Updating the Science Education KLA
Curriculum (P1 to S6)
Position of Science Education KLA in the School Curriculum
Science is the study of phenomena and events around us through systematic observation and experimentation.•
Science education cultivates students’ curiosity about the world and enhances scientific thinking. Throughsystematic inquiry, students will develop scientific
knowledge and skills to help them evaluate the impact of scientific and technological development.
This will prepare students to become lifelong learners in science and technology, who will become responsiblecitizens and contribute to our scientific and technological world.
Rationales of Updating the Science Education KLA Curriculum Focusing, Deepening & Sustaining
1. Science Education KLA
In response to rapid development in science•
Developing a solid and balanced science foundation among students•
Strengthening vertical continuity and lateral coherence within and across KLAs2. STEM education
Enhancing students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills•
Nurturing diversified talents for enhancing international competitiveness of Hong Kong3. Ongoing renewal of the school curriculum
STEM education as one of the key emphases of the ongoing curriculum renewal•
Other key emphases of ongoing renewal of school curriculum, e.g. refined generic skills, values education, information literacy, Language across the Curriculum ( LaC)4
- Emphasising scientific literacy
- 6 strands in science curriculum
- Open & flexible
curriculum framework
- Science process skills &
nature of science
- Holistic curriculum planning - Strengthening the interface
between Key Stages
- Information Literacy, e-learning
STEM Education
- Strengthening ability to
integrate and apply knowledge and skills, promoting creativity and problem solving skills, and nurturing entrepreneurial spirit
- Enhancing collaboration among KLAs
Updating the Science Education KLA Curriculum
Focusing, Deepening & Sustaining
Updated Curriculum Emphases of Science Education
Strengthening students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills (including hands‐on skills)•
Nurturing students’ interest in science and related disciplines•
Emphasising development of scientific thinking and problem solving skills among students•
Fostering students to make informed judgements based on scientific evidence•
Nurturing students to become self‐directed learners in science•
Catering for students with different needs and aspirations5
Updated Aims of Science Education
1. Develop curiosity and interest in science
2. Develop the ability to make inquiries about science and solve problems 3. Acquire scientific knowledge and skills, and develop the ability to integrate
and apply the knowledge and skills with other related disciplines
4. Become familiar with the language of science to communicate science- related ideas
5. Recognise the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of science; and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship and a commitment to promote personal and community health
6. Develop an understanding of the nature of science
7. Become a lifelong learner in science for personal development
8. Be prepared for further studies or future careers in scientific, technological
and engineering fields 6
Updated Science Education KLA Curriculum Framework (P1‐S6)
7 Information Literacy
Science, Technology, Society and Environment
Energy and Change The Earth
and Beyond
The Material World Life and Living
Scientific Investigation
Values and Attitudes
Generic skills
Integration and Application (STEM Education)
Science Process Skills and Nature of Science
Language across the Curriculum (LaC)
Highlighting the Importance of Scientific Literacy
Science Process Skills
Foundation for scientific method
For studying science
For problem solving
Facilitate understanding of nature of science
Develop positive values and attitudes towards science•
Essential Science Process Skills
Designing investigations
Conducting practical
Nature of Science
Increase students’ interest
Enhance understanding of scientific knowledge
Foster students to make informed decision about science‐related issues•
Some widely accepted views of the nature of science :
Scientific knowledge is durable and tentative.
Science attempts to explain natural phenomena based on consistent patterns in natural world.
Scientific knowledge is supported by evidences and empirical standards.
Scientific knowledge relies on creativity, innovation and skepticism.
Scientific methods include the empirical testing of new ideas generated by deductive and/or inductive logic.
… 9Updating of Science (S1‐3) Curriculum
Direction of review:
Fine‐tune and update the curriculum content•
Nurture students’ interest in science•
Help students build a solid and balanced foundation in science•
Strengthen the bridging between junior and senior secondary science curricula10
Updating of Science (S1‐3) Curriculum
Major updates:
Keeping abreast of the rapid development in science and technology, especially in the field of life sciences•
Strengthening the bridging between junior and senior secondary science curricula•
Unifying concepts are introduced to enhance students’understanding of the connections and overarching coherence across different science disciplines
Science process skills are strengthened, e.g. basic quantitative treatment in scientific investigations, including interpretation of data and graphs, and use of symbols, equations and graphs for representation and communication of ideas•
Learning and teaching activities are enriched for students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills in problem solving to create solutions and make inventions with hand‐on experiences, e.g. projects, design‐and‐make activities11
Updating of Primary
General Studies Curriculum
The contents are updated to put more emphasis on the relevance of science and technology to daily life (e.g. low carbon living, global warming).•
Basic science process skills, including observing,measuring, classifying and communicating, are enhanced in science investigation (e.g. fair test) to strengthen the interface between primary and junior secondary levels.
Learning and teaching activities related to the application of science and technology in solving everyday lifeproblems are enriched (e.g. energy use in daily life, the use of simple machines)
Promoting STEM Education
• Further develop among students a strong knowledge base in step with the latest
developments in SE, TE and ME disciplines
• Strengthen their ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills in meeting the changes and challenges in the contemporary world
• Nurture their creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills, which can foster
innovation and entrepreneurial spirit as required in the 21st century.
Select a topic from a KLA
Learning elements
Learning elements
Science Education KLA Technology Education KLA Mathematics Education KLA
Approaches for STEM Learning Activities
Approach One
Learning activities based on a topic of a KLA
Genetic Code
Science Education
Structure of DNA
Model Design
Technology Education
Model Making
Ratio Mathematics Education
Picture Source: Nature Education
DNA Model Making
Learning elements Learning elements Learning elements
Science Education KLA Technology Education KLA Mathematics Education KLA
Approaches for STEM Learning Activities Approach Two
Projects integrating relevant learning elements of
different KLAs
Food Pyramid
Science Education
Food Substances
Technology Education
Food Preparation
Food Hygiene
Collect and organise
Mathematics Education
Estimate and measure
Healthy Diet
• Design menu
• Design mobile application for calculating calorie value
• Food research and development
Food Research
Refined Generic Skills
Basic Skills 基礎能力
Thinking Skills 思考能力
Personal and Social Skills 個人及社交能力
Communication Skills 溝通能力
Critical Thinking Skills 明辨性思考能力
Self‐management Skills 自我管理能力
Mathematical Skills1 數學能力
Creativity 創造力
Self‐learning Skills2 自學能力
IT Skills
Problem Solving Skills 解決問題能力
Collaboration Skills 協作能力
In Science Education KLA, generic skills can bedeveloped through scientific investigations, experiments, field work, group discussion, debates on science‐related issues, project learning, cross‐disciplinary STEM
activities, etc.
Remarks: 1Numeracy Skills and 2Study Skills were used respectively in Learning to Learn: The Way Forward in Curriculum Development (2001)
Other Key Emphases of the Ongoing
Renewal of School Curriculum
Promoting Values Education
• Values education is an integral part of the school curriculum; cultivated through KLAs/subjects
• In Science Education KLA, values education can be carried out through relevant topics and appropriate
learning and teaching activities that help students apply and reflect on positive values and attitudes
• Other values and attitudes which could be permeated:
curiosity, critical reflection, open‐mindedness, respect for evidence, caring for the living organisms and theirenvironment, committed to sustainable development of
the environment, etc. 19
Other Key Emphases of the Ongoing
Renewal of School Curriculum
Other Key Emphases of the Ongoing Renewal of School Curriculum
• Strengthening
Language across the Curriculum (LaC) through tasks/strategies: reading to learn, e.g. using graphical
organisers, unpacking and packing science ideas and language focus
learning to write, e.g. writing laboratory safety rules and investigation report
• Strengthening information literacy, e.g. data
collection, organisation, analysis, interpretation and reporting in scientific investigation
• Promoting
e‐learning, e.g.using mobile devices for experiments, flipped‐classroom teaching
Holistic Curriculum Planning
Promoting Effective Pedagogies
• Effective L&T strategies:
Practical work , investigation, problem‐based learning, context‐based learning,
discussion/role‐play/debate, project learning
STEM‐related learning activities
Cater for learner diversity
e‐Learning in Science Education
Using data‐loggers to conduct experiments.•
Using a flipped‐classroom approach by recording and uploading short video clips to the school’s intranet or the Internet so that students can watch the clips and prepare for the lesson beforehand. Teachers could then spare the lesson time for more engaging learning activities, e.g.group discussion and solving problems.
Using mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers and apps inside and outside the classroom for interactive learning, and to extend science learningbeyond the classroom.
Using online platforms for discussion, dissemination of resources and collaborative learning.•
… 23Measures to Cater for Learner Diversity
Teacher should attend to students with different learning styles, needs, interests and abilities, and take appropriate action to help different students learn better.•
Teachers equip themselves with a repertoire of tactics, such as flexible grouping, remedial and extension activities, and varying the curriculum, pedagogy and the assignments•
Groom students with a special talent in science and STEM disciplines, to develop their full potential.•
Enrichment activities and additional tasks of challenge•
Encourage students to participate in a variety of local and/or overseas learning programmes or science competitions.24
Assessment in Science Education
Summative and Formative Assessment
• Assessment of learning
• Assessment for learning
on a continuous basis
identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses and providing quality feedback for improving
providing teachers with evidence to review curriculum planning and teaching practices• Assessment as learning
engaging students in reflecting and monitoring their progress of learning
self‐assessment and peer assessment 25Assessment strategies for Science Education
• Paper and pencil
• Written assignments
• Oral questioning
• Observation
• Practical assessment
• Project work
• e‐assessment
• Portfolios
• …
Assessment for STEM‐related Learning Activities
• Assessment should match with the nature and progress of the activity
• Assessment include:
integrate and apply knowledge and skills
problem solving
creativity, innovative ideas• Assessment strategies
observation, oral questioning, class discussion, presentation of designs/plans of project27
Strengthening Collaboration with
Technology and Mathematics Education KLAs to Promote Science/STEM Education
Providing a favourable environment•
Holistic curriculum planning•
Organising KLA‐based and cross‐disciplinary learningactivities of different nature; providing meaningful contexts closely geared to daily life to engage students in problem solving
Encouraging and supporting STEM‐related competitions and other fun‐filled learning activities•
Promoting collaboration among teachers at school level28
Supporting Strategies to Schools
• Enrich learning activities for students e.g. student education fair
• Provide Learning and teaching resources – EDB One‐
stop Portal, e‐resources, community resources, etc.
• Strengthen partnerships with key players in the community
• Enhance professional development of schools and teachers – symposia, professional development
programmes (PDPs), PDS of EDF, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What are the implications of curriculum updating of the SE KLA in school‐based curriculum development?
A1. ‐ Promoting holistic curriculum planning for vertical continuity and lateral coherence within and across KLAs, and collaboration among teachers
‐ Enriching learning and teaching activities, such as scientific
investigations, design‐and‐make activities and problem‐based learning
Q2. How can schools allocate time for promotion of STEM education?
A2. ‐ Effective use of lesson time with infusion of STEM‐related learning activities
‐ Appropriate use of school‐based flexible time of central time allocation / outside classroom learning for STEM‐related projects and competitions Q3. What are the resources and supports available to schools?
A3. ‐ Resources and supports from EDB, e.g. PDPs, resources at One‐stop Portal, Edblogs
‐ Community resources provided by other government related/non‐
government organisations
‐ Other resources, e.g. QEF project, PDS of EDF 30
• Updating the curriculum framework
• Emphasising holistic curriculum planning
• Promoting STEM education (strengthening the ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills within and across KLAs)
• Other key emphases of ongoing curriculum renewal, such as refined generic skills,
values education, LaC, information literacy, e‐learning
Summary of Key Updates
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