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每天用英语读点管理智慧 - 万水书苑-出版资源网


Academic year: 2021

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Chapter 1 Footprint of Business



Chapter 1 Footprint of Business Superstars


Business meetings are more about negotiation skills whereas "the Apprentice" falls into the job interview or audition category. I have business meetings with people who are looking to do business, not people who are looking for a job. My attitude on "the Apprentice" is as an employer looking at possible future employees. I don't look to mold any of my business associates.

商业活动讲究的是谈判的技能,“学徒”中则侧重于招聘面试这一块。我总 是和寻求商机的人打交道,和找工作的人面对面交往则比较少。我个人认为,招 聘者需要关注一个年轻人的未来潜质。我不想使我手下的人都变得千篇一律。

Some people are just naturally cut out for success, based on the


Donald Trump: Wisdom Through Creation

唐纳德•特朗普:创造 出智慧 Notes: the Apprentice 一个将商业 运作技巧作为真人秀竞赛 主题的节目。2004年1月 首次播放,由马克•伯奈 特制片公司与特纳普制片 公司联合出品,幕后老板 是美国著名的地产商—— Donald Trump。 mold [] v. 浇铸,塑 造

1.1 Donald Trump: Wisdom Through Creation 唐纳德•特朗普:创造出智慧 1.2 Larry Ellison: Who but Myself 拉里•埃里森:唯我独赢

1.3 Jack Welch: Passion for Win(1)杰克•韦尔奇:赢的激情(1) 1.4 Jack Welch: Passion for Win(2)杰克•韦尔奇:赢的激情(2)

1.5 Steve Jobs: Secrets for Being Popular All Over the World 乔布斯:苹果教主为何风靡全球 1.6 Jonney Shih: Buddhist of IT Industry 施崇棠:IT界的准佛教徒

1.7 Sam Walton: How to Be the Richest Man in the World 山姆•沃尔顿:世界首富是这样炼成的 1.8 Michael Dell: Winning with Mode 迈克尔•戴尔:模式致胜

1.9 John D Rockefeller: Business Superstar 约翰•D•洛克菲勒:商界魔星

1.10 Li Ka-shing: A Trans-Century Templet of Diversification 李嘉诚:跨世纪的多元化样板 1.11 Jack Ma: Carrying Net Shopping to the End 马云:将网购进行到底

1.12 Bill Gates:Prolocutor of Knowledge Capitalists 比尔•盖茨:知本家代言人




head start their parents and upbringing gave them. Sure, you can be taught things and improve yourself, but there's a point where some people have to accept that their natural ability lies elsewhere than they'd like it to be.

基于智慧和父母的教诲,有些人似乎天生就可以快速成为赢家。当然, 你可以通过接受教育提高你自己的素质。但是,不得不承认:一些人天生的能 力似乎会在他们所期望的领域起不到作用。

A strong, healthy ego goes a long way towards ensuring your success, because it sends a clear message to the world that you mean business. The reality is that if you think like a loser, you can't expect to be anything else. Besides, if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will.

强烈的、健康的自信能确保你获得成功,因为你给了世界一个清晰的信 号,那就是你专注于生意。实际上,当你自认是个失败者,你不能期望做成任 何事。而且,如果你不相信自己,别人也不会相信你。

I've remained curious, which keeps me motivated. If I'd started in business thinking I knew everything, I'd have been sunk immediately. Whenever I get involved in a new project, I know I have a lot to learn, but I don't let this discourage me. Being a know-it-all shuts you off from new opportunities. I don't put borders on myself or my interests.

好奇心让我保持对事物的积极性。如果我对生意感兴趣,我希望知道与 之相关的一切,并对此深思熟虑。在任何时候我都会在一个新项目上花费很多 时间,我知道我要学很多东西,但我不会让这阻碍我。假装或自称无所不知的 人是不会抓住机会的。我不会不懂装懂。

When I started out, I spent a lot of time researching every detail that might be pertinent to the deal I was interested in making, and I still do that today. People often comment on how quickly I operate, but the reason I can do this is that I've done the background work first.

当我开始策划一个项目,我会花许多时间研究有关交易的每个细节,今 天我仍然在这样做。人们常常评论我的经营如何快速,我只不过是已事先对背 景做了深入了解。

Even if you're lower down the rungs at work, remember that

Notes: cut out【习语】适合于, 天生是做……的,原意为 “裁剪出” upbringing [] n. 培 养;教养 pertinent [] adj.有 关的;中肯的;恰当的






everything you say and do is important. Be conscientious and pay attention to detail, because it'll set you apart. A business based on quality and integrity will sell itself.

即使你工作不如意,也要记住“言既出,行必果”。认真勤奋,专心各 种细节,因为你会发现亡羊补牢事已迟。优质和诚实是最好的推销员。

It's very easy to sit back and let life just happen and settle for what you've got. Thinking big is all about positive reinforcement for accomplishing your goals. The biggest obstacle to building wealth is to believe it's beyond your reach.

袖手旁观、得过且过、满足于现状是很容易的。你要设定高的目标,并 不断提醒自己来完成它。人最大的障碍是裹足不前。

Get the best people, but don't trust them. 让最好的人才为你工作,但别轻信他们。

No matter how well you're doing or how good you are, there will always be bumps in the road. I have a lot of friends who don't have this ability, including people who were very successful, but when they had a setback, they immediately failed.

不管你做的事有多么好,你总会遇到挫折。我的很多朋友没有应对挫折 的能力,包括以前很成功的人士,当他们碰到挫折马上就退缩下来。拥抱风 险——本身生活就是冒险。

I learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing on the present.


You have to love what you do. Without passion, great success is hard to come by. An entrepreneur will have tough times if he or she isn't passionate about what they're doing. People who love what they're doing don't give up.

你必须热爱你所从事的工作。没有热情,就没有随之而来的成功。如果 对于你所做的东西没有什么热情的话,你会觉得度日如年。有热情的人不会轻 言放弃。







Notes: Oracle 甲骨文,甲骨文公 司 是 世 界 上 第 二 大 的 企 业软件公司,向遍及140 多 个 国 家 的 用 户 提 供 数 据 库 、 工 具 和 应 用 软 件 以 及 相 关 的 咨 询 、 培 训 和 支 持 服 务 。 甲 骨 文 公 司 总 部 设 在 美 国 加 利 福 尼 亚 州 的 红 木 城 , 全 球 员工超过40 000名。 supplant [] v. 把…… 排挤掉,取代 acquisition [] n. 本 意为“获得;获得物”, 在 工 商 管 理 中 意 为 “ 并 购,兼并”


Larry Ellison: Who but Myself

拉里•埃里森:唯我 独赢

Software is all about scale. The larger you are, the more profitable you are. If we sell twice as much as software, it doesn't cost us twice as much to build that software. So the more customers you have, the more scale you have. The larger you are, the more profitable you are.

软件业玩的就是规模。规模越大,利润就越高。如果我们售出两倍的软 件,并不需要花费两倍的成本去开发这些软件。所以,顾客越多,规模越大; 规模越大,利润就越高。

It's my job for Oracle-the number two software in the company in the world - to become the number one software company in the world. My job, is to build better than the competition, sell those products in the marketplace, and eventually supplant Microsoft and move from being number two to number one.

这就是我为世界第二的软件公司甲骨文所作的工作——成为世界第一的 软件公司。我的工作是比竞争者做得更好,在市场上销售产品,最终取代微软 并从第二名变为第一名。

Everyone thought the acquisition strategy was extremely risky because no-one had ever done it successfully. In other words, it was innovative.

所有人都认为,并购具有较大的战略风险,因为还没有谁能成功地进行 重点单词例句

1 Pictures help you to form the mental mold. 想象有助于你形成思想模式。

2 After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist. 受过正统的教育后,他选择了过无拘无束艺术家的生活。 3 He raised several pertinent questions. 他提了几个有关的问题。





There's a wonderful saying that's dead wrong. "Why did you climb the mountain?" "I climbed the mountain because it was there." That's utter nonsense...You climbed the mountain because you were there, and you were curious if you could do it.

有一句绝妙的名言,错得彻头彻尾。“为什么要登山?因为山在那里” 纯粹是胡说……你登山是因为你在那里,如果你能做到就会感觉无比奇妙。

If your cash is about to run out, you have to cut your cash flow. CEOs have to make those decisions and live with them however painful they might be. You have to act and act now, and act in the best interests of the company as a whole, even if that means that some people in the company who are your friends have to work somewhere else.

如果你的现金即将用尽,就需要削减现金流。无论多么痛苦,首席执行 官们必须做出这样的决定。你必须立刻采取行动,而且致力于公司整体利益的 最大化,即使这意味着某些在公司工作的朋友必须到别处就业。

The most important aspect of my personality, as far as determining my success goes, has been my questioning conventional wisdom, doubting the experts and questioning authority. While that can be very painful in relationships with your parents and teachers, it's enormously useful in life.

我个性最重要的方面——也是决定我成功的原因——是我对传统智慧的 质询、怀疑专家、挑战权威。虽然这会让你与父母和老师的关系非常痛苦,但 它在生活中极为有用。

I've run engineering since day one at Oracle, and I still run engineering. I hold meetings every week with the database team, the middleware team, the applications team. I run engineering, and I will do that until the board throws me out of there.

从在甲骨文的第一天起,我就控制着它的运转,现在仍在控制着它的运 转。每一周我都与数据库团队、中间件软件团队、应用团队举行会议。我控制 公司的运转,直到被董事会驱逐出局为止。

You have to take a broader view and realize this is an industry like any other—telecom, railroads. They went through consolidation. Why shouldn't the computer industry be any different?


conventional []

adj. 依照惯例的;常规的 board [] 公司董事会, 完 整 的 说 法 是b o a r d o f directors,而a board of trustees 为理事会。







你的视野应当更为宽广,意识到这(计算机行业)与其他行业很相像, 如电信和铁路。它们通过联合而强大,计算机行业为什么不能有所不同呢?

I have had all of the disadvantages required for success. 我具备成功所必需的所有缺点。

When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for everyone telling you you're nuts.


Customer is where it all starts. Big companies often spend their time inside. I know two things will take GE to new levels of customer focus and satisfaction. One is SPAN-it's the first measure that I've seen that truly ties everything together—from the factory floor to the customer's hand, from the order—taking to the delivery. And second is our new chairman—a true customer focused leader. It's in his blood and I know he'll drive that focus across the company like it's never been driven before. A true customer focus is the hallmark of a great company.

客户是所有业务的起点。大公司常常在公司内部花费大量的时间。我 知道有两件事可使GE的客户满意度提升到一个新高度:其一是“跨度” (SPAN)——这是第一次我看到一种衡量指标真正地把所有业务活动连接起 来——从工厂车间到客户手中,从定单到送货。其二是我们的新总裁——一位 真正的以客户为中心的领导人。以客户为中心的思路已经溶入他的血脉之中 了,我知道他会以公司前所未有的魄力大力推动以客户为主导的活动。真正聚 重点单词例句

1 A still speculative method may supplant that approach, however. 不过,一个仍在构想阶段的方法也许可以取而代之。 2 asset acquisition资产收购;equity acquisition股权收购 3 conventional opinions旧观念;conventional duties协定关税


Jack Welch: Passion for Win(1)

杰克•韦尔奇:赢的 激情(1) Notes: GE 全球最大的跨行业经 营 的 科 技 、 制 造 和 服 务 型 企 业 之 一 , 产 品 和 服 务 范 围 广 阔 , 从 飞 机 发 动 机 、 发 电 设 备 、 水 处 理 和 安 防 技 术 , 到 医 疗 成 像 、 商 务 和 消 费 者 融 资 、 媒 体 , 客 户 遍 及 全 球100多个国家,拥有30 多万员工。 hallmark [] n. 特 点,标志






Recognize we're big with all its inherent limitations. But use the size. Take technology bets, take the risk. Go to bat all the time. That's the one strength you've got. You can go to bat more often. You can go to bat and swing all the time—we've got these huge resources. And at the same time you're doing that—using the size—fight like hell to keep the small company spirit. Involve everyone. Reward broadly. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. Hate bureaucracy—hate it every day and don't be afraid to use the word "hate." Laugh at bureaucrats. And get rid of layers. Make fun of layers, joke about layers. They slow, they insulate.

我们承认公司规模大有其内在的局限性。但是我们一定要利用我们的规 模。投注于技术,冒风险,时时出击。这就是我们的强项所在。大公司可以多 试几次,可以屡次不中但挥棒不止——因为我们有巨大的资源。但在你充分利 用我们的规模时,一定要竭力保持小公司的精神。使每个人都参与其中;广泛 地奖励人员;庆祝、庆祝、再庆祝。痛恨官僚主义——不要害怕用“痛恨”这 个字眼——时时刻刻痛恨它!去掉无所谓的层次,嘲笑那些无谓层次的设置。 无谓的层次只会减慢速度,阻碍前进。

Informality is an enormous competitive advantage when coupled with size. Self-confident leaders and self-confident people, comfortable in their own skin. We trust one another. We can't stand pomposity or

pompous asses. Informality can never leave here. If you see some pompous ass acting as "the manager" sitting in the office, get him out of there. That isn't what you want. You want an informal company where everyone, independent of number of stripes on their shoulder, is able to deal with the issues. Informality is a competitive advantage that most big companies don't have. Never lose it.

我认为“不拘形式”的价值与经营规模结合会有极大的竞争优势。自信的领 导与自信的员工,彼此水乳交融,相互信赖。我们不能容忍自命不凡的家伙。在 公司里,每个人都有机会表达意见,这是一个巨大的优势。如果你看到有几个自 命不凡的家伙坐在办公室里面“表现”出“经理”的样子,把他们赶出去。我们 要的是一家“不拘形式”公司,不管谁肩扛着几道杠几朵花,每人都可以参与议 事。“不拘形式”是许多大公司所没有的竞争优势,绝不要失去它。

Always be thinking change is good. Don't stay up all night worrying about predicting it exactly right. Change is not bad. It creates an opportunity every second, not a crisis. Jump all over it and show the


inherent []adj. 固


i n h e r e n t 有 一 个 常 用 词 组是be inherent in,意 为 “ 为 …… 所 固 有 , 是 …… 的 固 有 性 质 ” , 如:Polarity is inherent in a magnet. 磁性是磁铁的 固有性质。 bureaucracy [] n. 政府机构;官僚主义, 官僚作风 informality [] n. 非正式;不拘礼节 pompous [] adj. 自 高自大的;夸张的





leadership so your organizations aren't paralyzed by it. Organizations can get scared by it. Make the change an energizing, exciting event. Relish it. I think it's the company's great strength-grab it.

总是要想到变革是有好处的。不要彻夜不眠地担心对今后的变革预测不 准。变革总不会太坏,它每时每刻都带来机会而不是危机。充分利用变革,领 导变革,这样你的企业组织才不会因为变革而瘫痪!许多企业组织视变革为猛 虎,怕得要命。我们要使变革成为充满活力、令人振奋的事件。把握变革,适 应变革,我认为这是我们公司的最强项。

This company and its people are all about integrity. I'm often asked, "What worries you about GE? Keeps you up awake at night?" It is nothing about our businesses. It's just someone doing something stupid from a legal point and bringing tarnish to the company and destroying themselves and their families in the process. Never stop being diligent about it. Never leave anyone in the organization that works for you in doubt about where you stand on this subject. You can't talk about it too much. But integrity is a lot more than just legal stuff. It's a set of values that must guide all of us all the time. It's about always doing the right thing, not just the legal thing.

我们公司和员工最关注的就是“诚信”。常常有人问“在GE你最担心什 么?”“什么事会使你彻夜不眠?”其实并不是GE的业务使我担心,而是有 什么人做了从法律层面上看非常愚蠢的事而给公司的声誉带来污点并把他们自 己和他们的家庭毁于一旦。我们在诚信上绝对不可有任何的松懈。“诚信”讲 得再多也不够。诚信不仅仅是法律术语,更是广泛的原则,它是指导我们行为 的一套价值观——指导我们去做正确的事情,而不仅仅是合法的事情。

An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.

一个团体有学习的能力并把所学的迅速转化为行动,这就是无穷的竞争 优势。


1 Clear expression is the hallmark of good writing. 表达清楚是好文章的特点。

2 The bureaucracy has become ossified 官僚主义已变得僵化了。 3 Encourage informality and a relaxed company climate.

在公司里,提倡非正式、轻松的气氛。 4 a pompous speech 夸大其辞的讲话



The value decade is upon us. If you can't sell a top quality product at the world's lowest price, you're going to be out of the game.

价值时代已然来临。假如不以全球最低的价格销售最优质的产品,势将 面对出局的命运。

Self-confidence is a key ingredient. It comes from lots of life experiences that reinforce one. Some are lucky enough to get it from their mother's knee, from school, from grades, from lots of things. But you can build it in people and I've seen people in GE who didn't have it get it built by having continual reinforcing experiences. But you've got to give people a chance to try things, to take risks and win, because from each victory comes to each of us another building block of self-confidence. And one of the responsibilities of leadership is to constantly try and infuse with an injection confidence into people because self-confident people are so critical.

自信是关键,它是通过现实生活中的经验不断磨炼出来的。有些人很幸 运可以从母亲的膝下,从学校,从书本或从很多其他地方学到这种性格。但是 你也可以帮助人们树立信心。我也看到有些人过去没有这种性格,但是经过各 种经验和磨炼,从而树立了自信。所以你必须给人机会,冒风险去争取胜利。 每一次胜利都会为每个人增加一份自信。把自信源源不断地注入到员工身上是 每个领导者的责任,因为具有自信心的人才是极为重要的。

Self-confidence is also the critical leadership skill. It permits bold action. It allows one to communicate simply. They can just talk simply and straightforwardly. There's no time for complexity. There is no time in a world that's moving this fast for complexity. And with speed so critical in this global information-based world, self-confidence and simplicity are keys to driving speed, to taking the bold straightforward actions that are needed.

自信心也是关键的领导技能,它能使人做出重大举措,使人简化、直白 地交流。在以信息为基础、变化如此之快的世界里,速度至关重要、自信至关


Jack Welch: Passion for Win (2)

杰克•韦尔奇:赢的 激情(2) Notes: decade [] n. 十年, 十年间 ingredient [] n . ( 混 合 物 的 ) 组 成 部 分;要素 reinforce [] v. 增 强;加强 injection [         ] n 注 射 , 注 入 如 : a n injection in the buttock注 射在臀部的一针





Recall that you can graphically determine whether a curve is the graph of a function by using the vertical line test: if any vertical line intersects the graph in more than one

Follow the steps below to specify software build settings that generate the hello world software program with extra debug information3. Click the

different spectral indices for large and small structures Several scintil- lation theories including the Phase Screen, Rytov, and Parabolic Equa- tion Method

6 《中論·觀因緣品》,《佛藏要籍選刊》第 9 冊,上海古籍出版社 1994 年版,第 1

• helps teachers collect learning evidence to provide timely feedback & refine teaching strategies.. AaL • engages students in reflecting on & monitoring their progress

Robinson Crusoe is an Englishman from the 1) t_______ of York in the seventeenth century, the youngest son of a merchant of German origin. This trip is financially successful,

fostering independent application of reading strategies Strategy 7: Provide opportunities for students to track, reflect on, and share their learning progress (destination). •

Strategy 3: Offer descriptive feedback during the learning process (enabling strategy). Where the