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Advanced Procedures-Computer Organization and Assembly Languages


Academic year: 2021

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Advanced Procedures

Computer Organization and Assembly Languages

Yung-Yu Chuang 2005/11/24



• Assignment #2 due today by midnight.

• Assignment #3 due on 12/6 (Tue) midnight. • Graded midterm will be returned later today.


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• Local Variables (creating and initializing on the stack, scope and lifetime, LOCAL)

• Stack Parameters (INVOKE, PROC, PROTO, pass ing by value, passing by reference, memory m odel and language specifiers)

• Stack Frames (access by indirect addressing) • Recursion


Local variables

• The variables defined in the data segment can be taken as static global variables.

• A local variable is created, used, and destroyed within a single procedure

• Advantages of local variables:

– Restricted access: easy to debug, less error prone – Efficient memory usage

– Same names can be used in two different procedures

lifetime=program duration


Local variables

• The LOCAL directive declares a list of local var iables

– immediately follows the PROC directive – each variable is assigned a type

• Syntax:

LOCAL varlist




Local variables

LOCAL flagVals[20]:BYTE ; array of bytes

LOCAL pArray:PTR WORD ; pointer to an array

myProc PROC, ; procedure

p1:PTR WORD ; parameter

LOCAL t1:BYTE, ; local variables t2:WORD,




MASM-generated code

BubbleSort PROC

LOCAL temp:DWORD, SwapFlag:BYTE . . . ret BubbleSort ENDP BubbleSort PROC push ebp mov ebp,esp

add esp,0FFFFFFF8h ; add -8 to ESP . . .

mov esp,ebp pop ebp


BubbleSort ENDP


MASM-generated code

Diagram of the stack frame for the BubbleSort procedure:

temp SwapFlag ret addr ebp ESP EBP [EBP-4] [EBP-8]


Reserving stack space

• .stack 4096

• Sub1 calls Sub2, Sub2 calls Sub3


LOCAL array1[50]:DWORD ; 200 bytes


LOCAL array2[80]:WORD ; 160 bytes



Register vs. stack parameters

• Register parameters require dedicating a regist er to each parameter. Stack parameters are mo re convenient

• Imagine two possible ways of calling the DumpM em procedure. Clearly the second is easier:


mov esi,OFFSET array mov ecx,LENGTHOF array mov ebx,TYPE array

call DumpMem popad

push OFFSET array push LENGTHOF array push TYPE array


INVOKE directive

• The INVOKE directive is a powerful replacement f or Intel’s CALL instruction that lets you pass mult iple arguments

• Syntax:

INVOKE procedureName [, argumentList]

• ArgumentList is an optional comma-delimited list of procedure arguments

• Arguments can be:

– immediate values and integer expressions – variable names

– address and ADDR expressions – register names


INVOKE examples

.data byteVal BYTE 10 wordVal WORD 1000h .code ; direct operands: INVOKE Sub1,byteVal,wordVal ; address of variable:

INVOKE Sub2,ADDR byteVal

; register name, integer expression: INVOKE Sub3,eax,(10 * 20)

; address expression (indirect operand): INVOKE Sub4,[ebx]


INVOKE example


val1 DWORD 12345h val2 DWORD 23456h .code

INVOKE AddTwo, val1, val2

push val1 push val2 call AddTwo


ADDR operator


myWord WORD ? .code

INVOKE mySub,ADDR myWord

• Returns a near or far pointer to a variable, depending on which memory model your program uses:

• Small model: returns 16-bit offset

• Large model: returns 32-bit segment/offset • Flat model: returns 32-bit offset


PROC directive

•The PROC directive declares a procedure with an optional list of named parameters.


label PROC paramList

•paramList is a list of parameters separated by commas. Each parameter has the following synta x:


type must either be one of the standard ASM types (BYTE,

SBYTE, WORD, etc.), or it can be a pointer to one of thes e types.


PROC examples

AddTwo PROC, val1:DWORD, val2:DWORD mov eax,val1 add eax,val2 ret AddTwo ENDP

• The AddTwo procedure receives two integers and retur ns their sum in EAX.

• C++ programs typically return 32-bit integers from func tions in EAX.


PROC examples

FillArray PROC,

pArray:PTR BYTE, fillVal:BYTE arraySize:DWORD mov ecx,arraySize mov esi,pArray mov al,fillVal L1:mov [esi],al inc esi loop L1 ret FillArray ENDP

FillArray receives a pointer to an array of bytes, a single byte fill value that will be copied to each element of the array, and the size of the array.


PROTO directive

• Creates a procedure prototype • Syntax:

– label PROTO paramList

• Every procedure called by the INVOKE directive must have a prototype

• A complete procedure definition can also serve as its own prototype


PROTO directive

• Standard configuration: PROTO appears at top of the program listing, INVOKE appears in the code segment, and the procedure implementation occurs later in the program:

MySub PROTO ; procedure prototype .code

INVOKE MySub ; procedure call

MySub PROC ; procedure implementation .



PROTO example

• Prototype for the ArraySum procedure, showing i ts parameter list:

ArraySum PROTO,

ptrArray:PTR DWORD, ; points to the array szArray:DWORD ; array size


Passing by value

• When a procedure argument is passed by

value, a copy of a 16-bit or 32-bit integer is pushed on the stack. Example:


myData WORD 1000h .code

main PROC

INVOKE Sub1, myData

push myData call Sub1


Passing by reference

• When an argument is passed by reference, its address is pushed on the stack. Example:


myData WORD 1000h .code

main PROC

INVOKE Sub1, ADDR myData

push OFFSET myData call Sub1


Parameter classifications

• An input parameter is data passed by a calling program to a procedure.

– The called procedure is not expected to modify the corresponding parameter variable, and even if it does, the modification is confined to the procedure itself.

• An input-output parameter represents a value passed as input to a procedure, which the procedure may modify.

• The same parameter is then able to return the changed data to the calling program.

• An output parameter is created by passing a pointer to a variable when a procedure is called.

• The procedure does not use any existing data from the variable, but it fills in a new value before it returns.


Example: exchanging two integers

Swap PROC USES eax esi edi,

pValX:PTR DWORD, ; pointer to first integer pValY:PTR DWORD ; pointer to second integer mov esi,pValX ; get pointers

mov edi,pValY

mov eax,[esi] ; get first integer

xchg eax,[edi] ; exchange with second mov [esi],eax ; replace first integer ret


The Swap procedure exchanges the values of two 32-bit integers. pValX and pValY do not change values, but the integers they point to are modified.


Stack frame

• Also known as an activation record

• Area of the stack set aside for a procedure's return address, passed parameters, saved registers, and local variables

• Created by the following steps:

– Calling program pushes arguments on the stack and calls the procedure.

– The called procedure pushes EBP on the stack, and sets EBP to ESP.

– If local variables are needed, a constant is


Memory models

• A program's memory model determines the number and sizes of code and data segments. • Real-address mode supports tiny, small,

medium, compact, large, and huge models. • Protected mode supports only the flat model.

Small model: code < 64 KB, data (including stack) < 64 KB. All offsets are 16 bits.

Flat model: single segment for code and data, up to 4 GB. All offsets are 32 bits.


.MODEL directive

• .MODEL directive specifies a program's memory model and model options (language-specifier). • Syntax:

.MODEL memorymodel [,modeloptions]

• memorymodel can be one of the following: – tiny, small, medium, compact, large, huge, or flat • modeloptions includes the language specifier


– procedure naming scheme


Language specifiers

• C:

– procedure arguments pushed on stack in reverse ord er (right to left)

– calling program cleans up the stack • pascal

– procedure arguments pushed in forward order (left t o right)

– called procedure cleans up the stack • stdcall

– procedure arguments pushed on stack in reverse ord er (right to left)


Explicit access to stack parameters

• A procedure can explicitly access stack paramet ers using constant offsets from EBP.

– Example: [ebp + 8]

• EBP is often called the base pointer or frame po inter because it holds the base address of the st ack frame.

• EBP does not change value during the procedur e.

• EBP must be restored to its original value when a procedure returns.


Stack frame example


sum DWORD ? .code

push 6 ; second argument

push 5 ; first argument

call AddTwo ; EAX = sum

mov sum,eax ; save the sum AddTwo PROC push ebp mov ebp,esp . . 6 5 ret addr ebp ESP EBP [EBP+4] [EBP+8] [EBP+12]


Stack frame example

AddTwo PROC push ebp

mov ebp,esp ; base of stack frame mov eax,[ebp + 12] ; second argument (6) add eax,[ebp + 8] ; first argument (5) pop ebp

ret 8 ; clean up the stack AddTwo ENDP ; EAX contains the sum

6 5 ret addr ebp EBP [EBP+4] [EBP+8] [EBP+12]


Passing arguments by reference

• The ArrayFill procedure fills an array with 16-bit ran dom integers

• The calling program passes the address of the array, along with a count of the number of array elements:


count = 100

array WORD count DUP(?) .code

push OFFSET array push COUNT


Passing arguments by reference

ArrayFill PROC push ebp mov ebp,esp pushad mov esi,[ebp+12] mov ecx,[ebp+8] . .

ArrayFill can reference an array without know

ing the array's name:

offset(array) count ret addr ebp EBP [EBP+4] [EBP+8] [EBP+12]


LEA instruction (load effective address)

• The LEA instruction returns offsets of both direct and indirect operands.

– OFFSET operator can only return constant offsets. • LEA is required when obtaining the offset of a

stack parameter or local variable. For example:

CopyString PROC, count:DWORD

LOCAL temp[20]:BYTE

mov edi,OFFSET count ; invalid operand mov esi,OFFSET temp ; invalid operand

lea edi,count ; ok


Creating local variables

• To explicitly create local variables, subtract the ir total size from ESP.

• The following example creates and initializes t wo 32-bit local variables (we'll call them locA a nd locB): MySub PROC push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,8 mov [ebp-4],123456h mov [ebp-8],0 . . ret addr ebp … EBPESP [EBP+4] [EBP+8] [EBP-4] [EBP-8]



• The process created when . . . – A procedure calls itself

– Procedure A calls procedure B, which in turn calls procedure A

• Using a graph in which each node is a procedure and each edge is a procedure call, recursion


Calculating a factorial

5! = 5 * 4! 4! = 4 * 3! 3! = 3 * 2! 2! = 2 * 1! 1! = 1 * 0! 0! = 1 (base case) 1 * 1 = 1 2 * 1 = 2 3 * 2 = 6 4 * 6 = 24 5 * 24 = 120 1 = 1

recursive calls backing up

This function calculates the factorial of integer

n. A new value of n is saved in each stack frame:

int factorial(int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; else return n*factorial(n-1) ; } factorial(5);


Calculating a factorial

Factorial PROC push ebp

mov ebp,esp

mov eax,[ebp+8] ; get n cmp eax,0 ; n < 0?

ja L1 ; yes: continue

mov eax,1 ; no: return 1 jmp L2

L1:dec eax

push eax ; Factorial(n-1)

call Factorial ReturnFact:

mov ebx,[ebp+8] ; get n

mul ebx ; ax = ax * bx

L2:pop ebp ; return EAX

ret 4 ; clean up stack


Calculating a factorial

Factorial PROC push ebp mov ebp,esp mov eax,[ebp+8] cmp eax,0 ja L1 mov eax,1 jmp L2 L1:dec eax push eax call Factorial ReturnFact: mov ebx,[ebp+8] mul ebx L2:pop ebp ret 4 Factorial ENDP 12 ret main ebp 11 ret Factorial ebp 0 ret Factorial ebp push 12 call Factorial


Multimodule programs

• A multimodule program is a program whose so urce code has been divided up into separate A SM files.

• Each ASM file (module) is assembled into a sep arate OBJ file.

• All OBJ files belonging to the same program ar e linked using the link utility into a single EXE f ile.



• Large programs are easier to write, maintain, and debug when divided into separate source code modules.

• When changing a line of code, only its enclosing module needs to be assembled again. Linking assembled modules requires little time.

• A module can be a container for logically related code and data

• encapsulation: procedures and variables are automatically hidden in a module unless you declare them public


Creating a multimodule program

• Here are some basic steps to follow when creati ng a multimodule program:

– Create the main module

– Create a separate source code module for each proc edure or set of related procedures

– Create an include file that contains procedure protot ypes for external procedures (ones that are called b etween modules)

– Use the INCLUDE directive to make your procedure p rototypes available to each module


Example: ArraySum Program

• Let's review the ArraySum program from Chapter 5.



INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

PromptForIntegers PROTO,

ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string

ptrArray:PTR DWORD, ; points to the array

arraySize:DWORD ; size of the array

ArraySum PROTO,

ptrArray:PTR DWORD, ; points to the array

count:DWORD ; size of the array

DisplaySum PROTO,

ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string

theSum:DWORD ; sum of the array

The sum.inc file contains prototypes for external funct ions that are not in the Irvine32 library:



TITLE Integer Summation Program INCLUDE sum.inc .code main PROC call Clrscr INVOKE PromptForIntegers, ADDR prompt1, ADDR array, Count ... call Crlf INVOKE ExitProcess,0 main ENDP END main


Diagram of the stack frame for the BubbleSort procedure:



Note: Automatic variables are allocated within the stack frames.

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