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(1);'''. J t. (1tk~:fh"~). ,+ AJ!}) (f\@iL+l!fllf--t:.-}]) .. '1-31. ~~1t~k" 9z~~~. m;~*I~Jl.tMlI~.z{i~' ~f¥am;Itf~*. j. :. ... 11. .l. •. .t--***. .. ', 1 ~. ~.¥. ~. OOM •• ~ •• ~~ ••OOft*••• ~~~9.&*.'. aft&*.~~4'~ •• OOM.M.~ff«OOft~~.~. *•• -fi~A.. .- '. 0. fiI ~9 z. ~J1... (International Labour Organisation, ILO) •. ~.~~OOM.~.~'#~4. ••• ~t~M~~.~ ••. (Committee on Freedom of Association, CFA). 14-,. f. 't:.l~Jl[;faMl ~iIf-t. .f...::..OO..::..lf-!!e,1~ 2,156 14-~iIf-t14-11~~Jt. ; fiilat,fhb-t14­. ~1.,~.~rOOM.~~~'~_~~.f~~~._'«*. 00 $,H.~ .~;;tr~. rn-i!f1f~-t~*~ ~~.*.*~. t". 0. OOM.~.~,~,+&.~;;tr-.a~M. ~.~«Jt"+A.#«Jtz~.~.~,e,.~*.4~;~. ~4*#.~~'M~z.*Aft«a~o~~~~'~~~~A +-If-~*~~9z •• 'iL+A~ ••• aift • • • aM~. rn~~o*z.*~~*.~4~~+Alf-.e,~~.ff'. *. •• ~. *~4***.~.k*.R*.*~~.**~~~.L~~r*.£*.J.. at9J;4 **~~.~k.*..L*~~~ •• 4~ZiTlt.~.~;lfft.7i1A ' ~ 1.tlJ~Jt.ftl'~J ~-~1~. 0. ~~4.*~-;it:lIJ. rrb. ~ ,**..L~1-9Jl.!l~~. II.

(2) # • • ~*.'~~~~~~~~ ~.&#M~*.·~+.~. ••. ~~41~'. •••• M.. ~m=. •• ~~+.~~,n.·~~~~. ... mff~~. ~~.M.~M.*~~~~4~'~~~T.'~~~~~~M ~+~~~~*. ••• *~ •••. _;n.~~~.M~~.~~~. ;kJf8 ' Mz~~~~~. ~k~~Ao. '. *~.Z-}j~jfja. m~P.t~1E. ~I m/~~ ~ $. , ~~~.tl~1 m~hl El tb ~ Ji ~~{§lj~~ • .ilX.m JIf-~ ~1J1..*~ Mi:. f41'F4$\*'J.z~~ , 1t~~;ffll ii-$~~ , f.i 1t. ~'$tlft *~~'M~Eltb~Ji~.z~ •• *.k~A· ~ •• ~ •• 4~ ••• ~k •• ,.~m~j,.~mJlf-~ ~ •• ~~Ji~,~.~mM.~A..*~~W'~&A..*~~ ~m ~. ~. I. , ~.~.~U-1J. !1il~Zf}]RP~.¥lW ~~. 10. mi'. o ~ ~ !f,lf 51 Uf! l:/j J\ Iffi. ..&••. J\~~;ji±§ ~&*1i.. ~l#.~~.,~~~.~~.t~~~.I,#.abr.~M.. ~*~omJlf-.~~~~.*~~~~*.M'~&M~Eltb~Ji. ~.J~~~ •• ~A~4.4M'.~~4~~~ •• '~~* ~~~tb~JIf-~~. , ~um.~~. ~~ t?&Ilmn F..ffi Ir4"iMI.-'14/f\J..;, ~"Y.6 Eli. '~~~A~~ • • ~~.~~. ~{{ti!!--1f-~~jfA.lft*~~l#.1t.~~"*r. +- f~;lsJt~fi. llibmJ.JJA,. tE1tI {1:.£*JJA~U~. •• M~Eltb~Ji~~~~~~~.'.#~M. and rights at work). .~~~'~***R~*r~.~~~*~~~*.·. ~. .~~~ I0~:ff~. • (.~) 0~, ~~. ~¥:ffWI~~~~~ ffd:. (~F~*W!) llibm1.:ff~Z0~&~. 0*. = a. 2}*9tJ&-A1i-~~. ~!iJjHJ~~.!~IWJ. ••• ~ ••a~~z~~~*.,m~ ~~~.~*.z~~z£~ , /f~~.~.~U~t)JJ1t •• ~1tP. .~.~~~~.~m. I. W~~.·.~.~m~*A./f~~~Z$~'n~~lli.fr~Z. =-:t ' *:tM-~.6t-At.~. .*'~~'.~.-h~A~ZA.~~~~m=+.~ffi-&~. *~lli~~.Z~.~,~~m=+~.~~~.m.W~AI.Z .~a-AAA~~Mlli.~fu0~~mA.~~A~~m.W~A. I •• ' I*m~.&flliI.~ , [PJ~Z0 reWi&m.fiJ.~0~1t. *:t :tAL;JR .:fUl~. ~ .~t:fHJ. .z:t:t ' ~-t .6t~~~<If 2. J.l fttJ...bA 11/ .$,Htl- 'to) *f4. - :kdr.. 1i.Jf- jJ J\f ~ .:r.. ~ ~ -A=-$t~;l:;J;tm i:.:r..~. A+..J:-$t , ~;i(,+A$t) ;l: (~---$t' ~-O(.

(3) ~.*..L. ~m=+=f~m.5Et!iWd:tJEUfi~Ifrm;L.f~~. , ~JjUfll1H~ mm~ , ~U~~~*I*fi~ (International Labour Organisation, ILO) ~~~~*I0X0Wij!~wB"J*~ , f1~I f'Fm;L.1¥I&H~tI:1Jjji~U'f1:;L.. , l:ft ~~ ~ 19; fT It ' iL 5!- -l- 1­ Y;l. 1-~..Lt"*m. M. ~!l~ ~ 'if; ~ :Z rf. ~~ ~. ••_~M.~*~:*~«~..Lt"~ 3 0. ~Itt;L.j}. m..,~.~.ft~~;L.~~o~~a~~.~OO'.~*Im~~ ~~;L..=:.~~~tl. 5!- FJt. :f 1!l. (tripartite structure' tripartism). f~tL~:,(~t!i.~~. :zJtMA@H1k~. .,.~t!im~=~~~~~~mo~~~.*Im~~-ft-ft~. liJ ' 5~ 1~ Ill' ~U.. am;L.W~~ • •M~m.~t!i.;L.m~tt,m~-ft~~~;L..~. ,. Jfqf~~~. y;l.ll A. fft 1% rf.:Z. :a 7J 1" ~~ 111 ~t fft. : ll~h:UI. m~ lit. 1:z1l~' ~$t.;f.. I ~-i- ' ;f.ffto. ~jtll1~t. .,. .. $~. lo~~*~~.~~;L. • • '~.*Im~~~m~. 0X0tp~JjUmtl:1J\~1*{,\0X02,. tp~ruJ~t!i.~~=, ep-fL~. J\~~~§EE&m~.1¥.0X0(mJ\+~M0X0)&-ft~ft~m ~m&. •• ~•• Jjji~;L..ffl0X0(mft+J\M0X0). a~I f'F.£*Jjji~UE1 ~. ,-ftftJ\~. (ILO Declaration on fundamental principles. mdri~h~w~)tp9FM;L.~~£*m;L.-o. ~.*I0X0~ruJ.t!i.;L.m..ft¥~-ft--~m+-Mt!i~. • (. ) 0X0 '. ~0*~~*f1~Wd:.1JDtJ5E~. , tlmtl:1l~!H~*mtJ~. .~~WI.*mtJ~~~;L.t!i~.,~~~-ft~~~mJ\+~M~ ~.(#~.m)0~o~~~.*Im~g.~~~~W.~.& g.m~ruJ;L.0X0&.~w,~m~~mJ\+~M0X0'mft+J\M 0~~&-ftE-~mft+-M •• ~X0ij!~w,-ftE=~mft+ ~M*.~~~~WIA~.&ftff.~w'-ftAO~m--=M. z.*mtJ~*m'~* ~tJ1'Jft~.5(~m. , n{}E~Wd:frIE~;L. $_ +f~E17G-j[ijt~. ~*fi~WlmAIfr;L.. *:t:t.3t,*-g:1)-.tHl:.ro tb#i~!Il.*tttt ,#UIt-4 freedom of association' fll.*.I..~l1 .~ •• ·*~a~~~M·*t:t~M~rotb~~M#i.~3t~-ft,.g:1)-~ ~.,*:t~.a-.M~.~~m~~~~t_.~'~M* •• ~.~ ••• f!t.. P-'l LY;l, ~ .*tttt --t"l*f4~ 2 -~~A+~.*.I.. •• ~~~~~t.~~~~~~~'.~~A-~~~+J I. 0. -A~~.~.m. ~'~.~~~~#~A~'~~~M~M#i~.~(J. 9UA§ EE*fi~W1JDA. A+~~.J~+A~). i&mmflj~~~0X09F. ~(J---~'J-OO~). ·.~*.~.~(J~+~~·J-OA~). .~«.. ·t.I...d(J-~A~'J-A~.)a*..

(4) f£:lIfj. ~~(I~~~%~~)~~~'-nht~~-=n~~~~zM. Body). ~~~~'-nt-~~-=E~~gm~~$~I~~~~~~~. g it ~ I~HINlIl ~ffl. ~fU0*3:&f§gz~-lZY=~~~~' -ntE~~-lZY-~.f1~. ~U ~f:f $ ~~{tj:{'F~. Im.0*3:&ffigz~-lZYn~~.~'-ntA~~-E-~~I. ~~ttf£:lI~4'B?iIil. ,. , -n)\ -~~­. 5E~~=OO=~Jlt. ElZYM~ • • *30*3:&ffi.z~-h=M~~~~~'.~~~~.. .Z~~'Mzf:f0~. W.~.~OOz0*3:&~.~~16~Z~o. Zt~~. g{*. (0*mU~) 0*3:&f§gz~-En~~~~. 0. ~.0*3~.~M.~* • • ~~m~.~A+tMW~n+A. ~~f:f~1Il~.. M0*3'~M~~:&m• • ~~0*3(~A+t~0*3)~~.~I. 1Il.~~.:&~{iM~. *fl..~-nlZYA~~=. ··~1N:!tit~ffr±.Z~. *it$ll!H~z0*33. *~t~ 142 {f{!1~%tft*Jl:tJ~0*34. , ~-OO=~ll:. : ~ttJ~:&,'i±*1:l. .Z~~,~ttJ~:&&±m.~±.Z~~,~~(±.mfi~• • ) ~~z~ll:~ *Ji••:&1Il• • p.:ij.JJjUlIJz~m0*3( ~n + )\~0 0. $M~~. ~~?GtgtE. , ~lltj,Itt. *~n+)\~*fl.• •. *3)~.~ImB~-nlZYn~~=+=@*it$~~'~=OO~. Blf- ' ~~~+ )\~ it ' :Mzw'UllEf]. {-t~. ~ll:tftXElItJ~0*3z~%*~t~ 154 ~5. IitWJ~m~~.:&. 0. ~ff!flf3mz~ll:. '. ~ll:5Z~c1r A~. '. ,. ~P'g%f±.tgM. : NIit. f1~*F1:Mz'gfflj~M. 0. ~tJIl. mrPJP)JtH~~f4jtlm § I. -m,fIltu:~. (Fact-Finding and. g {* J5t Jm ~N~{'iIiW B ' W~.~ I*1:lB;. Conciliation Commission on Freedom of Association, FFCC) · A~ ~. ffu1iEjffi~3::~~--~. ~.~I*1:l.f:flll~.zmff!flJ!~f]'~!f.f13U~1i~ff ~. ~.~~z.11fl. - nE 0. ~. ~1.~I*1:l.IDt:~ -Ji!f.f13UIii1i.fM. z MWri ~ ~ Wi!l. B~.f!I!$itfffiP. '. W JiBt: 1iJE ~. {Bm-1I1:lI~~it. it. '. ; ~-mu[~.f!I!$it. 0. (Governing. z. ~+~P)~ , ~~lIt­. :lI f.tHl~ ~ J§j $.g f:f ~ 3 ~1~+*.~4~M~~I •• L~~.~ • • • • A.+~Ak~ •• '~+ - • 4t 4 ~ • L t- Jl ~ M l>p ~ l!. iJT JiIi l' 3! ~ rt iE Jlt ~ ~. ~ ,f!(/, Database of international labour standards, http://www.ilo.org/i1olexlenglish/convdisp2.htm 4 ~ 1!!t I • • L AA. ~;ff ,ll,j /J::- ~!J ;jJt ;fl ~ tit. -:It j- # ' http://www.iio.org/i1oiexlenglish/ newratframeE.htm 0. tt$$~~m5E::f{§~. 0. 0. 6. 7. ~,f!(/,f.;hl.lU tb t- Jl ~.::..( www.iio.org/ilolexlenglist. ;ffMJ'tBtL~~AA.~i!1 • JtlTJiIi. Li!1h~}. 0.

(5) ~~*~~~~~~#Z*~:*~~~~~~. 5. -=tL5JftiE:~l*J;L~. &~);L~'miL~-tL1i-1f-;Lm!iR~~~.tf·~~~~.~~. ~ I {~~m:ftH;\f!:lffiHN. IIft!tf_~~&:lJm!i;tl~~;L$m~~'~~~~$.~wm±,~~. 1¥~ -. ~IJ~Ji$~"F~ftt1'Fm~mMIJi*$~ff;L~~f~l:Hij!lii. f2B -5JftJH1 ~ J\1f-~-1i -5Jft~ I. ~.tfmiLm~8mi*f~i!t*c.. JE~3i=OO-=.1f-Jl£8~ 2,300. , -tLJ\ -1f-~­ ~~. ;Lf~~. 5Jft0~) {*~~~I. ftt. 6. ". 2,500 ftt$~"F~ftt. ~~~ftt;L~fJt. '. f'Fm~. ' /f1T1£.[I]*5. ;tI;Ll*J~'MIJi0~MT~mzm~'~~IJ*5;t1;L~~~~mm~. , ~~t1±[I]m!i;tl. J\ +t:5Jfttli!~tL + J\. ' :fi§tOO:lli. " EE~*51fr± ~ ~. •. 0. ~'Ji~IJ*5;t1.*~B*.~~=+A.~Ji~IJJ~lJm!i;tl' [l]e~~;tI]5t!'tfili~IHTIJJ ;L;tIg~8Jl3t1JD.l-~ ~~. , .~~+f2B.n~. O=1¥Ji. -~~tf*5R;tI;L~~mJE'~+1i.mJEIff;tl;L~~;3i~1±~. : ~IJJ~ NJm ::t:JIl~ ~ (±~f~1T1&~IIft!). Ii*llt;L1!- ' MI~~~1i+-1f-ftt *~tL + J\5Jft*Jl~;tI&[I]emh~;tIMUIIJ;Lff!m0~ " 'rtItf~;LiL~. + J\5Jft0. .~'1±~E+A1f-~80~~fi'~iL~;LWcpEillWm1±.~1fr±. (:]3.. -. 0~( ~tL 'cpjj~. , &:Itf. 'MitH~F¥ L ". jtJiIJ. r. ~UP)Itf~~ej;Jiii;L". tf'MI~~Km~~IJJ~~'1±iL~L~~~~iL~'1±.~~~L. ~±~§ft:. ~~*tl. $M=9Z:L '. I tf ~IJ ~ m§t 1&.&1&Jff f)c 1I1l ffiJ miL 7 " Jtftt )Jf*~ :gr 1f-!'jl~ fill ' &1&J& •• *~MI~®~.'1±1&~~JEtIi!Rtf~.;L~.~'Itf~~ • • ~~.~.~m§~'ffiJ~~~~~.mh~~~m~m:,~e~1JJ. ' -mmiL~. lIft!~zgBm~W.o~~~~~~~*+1f-~I:H.~~&~ffl~m ~'tIi!~~~Im~;L ••• ;LCPIT'Ji~ffl~~~mii~gB'~. (Fact-Finding and. on, FFCC) ,. ~~~ffiJ~~~1±-JE~mL~.~~~~~o~3i~B.8M.~. ~:f!tPJ·tf (Governing. ~+1¥~L'~1±llt-~.~'/fm-BAtilJ~;tIE./fm'fi1&'. 1~. +.:::.,it ;k.-t-i!~ , A.+. !it ~. 0. fi . iL~K3i~~~~Jil]m!i;tl~~z~~mW'~/fK. 7'~3i~I. tf~cp~~mJE/fm~~~~~IJJ~;Lm~;tI'&:ffiJ~mItfm~tIi!. * ,J!\!, Database of. shiconvdisp2.htm i/www.ilo.org/ilolex/englishi 0. 6. 7. *!!l!.fih±I1l tb~Jl-t-..::.OOl?9 Jl.tf~~-t~1Jl,*;k.-t-tf~':::'':::'':::';k.* www.ilo.org/ilolex/english/cfarepsq.htm ~ ~ 't at ~-t- Z1Jl'*.if-ff,ttllPf *,J!\!, tf ~ -t ~i{tlnt~ J.~ Jl-t- ' 1984, ~i{ftJ!.t). , JtlrM.. 0. 0. http://. <tf ~-t.

(6) m!EfJ;L~mo. .fi '. lli~*.nI.~~~*.*.ffiW'fia~~I~A.B~* .~¥.~ft~. ••. ,m~~.*~~A-.~~,~~.mfi~~. jj\~~lfij~?fT~). ~D~ll:~~1i~;L~!. ••. 11"~~~0~;L~WH 1989: para.522) o~!. ~Im.;Lm.'~~~~R@~~A.ti'm.~~~ ••mM~. ~ A11"!f,f 5J1J ml±\0~ ~. ;L~~&m.'~~~~A~~'.~~~.Ati~~.;LE.;~. ~~7CfHJ3..~1JOA~. ~*~~~tilli~*~R@~~A.m.~;LM.~~~m'~7m. t:;J\~;L~g~.*J3.~. ~.~~M.~~~;Llli~'~Mtia.I.~M;L~~~mM~o. Ii -~1}~) $ ,. ~*¥.,~m~m~~~;L.o~~~~~~.;L~~'ti~. jj\~. A.~~7C~I11"*fl~. :9};L'fH~{1i!~H~ r ~~. ;L0~AJ' ~~~H$Uffl ~~. •• ~I0~;L~~~~M~'. ~. •• ~Im.~g~~. .~~;L~~~~'fi±~~~MR@~~A.~~~. m.~$.. ' 'E?jSI.&.A0.B~AI*U;L{*~ , {*~ti~W~ ft~{tf: ' @~m.~1JI]A;L.*IJ······~~ , ~t~+t:;~~~ut~tm. mMR@~~A.ti~~.;L~.~~•• ;L~m'~ •••&.I .ifiW.~±~;LI.fi!EfJ ' ti;L~if§'MWf*ffi;L~. ' ~*~j{Uf1j~N~~ .;L~M •• ;L~~,~g ••• W.I.~~~*~~~.~o ~~ff=:1f~~M.{*.;L~~;LM~~~ - *~ , If[~ ;L~D*J3. •• ' .l±\~]:tt~*~~U. 0. m!EfJ.&~~~m;L.'~~m~~~;Lo. - ,. ,m. j;J~H$U. ' {S ~\51j;J~~ fIT. @ ~~ A ~aJl. a. ( civilian staff in the ar. ( CF A, 1994a: para.49S (=).~lnjtm;L~. ll:. ~!EfJ1*f~&±m~. j{U~!EfJ1*f~&±;L*fl~. ' ~*~~fJMJl ftMfl.m.;L .;f$<~ffl( [I]~;L~~ft ' l!!ITill ~tm$att. ~JL"l1lz1~H*. (-){*.ti~. mA+t:;~. 8~~1f[A~.~. {tf:~ ffI,~nXI 11"~&. •• ~I0~m=.H*~.~ml±\'. rR~!EfJ:1f&. &±'.~ffft'~.~.~&.~~m,.ft~~~~;Lm. @:!iit~~;L~e J. r .~ffft J ("without distinction , fL?fT~~!EfJ:1f &&± ' ~Blfij~1i~ , a~tt~~& 0. whatsoever") f~H§. ••~. 0. B~~. 8 -. i'Li'L;.1f'- AFL-CIO :if k. ~ : J}}iftj Ji (public servant!. administration of the State).

(7) ~~*~~~~~~~z*~:~~~~~~*. ~~. 7. , W\=1'~;1trfTtt~z~~~3U¥-=Jff*fI.~I1f~Im±[IIRzffll. 0. {gIJ. %~I~~~e~~. ~~~=1'~fi~Z~IW~~~m~I1f'~~~~~Im~~~AI. f ' li :f~mff$~ fiz~~ , Y1~~~. 1f~¥-=JW0¥=lZJjjUlIJtEH¥. ' {~Y1I1ItJ5ffllZ{~~. (ILO, 1996: 46- ; CFA,. rn ~~~!f,'j3U:f~i.±10~~ (public servants) ~Wtt~jt{t!!~~~;fEl~ , ~ff3t:5t*fi~W11DAI1fZffHU (ILO, 1996: para.212-218) {E-iL 1989: para.522). ~Wj: 110 !-::,l~ ~,PJTID fIX:. ; lit $;11oPJfHFf ' PJ Tm iuz&J1tffrfTlttrtirl: M[IItJ5ffllZ~~. 0. ffrm~lL!f,'j5E~~~3U:tU!3.~I1f:1J1ID. '. 0. t;A~Zffrm1*~m~ffll1St~~0~m~cpIW.~~~0¥=l(. •• ffi.mzffiffA~'~~0~ ~~~ff3t:5tI1fm~ffll,jtm~z~W~=1'~if)(W •• Z~~o~ ~zM~.~~r~.~~g~.Z~m0~~'~.ff ••mtt. Z0~ J' lijt~NwU~PJ~~t!$SJ33tm5E( --li -!m0¥=l$-1t*) 8¥~.AW •• '$A+t;!m0¥=l.ft~~*Y1l1t-~z.tJ5ffll~ li-.0¥=l)cp'W\~3tm~jf)(W. 0. " Ij~zm~. 0. ~~ I*fI.~ ff rm [II tJ5. ~~~,m~~~~$5EZ'li~.~~~W5E°:tE~~~~$,tJ5. t'£1~1~ Ifl ft~ ~ {tj: cp. f*~. , 1*~Y1~WfIX:. +t;~)]U1UJ~mljH. I. ~rn~. ~A. (CFA, 1994a: para,499; 1985: para.140(a) ; 1992a: para. 737(a»). 0. ~1W~~Im±m~I1f~&±IIIR~~~.ffjf)(.rm~M~m'. :f{E*3t~MljH!Il°. '. IW. (civilian staff in the armed forces) ~¥ffWjtft!!~IW~;fEl~Z[lltJ5ffll. 0. m,lmthbrmffll1StlmI , ~*3t);tU{J!~.R~~ z~P*!3.~ffll. ~~mi.±1{E.:1Jffi.I.tt. );trj~IW~~&±z*fI.~ffllm~lItfIX:m~~. , ~I!tffrm{f{tJJ~~z~M. ~m~~,~.~~[IItJ5ffllZ~~'~~I1fzmfIX::1J~·.~~jt. ft!!m~m.z. •• ~fIX:~~~CPjtft!!~~Z~M.~~.Z·I1f~. 1m±[IIRzm~'~ill~.mt!$ffinz~~1St~~,mm~~~~ ~=1'~.fIX:I1f~&±[IIRm~z. 1:f~i.±1'. r Jl~IW~ 1St. :Mdt<[II'RZm.~110. ("without distinction. J;1tfi~. •• ~M~m~~rnom~z~~. , if)(m it~,1St. 8. -;It.;It.-=:'1f.AFL-CI01t:k~iIt.l1tztf;Vj:~ (Case No. 1557). , jt;i±1§j dJ-lJ!l.t-UP,ji (public servants) 4 a ~ 1::A\::t 3t;r- 't .~£~ik ~~ 'f J.f)'f Ji (engaged in administration of the State) • ~!!!!. CFA, 1993, 291 th Report, Case No, 1557, para, 278· ;\1i] : /~ffi. Ji!.

(8) ~DfJi~~:ct:z~*. {E!~D:j€Hcz{jJ:Y;~~ffij. Itt{"t~lt1:z. 'fifia.H.~-~{jN~Gz*l,~~~m~~~m.,.. ~ff~~*ll~. '. ~U1!ttl*~Ilt5*1zf5iH!fi. ~1l$5*1zf5t~ (ILO, 1996: para.244-270). zF~ff~'&tHM .Lf~{fH4=Z. 541). ' 0. .¥~~Hrut:uJ3HI£A~. M';~~A~~.EHM~?&~IlJ:1B~5t:*fl~I1itZ~~g. f~~Aft!!Ittl. , JJ¥:~U. m~filJ~ml&. (CFA, 1992b: para.l006 ; 1993: para.451 ; 1994b: para.. (CFA, Case N. '. Ei3 A tt*l. (11!l) §. 0. El EE*fl~*I l.1:E1E7t!iiE!¥JlfttlT ' El :t*fl~Z_I1it~~:tIlB ' ~~$'2:a ~ ;1't: fjg ret ~ Il -=f ~ (CFA, 1990a: para.324 : 1990b: para.353; 1992c: para.1026 : 1993b: para.279) A~!iiEW~.. El. para. 8 I 8 ). 1993a: para.456. 0. I1it~~AZ. ;1't: fB. ~. z. »I M ~. para.3I8). 0. 3. m$1~n~E-t:i. 9. ~~*fl~~.:&. til.. 2. ~H~JJ:Jl~~l. EE~~**I~.$'2:~1E7t~.'~~.b.. ffiJ;)EU~ii1=rJ~tfl:fi~~~. 2. . 0. 1. ~!J1J~~*I. Mf~{tf (CF A, 1985b:. I. tt .i*1=r{ilJ~. f:J~z' J;)~~. 0. 3. El:t 1R:~*fl~JiH& '~JiM:&*1l~~8111 ' -§fi5~iS ~~~JiUll~ 119~E-*ll~~*fl~~~Itt. Case No. 763: para. I 8 ). '. ,. ~~Itt~;1't:{t!!~MItt (CFA,. 0. 4. ~1~t~$%5gHffIJ~-IttftU'. ~i~$~.~JJU3t~~~llif~. papa.551 : 1993,. -=- . ,'1; fh •. .z1* Ff. (-)El:t~1'F*I. : I~. Itt.~ret~Itt'~~A~.*lZIttB#1:E~EEffi@~I. *I ' m%~DW~11J. ttzI:f~c (CFA, 1985c: para.534). -=f~zj[*~~(. 0. :t}j\~p , 1:E~~*fl~ilBlI1pq. m~ZItt~~~.~~~~~Ittm~zmifo. 5. ~f~J;)sJ~~~~Zh:ct:. *I. (ILO, 1996: para.278). '. (=). ~FM';~JU~BII1J;)jf-~!lvY:~Hfl~El. EE. ~~WlIl$5*1z1E tj,~WJ~I 1it. 0. 6. ~1~f.j~[I3]Itt*~T~JJU1~~. EE~${"t~z*l. ,. Fs5:fim~*fl~*lz~.&ftU. 0. ~H. Ei3. it '. z ~~ ~ fffH)£J5J[fF. 9. ",l:./cll ~ 14-;r::!lIHt* ' :l.ili4t Jl'L~ft~~ tt.§.i!tlltz 'f $j:~ 14- ' t-J!!\ CFA, 328th Report,. T~:r:Ji1JDJ;)~BjJ. Case No. 1787, para.1l2-123. I. 1.Q:~h:ct:. 0. :. : ~$1.

(9) ~.*Z. '. _IM.~*_:*~«~z~*. 9. I~~~~Z.mJE'.~1:£f-f!m.ftmm·.Wi&wmm·.. ~~cz.l'i~~ftffij. ~JiX:~:lL~1llii. ••. .a••~~~~~'~iiA~~~Z.I~.f-f~~m,m~. ~. ~~X~I~~~.~rt~X~A~~~.~.~·¥~~W. f-f 1m~:lLii{~A19: I~Z.m~~ , JJj{~rj .451 ; 1994b: para.. ~JEW~~iiA~~ttZ.I~'.~~~~~mJE~ • • ~. (CFA, Case No. 1133: para. 111 ; 1995: para.123). 0. (tnl)a EEA~;fI 1. *i!JJ~lf;fla EE1~JE:tJDA1E:*JilH&~fff*M~Z.Itf. 1993a: para,456). l1:l!IIft ' ff!~~i& para.324 ; 1990b:. 0. 2.lf!m~1l:Jiii1f~fH!AA:tJOAI~Z.{,*mx. ~) oI~~~AZ.. X~!Il.iif*~'&fIjU. rf*~. para.3I8). , ~1l:.1:J~. *{tt: (CFA, 1985b: , (CFA,. 0. f-f 1m. '. {§.~1~J;)it~~fIjUmJE. ' J;)~.~ft.rlt5mfljtiJ§JiX:-5t{tI~Z.~~ (CFA, 1988:. papa.551 : 1993d: para.24). ~JEz.. H. ~. 1:.~;fI:I~lfa1:.~·aEEnJE.~~X~!7g$m.z.. ;fI , 1.!~~Df;j*i!JJ~~Ji~1:*ll~z.pg$.{'F~:tJDJ;Jl!JE ' ~rjlff=ri& -=f1& z.1i*~~ (CFA, 1994c: papa.156 ) a EE • • {~~z.;fI ~~f;j.~;fIz.~~f*.,.~.~.f;jI~Z. • • ~~-=f1&' ~~~5I~. 0. .fl~.&1it{~~Ji1:flj~Z.A (ILO,. ' fS 1996:. -=- " ,,* fJ; if{.:Z1% Pf. 0. ft~ m z. ~,fHM. JJj{~fjJ::jfH!HLfm. 0. M' ~ ~1l lii?fJf :'ff1:£~EEf§iS?fJf I , 1:£!ffJE*J3. ~1BB III !7g ~9t~i!JJ~*J3.~ a EE. '. I~.~rrW~I~~~~~,ffij.EE*~~n~l!IIftm~~. I. ~!ff Jj U2. ~Il§'lii. '. 3.1.!~1~nJE'€l1.!I~~~{'*~Z.~!Il. ~B JiX::lL~Jt1Ull~ ftPJll~I~. (CFA,. EE~~WaEEmi!JJz.;fI~,m~~OO~I~~1:. ~·.m~A¥*Am·~f* • • z.~m~rr·.~f;j • • ~~. z.~.~oomm~z.~~ttmJE'M*~~0~z..*·nEE~ , ~.q« CFA, 328th Report,. TI9:JJ;i:tJDJ;)im~. 1. t~~n:a:. :. : fj~1*~*lfmJE~ , I~ll!lf~m{~!7gg~1~. ' f*f=r.

(10) ~®m~~~,~~~~~m~·~m~.~'m~*~~$. *~~,::t. ~~m~'I*.ftZ~ • • ~~m·.B·.~~m~~,. EJ~~~.. ~~ft.~.~~~-Hmm.~~~~m~·.~~~.@. 5. ~P~.ftI. A:t~~EJ ~Z~~, QgJlt~lIJ*"li;flZ~~]U.mM( CFA, 1988b:. *ft~I&~!. 'It.?.±. ~*::(£llt{iH~{'F.{g. ~I**J3.~·. , {9~tzD5gHfi~~ ~m~.·D~$~~~&~~'~~~&IIJM;fI~~Z • •. E*itfJ~Ni. ~!fVJ~mijgl. ~I*.mm~*ft~m~.R'm~*T.ft$m~I**. *lE!1&~~J. ft~f~~.R. nx~1ii. papa.126 ; 1993e: papa.323). i!tZmim '. 0. Qgft~n~*~Jl~$!ZmfjH!Zf~~~~. o. '. 1994d: papa.317) 2. ~llJ;H~ zm~. ~!tT~T~.f~~Z*ft~tJiU~ (CFA,. ' f}1!­. ~Ji!~1~~P.. 0. : ~*$fJT1~fjI**ft~I*Z~.J::~:nl;Rff~ti. , tQf2ifA!~ . i&mJ~'~ . i&;I;T§!fVJ...... J;1fjJ::W;~MJpx$Z~Jl~ttV1R1=rm~gJJZ~it>i-. 0. '. ~*$fJJjj{. E~~I*J3.*. • • Im~N. T~!t~.A. mSJE' ~j. ~*~.Az.~~Um~'~T~~**~.Am@fii&.. {-t~~~~). MJ$~~~~m~am~~.~~~OOMllEJ~~.*Z~.. ~~. ,. papa.28 ; 199. .~m-~~i!tz~~,m~~~~~I~~I~~ZE*~. 6.I**AJK:5:. J;1IJ$!Z~5¥'f1. '. ::(£. ~-~wwm&. Hj{J;1fjJ::.ft~lf1i-.~!fVJ~~~~I*~.Z;fI. ' ft~lf~~*~.;fI (CFA, 1993f: papa.21). 0. 3. *~.Azm~.t!. 1~mI*~~. : ~%!t~~Azm~.t! ' ::t~~~B~ E.~oo,.mm-~z~*'m • • ~.f2i~~~~.~m. J~.AftZ~. zm~,~~m~rmT~¥zDJ l~r~~~~~ZW*J. 376). '~~$Ammz~]uT~~~.ffI*.ft~ • • AZ~ 1J~Mk~. I. J;1fjTQgft~*=~~ • •t!. 1992d: papa.693) 4. ~~:i!{f. :. (CFA, 1985d: papa.184 ;. a. ~1ft. :lJDtXfttV ' h {£E~I*~j .~!t~.*'f. 0. ~*&I*z.ftm~~DffZm~{RMllEJ ~~. .z~.~~&mA+~.0~'~~Jjj{~~~'I*~A. ~:fi.~g1JZ*ftAlfp1~gT~. , ~m5E{;. I. J;1UftJJi~lf.m~~l(m~~I. m'JZ~*o (:=:)~.~ III Z~lfl.A. ~D~~flj~~1.

(11) ~~~~m.~m~~z*~:*~~~~~~. ~~ ~m. )tg. '. itg~'A;Jt~~m5EffM~~~ff~U~~~'~Iit~$. , {S~~~Dft$ 1IH:~::t h ... ,,'\. ~ flu 1::1 tfL ],x, @ 7l" "'B. E3 83~.It~flHli. ,. (ILO, 1996: paras.388-389). 5. :?n~~~ItiffIit~~z~NftU. fflt$ , 1t1~.L-:,H*.@ l1!MI£filC CF A, 1988b: ~ ftllt 11! 1~W It f~ .~15J;\. , f9lJ~D59HM~ :lllt1mf*l&Iz~rI. II. 0. : IitZ~~83~{Rd~~3=:B. it~~~~~.~,m.l:.~.Iitit~~~,~~~~~. gIitm.~~'~.~'~.~~~r*JZm~~ID~~U ~~$~~~IitZ~~.~Iitm.m~r*JZm~~I~' ~~~m~rz;].~m.~.~~.~;!tW •• ~Az.M'. 0. ~m~.Jt~.ffZIit~~'tiIitE3~tt&it~zm~ID. ::::f' I(~:V. $ m5E I itit. nJGl&Ilii ' ftIitM,$~IE E3 83~{f;!t~]i2J~ , ~~mijgrz;]llt2J ~$~mmm •• ~~'+~IitZ~~&Jt~~orz;].!ltf&~. ~~tJiU~ (CFA,. ~ it Z~$l: ~ lI;Z~~ti. ~~~Im.Z~m'Iit~~Z.~A.~'~.MMUm. U··· ... ~ ~~$~Jw~ r1t9} , :::f' 1~f1 ~$ A. ~~I~~'OO.~~ttm5E'U~~~.~-5EMOO~~.. 0. <~~$ A~JU~1T1&~. ~B~,~ft~-5Ett~ZIit~~~#m~A~o~~Iit. ... ~~~.~A.m.~.~~'~Iit~~~~m5E~~'~ !i!.5 :1t* • ~~ (CFA, 1986: papa.154 ; 1988c: ;ry,." 1I... ~ffdJ3 83~~itz~m f~~Iit~$Zm. :ft;!tIWtfuz~~R5. \., 1993f: papa.21) ~tn:iJH~. papa.28 ; 1995b: para.362). '. 0. , A;Jt:lf:JB~. 6.. 0. I it it ~~~ : r*~m5E.~.Iitfr ~~~-5EMra'.L-:J.l:m m~Ifr~~z.~A~.ffIit~~~'83~.13'l:~~~ m~A~z~~,rz;].!lt~*~~Iit~~~~A • .!lt~.~. ~mt5~ Jt~X~ 13'1~. ~. ,r. 3M) o~~ti.t1mz~~~I&I'~~.:::f'.~IitZ~$. ,. ,n? ~1tR?:j::. rq r --7. X. 'F3. m. lJJ;: II ~. 23 L±: K:.- J3.. I=l J. ,. gm5E{}iHt~mJ\ +1:::::~0*,]ZJJjOW. [it~~~~JPJAzijg. ~u+~,u~mw. :F A, 1985d: papa.184 ;. ~~Iit~~~,. (ILO, paras.375 '. E383m.~E383~~Z.~I@~~. •• it~~*Am'~~.$ZIEm~fi'. ~~ti~$ttL~z~~I~ffiimpfTf'FzJJR~lJt~HJ!5E. I. :illz*jt~0. ~Z~*o. fzm5Ef&t1ffdJ3 ~ if( rz;] ftDt ' I it r*J ~ flY. ~ •• ~.Zm~:~~~fi1&~~~AIit~$lti~Iit~$. ~ Jt~J!5EM~ flHl! ~.I. ~~~.~~~I.83~:V.Z~.~~$~~m'~.83fi1&..

(12) rm~5E. (ILO, paras.375 ,376 ; CFA, 1985e: para. 297(a)' 297(c) ;. 1988d: para.415). 0. (t)~1L~iHJ1.1. 1Ti&~rm!l!tHiJm5EI1tff!~~~~i6fffirt:u.:t. ~W~iHJ1 •.. ' {11~{lj~{~I1t~I±L~.~:g1JDt)lH2 ' :Mz~ .~~~~~.Z.'{lj~I.Z.~~.~lli •• o~~.~ ~~rm¥fHi~lH2. .~5E~~.j. .fi~~pJTMI. ti~.Zfi~~M*mlli~.'fii&~rm~{lj~.~~~W.~. .;f,SMg~Z~. ~~Zfi~'~~~fi~~~.~~,~ft~.fii&~~'.~ ~~I.~$.RZ.'I. ••• Z~.&•• Z.g.~. (A)I. ~. $%M1fX~1¥Jl. ~rmftZ;fii&~rmti~.ZM*~ft~m.~,~~rt:u~~m. lli••. .1TfttlO~~~. ,{11~~~~~~5E~':Mz~~.~.Z~~tto. ftZ. ~~$g.:t.:I.~$m.&~g.~I.g.:t.ZB~,~m. .~zm~'~~'. , ~W.lIIM.~.Z ~il:J!~r4. ~@ffj. ~$1*Jf:(irg1t. ~aM~&I.«~~.~ff. (ILO, 1996: paras.418-446). :. ~,~W.~~1i~. ~I.&~.~~~.:t~~g.:t~5E·~~WtiI.~$~.fi M~. (CFA, 19~. (:!t)~lm'1I. •• 0~' •• E~'MR~g~~'~ff!. '~fi~rmZm~'n5E ••. .ZWJI1fX : .J. 1TW.I.i1t1T~. 0. para.302). 0. ~m~g.:t.:I.~.g.:t~5E~m~.Zm~~~.~.A.. '~1:-tffi:z~. .~~~,~*~~~~~~o~i&~m~~@,~*~~~~ ~~I.~.i&~m~,{11ft~m~~.AZ~~W.~~g~, I.~w.i&~m~ff!~N~WI.Ji1fjg~rmz.Jj. HffMA~1~rzg1JD. , f9UtlOtiil&Jffffd:. ft~~~~ftI. .~.~i&.~m~~,~.,~&~~~m.,~~~ft~W .PJT~f. ~iiJij~Z~ffj. (ILO, 1996: paras.447-472) •. (1\)fjJbrm.W.fmI.. 1O. :. I.Z.~~. A~1~rzg~.mrm~fmI. {* ~~ {1i!Ii:1 ffrm ~. ft. ~f&:I.Zf!~ii. ft~~~~~~~i&JffZm~;i&JffZ~~~~m.g.ttlll.. (=)I.~AW.{~~. mlm' (CFA, 2000: para.238) •. 10 . -1f IIPj JUt tt3J r.ii ~ 1i!..r:.~Jt.1I!:.i'-tA:lt ~.,J ~ m-;t ,I..r:.1ti't~~flz -ill ~ , 1!!. g] Jt. ~ ~ ~ ••• -1f.~+&I~,~.~~.~zH.~~,g]~. ~.tt~~.·~..r:.1t. *-:t1t7Ij. ~&,;f..~lllj. ,. ;f:~ti1oi'l"ik. 0. :+(., rm; ~/l. -'- . 171'" ii~ , ~ Jill:'; it<. JL. /1:;1 §u;. 11 . y-i;;f:±.tj tb~Jt1ttff.. '. ffHt ~ , ~,I!!{ CFA, 199~.

(13) ra. 297(a) , 297(c) ;. O~JtJlilH~. ~ mr ~. 13. ~m~.~m.&W~mm.~Mzifl:I.:w.~~~~Jt. ••. .w.~m.'Mz.~~A~mtt~Im.·~~ti*~~~.I. 3~:tJOt)Jl1:~a ' Mz.~ ~tlJ~~. F~Ii;g. 0. ~~Zm3!l[JJ!EE. $%M~~~lf:lf[~~Zm~,. , vj\1~~)4:~:fl1':. (CFA, 1991a: para.469 ; 1991b: para.177). 0. t:t~rglJ.~~. , ~~. ••• Z~.~n ,~-nw~~. P9$~~~3!l[~m~~ •• ' •• '.~~~~M~~'~.~. ~.W3::~tt~~. &If[1-~~~~jii {£ ~6: paras.418-446). 0. W~lm.:~&.-=t~~~~nw,-nWm~~~~i&.~$.. ;f!Mlf[P9:g~~~~. ~#7?::;:~~ (. CFA, 1993g: para.435 ; 1993h: para.189 ; 1995c:. para.302) •. 0. ra!JJt)il1: ~Jt f[ jii ~ 1Jlm ' ~ ~C1' 1~~ 3::. 3- " ~ 1: f- ~.:t.;ffi. ~IJ. -7~,;A.Elil==t=la:':lrh, iilHl / ' ,'lS!.jU):::l ):0. HffWA~~~~Alf['~$I.ra!JJ'. a. Im~. ~.Z*~o. .ffm~:W~~$%'~$.~M~zM~,vj\.~~~$~~. 3-=tiflzfBtIl'. K..... $%~lf:~P91. 0. Zifl:fU (ILO, 1996: paras.606-648) : If[ZM~JJR~rJ~JJ!*~. jii*.~¥R ' 831Ti&MrHl. ~~ffi&r:p. i!Z:w~t1:. , {;rdl~II~.zJJR~1j. ~mI.Z~~~@~Jt~m@;g'n~~I. 0. [~!fHr~~lf:¥~fFm~. ~~. ••. *~M.~.~:.#~~~~~. ~.*~. '.~~~ff. , 191Jt([l!M1& Ht w±. m~~~.mI.Z.jii~.jii'~~ffl~~~~~~~~offi. , 7f-~~ffltJ~. ~~ffl. :~~~ffl'M~'. i*~Jt~~ff~~~ItJ;gZlTmll. 1~$~lm~ftI 1"1. ~fE[I.zM{1. ~ l' ~ tmiE § J~JH1.111 II. 0. , ••. ,.~~. 1l~1~t)*~~16\~11.m3!l[83ft. 0. : If[{~~A&.jii~{lffl~ff~~~!f,'f531j *lii'Mz..m~m~M~'~~.fi-=t ••• ff.~JtM~Mz.~ E[I.zffm, zM~m~$M~m~,~*~~~. (=)If[.jiiW{~~z*lii. ~.~~~,~~~~*~. ~~.~~ff.~~'~~. 11 . ,~t #. fJ tb ~ J1. 1t 't ~ -:t -f?tJ tf 4lii tI:l1rl{i 11- it (artificial promotion) #> ~ 14- ~ 1t ~ f­ -ffl H ~ , t- ,Iffl, CFA. 1993c, 278t ' Report, Case No. 1534, para, 472b •.

(14) ~.~~~fl~•• °ft~~~D~~.WI*mD~.ffI*. *1&~fi1!~$. .RW~.m'~E~m~~~.m~~~~ti.·A.&~.. ~. , -gr.ff~ftt. M~zm~o~~E~~Im~m~~-ffi~~.~'~®E~. (1\).L-:I.C&~~D~n. •• ~T~~~~~,~~~~tiI. *Ji~~~jti'J1. z~.m~~timff~.z. *.m~~A~~~~I*~~~-~M. ·I.~.ffM~*. D ' ::t~~t6h~. ••mAm.. f'F*Ji ~ ~]l!. ( ILO,. para.188 • 191 c. ~-~M~(~.ft~m~) ·~~A.ZI*~. 2003: p.8 • p.35). 0. ~I**m&M~z~.:~$.~~m~~$~z$%~'E~ .~'~~.~& •• 'T~Dfl~A~~~I••mo ~.~M~~m:mft+A.0~~~m~'~~~~~~~~M. E8~f.aff,±~ E8~. ~~M~m~mMzIAm~,~tiIAm~.~M~~~®~. ftJ\ 01f-PJ f&~~ (. ~z~M'~.M~IAm~~~.~~M~m~mM~~'~. 1§)fC~=. +f!?!i (. .~~I.zflft° (m-.m-~)~~ft~.I*~~~~. -Ii-.E~~I2. ~.W'E~.~~&I*zflft&.~z~~ftA,~~ti$. ~. ~~D~.~~~~~~iliI*~'~~~. :E!I! ~J=f. 0. .. .. ~ill~z$~~. . $ •. 1 mJ~;f. .. i7§}i!E;;. A+1:;•. mft + J\. 12. Wfl~.~ •• ~ftAI*~$.R'I*~$ •• ~m •••. $E . tt-E . U.K~ ,. A '.Ef3$~~~~zftp~A1JDPJ*UIT (ILO,. i}~-gr*11t*~~Uf~. ~ 'fl~.~T.ft. 1996: para.761 ; 1988d: para.415 ; 1991d: para.32) ffiiz*J3.~~OO. 0. ::t~~i}R. ' m-Ii -.i}~~]jU.ili ' i}Rffiiz (I*) *J3.. ~.~~~~.~'~~~~.~~~·.W&fl~T~ff~~. •• ~~o~~~~0Rffiim~~~~m•• z~~'~~M. ~. 12. *. I3. .~t #. ru tb -t- ~ -t" tI' -Ii. ~ ~Ji tp it #- 9' .fll Jl:: ' it:lR,;t #: ..tl:.1i.:L t- .:.t:.. ;tU~At $; , 12. ~ ;1i>J ;t if!: :i~APt ht .if 1i .r.. t-.ft $; .:.t:.. U!f:t ' ~ i!- Jt, 7J- 1*. Jlf. fh :t .:.t:..IJHt lJ -{,,1"*": CFA, 1993d, 289th Report, Case No.1594, para. 23 ; 29~ Report, Case No.1618, para. 22 0. *. 0. 14. ~ Iff..f .:L ~ $l M- JIt ~ I Association-Digest oj Committee ojthe Govel. y;(T.:.t:..1ttt.&.tt:ttllt1i.

(15) ~.*..L. I. ttm!WJ~tI{fItt. ~f-f ~. •• ~~M.z~~:.~«~..Li'"* 15. .N:jtft!!:1J$;5[M0~~m~'il@.~'3ti&:~;fI.~~;L.§. , A~Ed5fHli. ~'W.~mB.~f-f~m~;L.~~(mli.). iJ.I1t*~,jtft!!~~. 0. ~~~.*!WJ~~tt•• ~m~#jt~m*.m§~;L.*!WJ~li@. Itt{~~{t*~A~~. , If!WIttlil:B- ' 1W~1f!~92.~AIttfr§ !WJ,::tjt~.g.;~~J'I$;~If! •• Itt.~'~If!M~li@ ;L.~ff!W. (CFA, Case No.l443: 1'F *Il. ~ 11 J!: 1-# ~ ~. fuH~~;L.~ll:. para.188 , 191c ; 1992e: para.l88 '380). .If:J1- , ffa1:QJ8~ IfI. *Il.~~*~~{'FflliJtI3. , Itt{~~HfW3*5* (ILO,. $;~;L.$~j},~~. ~IttttpJT. •. $ , OEeD fII~$~~1tt:7J'~. 0. ft{JEil ~J'I '3t 1m ~fJiH~M!fo/J~jt ft!!:1J ::t~Ji~~ftar~ , RP. ~~*5~~. fL. m{5f:~Itt1~ ft/it. 5[~k A. '. 0. f§tltlDIf~~. ~~ttmm~~M.~~'~~.~~r~~f-f-. iLJ\01f:J;),1&~1Dl OECD. _.. $~jf:.1JO.L-~~fMI4. 0. §)tft- +{~ OECD ~~r=p , 1ltfttmJ\+-t;!lJJt ' miL + J\!lJJtWm -li-!lJJt~.*I0~;L.Mm~r:=~0~Wmftt~~~~q'n. .'~.'$;~'*.'~~~'.*~'. r=pJ'Illill~;L.$Wfm. ••~'~.' •• '~. 'M~~,~m~,~~,~±'±~~,. ~~+-t;~omfttm. J\+-t;!lJJt, miL +J\!lJJt=~0~~~~~fj~~*ffj52' !~JtEJfj' m!51 •. *l ~~. tlD~~~jj. P~A1JO.L-~1UIT (ILO,. lra.32). 0. $;~,~~·~~·~m.'B. ,~m~51~iL~o~~±~=!lJJt. 0~W*1lt*~WJ1]i~~~W.~ (~-). 0. ::tjtft0~. *Il. 1'1= N: :f=f i&: ~ '3t{ffIITi&: ;fIff4;L.5[~2 ' ~.L-~M 0~~;L.. (. ). ...L i'" ZJl.U.II..1t A ' 1E.;f. i;tJ. 13. ::t- Z llUt li ff'J ~ : CFA, 0. lse No.1618, para. 22 •. ml.*..L •• ~+JlI::.I:IllllftfJfj.A. solidarist association' ~~ ILO. 1996, Freedom of Association-Digest of Decisions and Principles of the Freedom of Association Committee ofthe Governing Body ofthe ILO, para.772-780 f,( T z 1f tt bttt it lit ;ff 4U'] n. aJJ ::t- >'r A.. ::t- m W~·.!Jf. 0. 14. 0.

(16) ~- : OEeD lQ~ttt}(Uf~F\. 5!J'::~=A S /h'+1t'E: Jl\,..rI'offfiAEol. -q±... +tsm ' ~1t +F\sm. 2)<:~~~~lVf~ftfW'. W~-n-5ji1flJ2~~fllef-1:~ OECD~~~. Australia ¥l!!*l'iJ!i2 Austria ~ttl!l'rJ Belgium ttl'fjiJ;f. $tif¥itj:H9~ El. 7 0 I. 57. Canadatm**. ~kll'J1C ff~. 1 16. :t£t$m87~. ~. © © © © © ©. 1ttlftm 98 ~ @. (c1. France ~~ Germany f!l!~ Greece :ffi-IJI Hungary 1&J3f1'1J Iceland {Jj:.&\1;. 2 4. Ireland~mM. I. Italy ~*1'1J Japan B:2f5:. 0. Korea.~. 3 I. wJi. !t~mt~5'l llM~. Switzerland llM± Turkey ±Iflt: United Kingdom ~~ United States ~~ ~ft*ilffi. 4. ©. © © ©. @. ©. © © © © © © ©. © © ©. ©. © ©. 16. © © ©. © © © © ©. I. ©. ©. 27 2 0 16 12. © © © © ©. © © © © ©. © © © © ©. 27. 26. 16. 10 I. 4 5 5. §J5-?~~I¥JM~i±pq. &~I~~I*Ji~I¥J~ ~U. © © © ©) © © ©. 8. © ©. @I. 0. [E]lf:t~*11t!tE1}i. m$~ff. '. EI3 t:p 5't ¥tl m: :?f, ~W~iJ3f. © © ©. 9 224. : ILO. © ©. ffr± El EI3 ~ ~ it ' [E]!ft I EI31}*':J f::EM $. fT IV /f ~~ fBl ~iU~:l!:::r: ,*fJE~f.1 I itfli±$' ~~*Ji~I¥J¥§IV:l!::a '. ~~http://wwwjlo,orglilolexJenglish/caseframeE,htm. '. *1lf!31T~I!l!. (© : ~~. 0. ~:tt!!flJ. * 5't ¥tl ff: {PJ ~m::?f,. ,. (. 0. EI3:. ;It;~~~gffi~ ). 0. pq?Gl1!~. fI~Nfffli1JiID ' fjl35T~IJW. rzg +ftf PXLZ $ ",0-;-1-.",.,.. Spain g§flf3f. ~~. £;-*1. '@. 7. Luxembourg )ji~~ Mexico ~g§ii Netherlands New Zealand ,ffig§1Il Norway WIlBiX Poland ?&:M PortugallUWJ3f Slovak Republic. m$mI51~. '. frp1it~ffftl~. ~ff~ 1. ~zf.1I1:1i. (. =).

(17) ••*I••• OOM.~~~:*~«.I.* ~/fffifij~:at1t*l:mti}~. J+i\~. 18ilbt. I. ~~~~*~~~W~~ :jJ:t<l~. lSI. m~. ilbt. 0¥J. 17. , *~~~*I*Jl~rr!Z:lL;Z Rl¥J~P1:E~ '~~~~~~~;Zm~~~~7~. ,~ft~~~Im~~~'/fffifij~~~~:am*~m~. ~0~ffW$mfi~. ,~~m.~~rr!Z:lL*. fi~/f~.~~~~m~~. '~~'~m. ffi~~l¥J. ~'1:E. •• ~l¥J.m'~ftA~~~~I.& Jm:-E*Jl~l¥Jm~~:a~¥tl~.1JDJ~~,~ ~~.~~~~pg~$~ , 1~~;13-$ !Iltl¥JWf~1:E pg , ~ ~ l¥J IliUm 1f. ' lliZ m{fU~ 2¥:1J H &~~*I*ll.l¥JtzVttJ5Z~ , J;)Jjf~]i~~$~f;jgMi5'~m ~ ~l¥JJJR. ©. ~~~~I.~1:E$~~~&. 0. ©. ftu·~ft.*m*0~;z~*,~~~~tt.~~ttI.m~~;zm © ©. $Wf '. ~~.~1~1J[IJ;J~tmlliZ{~tBWUk:. ~-~Ao~~-oo=~,~~. 0. •• ~;z*~~~n4~'~. ~~~a~$m~~~**ff57~,~~~~m~27~'~~.B. ©. ~Woo1!B~. 0. ~t~flJ'. *~~ffW$m·. ©. *flJ&£Iffi±ftU~~ffr±~~~~.rr!Z:lLJ;J*fft $~;ZI. •••. '~.~05~I.58~. ~a~'~~~ •• I.30~'i5'~~ffi~ (J!~=). ©. 0. ~~*. © © ©. m*~=~;z-~~. •• ~1:E~g&~~~W.I J;J $~n:*{tf::a~ ;Z1JD**~~J '. ,*~.*~;z~. ~~N*tl:1Jrm' $~WJ¥W&&I.~ff~ [lg+{tf::J;J~;Z. 0. m*1*~IDl~~N*U.~¥W~ltgrm, ~ff:l!ftU~~1Dl. ¥WftI~'~~~~~I.WJm~~m;z~~w~.m~'~~~Wf. ©. {~.~*u~. © © © © -. 16. (@ :. i. *:iG. ~ i. ( )..

(18) ~_. OECD 11 ffii fjJ 1. Australia ~*:fIJ52 2. Austria :!~JtMIJ 3. Belgium tt:flj~ 4. Canada tJD~* 5. Czech Republic it~jtfDfjJ 6. Denmark ft~ 7. Finland ~Il 8. France $fjJ 9. Germany tt~ 10. Greece ::ffilt 11. Hungary ~3f:f1J 12. Iceland :(;j('!;% 13. Ireland ~mll 14. Italy ~*:f1J 15. Japan El:;$: 16. Korea.~ 17. Luxembourg ~~$ 18. Mexico m1!9i'lf 19. Netherlands fiUll 20. New Zealand m1!9l1i 21. Norway jJJ~ 22. Poland i~1l 23. Portugal oo~3f 24. Slovak Republic WTr.~HJ(;~jtf[]fjJ 25. Spain 1!9:ff£3f 26. Sweden fffil~ 27. Switzerland fffil± 28. Turkey ±1}Jt. 29. United Kingdom 9if~ 30. United States ~~ IJ[ ~ Ji*4*~. : ILO. $. W'j:~{!f:I¥.Jf1. El (rti {j'[ : {!f:) 7 0 1 57 I 16 0 4 4 8 2 4 1. 0 7 3 1 10. OECD~~~. I. Australia ~j(fIJ2 2. Austria ~ft!J;'f1J 3. Belgium tt'fIJIfi'f 4. Canada 110** 5. Czech Republic !ll:g'l*'fn~ 6. Denmark ff~. 7. Finland ::frll 8. France ~1ilIJ 9. Germany fIf!~ 10. Greece::ff:i" II. Hungary 1i!iJ5fflJ 12. Iceland oj(~ 13. Ireland ;f~M 14. Italy ~*flj 15. Japan B:;$: 16. Korea i(It~ 17. Luxembourg I!~~ 18. Mexico ~r§{lf. 1 4 5 5 16 1. 22. Poland ~11. 23.Portugal iij~3f. 27. 24. Slovak Republic. 2 0 16 12 9 224. ~j/tihttp://www.ilo.org/ilolex/english/caseframeE.htm ' ~~ §. ff~f!tl.°. : OEeD SJ!l1EJ. 19. Netherlands wll 20. New Zealand mr§1I 21. Norway:tJJ\\~. wr~t{xSl*fO~ 25. Spain r§f.H3f. 26. Sweden fIffl~ 27. Switzerland fIffl± 28. Turkey ±1l=:lt 29. United Kingdom =9:f~ 30. United States ~~. ~. ~.

(19) ~.*L. :~f-I:a5J.§~. ~=. 7. 0. I 57. 1. 16. 0. 4. 4. 8. OEeD ~~P.JtiEit1E3EE~~ff$~~i~::2;J~ (~lmslQg~~;J ) rtJJj(§ i. I. Australia ~:kfIj2 2. Austria !t1:11MfJ 3. Belgium ttflj~ 4. Canada 1l1J$::k 5. Czech Republic. f%~itr. ~gili.~. lJ*I~ 0~$~ ltftg~}jU tr Z I t r Z I t r. Z. 2. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 23. 0 17. 0. 0. 57. I. 0. 5 0. 1 12. I. 0 0. 0 0. 12 0. 0. 3 I. 7 0. 1. 0. tl£j:HOIll. •. 4. 6. Denmark ft~. 16. 4. 0. 0. 7. Finland 3f1Jl 8. France Will. 0 4. 0. 0 I. 0 0. 9. Germany 1!1lI 10. Greece:ff;,Il.. 4. 2. 0. I. 0. 0 0. I I. 5. 0 0 I. 0. 0. 0 0. 0. 2 0. 0. 3 0. 4. 8 2 4. 13. Ireland ifmll! 14. Italy il:k;flj. 1. 0. 0. 0. B:4s:. 7. 2. 16. Korea~1lI 17. Luxembourg )j~~ 18. Mexico I,\li.9ijf. 3. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 0. 0 0. 0. 0. 20. New Zealand. mli.91J1. 10 1 4. 21. Norway tJ,~. 5. 22. Poland ~lI! 23 .Portugal 'iiii3f 24. Slovak Republic. 27 2. 0 2 0 2. 19. Netherlands f'ilj'lI!. 5 5 16. 0. II. Hungary {>1j]3ffIJ 12. Iceland ;7}:~. 15. Japan. 10. 0 I. 0 2. 0. 0. 0. I. 0 I 2 I. 0 0 0 2. 8 1 4. 0 2. 5 7. I. 5 16. 0 0. 0. 6. 0. 0 0 I. I. 0. 0. 0. I. 0. 27. 8. 0. 0 0. 19. I Wfft'H:t 25. Spain li.9flf5f. o. 26. Sweden 1W~ 27. Switzerland 1W±. 16 12. 28. Turkey. 9. ±:Ej:lt. 29. United Kingdom ~m. 224. seframeE.htm ' ~~ §. .J1H&il&!& ffil&Z0. $WF~f!f:. OECD tr~1lI. 2. 4 1. 0. 7. 3. 19. :. (.ill:: ,4). ,~§. •• ~IM.~.~:.~A~L~~. 30. United States ~m. \7... ~. Jj(. El. 2. 0. 0. 0 0. 0 16. 0 4. 0 2. 0 0. 0 I. 9. 12. I. 0 0. 9. 2. 2 0. 0. 9. 0. 7. 224. 58. 30. I. 17. 118. 2 0.

(20) , §WJ OECD ~~~{tf:Z¥-f~1£~ ,. ~BffiJ§. 01$[~{tf:tp. [z;]~*~!b~~@$iJ-m5EFs~~tzjjli~H~B~PJjzJiff. '. , 1111. ~~~0fffiF~. ~{tf:tp. ,~. , ~~?~mB~M8 ~tg*Ut~~ , f-fIi. , **~WIwr~PJj~'¥jrJi1'JB§PJjt!P~)J:t;iJ-*U5E~!b{I~Htf: ' U ~~ • • B~PJjz~~tto~~~~~~~¥-f5E~!b~Z~~.'~ ~kLl::~*Jl*iIwrZ$m~{tf:~~jr Je. i!I1f* OECD ~*tp{~±1t. ~LB~M. ~R.~&&IS't¥UIi:t~$gJi: gt±1t~~tm~g;g~gffillJ~.z$m~( Case. ; ~-:1 '11: I wr I¥J & fJi ' n J.. 0. 0. No.IS83). ,~jj1±. El EE~~wr~f-f~~{tf:1£-fLfL-1fR.-fLfL=1f. ~Nm&W~,~~±1t~~-fLfL-1fm*~tm~~.Z-~0~ (mA+~~-mfL+A~R.m-li-~0~)'~~~1f.~$iJ-'. m 11:: ~ 11:: ~ gifj R. 0. ~ ~ *Jl*i I. Gernigon' 2001 : p.33). wr Z m 5E (Gravel - Duplessis and ~tm-fLfL=1f~~~z$m~ , W\~~. 0. Jl. ZtiX;~1:t;~. :1JOOfJi~*U5E{~5JIJ~ {t*{tf:W~ I. fiflJ ' k. W:t~li~)SiJ[. M~. ,. ~*m/FIIT~. {'F~mf~w. 0. :±.~~. 1ji~'.l1l~Ji*'. t!PnEEL~~~~J. ~~m~~.z~m'~~-fLfL~1fz$m~.~~~EE~mffi~. Iwrm&'ill~Mf-f~1I::¥-f5Ef-f~~*iIwr'~~ElEE~~wrm5E~ &&Iz{:t;1f~1r0~zJJ¥JW. '. *~~ ~wr0~1£:kwrtpm&¥IHs-1&. '. - ,. ~~. ~Jl.~1l.:Z 1*F. ~~Iwr$f~B. 1£-fLfLfL1fW\m1l::~~~gifj*fI.*iIwrz~1I::m5E (Gravel- Duplessis. wrzlBmG '. and Gernigon, 2001: p.33 ; CF A, 1993i - 1996). ~LEE~~Iwr::gf1. 0. ~~~~. Z§J5E' UR.m-­ LIwrZg~:lrlB~;f;. ~~~~~~.tp1 ~~f-f~~.Z~~~~~~~~+A1f0~~ffzIwr$'~. 1ji~e~ L~:k~G5. ~.B~!b~~z~*$1fl1l~A~.~'&i!I-~.~.~1£~A. ~~~*Jl*i.1. +fL1f'~~~.~.~~~~ffa~~$z~*'~~~:±.~.~ Z~!b1£1:t;1fL1JDU~::g'5. 1JD{l%~. 0. 0. [z;]Ii:tIwr1:t;Zpg~Jf~L~}i!I -. +1f*. ~~l1l~{l%~[z;]iil1~:k~~B~MJtii:.fi'- AWm~IWtZ*~. L. 0. I ' ~~. Iwr1:t;m[gft*~. /F1~*Jl*iIwr _ 0. ~~J\ +[g.i. JUH:W~Z~/F%. 15*~*~AJ~*~.~T.M~~~,~aJ~+~*-J*+*~~~*~A 'f*~T.ilI'. 0.

(21) ~.*~. ~~~{tf:tp. , 1111. .~~JZ~.1t~J. ' ~tiIJ--j.~Jff1J.fJE~%IJJ*~%1JJ .~W%Im~'~.~%IJJ*.m •• ~.*,.~~.~~~~ W15i:~XiJJi ; 33-1JlID.wIj!HmI~*fl~Z~mi ' ~lflJ:~tUfHlIl1f..E3~. ~mZ$m~( Case. -1f.N.-fLfL-1f. [II *5mz =.r.~ 0f-:1 1Rf8J1f.{~r&1t~ ,. tiI~~lliJJ!. ••. E3. H~~4- B. '. ~~B*~. ' ~m~~I~1ttU. 0. -'AA~~Z~~. ~~~lt~JE~. ~ Gravel,. 0. '~~fu~~~~E3~~·&±~~mi'I~1tZ~3.1'f~~. ~Pft~J:~~~%I*il~fFf&ii@gZJJjUllJ. tul. ' ~~. fIHj.*tUif~~YiH~~~flJE'6. ¥~,~a1'f~*'~~4-.~J:ill1'f~~~a*~.m,~llt~~. z;j\ ~ 1'f. ~lli¥~~1&. '. W~fi~~o±~~rm+~1f.*~~~1t1J~~1J'~~~~JE~lE. el ' Duplessis and }~ ~ fJhE ~ §ffi t§. '~~I~Z~~~~·~~~%I~m,. 1JlIDf1f~fMJE11l)j!J%IJJ{5R~mm. CD ~~tpf:l.±!t. ,. 21. ~W~tt.'~I~~~.M~~~g~'~~Zr*~~rlJJ~.. lJJ*z[ll~m,~. ~Jf ~. ~IM.~~~:.~~~~~*. .'~1R#m~~1t~z~.,:tE~~~.~'~mMe*~.~m. rT ' ~1'ftul0$F~ iMJE%IJJ~ftf: ' j:J. Z.. ••. 4. Duplessis. ~~I~$~~~m.~~A~~ftlJ'~~m~~~mJE.-I. ~ZM~'. ~1'frmI~Zm~'~I~1tmfL~~~~~~'. ~J:~~~I~~M'm.&~z.M~~'~ •• I~~ •••. ZnJE'~N.m-+-.fi~~rm~~~.~.W~3~mJE'.~. u. J:I~zm~Mf8J •• ~'~~fi~±~~rmz.~.*·Rllt••. •. ' llt ~f~ lE1iiiH*:tE ~ /\ iilHTZI~1t. ~~~m.m~.Zm*~afr~[II*5m{5R.~. J:·I~1tm~.mJE:. +1f.*. ,~~m~I~J. ,jJj~~~I~Z*~. ~*+1* PijlH~*.JEA. §5[11~mtp1'frmm.m{5R.zmJE,mfL+-1f.li. ZI~1t. ¥*B~J:~*$~~~~~'~*.r&.I~Zm.m~o. '~~~±~~rm ~J:j:JiE[-=:. *. .~~~Z. 16. ~~. r~~~~fi~N.~~ •• '.*I*Z~. 'llt~.~frI~m~lE¥*~.~Wtp,~1'f. ~.o&~A+~1f.*$g.~m_t-=:M ~. ••1Il. ~W. •• m0~Zm,.~N.. '~~~1R.~~~1R[I!*5m~~~z~. 1f1l11l~lill~itjli*-~~JIl' 1fJt.4':ft1AA ,1992, (*~~itjli*-/r.uiiE7~~"";fJf). 0.

(22) ·'~. ••• ~@*~B••• ~~,.m~~~.~.~~_,. AW.~~Im.mm~~~auwm®.o. • '. 1i~t'lJ~~.fll~. ~OOm~'~.I.~~~~~w.~.,~a.~~~~m~ .~®~M~~.lli.o~m.+A~~I.~~~. •• ffa.~&. ftW•• ~~~~'~~OO~n~ft~~m.I.,.ti~.~.~ t)JRitIU i1f.?t.::::. + =~~:xf~IEB~ , ~{~IEffi% r1tE••• ffa.~ I&••I.~IA~~m.I.J (mA~) '.::::.+A~m~ 1Effi%}~l=rf~:x itt1tf{~~~~VtB~.1J~ , ~~.Jift~B~i[;\n ' • .::::.+A~·A+~~~~~~~M~.q~'.~®.'I.~~ I7. 0. 0. *.,~~. ••. ~~.~mR~.:X~. :xa~~~.~~.·. ~.*m.::::.~.::::.. ••• :X$M~:. ;j. ~~ I*li.~-tL: $F~~5¥:1i~. ( §tl5~. ~ttB1Jl=ri&.~. , /f. paras.48 . 49) •. *jfj. f*,~~~~~~ffrrm .~~~IE&,'[~. ,. ~.~.o. *.~~~~ffi%~*~~#mq~~M~~m~~~~q~~o~.. .~~*~~~BR~m.&*~~~*,. ~A.IL~~~'. ~~m=~-5Jjtj ~I f'Fmi[~.. ' ~~;. .~~~~~fk~~.l rI.~m~.m~:. r~.. .amffi&&ft~.~. $~~. jM~~P~ , fJ!~ft~.. ft~$.aI·IRm.I.$~,~~aI·IRm1tE.~.~ft. ~!iilftBffi.~mJE~:. W••~HlH9YI~IfF' {&~IfF~'I~.'. &'~ffl~'[wID. amffa&ftW•• ·.*I.~AI,~~m.I.J, .ft~~~.~,.B. .... ~~~*li.I.' f~~.~. ~m-+~~~~~W~,~~1tE.~. 0. jt~1. I*li.pJTM~jj~f'Fj. ~~.~Ama.~~~_~~m.J o~~~.~rftW. _18. I J w!~ffi%-~ , -~ffi%1tE.ftWI fF~. ~.~m~TtJ#~R. ~.~ttIfF~,~IfF~3~~. •• ~A , ~-~aUffi%1tE.ft~••. fFffi%~~~~.~.~~E.. 0. aoo~. OECD. 0~AA ••.. ftgffi". o~~IEffi%.~m.mmm,~-~~RAm~~~~,~.~1tE. ' w\~.~1i±ffi% • • fia.~~UA$.'~~¥~.~.·~ftw •• ®~,a~M. .{jjJfI~.. '. ~.f*'f;t.0;#mU~~ifflJ$.. -=-,~jJ;;ft:t.*Ff I.~~~~~. ffi%5EIH=rmJE • tJ)\ + 17. !\. WJ +A+..Lit;;k ~ .E.1'~~JUt: r WJ 't1tft3tl! WJ f-;t 1::tt 1f .1:~1lJ .1:~~ 1Ul Z..LA.4f4£1lJ .$.iHJlI!l..Lit··· ... J ; ~ + idf,~Jl.:it: r ~.E.1\t. PJf7'J*~~ :f1:Z..L A.~.I!lZ..Lit • • Mmft.~.J 0. ~ffi%{9tl. ' 1=ra~~ I.

(23) ·w~~oo~~m~i!£~~~m:~~~~I#.~43!Y·~~~ ~m~m~.I~~~~~~@~. ... -r~:t:$:i¥~"I'§.Jr"~. Lil i ~~:t:$: ttJ-\'f:t:$: 1$.. •• ~~~¥+vm°i!£~Y.~. .~~~'i!£~~~M~ •• ·~a •• ·~~~.n~~~I. o.~. :fsI if ~ m: t{f ~. ~m}:It#. '. ~W1~. ~:It'~± ' j::f{j#, If ~ Ill.§/. ::r.~lfY#·~~.I~~.g~·~~WY~~. ~m~:f~f:It~±. .. -::. mW1~·~±~~~MID~~~~~~·.~~~~m4~1f~1Il~. ~HI fit ~. ~$~~$~m:m :tJf$~~~ , jJ~~ /:1~:It~J ' ~ I~ ~ *}!I} j::$?Q;:!M:?l . IF. ~#W1~~~If~IIlM~~~I~~:tJfm,~mM~.#'.:!M~mI. ~~~$~~J~. !t!I;J~~~~~~M~~f§m.fu;(£Y~~Dy}~~~ GJ30 ~n~J7:. #..~~m~.*m·. •• ~~~.g~y~. 0. 81 •. o~.~m±.. ±#ti~::r~~,~w~~mWY~~~~.~~i!£~~~!t!I;J~[ffJ~. ~~Y~n~~±W1?Q;·.~~*±n~43!Y~~~W~'.~~~ ~m~~1T~.fu~.~IIl~I.~~I¥.·.$~~~43!YM~~. ~~~~'*~~~~OON~::r~m, (~.~.~OOW~::r~[ffJ~ ~~$. ·a~~~~m~3Hf~~Y~~.f{j#':It~'.~.MI~. 'I~~$~~~Wm:J. ·mm~*~M~.-~~m~$. , fiW$ll~j::f{j#'fig~~.i!£~M~~ · ~,.~~1T~1f (6t· 8t'StlJl~d. . I~~$~~1T~m:~~iWM~.~ [. ~~. 0. 1T~. ~~.!l. .. :. i!£~tlHj]. ~~tlnfff~~F1l ~ 3Hf .~. o.~IIlj::. MI~~~~. 0. Df#~&E~~. ~~~I' ~mn:Jf. , ~f!''J'&E~~~. ~1Ilj::MI~~i!£M:tJf~~,~mOON~W1~,.~~j::f{j#'~~~. .I~13*:?lI. [ffJ~~fHim+~. , fu}m:.$:It,~± '. :t661 '01I) .~1Il ¥~~!i~~'~±'. ~H~ht~+~· [ffJ~43!fJ~m$~ OqlfQl!~:ItM!I} · [ffJ ~43! fJ ~ m~!t. (srep!JJO ;')!(qnd) • ~~gr'£!} J j::!i~~~J~. ~. ~~~:!M'$.~M;(£~~M~.@-~~~¥¥-M~mI#..~ '~W1~.Y!i~*~~~~ym. ~W Ef3 ~6 ij ::r~43!. •••U$~:~.W~~.fuj::!i. ~W:It~~$~~~!t!I;J~1T~,~j::~m~~~±.~. •• Y~,~.

(24) [l[Hi~~1fJ:\;{*t~M!:fJHT1~19. 0. if:¥r'&Jm$l&J&~. I}a]tJ#:!ltt EI. ,~-t-tfflZ. ~Mtt[l[~~.~~.m~~*.~,~.~.~~~~~w,. •• WIttEl~mD.~rn~·~~~~•• ~.MI. ~~~~~~(m~+~) 'IttW~~Itt~~~~~~~•• ~. ~~~ffl&. ~~(m~+~~). +f,*). ·~~. •• ~~.~$m~~ff.ftItt(m~. .f*.I.~ m~~d6'~. ~.$IJ. 0. 0. ~~~. ~~~*~. ' ~¥-:1~r-f~~~Im~J5fTn~@JW Itt$m+1\f,* m5EI*~~.·~ •• ~~¥~~~.'WE~m.~-5E~~m, ~~~m1\~&m+-.m5E~&OO •• '~~D~~.M~ff.~ ,~tilKf:lL~P:R*=I*tt~Jim ' ~fjff~~.~~1fEffiJ:R*=~~.~. 1T.~~~~~ml. .~&I*~ft.,w~~m~~.I.~ft~~.M~.I~~:R. .~1tf$<.,m­. *=~ft.~~.~r-f'k~ftItt~ft.~~m~IKf'. I.~~m. ~m5E. 0. ~~I.. $U~. ,. ~~.. tJm~~~;. · ~ffiJgt~~. rf~~J ~m~. ' ffi~;. •• a.ff~ 1fJ:\;ff~~~~~~B~,@~*m-+.ffi~.*~ •••-5Em. ~3§1J ~ ~m.~flj. ~~.M.'~ffi~~~I*mDEI~~~·. m,fliz*i;g~£*J. ~mD~~~~wm.·£.~~~I.$~*BM~. ~u. ' l&J&tl~F~~I!;. ~~'~.~~~Dff.~~R'I.~~~~RWI*EI ~~.1fOO'I*$m~+li.:¥m=+~~.~m5E'~~~~. ,. §mI*~mA&I*~ft~.A~~.'~D~~wI.mD~~ .~&m~+~.~.~oo~w~m5E~'¥-:1~mm5E~~~~.· ~~.~~m~+li.&m=+~.~.$.~~~~~m~~~m. ffi~I*fj'~~m~~'~~~.I. ~~. •• ~~~~A'~~'. •• ~ffi~~~·~I*$¥*ffiJ§'.BB~m~~~ff$W. !II~.~~.: ~ffi1fEl:fj. ~~. ffi:. m' .~:¥~tlO~ .~firr~P;!fJ~. I.mD~~~w~,@wmD.~~~~.~&~~~m~~~R. 1fOOffi~*~~~'.ffi~~.~~OO·. 0. •k. ~'!fi~ft:lL. 00 '. :lL$~1J:)W0. mli. 1~n~f ~:tL 5JJE m ~ B ~A -Jr: ~ 1S:J. §is 1lR:. ~. ••• ~+*.-*.OOA~a~~*~;~A+~.**~~.t.t~.~ .m~ij&t~~4A+~.~.tM~~~.~~M·. w • • • • ~~~.~*.O~-~~OO~~~*~~~~~D. JJC.~t:ifffJ1L-f~~~J\''\. ~.~D~.~o. 0~mf*:lL$~~.

(25) ~~~~UMfu.~*~~~~.W~.~*~~~~~W~~0 I~~~'.~¥~.~~~.UM.mI~m~·~.~~*.§. Y1 . B;tM~~~*~fl4.!iM~0Y1 · ~~0~~.!i¥t1m~~::F/:@j!~~!l · ~mfIID~~f~B2tijjUM~0 J 2§*~ , i6B;tM~Vfill:!IW:i;BI1 ~¥~rM~~Qgj!lfcf.l!fHt ! ~Eli±li. · :$~fJ~~0TIifr:1t~~~ · 00. U~:$~*::F/:*~+=~¥t'~~U~0~~~~~::F/:Ww'~~~ ~.EfWI~~.UYt±*. ' ~b~~~R=iNn~.~~~. 0. ~[¥{~f~*.. §¥t'~~W.Y5~~.~~IM~.~~~~~~~~±.,;tM. L~~~~¥~~.~~M~~'~~~~~~~$~~°R=i~W~ ~. ••~M •• B'.~~.~I~~.=~*U.§~.~~. ~~~~ti~n4±. M~f~1ff~ .Eli~f. . l¥flt '. Y~J-}~. ~m~~ft=b~n4±. .• :q2Y14~~~ §~~~~IM~. , ~ [¥{ ± !).f B} , .~ij~IM~~ o. ~~~i@]iHWiDM. '. 1t~~d(fij. nM!ID~jt~?£~)jf~{'IY9. , ~\'J'~'~~iiMl¥l¥iD±~dmlfH2£I! ' DM. !ID~m~.B~.~M.§~.~~~M¥t°. ••• ~.m±~~~. ~~-H.a~~ ~ :r}~v.n.!imi ~d£1MI~:;;JJ~.. ••~fill+=W· •• ~~H. '~. W.IV~0M~IgW~::F/:~§~,~.~~ti.!iro,m±~~I. ~~g~~'~ • • ~~I~;tM*~W. .a~~~+=W*~ID'~B9.(~vw)~~~r. .¥•. J. .IfW+1T~!l. ~:$~~¥~M~. , EM~~~-.!i~. .!iUYm±~~~~M,.~n~UY@*.±~;tM~,~~. ~.:r}~~.~-i:f. ••IH.!i,ooU~~~m±~~~M¥t°~§~. H.a~. m~W. ~H.a~}JiWiD~~. ~~~.!i~¥*'M.u.ooUm::F/:¥~~~~I~~·~~~.!im. fillW). ~~.±~~M'~~~¥+=!ID~~~-+=W*~~~o~.~. ~}¥+W¥f.I. ~.il~*~*~~~~~ ••~.*::F/:~~'.~~~~ •. ±~~IW~~~~~·~~ij*~~,~~~. .!iUY. ~.I.§U. rlf1i~lif"}~ ±. ". -=. 0. ~I~;tMfH. ~Im~~H.a3. , oz~tr*Y14~~~ ~ ij.:m.Y1@'I~.

(26) Iii '. rm;ttRi~iH~~iffjffX~JJf(~1J. ' ~lJnrf~1L1:t~~S~~ , ][d'F~PJ1:t. wfiam.~.~m.JJf(~·ft~.#~m~Im.~.a~, ~.M.~A.~.tt.,&.m~I0~W~. ~~~~.M.~~. •• ~.tt.~,~. •• ~*w~m~~,~~~~~.m~.-a. 1. t:p.~I}j!~9:; ~&. •. ,. 2. *ft~ 1992 ' 3. Committee on Fr No.763, para.18. 4. CF A, 278 th Repor1 5. CF A, 295 th Repor1 6. CFA, 297 th Repor1 7. CFA, 328 th Repor1 8. CFA, 1985a, 238 th 9. CF A, 1985b, 241 It 10. CFA, 1985c, 2411 para. 534. 11. CFA,1985d,241 Ih 12. CFA,1985e,239th. 13. CFA,1986, 243 th F 14. CFA,1988a, 259th 15. CFA, 1988b, 256 1h. 16. CFA, 1988c, 260tl. 17. CFA, 1988d, 256tl 18. CFA, 1989, 268 th 19. CFA, 1990a, 270. .. lt. 20. CFA, 1990b, 275t!. 21. CFA, 1991a, 2791t.

(27) ~~*~~~~m~~z*~:*~~~~~*. i&>-~. 27. , :Md'F~Rl$. l~z1t~~ '1EU~ ~~ Z ~t!t{l1[tl. $~)(IIX. , 1M. a1'F~~~ffd:1Wr- ~. I. cp~~I~mn~K1.~~1Wr ,1984, (cp~~I~mn~). ,fin. Jt&o 2. *ft~. , 1992,. {.~I1Wril&*1ijil&1E1*~~7t;fJT}. 0. 3. Committee on Freedom of Association (CF A), 200 th Report, Case. •. ... No.763, para. I 8. 4. CFA, 278 th Report, Case No.1443, para.188 ' 191c. 5. CFA, 295 th Report, Case No.1 133, para. I II. 6. CFA, 29T h Report, Case No.1618, para.22. 7. CFA, 3281h Report, Case No.1787, para. I 12-123. 8. CFA, 1985a, 238 th Report, Case No.1279, para. 140(a). 9. CFA, 1985b, 241th Report, Case No.1326, para.818. 10. CFA, 1985c, 241'h Report, Case Nos.1204, 1275,1301,1328,1341, para. 534. II. CFA, 1985d, 241 th Report, Case No.1285, papa. 184. 12. CFA,1985e, 239 th Report, Case No. 1305,para.297(a) , 297(c). 13. CFA,1986, 243 th Report, Case No. 1326, papa.154. 14. CFA, 1988a, 259 th Report, Case No.1 385, papa.55t. 15. CFA,1988b, 256th Report, Case No.1414, papa.126. 16. CF A, 1988c, 260th Report, Case Nos. 997, 999 and 1029, papa.28. 17. CFA, 1988d, 256 lh Report, Case Nos.1435 and 1440, para.415.. '.. 18. CFA, 1989, 2681h Report, Case No. 1444, para.522. 19. CFA, 1990a, 270 th Report, Case No.1500, para.324. 20. CFA, 1990b, 275!h Report, Case No.1 500, para.353. 21. CFA, 1991a, 279 th Report, CaseNo.l581, para.469..

(28) 22. CF A, 1991 b, 279 111 Report, Case No.1592, para.I77. 23. CFA, 1991c, 278 1h Report, Case No.1534, para.472b. 24. CF A, 1991 d, 277111 Report, Case No.1522, para.32. 25. CFA, I 992a, 284 1h Report, Case No.1558 and 1559, para.737(a). 26. CFA, 1992b, 284 1h Report, Case No.1617, para.1006. 27. CFA, 1992c, 284 tl1 Report, Case No.1628, para.l026. 28. CFA, 1992d, 284 1h Report, Case No.1622, papa.693. 29. CFA, 1992e, 281 1h Report, Case No.1568, para.188 ' 380. 30. CFA, 1993a, 291 1h Report, Case No.1557, para.278. 31. CF A, 1993 b, 291 lh Report, Case No.1648 and 1650, para.451. 32. CFA, 1993c, 287 lh Report, Case No.1628, para.279. 33. CFA, 1993d, 2891h Report, Case No.1594, para.24. 34. CFA, 1993e, 291 th Report, Case No.1705, papa.323. 35. CFA, I 993f, 290 th Report, Case No.16I2, papa.21. 36. CFA, 1993g, 286 1h Report, Case No.I609, para.435. 37. CFA, 1993h, 29J1 h Report, Case No.1708, para. 189. 38. CFA, 1993i, Case No.I629. 39. CFA, 1994a, 295 111 Report, Case No.I771, para.499. 40. CFA, 1994b, 294 th Report, Case No.746, para.54l. 41. CFA, 1994c, 294 1h Report, Case No.1704, papa.I56. 42. CFA, 1994d, 294 1h Report, Case No.1701, papa.317. 43. CFA, 1995a, 297 1h Report, Case No.1798, para.123. 44. CFA, 1995b, 297 1h Report, Case No.1788, para.362. 45. CFA, 1995c, 297 1h Report, Case No.1767, para.302. 46. CFA, 1996, Case No.1865. 47. CFA, 2000, 320th Report, Case No. 1963, para. 238. 48. Eric Gravel, Isabelle Duplessis and Bernard Gernigon, 2001, The. Committee on 1 International La 49. International Association-Di~. Association Con 211, p.46. 50. International Lat. and Rights at Wi. 51. ILO General S collective bargai.

(29) ~.*1. •••. mM.~.~:*~~~1~~. ~. 17.. Committee on Freedom of Association: Its Impact over 50 Years,. '2b.. International Labour Organization, p.33. 49. International. Labour. Office. (lLO),. 1996,. Freedom. of. ,9, para.737(a).. Association-Digest of Decisions and Principles of the Freedom of. )06.. Association Committee of the Governing Body of the ILO, para. 208­. 126.. 211, p.46. 50. International Labour Organisation (ILO), 2003,Fundamental Principles. 93.. and Rights at Work: A Labour Law Study, p.S ' p.35.. :8 ' 380.. 51. ILO General Survey (lLO), 1994, Freedom of association and. 'S.. collective bargaining, paras.48 ' 49.. ;0, para.451.. '9.. k. D.. ". i5.. :9. 9.. ,6.. 17. 3.. 2.. 2.. ,8.. iernigon, 2001, The.

(30) International Labour Standards and the Guarantee on Freedom of Association in Taiwan Huei-Ling Wang*. Abstract By making it possible to establish organizations of workers and employers and by providing them with the means to further and defend the interest of their members, freedom of association is the fundamental right for workers. Without freedom of association the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike would be meaningless. This explains why the constitution of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has affirmed the principle of freedom of association and why, over the years, the International Labour Conference has adopted a considerable number of Conventions, Recommendations and resolutions. In addition to this standard-setting function of ILO, a special machinery for the protection of freedom of association was The Committee on Freedom of established in 1951. Association (CF A) is responsible for carrying out a preliminary examination of the complaints submitted from trade unions against their government. Till 2002 the CFA has examined and. * Assistant. professor of Institute for Labour Research of National ChengChi University .. explained its vie\\ . to build up a , association. The 1947 C applies in Taiwar provisions deals right to collective But there are pro' association and ri guarantee on righl employers to est bargaining are thu And the Labor U However, under government adopt( and its Enforcer government supen protection for wod. On the other protection of hum convention or eve] freedom of associa ILO, under the effo the standards and can give clear direc the application of n. Keywords: Freed Unior.

(31) ~.*L. explained its views in more than 2150 cases. This enabled CFA to build up a very full body of principles on freedom of association.. lrds and mof. n. ons of workers leans to further l of association ut freedom of ld the right to the constitution as affirm ed the r the years, the a considerable ~solutions. In LO, a special ssociation was Freedom of t a preliminary l trade unions ; examined and. f National ChengChi. ••• IM.~.~:.~«~L.~ 31. ". The 1947 Constitution of the Republic of China, which applies in Taiwan, unlike Japanese constitution, has no special provisions deals with freedom of association for workers and right to collective bargaining (Japanese constitution article 28). But there are provisions regarding the guarantee on freedom of association and rights of assembly in general (art. 14) and the guarantee on right to work (art. 15). The right of workers and employers to establish organizations and right to collective bargaining are thus tied to prominent constitutional guarantees. And the Labor Union Law (LUL) was promulgated in 1929. However, under the specific historical background, the government adopted a restrictive policy towards unions; the LUL and its Enforcement Rules were amended to strengthen government supervision. Labor legislation is rather obstacle than protection for workers to establish trade unions. On the other hand, under the trend of globalization in protection of human rights, many countries use directly ILO convention or even CFA case-law in real situations to protect freedom of association. Although Taiwan is not a member of ILO, under the effort for the protection on freedom of association, the standards and principles set by ILO and the CFA case-law can give clear direction for the improvement in legislation and on the application of real cases. Keywords: Freedom of Association, ILO conventions, Labor Union Law.




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