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Twenty-third Congregation


Academic year: 2021

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s Address by Professor Tony F CHAN


Honorary Degree Citations (in order of degree presentation)


Mr Hans Michael JEBSEN, Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa


Professor Sir John PENDRY, Doctor of Science honoris causa


Dr Raghuram G RAJAN, Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa Raghuram G RAJAN 博士工商管理學榮譽博士

Mr James E THOMPSON Doctor of Business Administration honoris causα


Professor Lap-Chee TSUI, Doctor of Science honoris cαusα 徐立之教授理學榮譽博士 Medal Citations 獎章得主的讚辭 4 8 12 16 20 24

Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching 28


Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body 30


President’s Cup 32


Addresses by Graduate Representatives 34


Congregation Programs 單位頒授典禮 Session 1 第一節 10:30a血, 19·11·2015 Order of Proceedings 典禮程序 44 Graduates in the School of Humanities and Social Science



Graduates in the School of Science 理學院畢業生名錄 so Session 2 第二節 3:lSpm, 19·11·2015 Ord巴rof Proceedings 典禮程序 6是

Graduates in the School of Business and Management 工商管理學院畢業生名錄


Session 3 第三節 10:30am, 20·11·2015

Order of Proceedings 90


Graduates in the Interdisciplinary Programs Of血ce (PhD, MPhil, MSc) 92


Graduates in the School of Engineering (PhD, MPhil, MSc) 93


Graduates in the HKUST Fok Ying 百mgGraduate School (MPhil) 104


Session 4 第四節 3:lSpm, 20 • 11 • 2015

Order of Proceedings 典禮程序

108 Graduates in the Interdisciplinary Programs Office (BSc)


Graduat巴sin the School of Engineering (BSc, BEng) 工學院畢業生名錄(理學士、工學士j 110 111 ca e c .’, A d n e DAgwm p 問 A 開 Degrees Conferred 頡援學位 122

Titles of PhD Theses Completed in 201是 15



President's Address

Professor Tony F CHAN

Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends and colleagues,

Today, we celebrate the achievements of bright, enthusiastic young minds at this graduation ceremony. Graduates, we are proud of your success. We are also delighted to confer honorary doctorates on five distinguished individuals, who serve as eminent role models as to what can be achieved in very different areas and circumstances with determination, drive, and integrity.

Indeed, I would like to spend the next few minutes on what you as HKUST graduates will take away from the years you have spent here. It should not only be a degree.

What does HKUST stand for? What distinguishes us from other institutions? What principles can guide you in the future as graduates of this great and youthfully vibrant institution? We may each have our own ideas on this. But we also have a collective HKUST community vision, clearly articulated in our core values.

The crystallization of these values emerged following wide-reaching consultation, which began about a year ago and involved all members of the University - faculty, students, staff, alumni, and Court and Council members. Rewarding旬,

consensus was readily found on the intrinsic spirit

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and aspirations embedded at the heart of HKUST as a university and I hope all HKUST family members.

Such values will make you as a HKUST graduate distinctive at work, as a leader, and as a thoughtful and responsible citizen in whichever part of the world you choose to put down roots.

The first set of values is “Excellence, Integrity, and Academic Freedom 弋 This expresses our commitment to excellence in everything we do, while placing utmost importance on the freedom to conduct academic activities, subject to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty.

The second set of values is

Global Vision and Local Commitment ,,一 to be a global leader in research and education, and also in providing global perspectives and experiences for our students, while upholding our responsibility to the local community.

The third set of values is something that I have often heard others say about us, and that is a

“Can自由 Spirit" 一 cherishing and embodying the spirit of risk”taking, willingness to overcome challenges, innovativeness, creativeness, and confidence. When faced with a new idea or initiative, we don

t look for ways it cannot be done or recollect past failures. We ask instead whether it is worth doing, and how to utilize prior experience to better undertake the task.


The fourth set of values is

Inclusiveness, Diversity, and Respect’ , - valuing and respecting

the differences of individuals, in ideas, culture, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion and social background, and striving to embrace these diverse forces to foster an inclusive and caring environment to make us all better as individuals. In today’s increasingly globalized world with its huge social, economic and environmental

challeng凹, itis even more imperative to embrace

diversity and be open to combining the collective insights of others to find better solutions to problems.

The final value we have set down is certainly unique. \月le call this the “1-HKUST’, spirit - the

entire HKUST family working together as an integrated and holistic team with a view to making the whole of our University’s mission bigger than the sum of its parts. It means students, faculty, staff and alumni have their different roles but are also all part of the HKUST community. It

means different Schools have their own domains and strengths but also work across disciplinary boundaries in both research and education.

One hundred years ago, the President of Harvard University predicted that it would take 200 years to create a research university. This year marks the 2 日h anniversary of HKUST, and I would say we have already made quite a name for ourselves. Our achievements as a research university are now studied by our peers around the world. Let us in the next 25 years make an equally powerful contribution through our distinctively



Our alumni have already launched us on our way, with flying colors. Now, as you step out beyond our campus, it is your turn to make a difference and continue to build critical mass. Not only in what you achieve, but also how you achieve it. Keep the core values of HKUST in your heart, be confident of your own capabilities, and tackle the challenges you face head”on. In so doing, you will change tomorrow

s world for the better and you will make us proud.

RJU 州 pu m Tl n門 切 們、 u nu 內n VT nD nb rE 門內 m Aun QU 盯 nυ QU


校長講高干 陳繁昌教授 各位嘉賓、畢業同學、家長、親友及同事: 今天是本校的畢業典禮,我在此祝賀各位年輕有 為、滿懷熱誠的畢業同學學有所成。各位畢業同 學,你們的成就令我感到自豪。同時,我們很高 興在此頒授榮譽博士于五位傑出人士,他們在各 自的領域展現出堅毅意志、幹勁及誠信,堪為楷 模。 我希望藉此機會向各位科大畢業同學贈言,在科 大的日子,你們的得著要比一紙學歷更豐富。 香港科技大學標誌著甚麼?究竟有甚麼令科大與 別不同?是甚麼引領這所年輕優秀、充滿活力的 大學之畢業生開拓前路?大家的見解不盡相同, 然而,我們都懷著同一理念和願景,這就是科大 的核心價值。 約一年前,科大已就這些核心價值進行廣泛詩 詢,大學教職員、同學、校友,以及顧問委員會 和校董會成員集思廣益,大家都認同這些價值和 志向,我期望每位科大人也把這些核心價值銘記 於心。 無論各位畢業同學身處世界何地,實踐這些價值 將令你們在工作上表現卓越,擔當出色的親袖, 並會推己及人,成為有承擔的世界公民。 6 ︱校長陳繁昌教瘦的輔 首先,是「追求卓越、堅守誠信、維護學術自 由」。大學一直致力追求卓越,並以最高學術誠 信標準為原則,堅持維護學術自由。 第二,是「放眼全球發展,貢獻地方社會」。大 學期望在每個教研鋪域都領先全球,培育同學的 環球視野和體驗,同時鼓勵同學積極貢獻地方社 會。 第三,是「凡事皆可為」的精神一不少人經常以 此形容科大。大學重視及體現敢於嘗試的精神, 勇於克服挑戰,鼓勵創新、創意和建立自信。面 對嶄新意念或事物,我們絕不退縮或受制於過去 的失敗經驗,反而會問這是否值得努力實踐,思 考如何從過去經驗學習,力臻完美。 第四,是「和諧共融、匯聚多元、彼此尊重」。 大學珍惜及尊重每個人不同之處,包括思想、文 化、性別、種族、國籍、宗教或社會背景,努力 締造包容和關愛的環境,令我們不斷進步。今天 的社會日益全球化,在社會、經濟及環境方面都 充滿挑戰,因此兼容多元更為重要,凝聚力量, 解決困難。 最後一項核心價值最為獨特,我們稱之為「同一 科大」。匯聚大學成員的見解與努力,同心同 德,和衷共濟,朝著同一目標邁進,發揮更大力


量。同學、教職員及校友在這同一大家庭擔當不 同角色,不同學院各具專長,透過跨學科合作, 結合教研力量。 一百年前,當時的哈佛大學校長認為一所研究型 大學需時二百年才能開花結果。科大創校二十五 年,聲望日隆。作為研究型大學,我們的成就已 廣獲全球同儕肯定與參考。憑藉獨有的「科大」 核心價值,希望我們在未來二十五年再創輝煌。 我們的校友巳卓有成就,振翅高飛。你們即將投 身社會,希望各位承先獻後,凝聚一股正能量, 為社會作出貢獻。大家不但要有理想,更重要的 是如何實踐理想。請謹記科大的桔心價值,相信 自己的能力,敢於接受挑戰,令明日的世界變得 更善更美,讓我們引以為榮。 校長陳繁昌教授的講辭 i 7


Doctor of Business Administration honoris cαusa

Mr Hans Michael JEBSEN


In the annals of Hong Kong

s long-term success stories, Mr Hans Michael Jebsen and his forebears are among the city

s finest examples. A fourth-generation scion of the 120-year-old business group that bears his Danish family name, Mr Jebsen is a remarkable representative of Hong Kong

s uncanny ability to foster those with the enterprising vision to succeed amid changing times. He in turn shows next-generation entrepreneurs how to blend business acumen and beneficence without fanfare and to the betterment of all.

Mr J ebsen moved from school days and tertiary education in Europe to Hong Kong in 1981, joining Jebsen & Company Ltd while still in his mid-20s. He became Chairman at the start of the millennium, heralding both a continuation of tradition and a zest for new horizons. Young but prescient and equipped with east-west vision, Mr Jebsen took on board the challenges and huge opportunities of the 1980s and 1990s to evolve the family business from its shipping and trading roots into a marketing and distribution multinational giant, with a strong presence in the Mainland. Leveraging long-established partnerships with brand names from Porsche to

Pent缸, the Group embraced and advanced the

consumer boom powered by Asia

s rising middle class. Equally significant, it fueled regional economic development through the supply of essential equipment stretching from automotive parts to food machinery.




The Jebsen Group now encompasses the world, with an annual turnover of HK$15.2 billion in 2014. Despite such widespread success, Mr Jebsen has worked equally hard to guard the sense of family and the values of trust, responsibility and commitment instilled by its 19th-century founders. The company is still privately owned and still headquartered in Hong Kong, where Mr Jebs凹, his wife and five children live. While staff number in their thousands, he is clear that individual effort and loyalty counts in business sustainability down the decades and strives to create a corporate environment that encourages people to do their best as well as share with and learn from others.

Success to me is when our employees regard the Group as their home not just a workplace’”he has said.

Indeed, his own leadership philosophy ” to listen before speaking, think from the other person

s perspective and motivate not mandate ” was derived from what he learned from veteran staffers and senior management during his transitional years before taking over the helm.

Nor should the entrepreneurial spirit be solely applied to one’s own business in Mr Jebsen's view. It involves sustainability of the community as a whole through exercising vision, a generous heart and sense of responsibility to others. This is a goal he has conscientiously worked toward across different sectors as a member of the Hong Kong European Union Business Co-operation


Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Trustee of the World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong, and Chairman of the Friends' Committee of the Asian Cultural Council Hong Kong, among others.

In 1995, as part of the company

s centenary celebrations, he set up the Jebsen Educational Foundation and established a scholarship program at HKUST. This year is the 20th anniversary of this program. Brought together initially by a shared drive for excellence and innovation, the University has been fortunate to receive Mr Jebsen's insights in many different ways. He is currently a Court member and a member of the School of Business and Management’S Advisory Council, and has

also served as a Council member and Chairman of the Institutional Advancement and Outreach Committee. Donations and sponsorship have also supported two prestigious Named Professorships and forums enabling HKUST academics to share their latest innovation and technology research with the Hong Kong business community.

Although he never seeks the limelight - quite the opposite in fact - Mr Jebsen's endeavor, humanity and respect for different cultures have been recognized in Hong Kong and beyond. Among his many awards, he is a holder of the Bronze Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong SAR Government and a Knight of 1st Class of the Order of Dannebrog. He was awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany in 2008 and the title of Hofjc£germester from the Queen of Denmark in 2011. Mr J ebsen is also an Honorary Citizen and Municipal Economic Advisor and Committee Member of the Chinese People

s Political Consultative Committee of Jilin City. We are delighted that today HKUST

can recognize this quiet high achiever, who has bridged the centuries, east and west and economic change to show that cutting-edge entrepreneurs not only create but also conserve.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Mr Hans Michael Jebsen, BBS, Chairman of the Jebsen Group, for the award of Doctor of Business Administration

honoris causa.




捷成漢先生及其家族卓然有成,堪稱香港企業的 典範。捷成漢先生祖籍丹麥,為擁有 120 年歷史的 捷成集團之第四代掌舵人。他縱橫商界,獨具慧 眼,憑其遠見卓識,運籌椎喔, 4頁導家業在時代 巨輪下蓬勃發展。捷成漢先生營商有道,秉持低 調行善的作風,造福社會,為新一代企業家樹立 楷模。 提成漢先生早年在歐洲求學,於 1981 年移居香 港,二十多歲時加入捷成洋行有限公司。他於 2000 年出任集團主席,秉承傳統,帶頓公司開創 新里程。年輕時的捷成漢先生已高瞻遠囑,靈活 揉合中西思維,具備國際視野。八、九十年代機 遇處處,他乘勢拓展家業,由航運和貿易業務發 展至國際市場營銷及分銷巨孽,業務遍佈中國內 地。憑藉與保時提和賓得等品牌建立的長期合作 關係’提成集團把握亞洲中產階層冒起的機遇, 推動消脅增長。此外,集團亦為汽車零件以至食 品機械行業供應所需設備,促進區域的經濟發 展。 時至今日,提成集團的業務巴覆蓋全球, 2014 年 的營業額高達 152 億港元。縱使成就斐然,捷成漢 先生不志,陪守十九世紀家族創辦人的家訓,堅守 誠信,勇於承擔,專心致志。捷成集團現為私營 企業,以香港為基地,捷成漢倪儷及其五名子女 更以這裡為家。集團員工數以干計,捷成漢先生 10 ︱榮譽博士的僻 讚辭 深明每位員工的努力和忠誠,對集團的持繪發展至 關重要。因此,他致力鼓勵員工精益求精,相立學 習與分享。他曾言道:「對我而言,若員工視集團 為家,而不單是工作的地方,這就是成功。」 捷成漢先生擁有獨特領導哲學 先聆聽後發言、 推己及人,以及多鼓勵而非只顧命令。這都是在 他執掌集團前,從資深員工和高級管理層身上學 習的。 捷成漢先生認為企業家精神不只著眼於業務發 展,更應透過實踐理想,慷慨行善和貢獻社會, 以推動社會的可持觸發展。他身體力行,熱心服 務社會,擔任香港貿易發展局香港歐盟經濟合作 委員會委員、世界自然基金會香港分會理事、亞 洲文化協會香港分會主席,以及其他要職。 1995 年,適逢提成集團百年誌慶,捷成漢先生成 立捷成教育基金,並捐助香港科技大學設立獎學 金,今年為獎學金計劃成立 20 周年。科大和捷成 漢先生有著相同的願景一一追求卓越、力求創新, 他的真知灼見使大學獲益良多。提成漢先生現任 科大顧問委員會委員及商學院顧問委員會委員, 並曾任科大校董會成員及大學拓展委員會主席。 他慷慨捐資助學,設立兩個冠名教授席和舉辦論 壇,協助科大學者與香港商界分享最新的創新和 科技研究成果。


捷成漢先生為人諜遜他調,堅毅篤勤,慈惠 博施,尊重多元文化,廣受推崇。他屢獲獎 譽,包括獲香港特別行政區政府賴授銅紫荊星 章、 Dannebrog 騎士榮譽稱號、 2008 年獲德國政 府頒授十字功勞勳章及 2011 年再獲丹麥女皇授 予 Hofj <Egermester 勳銜。他亦是中圈吉林市榮譽 市民、吉林市政府經濟顧問及全國人民政治協商 會議吉林市委員會委員。捷成漢先生成就豐碩’ 融會東西精粹,與時俱進,展現傑出企業家的風 範,既開拓創新,同時秉承優良傳統。今天,香 港科技大學很高興在此表彰接成漢先生的成就。 校董會主席,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭請閣下頒授工商管理學榮譽博士于提成集團主 席提成漢先生BBS O 榮譽博士的讀辭! 11


Doctor of Science honoris cαusa

Professor Sir John PENDRY


Today, we see Professor Sir John Pendry sitting with us on the stage. In the future being created by the transformational work of this eminent physicist, we may not. For that time, just around the corner, is not the WYSIWYG world of what you see is what you get. It is of flat lenses, light-bending materials, and yes, practical Harry Potter invisibility cloaks.

In his groundbreaking studies, Sir John has made a specialty of venturing into the previously impossible. From these intellectual travels, the Chair Professor of Solid State Physics at Imperial College London brings back radical new ways of viewing the world 一 or not viewing it in some cases.

Relishing the challenge of spotting the anomalies that escape the attention of the rest of us, he hurtles forward at a pace as fast as the light he studies, setting forth the ideas which hurdle the frontiers of currently accepted knowledge. It

took him just a morning to arrive at one of his most breathtaking proposals - a


lens, unrestricted by the diffraction limit and capable of sub wavelength imaging. Everyone else believed it unattainable. Sir John showed otherwise in a brief but seminal paper published in 2000.

Indeed, during his SO-plus years at the forefront of physics, Sir John has dared to go where few have gone before in physics in a remarkably wide spectrum of ways. That he believes in


altering his research focus every 10 years or so has helped. Such an approach has taken him from developing the first computation techniques for low energy electron diffraction to the design of novel metamaterials. Exciting旬, such materials provide access to properties not found in nature, opening up brave new realms that have never been scientifically explored before.

What makes Sir John

s ideas doubly exhilarating is that he not only produces a concept. He also works closely with experimental physicists to put his work into practice

: “


you are going to have all this fun with science, you must make something of 丸” he has said. In doing so, Sir John has transformed the world of physics. In addition, he has re-fired the public

s imagination about the significance of field, with the cloak of invisibility ironically providing a valuable spotlight for physics

key role in development.

Perhaps a boyhood studying the gadgets of

Wireless World magazine and bombarding his uncle - an electrical engineer - with innumerable questions played a part in this outlook. He went on to take a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Master

s and PhD in Solid State Theory at Cambridge in the late 1960s. Following research positions at Cambridge, Bell Labs in the US, and Daresbury Laboratory in the UK, Sir John then joined Imperial College in London in 1981, where he remains to this day.


From his very first paper on the

Analytic Properties


Pseudopotentiαls in 1968, he signaled the

arrival of a truly original mind. It is a mind that has been generously shared over the years through collaborations, research teaching, and lectures given in his customary unceremonious style around the world. When invited to become an IAS Visiting Professor at HKUST, he accepted immediately, enabling our academics, researchers and Hong Kong to benefit more closely from his brilliance and wisdom since 2011. He recently spoke at the University

s 2S1h anniversary celebration program in London.

Sir John’s tremendous contribution has been recognized by a long-running list of prestigious awards and honors, including Fellowship of the Royal Society since 1984, a knighthood in 2004, the Isaac Newton Medal 在nd Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics in 2013, Kavli Prize in Nanoscience co-recipient in 2014 and the 2015 Prize for Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Electronics and Optics from the European Physical Society.

Equally telling, academics seldom have their talents individually celebrated in their own lifetime. Yet in 2008, the year of his 的thbirthday, a two-day international

Pendry Fest’, was held at Imperial College to honor his achievements. The same year, a whole issue of the

Journal of

Physics: Condensed Matter

was dedicated to him, with articles by former students, colleagues, and friends. At HKUST today, we, too, are delighted to celebrate Sir John

s genius, a beacon that lights the world on its way in trying to solve the grand challenges by showing the seemingly impossible is not in fact beyond us.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Professor Sir John Pendry, FRS, Chair Professor in Theoretical Solid State Physics at Imperial College, for the award of Doctor of Science




理學榮譽博士 約翰@彭德且爵士 讀辭 今天,看見的翰﹒彭德里爵士與我們同席而坐, 但在這位傑出物理學家所締造的未來,我們可能 看不到。那時候,眼見未為實。平面透鏡及彎曲 光線的物質將大行其道,簡單來說,這正是哈利 波特的隱形斗盤。 彭德里爵士的研究突破,為從前不可能的研究續 域拓展疆界。這位來自倫敦帝國學院的固態物理 學講座教授,以嶄新角度去看世界,亦為隱形技 術的發展打開新一頁。 一般人視為平凡的事物,彭德里爵士卻見筒中不 凡,並瞬間超越知識的界限,走進新境界。僅以 一個早上的時悶,他已完成偉大的構想 不園 於繞射限制、又能應用於次波長成像的「完美」 平面透鏡。眾人皆視之不可為,但彭德里爵士在 2000 年發表簡短論文,力陳研究可行的理據,影 響深遠。 事實上,彭德里爵士 50 多年來走在物理界的前 站,敢於探索前人未達的領域,涉獵領域之廣, 令人嘆佩。他認為每隔 10 年就須改變研究重點, 這推動他開創適用於低能量電子繞射的運算技術 及後來設計出嶄新的「超級物料」。這種物料布 著不存在於自然界的特質,打開了通往科學秘境 的大門。 概念實踐應用。他曾說:「要全面體驗科學的樂 趣,就必須將構思轉化成真。」彭德里爵士身體 力行,為物理學的世界帶來改變。他還以物理在 設計隱形斗聾的關鍵作用,重燃公眾對物理的想 像力。 彭德里爵士少時愛讀{ Wireless World }雜誌, 還不停向他任職電機工程師的叔叔「每事問」 自小巳顯露極強的求知慾及探求精神。六十年代 末,他在劍橋大學取得物理學學士學位及固態理 論學的碩士和博士學位。他先後在劍橋大學、美 國的貝爾實驗室和英國的達斯伯旦實驗室從事研 究工作,於 1981 年加入倫敦帝國學院至今。 1968 年,彭德里爵士發表首篇論文〈厝勢的分析特 性〉,創新思維鋒芒初露 0 多年來,他透過協作 和研究教學,並以其一貫跳脫的作風到世界各地 演講,不吝典人分享自己的見解。彭德里爵士於 2011 年應香港科技大學賽馬會高等研究院邀請擔任 訪問教授,科大以至全港教研人員均受惠良多。 他最近亦在大學為慶祝成立25 週年於倫敦舉行的 會議中演講。 彭德里爵士貢獻殊深,獎譽無數,包括 1984 年 獲頒英國皇家學會院士、 2004 年獲授勳爵 位、 2013 年獲頒牛頓獎章和裘利斯史普林格應 用物理學獎、 2014年獲卡夫里納米科學獎,以及 彭德里爵士成就卓著,彌足稱道,他並非僅僅提 2015 年獲歐洲物理學會頒發量子電子學及光學研 出一個概念,還會與實驗物理學家緊密合作,把 究獎。 14 1 榮譽博士的讀辭


學者很少會因個人成就特別舉行慶祝活動。然而 於 2008 年,倫敦帝國學院舉行為期兩天的國際 「彭德里節」,以慶祝彭德里爵士的歲生辰及表 揚他的成就。同年,〈英國物理學學報:凝態物 質〉集結彭德里爵士學生、同事和朋友的文章, 並以全刊篇幅發表。今天,科大向彭德里爵士致 敬,他成就斐然,做導復學,積極應對眼前不可 能的事,突破界限。 校董會主席,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭請閣下頭授理學榮譽博士予倫敦帝國學院理論 固態物理學講座教授約翰﹒彭德里爵士 FRS O 榮譽博士的讀辭︱ 15


Doctor of Business Administration honoris cαusa

Dr Raghuram G RAJAN


We all now know the sobering consequences of the sub-prime mortgage crisis that rolled across financial institutions in the United States and far beyond from late 2007. One among the very few to sound an early warning was Dr Raghuram Rajan in

m肘, then the first non-western Chief Economist

for the International Monetary Fund and since 2013 the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

It is no easy task to take on the financial establishment anywhere, let alone during a gathering celebrating the achievements of outgoing US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Yet when research for his presentation showed the dangers of recent banking innovations, Dr Rajan, a star MBA graduate from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and PhD alumnus of MIT Sloan School of Management, did not hesitate to voice his concerns.

An insider and an outsider in both the developed and developing worlds, Dr Rajan has made unorthodox thinking and a willingness to brave the consequences his hallmark. At the same time, he has remained a well-liked and respected team player and leader, who contributes his brilliance while allowing others to shine.

Born in Bhopal, India, Dr R吋 an spent his early childhood overseas with his diplomat family. On his return to India, he brought with him the knowledge of alternative systems and perspectives, and soon


proved an exceptional high achiever. In the hugely competitive Indian education arena, he not only attended one of the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology as an undergraduate - acceptance rate, less than two per cent - he received the Director


Gold Medal for best all-rounder.

Dr Rajan's careful thinking and clarity of insight on the economic metapicture, financial microdetails, and how they impact on each other, have influenced a generation of researchers, including those at HKUST School of Business. His



Bαnking’, PhD thesis was an early indication of his potential for disruption of traditional financial economic perspectives, with a dissection of the darker side of bank-firm relationships. Deregulation, securitization, the role of finance in economic growth, and cross-country development have all since come under his scrutiny as a faculty member of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he is currently on leave from his position as Eric J Gleacher Distinguished Service Professor of Finance.

In 2003, Dr Rajan's influential book, Sαving cα:pitalism 什om

the Capitalists,

written with Luigi Zingales, drew him beyond the world of academic journals into a more public spotlight. The same year, he won the inaugural Fischer Black Prize, an honor awarded to a person under 40 who has contributed most to the theory and practice of finance. A second book, the award”winning Fαult


Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the

World Economy,

written in 2010, proved equally significant.

A believer in free markets while still seeing governments and regulators as having a public interest role to play, he has labelled himself a pragmatist. He has also shown himself brave enough to put such pragmatism into practice, first at the IMF and now in his Reserve Bank of India role, with its huge responsibilities for the livelihoods of 1.2 billion people.

As Governor, Dr Rajan is directly involved in steering real-time change, including steadying the Indian financial system, tackling inflation, and improving the country

s long-term economic prospects. He is also continuing to speak out internationally, leveraging his mega standing to draw the attention of developed-economy monetary decision-makers to the need to expand their impact horizons from the local to the global in today

s interconnected world. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the elite Group of Thirty. He was President of the American Finance Association in 2011 and named Governor of the Year in the Central Banking Awards earlier this year. Recently, he was elected the Vice-Chairman of the Bank for International Settlemen尬,

the first Indian taking up this important role in the global banking sector.

What impels Dr Rajan? As his tennis and squash opponents have seen so often, there is an inner resolve that enables him to overcome challenging circumstances and to venture where others might hesitate to take a shot. But there is more: the determination to stand up for what you believe,

despite the criticism that might result. He has made this a feature of his speeches. Crucially, he has also shown in his own life what can be achieved through exercising such courage.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Dr Raghuram G Rajan, Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, for the award of Doctor of Business Administration





Raghuram G


讚辭 今天黑所周知,次按危機於2007 年底席捲美國及其 他地方的金融市場,造成嚴重影響。然而,甚少人 有此先覺,國際貨幣基金組織首位非西方首席經濟 師 Raghurarn Rajan 博士早於 2005 年巴就次按危機 發出預警。他自 2013 年超出任印度儲備銀行行長。 評論金融機構向來都並非易事,更遑論在前任美 國聯邦儲備局主席格林斯潘的卸任歡送會發表這 些言論。不過, Rajan 博士在準備歡送會講話時, 已留意到金融新產品的潛藏危機,果斷言明自己 的憂慮。他以優秀成績於印度管理學院阿默達巴 德分校取得工商管理碩士學位,並於麻省理工斯 隆管理學院取得博士學位。 Rajan 博士對發達國家及發展中國家的發展均瞭如 指掌,他的思維與眾不同,並勇於承擔。作為領 袖,他深受同儕愛載,亦備受尊崇,他既竭盡自 己所能,也會帶4頁團隊發揮所長。 Rajan 博士生於印度博帕爾,自小與從事外交的家 人在外國生活。他視野廣博,深諸不同觀點與系 統。回國後,更是頭角崢嶸。印度的教育競爭異 常激烈,他本科時就讀著名的印度理工學院,只 有他於2% 的學生能獲該校錄取,更獲頒 Director’S Gold Medal ,出類拔萃。 18 ︱榮譽博士的讀辭 Rajan博士思維鎮密,對宏觀經濟、微觀金融及 其相五影響的分析精闢獨到,對一原研究人員影 響深遲,科大商學院亦獲益匪淺。他的博士論文 {Essays in Banking }剖析銀行與企業之間的關 係在經濟體系中的陰暗一面,顯露他對革新傳統 金融經濟學觀點的才華。自於芝加哥大學布斯商 學院任教後,他深入研究放寬管制、證券化、金 融界在經濟增長中的作用及跨國發展等課題,為 該院 Eric J Gleacher 金融學傑出講座教授,目前 正作短期教學休假。

2003 年, Rajan 博士與 Luigi Zingales 合著〈從 資本家手中拯救資本主義〉’影響深遠,令他跳 出學術圈子,廣受大家認識。同年,他獲頒首屆 費希爾﹒布萊克獎,該獎項只授予 40 歲以下對 金融理論及運作有傑出貢獻的人士。 Rajan 博士 於 2010 年出版第二本著作〈金融斷層線:無形裂 縫如何威脅全球經濟〉,同樣意義重大,屢獲獎 譽。 Rajan 博士相信自由市場,但認為政府和監管機 構在維護公原利益扮演重要角色,並形容自己為 實用主義者。不論是當初任職於國際貨幣基金組 織,還是現在作為承擔 12 億人生計的印度儲備 銀行行長,他都勇於實踐實用主義。


作為銀行行長, Rajan 博士帶頓國家的金融體制 作出即時調整,包括穩定印度金融體系、應對通 貨膨脹及改善國家的長達經濟前景。他四出在國 際間發表言論,憑藉他的影響力,呼籲發達經 濟體的金融政策決策者更加關注,在今天全球一 體化下,有必要將自己國家的影響力擴展到全 球。 Rajan 博士是美國藝術與科學學院院士及三十 國集團成員。他曾於 2011 年擔任美國金融協會主 席,並在今年初獲(中央銀行〉雜誌評為「年度 最佳行長」。最近,他更獲委任為國際結算銀行 副主席,成為首位印度人擔此重任。 究竟 Rajan 博士的動力是甚麼?他的網球和壁球對 手認為,他擁有鎮而不拾的決心和意志,敢於克 服挑戰,在別人猶豫不決時,他依然勇往直前。 他演說時鐘鏘有力,懷著那份無畏的精神,始終 堅持自己的信念。重要的是,這份男氣造就了他 的輝煌成就。 校董會主席,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭請閣下頒授工商管理學榮譽博士予印度儲備銀 行行長 RaghuramG Rajan 博士。 榮譽博士的讀辭︱ 19


Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa



Take an aeronautical engineering graduate from San Jose State University in the United States, add US$1000 in personal savings, and a tiny cubicle in Yokohama, Japan, in 1965. What do you think will result? Few would imagine it could be this: revenue of US$798 million, a presence in over 265 locations in almost 60 countries, 5,200 staff and a driving呵

seat role as Chairman and CEO of the world

s largest privately owned international relocation business.

Yet this is exactly the start from which Mr James E Thompson, Founder of the Crown Worldwide Group, built his hugely successful global company that today serves as a flagship enterprise for Hong Kong Inc and a model for empathetic entrepreneurship worldwide. It is also why Mr Thompson firmly believes that, on graduation, no one knows what they are truly capable of doing, until they go out into the world and try.

In Mr Thompson

s case, real life revealed an uncanny ability to capture today the markets of tomorrow. He wasn

t a straight A student. He was an early world traveler, feeling a greater affinity for Asia than for engineering after taking time out as a student to travel the globe. After university, he based himself in Yokohama. He gained experience in the removals sector for 18 months and then set up on his own, just as Japan and the tiger economies were about to start roaring. Accounting


had appeared a realm of mystery at university. Yet he found everything crystal clear when sat in front of his own books.

As Mr Thompson got his business on the road, he lived frugally and diligently reinvested in his company. He set high standards as well as sales targets. He also accepted early the need to delegate to allow others to do what they did best and gain the time to look ahead himself. As more multinationals set up country offices in Asia, Mr Thompson was the man with the plan already in place to transport their executives' prized possessions there and back. In 1978, he moved his headquarters to Hong Kong and drawing on the city’s drive and entrepreneurial outlook began to expand into related areas. As the age of information loomed, relocations and logistics were joined by document and records management, a division now handling 20 million record cartons. Wine storage and fine art logistics followed, brought into the fold as aspirational lifestyles burgeoned.

What was achieved was only part of the Crown success story. How it was achieved was just as essential to Mr Thompson. Excellence in service and operations in turn brought referrals and reputation, creating a virtuous circle of prosperity. Internally, a people-oriented corporate culture enabled potential to flourish and fostered appreciation and respect for others. Business


roadblocks were overcome by resilience and perseverance, qualities that every entrepreneur must possess, according to Mr Thompson. He also showed in spectacular fashion how

good guys

can indeed triumph in the business arena. In 2014, Mr Thompson received the DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards Lifetime Achievement Award, an honor given to just five people in the past 25 years.

Inspired throughout his life by his parents’ hard work, integrity, and generosity toward others, even though not wealthy themselves, Mr Thompson has always willingly contributed time and energy to the wider business sector and the community as a whole. He has served on numerous Hong

K6ng 立'rade Development Council trade missions,

the Hong Kong-Japan Business Cooperation

Committee,的 Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Management Association, and as a two-term Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, among many other activities. He has been a stalwart friend of HKUST, contributing as a member of the Business School Advisory Council, supporting the establishment of the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies, and sharing his experiences with students. Many charities, especially those with a focus on cancer, education, art and children, have also benefited from his public service and support. In m肘, MrThompson was awarded a Gold Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong SAR Government.

We can now be inspired by Mr Thompson’s own example. The future beckons and if you strive hard, remain open to opportunity, go for platinum standards and nurture a giving spirit, you never know the amazing heights you might achieve.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Mr James E Thompson, CBS, Founder of the Crown Worldwide Group, for the award of Doctor of Business Administration




工商管理學榮譽博士 詹康信先生 1965 年,一位美國聖荷西州立大學航空工程本科 畢業生,拿著 1,000 美元積蓄,在日本橫潰的狹 室成立一家小公司。誰會想到,他會成為全球最 犬的私人國際搬運集團的主席兼行政總裁,公司 營業額高達7.98 億美元,業務遍佈全球近 60 個國 家、逾 265 個據點,員工人數達 5,200 名。 這正是詹康信先生當年白手興家的寫照。他創辦 嘉柏環球集團,銳意經營,時至今日,公司已成 為植根香港的旗艦企業,也為全球公益企業的典 範。正因如此,詹康信先生相信無人能預計畢業 後的前途,只要走進社會,勇於嘗試,才會真正 了解自己能力所及。 讀辭 職,畫展所能,自己就騰出時間專注策劃未來。 跨國公司紛紛在亞洲建立辦事處,詹康信先生高 瞻遠囑,早已作好部暑,抓緊商機,提供運送財 物的服務。 1978 年,公司總部遷至香港,大展拳 腳,充分借助香港的動力和創業優勢,積極發展 相關業務。隨著資訊時代來臨,公司業務從搬運 和物流拓展至文檔管理,業務發展至今已處理多 達 2,000 萬箱文件。為配合客戶生活品味日漸提高 的需求,公司引入提供葡萄酒儲存和藝術品管理 業務。 業績固然是嘉柏環球成功故事的重要一環,如何 走上成功之路在詹康信先生心中同樣重要。公 司服務超卓,營商有道,逐漸有口皆碑,聲譽日 詹康信先生的歷程說明,從現實生活的深切體會 隆。以人為本的企業文化,讓員工充分發揮所 中領悟學習,洞悉未來的發展趨勢。詹康信先生 長,彼此欣賞,立相尊重。詹康信先生認為,每 的學業成績並非特別出眾,他早在學生時代已開 位企業家都必須具備逆流而上和堅持不懈的特 始遊歷各地,對直洲發展的興趣猶勝於工程。大 質,以克服營商道路上的種種障礙,「好人」也 學畢業後,他落戶日本橫潰,投身搬運業達十八 可以在商界卓然有成。他於 2014 年獲頒 DBL/南華 個月汲取經驗,然後創立自己的公司,當時適逢 早報香港商業獎之終身成就獎,在過去 25 年間, 日本和亞洲四小龍的經濟騰飛。詹康信先生在大 只有五個人獲此殊榮。 學時對會計一竅不通,但他卻能把帳目處理得井 井有條。 詹康信先生少時家境並不富裕,雙親勤奮正直, 慷慨大方,他幼承庭訓,矢志為商界及社會貢 公司業務蒸蒸日上,詹康信先生依舊勤餘簡樸, 獻時間和精力。他亦為香港整體長速發展出謀獻 把盈利再投放發展自己公司,專注拓展業務。 策,包括參與香港貿易發展局多個貿易外訪、擔 他要求嚴謹,並制訂進取的銷售目標。詹康信先 任香港日本經濟合作委員會委員、香港管理協會 生早就明白要將工作下放給員工,讓他們各司其 副會長及連蜻兩屆出任香港美國商會主席等。此 22 1 牌博士的讀辭


外,詹康信先生一直匡助香港科技大學,擔任商 學院顧問委員會成員。在他大力支持下,大學成 立康信商業案例研究中心,他亦樂於與學生分享 經驗。詹康信先生積極投身公益事業,尤其熱心 於癌症治療、教育、藝衛和兒童的慈善機構。詹 康信先生於 2003 年獲香港特別行政區政府頒授金 紫荊星章。 詹康信先生為社會樹立楷模,說明堅毅不屈,擁 抱機遇,追求卓越,積極奉獻,個人所能成就往 往是超乎想像。 校董會主席,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭請閣下頒授工商管理學榮譽博士予嘉柏環球集 團創辦人詹康信先生GBS 。 榮譽博士的讀辭︱ 23


Doctor of Science honoris cαusα

Professor Lap-Chee TSUI


The burgeoning world of genomics that has flourished since the successful completion of the 13-year US$3 billion Human Genome Project in 2003 offers hope for millions: cancer sufferers through better identification of tumors and appropriate treatments


doctors in prescribing the most efficacious drugs for each patient


and individuals worldwide through fast DNA analysis to identify gene mutations and disorders. For this bold and rapidly advancing area of medical discovery, we today celebrate the catalytic scientific contribution of Professor Lap-Chee Ts凶, world-renowned molecular biologist and former Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Hong Kong.

Professor Tsui was born in Shanghai and raised in Hong Kong. He is an alumnus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and PhD graduate of the University of Pittsburgh in the United States. From 2000 to 2002, he served as President of the Human Genome Organization, the international group of scientists involved in the global genome endeavor. But 15 years earlier, he and his researchers at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada, had already started to pioneer the way forward through insight, experimental genius and advanced technologies.


In 1985, Professor Tsui and his team found the first DNA marker linked to cystic fibrosis, a common and deadly inherited disease affecting one in every 2,500 to 3,500 births in Caucasian populations. In 1989, he and his collaborators discovered the defective gene on Chromosome 7 causing cystic fibrosis. To do so, they used positional cloning strategies, opening up fresh pathways to other disorders. From this huge breakthrough, and the intensive labor and time it required, came the call in the United States to launch the Human Genome Project to speed up similar findings. Professor Tsui also made notable contributions to mapping and identification of other diseases on Chromosome 7.

Professor Tsl哎,s initial move into his field was serendipitous, but extremely fortunate for the rest of us. He loved both nature and drawing, a combination that saw him do exceptionally well in his undergraduate entrance examination in biology. While studies involving rote learning and memorization had always been a challenge, he proved a natural at newer realms such as molecular biology, with its emphasis on reasoning, deduction and observation.

Contribution as well as curiosity drove Professor Tsui onward. Coming from a modest background, he had to earn and learn during his college years. Yet he still found time to volunteer. He did not do so to score additional credits or with thought of


with thought of future reward, but simply because it seemed right to share what he had with others. The pursuit of knowledge to assist people, openness through publication, and public service became his own

DNA markers" throughout his career.

While based in Canada, at both the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto, Professor Tsui remained attached to Hong Kong. He provided his expertise to the Research Grants Council for many years

including chairing the Biology and Medicine subject panel. In 2002,

he returned more permanently to head the University of Hong Kong. Over his 12-year vice-chancellorship, he was a staunch advocate for academic freedom and transparency. He also revamped older institutional systems, introducing the university

s first strategic plan


spurred local community support for higher education fund-raising


and encouraged the university

s major research contribution during SARS in 2003.

To Professor Tsui, successful leadership is in fact all about teamwork: the building and supporting of a highly capable and cohesive group of people in pursuit of shared goals. The diverse and profound achievements inspired by this approach are clear from his long, long list of recognitions. These encompass over 70 prestigious awards and a host of professional honors, including a Gold Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2011, induction into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame in 2012, and Fellowships of the Royal Society of Canada, Royal Society of London and Academia Sinica.

Today, he guides Hong Kong’s forward momentum and future generations as a Director of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, President of the Victor and William Fung Foundation, and through his own remarkable role model as a person who has continued to be unassuming and willing to give after so dramatically advancing our world.

Mr Council Chairman, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Professor Lap”Chee Ts凶, CBS, JP,

world-acclaimed molecular biologist, for the award of Doctor of Science






讚辭 人類基因組計劃早在 2003 年順利完成﹔這經歷 間,促使美國敢動人類基因組計劃,以期加快相 13 年、耗資 30億美元的工作,帶動了舉世人類基 關研究的進度,為其他疾病的研究創造新徑。槍 因研究發展,並為數以百萬計人士帶來希望。如 教授在對應及識別出第七條染色體上其他疾病的 令,腫瘤的辨識更為精確,令癌症患者可以得到 基因,同樣貢獻良多。 更適切的治療,醫生亦可處方最有效的藥物,通 過 DNA 快速測試來識別基因突變和其他疾病, 人類都因此受惠。世界著名分子生物學家兼前香 港大學校長徐立之教授推動這個醫學領域迅速發 展,居功至偉,殊堪表揚。 徐教授最初踏足這個範疇純屬無心插柳,而這個 決定卻澤被世人。徐教授熱愛大自然和繪畫,在 生物科公開試成績優秀。他向來不喜歡背誦式的 學習,幸而分子生物學著重實驗設計、觀察、推 理和演繹,得以讓他在這學術領域中充分發揮天 徐教授生於上海,於香港長大,畢業於香港中 賦才華。 文大學,其後於美國匹茲堡大學取得博士學 位 0 2000 至 2002 年期間,他出任由全球各地的基 因組科學家組成的人類基因組組織主席。事緣徐 教授與他在加拿大多倫多病童醫院的研究團隊在 15 年之前,已早著先機,憑藉其獨到的觸覺、從 事實驗的天資,以及先進技術’為人類基因組的 研究開創新章。 1985 年,徐教授和他的研究團隊在第七條染色體 上發現首個與囊狀纖維症相關的 DNA標記。囊狀 纖維症是白人常見的致命遺傳疾病,他們每2,500 至 3,500個新生嬰兒就有一個罹患此遺傳病。 1989 年,徐教授與團隊運用定位「複製(克隆)」 的技術,找出引致囊狀纖維症的基因缺陷。這是 遺傳學上的重大突破,當中牽涉龐大的人力和時 26 ︱榮譽博士的觀 徐教授樂於奉獻和尋根究底的精神推動他不斷向 前。出身於平凡家庭,他在大學求學期間,需兼 職幫補家計,但卻不忘抽空去當義工,單純為了 服務他人,並無要求獲得額外學分或得到回報。 徐教授將畢生所學為人類帶來幫助,將自己的研 究成果與世共享,並熱心服務社會,奉獻的心志 成為他事業上的 DNA標記。 徐教授在加拿大多倫多病童醫院和多倫多大學工 作期間,依然心繫香港。多年來,他為香港的研 究資助局貢獻自己的專業所長,包括擔任生物學 及醫學學科小組主席。 2002 年,他回港出任香港 大學校長。在港大擔任校長的 12 年間,他堅持維 護大學的學術自由和公開透明,革舊鼎新,引入


大學首個策略發展計畫。’並向社會各界募捐以支 持高等教育發展,更支持港大在 2003 年非典型肺 炎疫潮期間進行相闋的重要研究。 在千宗教授眼中,成功的續導全賴團隊合作,領袖 的工作就是礙罪人才,知人善任,共同朝著罔一 目標努力邁進。徐教授成就斐然,獲頒逾 70個權 威獎項和無數專業殊榮,包括 2011 年獲香港特區 政府頒發金紫荊星章、 2012 年獲頒加拿大醫學殿 堂榜桂冠學人,其他殊榮計有加拿大皇家學會、 英國倫敦皇家學會和台灣中央研究院的院士。 論教授現時身兼香港科技園公司董事和經綸慈善 基金理事長,以不同身份帶領香港前進。他為人 謙遜,不吝付出,在推動世界發展厥功甚偉,實 為年青一代的楷模。 校董會主席,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭詩閣下頒授理學榮譽博士予世界著名分子生物 學家徐立之教授 GBS, JP 。 榮譽博士的讀辭︱ 27


Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching

Professor Kam Tim WOO


The Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching was established by the University Council in 1994 to commemorate the distinguished service of Founding Council Member Mr Michael G Gale.

It is awarded to the faculty member who best exemplifies the continued pursuit of excellence, devotion to teaching and the ability to inspire and motivate others. This year the University is pleased to present the Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching to Professor Kam Tim Woo of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering.

Professor Woo received his PhD in Electronic Engineering from HKUST in 2005 and joined his alma mater as a Demonstrator. He is currently Associate Professor of Engineering Education in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering. His research focuses on engineering education, data clustering, automatic modulation recognition and automatic control.

Since he joined the University, Professor Woo has been a strong advocate of engineering education. He has adopted an inquiry陶basedapproach, placing students at the center of learning, encouraging them to explore the world and to be proactive in solving problems. An innovator, Professor Woo introduces many in-course project work, as w巴11 as final year projects, to foster student development in the School of Engineering. Although teaching project-oriented courses requires teachers to make extra efforts to meet individual needs, he believes that this is fully worthwhile to enhance the students' learning experience.

Professor Woo has established a very successful program for experiential learning through robotics competitions, nurturing a unique HKUST Robotics Team composed of students from culturally and academically diverse backgrounds. Since 2007,

28 ︱岫扎 C間︱口附

students under his supervision have won more than 130 prizes and awards in robotics and engineering-design competitions, business-plan competitions, research competitions, and student-paper and final-year-project contests. An active figure to share his experience, Professor Woo is always eager to engage his colleagues in both formal and informal settings, seeking to motivate younger faculty members to tap into their innovative spirit on experiential learning across disciplines.

Recently, Professor Woo has opened up new community-service opportunities for students and colleagues through the development of advanced applications to assist the hearing-impaired and

p訂tiallysighted. This service to the community has been a vehicle for students’achievement in a range of critical, career-relevant skills. He is also the Founding Director of the Center for Global and Community Engagement of the School of Engineering.

The breadth of Professor Woo

s contribution has been complemented by the high quality of his performance in all aspects of his work. Students have warmly welcomed his courses and he has won the School of Engineering’s Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award. Most recently, Professor Woo has been honored with the 2015 UGC Teaching Award, which was launched by the UGC in recognition of outstanding academics in the UGC-funded institutions. Only two or three awards are made each year.

For his passion, dedication and ability to create an innovative learning environment in which students can thrive and achieve their educational goals, Professor Kam Tim Woo is a worthy recipient of the Michael G Gale Medal, which recognizes, celebrates and rewards distinguished teaching, excellent service and selfless commitment.


祁赦卓越教學服務獎章 胡錦添教授 讀辭 香港科技大學校董會於 1994 年設立「祁赦卓越教 積極鼓勵年輕教學人員在跨學科的體驗式學習發 學服務獎章」’以紀念創校校董祁赦先生對大學 揮創意。 和社會的傑出貢獻。 最近,胡教授與學生和同事參與另一項新社區服 獲頒這個獎項的科大教師熱衷教學,不斷追求卓 務,研製先進的應用程式,幫助聽障和弱視人 越,循循善誘,做導後學,堪稱教師的典範。今 士,讓學生學以致用,貢獻社會。胡教授亦是工 年,大學將祁款卓越教學服務獎章頒授予電子及 學院環球工程拓展中心的創辦總監。 計算機工程學系的胡錦添教授。 胡教授於 2005 年在香港科技大學取得電子工程學 系博士學位後,於母校擔任助教。他現任電子及 計算機工程學系工程教育副教授,主要研究工程 教育、資料分群、自動識別及自動控制。 自從加入香港科技大學,胡教授一直積極提倡工 程教育。他採用探究式教學法,以學生為本, 鼓勵他們積極探索世界及主動解決問題。胡教授 著重創新,於工學院推出多項課程作業和畢業專 題,致力培育學生全人發展。教授以項目為本的 課程,教師須要付出更多心力,以期切合個別學 生需要,儘管如此,他相信這能增進學生的學習 體驗,非常值得。 胡教授開辦體驗式學習計劃,甚為成功,他籌辦 機械人比賽,培養出優秀獨特的科大機械人比賽 代表隊,隊員來自不同文化及學術背景。自 2007 年起,他帶領學生在多項比賽中勇奪逾 130 個獎項 及殊榮,當中包括機械人及工程設計比賽、商業 計劃比賽、研究比賽、學生論文及畢業專題比賽 等。胡教授在任何場合都能與同事打成一片,並 胡教授每事至臻完美,建樹良多,廣受稱頌。他 的課程深受學生歡迎,曾獲工學院頒發卓越教學 嘉許獎。胡教授最近更獲大學教育資助委員會頒 發 2015 年度傑出教學獎,每年僅有兩、三人獲此 殊榮,以表揚教資會資助院校學者的優秀教學表 現和成就。 胡錦添教授對教學充滿熱忱,投入敬業,努力營 造創新學習環境,讓學生不斷成長,達成學習 目標,獲頒科大祁赦卓越教學服務獎章,實至名 歸。 獎章得主的讀辭︱ 29


Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body


BBA in Professional Accounting and Information Systems

The Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body was established by the University Council in 1993 in memory of the late Honorable Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen, founding Council Member and distinguished public servant.

It is awarded to the student who best exemplifies the qualities of caring, constructive and dedicated leadership for which our late colleague is remembered.

This year, we are pleased to present the Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body to Man Kit Tsang.

Man Kit served as Vice-President (Internal) of the Students' Union for the academic year 2013-2014. He played an important role in fostering the relationship and co-operative spirit among the Students' Union and its affiliated societies. During his term, Man Kit demonstrated outstanding leadership in coordinating and balancing the needs of student societies in major events. In projects he led, he worked out practical solutions and achieved good outcomes to the benefits of the students and the university community as a whole.




Devoted to represent students' interests, Man Kit served as Councilor of the HKUSTSU Council in 2013-2015, as well as Vice-Chairperson of the HKUSTSU Council in 2014”2015. He has been

highly recognized by students for his dedication in serving the student body.

The presentation of this medal to Man Kit acknowledges his devotion, leadership and contributions in students

affairs. More importantly, it encourages all students to take the initiative to serve the HKUST community.


張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎章 曾文傑 工商管理學士(專業會計學及資訊系統學) 「張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎章」由香港科技大學校 董會於 1993 年設立,以紀念已故校董張鑑泉議員 對大學和社會的卓越貢獻。 獲獎的同學需具備關懷他人、服務社群的精神和 傑出的領導才能。這些特質都是張議員的寫照。 今年,大學將「張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎章」授予 曾文傑同學。 曾文傑同學在 2013-2014 學年擔任學生會內務副主 席。任內,曾同學致力促進學生會和屬會之間的 合作關係。在統籌學生組織的各項活動中,他平 衛各方所需,表現出卓越的領導才能。曾同學為 多個項目提出切實可行的解決方案,同時兼顧大 學和同學的整體利益。 曾同學致力維護學生權益,他曾於 2013-2015 學年 期間擔任學生會評議會評議員,在 2014-2015 學年 期間當選學生會評議會副主席,他服務同學的熱 誠備受認間。 我們特意頒發此獎項予曾文傑同學,肯定他對學 生事務付出的努力和成果,更重要的是鼓勵各位 同學積極擔任領袖角色服務科犬。 獎章得主的讀辭︱ 31


President’s Cup 2015


s Cup

As a young, dynamic and international university, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has achieved excellence in education and research. To further enhance students' experience in learning, and to encourage creativity, the President

s Cup was launched in 2002 as an annual event for undergraduate students to compete for the awards based on outstanding achievements in research and innovation.

There are three classes of awards this year, including: President’s Cup Winner, Gold Award and Silver Award.

The 28 participating teams went through a rigorous selection process culminating in the final competition with winners chosen by the Selection Committee of the University.

The President’s Cup Winner and the recipients of the Gold Award and Silver Award are as follows:

Awards Authors M吋or Project title


s Cup LEVIERO Computer Science 百1rnany Computer Screen Winner LIE Andrianto Computer Science into Gesture-Assisted Touch

Screen using a Leap Motion Controller

Gold Award LIU Xinzhu Dual Degree in Technology and Real-time Display of Machine Management (Electronic Engineering) Status

DUAN Yangyang Biochemistry and Cell Biology LIU Yuchen Electronic Engineering CHEN Zhiyu Quantitative Finance KAO I-hsuan Physics

CUI Yunpeng Economics and Finance

LI Mengyuan Civil and Environmental Engineering*

Silver Award TANG Haoning Electronic Engineering Grid Optimization of Large-Area OLED Lighting Panel Electrode

* Depα付mentof student whose major is not yet confirmed




作為一所研究型大學,香港科技大學積極推動研究與創新。為了鼓勵本科生參與研究與創新工作,科大於 2002 年創辦了「校長杯」競賽。本科生可透過參加每年一度的比賽,角逐大學頹發的獎項。「校長杯」競 賽不但可增強同學從事研究的興趣,更可培養同學在管理研究項目、人際溝通及推介研究成果等方面的技 巧和經驗。 今年,「校長杯」競賽共設三類獎項,分別為:校長杯、金獎及銀獎。 28 隊參賽隊伍經過初賽及決賽後, 最後由大學評審委員會選出得勝者。 榮獲校長杯、金獎、銀獎之名單表列如下: 獎項 帶獎者 主修科目 縛獎研究項目 校長杯 黃觀晉 計算機科學 利用 Leap Motion控制器把任何 LIE Andrianto 計算機科學 電腦屏幕變成可以手勢控制的 觸控式屏幕 金獎 劉馨竹 科技及管理學雙學位課程 機器狀態遠端實時監測系統 (電子工程學) 段揚揚 生物化學及細胞生物學 劉宇碟 電子工程學 ︱凍之再 計量財務學 高逸軒 物理學 崔雲)鵬 經濟及財務學 李孟圓 土木及環境工程學* 銀獎 唐皓凝 電子工程學 大面積OLED照明板的優化 *尚未確定主修科目同學的所屬學系 獎章得主的棚︱ 33


Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Business and Management

TSE Cheuk Yan Christina

BBA in Finance and Information Systems

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Life is about joining dots in hindsight.

Let us first recall the fragmented and faded memory when we first walked pass the atrium for registration day and for orientation camps. And through the school days in which we had lectures, tutorials, tests, midterms, mid-midterms, then presentations and final exams. And here we are, graduating.

Thank you, professors, for making this journey knowledgeable. Sometimes the clock ticks nine when we are still waiting in the minibus line. Along which, the relationship transcends into life間

long friendship.

Thank you, family, for making this time endurable. Sometimes days are long yet we will never forget where we belong. When quizzes and presentations filled our schedules, you were the ones who made us feel special.

Thank you, friends, for making this trip memorable. Sometimes relationships got messy, and breakups were never easy, yet you never left without being nosy. And after all the tears and years

I know I

would make you my priority.


Thank you, HKUST, for making this journey possible. Thank you for providing a platform without a plot, where we were free to plow and glow, to nourish and flourish.

While this stage of life at HKUST is the one we reminisce about, another one is awaiting us to live out. We were fresh in year 1 and we are just as fresh as graduates now. With possibilities and probabilities, come preparations and reflections. We know it is never too late to learn and never too late to turn.

May I thank each and everyone who walked with us during the years and also wish all graduates every success in the future. Thank you very much.



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