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Academic year: 2021

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CAI-based Substance Prevention Intervention for

High-Risk Adolescents

蔡秉兼(Ping-Chien Tsai);李景美(Ching-Mei Lee);苗迺芳(Nae-Fang Miao);陳政友

(Cheng-Yu Chen);何慧敏(Huoey-Min Ho);魏秀珍(Hsiu-Chen Wei);龍芝寧(Chih-Ning

Lung);蕭佩珍(Pei-Chen Shiao)


本研究是針對高關懷青少年物質濫用的預防教育,並設計以電腦多媒體為輔助教學的教材,進一 步探討教學介入後,對高關懷青少年成癮物質知識、成癮物質態度、拒絕物質濫用的自我效能、 行為意向、拒絕同儕技巧的影響及對此教學課程的評價。本研究採準實驗設計之「實驗組控制組 前測後測設計」,以台北縣某高中國中部之高關懷學生為對象,學生人數共 16 人(實驗組 8 人, 控制組 8 人)。研究工具分為兩種,包括:1.前、後測評量問卷 2.過程評量表。實驗組接受二小 時的「物質濫用預防介入計畫」,控制組則不接受任何教學介入課程。研究者在介入前一週均接 受問卷前測,後測則於教學介入後一週內進行。所得資料以魏氏曼惠特尼檢定和魏氏帶符號等級 考驗進行分析。本研究所得重要統計結果如下:一、運用電腦多媒體輔助教學於物質濫用預防之 介入,在增進國中高關懷學生成癮物質知識和拒絕使用成癮物質自我效能方面具有顯著效果。 二、運用電腦多媒體輔助教學於物質濫用預防之介入,在增進國中高關懷學生成癮物質態度、拒 絕使用成癮物質行為意向、和拒絕使用成癮物質技巧方面,未達統計顯著差異。三、有七成以上 的實驗組學生對物質濫用預防介入課程表示喜歡。就成效上而言,八成以上的學生認為介入課程 可以引發學習興趣,並且會將拒絕成癮物質技巧運用於實際生活中,七成以上的學生認為此電腦 多媒體輔助教學對他們有幫助,另有六成以上的學生認為電腦多媒體輔助教學的內容、設計、動 畫及圖片使他們更了解成癮物質的正確訊息。根據本研究結果,建議未來在進行高關懷學生物質 濫用預防課程時,可著重 MDMA、K 他命等常見的俱樂部濫用藥物,搭配活潑有趣的教學方式, 並請電腦美工相關的專業人員,研發教學媒體,以引發高關懷學生的學習動機,對物質濫用預防 工作的推行將更具有成效。


The purposes of this study were to develop the CAI-based substance prevention curriculum for high-risk adolescents and to evaluate the effects of the intervention on the knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, behavioral intention and refusal skills regarding substance abuse. The quasi-experimental method was used to design the study. Pre-test and post-test were used to collect data from both the experiment


group and control group. The subjects of the study included sixteen junior high school high-risk students(eight students in the experiment group and eight students in the control group)in Taipei County. The students of the experiment group participated in the CAI-based substance prevention curriculum. The pre-test was administered before the intervention, with the post-test after the intervention. The data collected was analyzed by the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney Test and Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test. The results were below: 1. The intervention had shown a positive effect on the knowledge of substance abuse and the self-efficacy to refuse the substance among the high-risk youth. 2. The intervention had not shown a positive effect on the attitudes toward substance, behavioral intention, and refusal skills among the high-risk youth. 3. More than 70% of the students in the experiment group like the CAI-based substance prevention curriculum; 70% of the students believed the program was useful; more than 80% of the students were willing to use refusal skills to reject addictive substances; over 60% of the students believed that the content, design, animation, and graphs of the computer programs could assist them to understand the information of addictive substances, and over 80% of the students were interested in the prevention curriculum. According to the result of this study, it is suggested that CAI-based club-drug prevention curriculum should be developed to help high-risk adolescents to refuse drugs. Also, it is suggested that the prevention curriculum should be well designed to be attractive to the youth.



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