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臺灣中老年人資源流失、因應型態與心理幸福感之模型建構及其路徑係數比較 - 政大學術集成


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(1)85. 國立政治大學「教育與心理研究」 2016 年 3 月,39 卷 1 期,頁 85-114 DOI. 10.3966/102498852016033901004. 臺灣中老年人資源流失、因應型態與心理 幸福感之模型建構及其路徑係數比較 李仁豪*. 摘. 李思儀**. 要. 本研究旨在了解臺灣中老年人資源流失、正負向因應型態與心理幸福感的關 係。研究樣本來源為臺灣地區642位年齡介於43~95歲之間的中老年人,平均60.34 歲,其中不到60歲的中年人有350位,60歲以上的老年人有292位。所得資料以結構 方程式模型來分析,模型適配度獲得支持,顯示資源流失可直接影響心理幸福感, 亦可透過正負因應型態間接影響心理幸福感;正向因應型態對心理幸福感有提升效 果,而負向因應型態則會降低心理幸福感。資源流失愈多,導致正向因應型態的使 用減少且負向因應型態的使用增多,進而降低心理幸福感。另外,在中年及老年人 的直接與間接路徑效果比較上,雖然中年及老年人在對應的直接效果上皆無顯著差 異,但變化趨勢仍值得關注;而在間接效果上,中年人資源流失透過降低正向因應 型態而導致心理幸福感下降的間接效果卻顯著地較老年人高。針對研究結果進行合 理的討論並提出未來相關研究及實務建議。 關鍵詞: 中年人、心理幸福感、因應型態、老年人、資源流失 *. **. 李仁豪:中山醫學大學心理學系副教授/中山醫學大學附設醫院臨床心理室顧問 電子郵件:davidrhlee@yahoo.com.tw 李思儀(通訊作者):國泰綜合醫院神經內科臨床心理師 電子郵件:amybear2004@hotmail.com. 收件日期:2015.04.08;修改日期:2015.08.05;接受日期:2015.09.08.

(2) 86. Journal of Education & Psychology March, 2016, Vol. 39 No. 1, pp. 85-114. Modeling Relationships Among Resources Loss, Coping Styles, and Psychological WellBeing of the Middle-Aged and Older People in Taiwan: Comparison of Path Coefficients Ren-Hau Li*. Szu-Yi Lee**. Abstract. The purpose of the research was to investigate the relationships of resources loss, coping styles, and psychological well-being (PWB) among middle-aged and older people in Taiwan. The sample was 642 aged 43-95 years with a mean age 60.34 years from Taiwan. Of them, 350 participants aged less 60 years were middle-aged people, and the other 292 participants aged higher than 60 years were older people. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM) and the model-fit results were supported. The results showed that resources loss not only had a direct influence on PWB, but also had indirect effects on PWB through positive and negative coping styles. Positive coping style promoted PWB but negative coping style reduced PWB. It meant that losing more resources led to reduing positive coping style and increasing negative *. **. Ren-Hau Li: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Chung-Shan Medical University/Consultant, Clinical Psychological Room, Chung-Shan Medical University Hospital E-mail: davidrhlee@yahoo.com.tw Szu-Yi Lee (Corresponding Author): Clinical Psychologist, Institute of Neurological Medicine, Cathay General Hospital E-mail: amybear2004@hotmail.com. Manuscript received: 2015.04.08; Revised: 2015.08.05; Accepted: 2015.09.08.

(3) 87. coping style, and then decreased PWB. In constrast of structural coefficients, for direct effects, no significant difference appeared between middle-aged and older people, but their change trends are noteworthy; for indirect effects, the path from resources loss through positive coping style to PWB was significantly higher in the middle-aged than in the older people. The results were reasonably discussed and some suggestions were offered for the future.. Keywords: older people, psychological well-being (PWB), coping style, middleaged people, resources loss.






















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