Mr Wong became involved with the homeless as a frontline volunteer. Over many years, his Thursday evenings from 7pm to midnight would be spent buying rice boxes, referring welfare organizations, or simply

befriending those in need. He has served on the Steering Committee of the Hong Kong Christian Concern for the Homeless Association and as Vice-Chairman of the CEDAR Fund, a relief and development organization.

"From my experiences in the past, I believe if you start by helping out others, you end up a more fulfilled and happier person," he has said. We can all learn from such an attitude.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, the Hon Wong Yan Lung, GBM, SC, and former Secretary for Justice for the HKSAR Government, for the award of Doctor of Laws

honoris causa.




讚辭 從幫父親把雪糕車由銅鑼灣推到中環纜車總站的 星期內都無法動彈十根指頭;當時黃先生剛開始 小伙子,一躍成為香港特別行政區政府第二任律 適應異地文化和學習環境,這次車禍對他來說有 政司司長,黃仁龍先生平步青雲。 如雪上加霜。面對這次無妄之災,他沉著應對, 除了錄下導師的話和講課內容,更在聖誕假期加 黃仁龍先生是傑出的港府前任司長、成功的大律 倍用功,把學習容整理成井井有條的筆記,並借 師、熱心公益的義工、事親至孝的長子、盡貴的 給同學參考。 慈父一黃仁龍卓然有成,但忠於自己的理想,始 終如一。近年科大與本地幾所大學均賴授榮譽博 1987 年,黃仁龍先生取得英格蘭與威爾士和香港 士于黃仁龍先生,他謙稱並非一已功勞,而歸功 大律師執業資格。因港後,黃先生很快成為出色 於律政司和整個團隊的努力。 的大律師,以憲法、行政、財產及民事法方面見 長,並於2002 年獲委任為資深大律師。多年來, 黃仁龍先生一直秉持無私的精神,活出非凡人 他本著一貫勤奮、專注和誠信,擔任不少公職, 生。 造福法律界及廣大社群。 黃仁龍先生於 1960 年代出生,早年住在戰後灣仔 香港是貴仁龍先生生於斯、長於斯的地方,給予 唐樓的分租單位,後來遷入鄰近香港仔的華富那 他很多寶貴機會,他心存感激。香港回歸後地 公屋。自小學二年級起,他便要幫助父親謀生, 位特殊,黃先生在 2005 至 2012 年間,毅然肩負重 很快學會如何善用有限的時間來學習。他考入名 任,出任律政司司長。 校皇仁書院,一直名列前茅,而且成為學校辯論 隊的中堅分子。他身為總領袖生,經常與老師討 論校規,培養出對法規和行為的興趣。黃先生天 資聰敏,能言善辯,喜好鑽研行政管治,在大學 修讀法律,其後進身司法界,開展事業。 1980 年代初,黃仁龍先生獲得香港的劍橋大學良 友會為本地優秀學生雨設的菲臘親王獎學金,第 一次乘生飛機,負笈英國劍橋大學麥德琳學院進 修。黃先生不久在騎自行車時意外被車撞倒,五 30 I 榮譽博士的讀辭 黃仁龍先生認為,法治並不單是管治或規管行為 的制度,而是一種態度,是社會珍而重之的原 則,守法循規並非因為受到監控,而是因為大家 都堅信和接納法制是社會的核心價值,所以即使 沒有任何人察視時都會奉公守法。 要協助〈基本法〉和「一國兩制」的憲制發展, 推動香港成為真正成熟的國際大都會,過程充滿 挑戰,卻令他無比滿足。黃先生在這方面貢獻傑


出,他在 2012 年獲香港特區政府頒授最高榮譽的 大紫荊勳章,以表揚他「致力維護法治精神及保 障公原利益,貢獻良多 J 0 作為三名女兒的父親,及富有「我做得到」的香 港精神,黃先生深信善念、善行對社會正面發展 至為重要。 黃先生的童年經歷,令他對貧窮有深刻體會,加 上他本身是虔誠的基督徒,淡泊財富。他於 1990 年代成幫助露宿者的前線義工。多年來,每逢星 期四晚上七時至午夜,他都會忙於購買飯盒、轉 介社福機構或探訪弱勢社群。他曾加入香港基督 教關懷無家者協會督導委員會,並擔任施達基金 會副主席,該會是一個救援及發展組織。 他說: r 以往的經歷使我深信幫助別人便會活得 更加豐盛愉快。」這種為善最樂的人生觀,堪為 我們的楷模。 主席先生,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請閣下頒授法學榮譽博士予大律師、香港特區政 府前律政司司長黃仁龍先生 GBM , SC 0 榮譽博士的棚 I 31



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