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Academic year: 2021

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交通犬學電子研究研之創哉,原由國內外校友推 動之力量居多。自上年起闊始與聯合凶特別基金合作 ,在版向成立苗子一直信訓練研究中心以來,國外校友 對電子研究街之 -M 途,寄予更太之期一凶手,都直接閱佳 ,與以精神上之鼓勵,或恆的上之協助。最近數月中 ,校友對電子研究研發展之方向,多予指示。尤可令 -JAit-:-3144 、 15 司、、八」川 U3 丸,一 1 月亞哥才耳 λ 真董幸,約 v-d 」/九抗一月 47 者品, AEDE--、石 E/ 卜「, iF 安經濟上晦有之一一只獻,是十且表現了各校友愛國熱誠 之流露。諸將王兆振、劉大中及部鈞三校友之來書 F 分別附錄如左 .• 一、王兆拉校友致前台灣電力公司 黃總經理則揮書 •• 則輝在-口兄尊卑,頃奉 手故,並悉高就問際銀行新職,尤為放慰。 關於電子研究阮聘請巴巴 Bm 戶口教授,除 CZ 正式手 續外,一切均已說妥。至於發起研究題目,弟當與 巴且 5 戶口詳談,即可有一一頭緒。上次真覺見等血( 巴巴巴戶口一比弟在統約會談,巴拉門口。口之意見認為發 展,研究竄,設備最為革耍,為等取是胡計,尤鎖在 白色 Bm 戶口未起程肘,須在美國買的東西部先買好,每 藉此他在電子研究研機會,開始小規模電子管製造工 業!即頌 近安 弟王兆振 二、劉大中王兆振二校友致遠校長 J鴻勛及尹仲容丰刷品…謀二枝走害,. 踢堅 •• 久未函候,川以 犬兆



日月 1


他到新竹後 i 便可馬上開姑主作。否目信者乏這」奈, 有時須要三四個月或半年,已 mw-BHH 口在研究昕祇有一 年任期,不能充分利用他的能力與時間,至可惋惜 Q 使中請向李昕長一談。其覺見亦已有信,如能說法利 用阿吋口之款在此購買若于設備尤好。『近與臺灣,丈人 商談,按說蓋灣高級投術人員如犬學生,很難拾得相 當職業,主要問題是工業發展落後?無處應用高級人 才,因此想到電子研究昕學生出路問題。弟直接展電 子研究昕提高其程度,加緊研究節目等事,比較品到 如果其結果祇能將畢業生送來美國,豈非違反原來 推動電子研究即主宗旨,於臺灣經濟發展無昕梓益。 是以推動電子工業與發展電子研究昕'必鎮一雙管齊下 ?而電子研究昕主教學與訓練,必須切合當地之需要 。弟意電子工業或其他工業,如能利用低工資,而同 時需要高級投術?別此種貨物在國際市場價格昂貴, 必可字取國際市場,亦可龍在美國發展出路」 0 日本 及歐洲共同市場均已實行此項方法。臺灣經怖的途發 展,亦必領向此方向進行,主要問題,是發展工業必 俱瓷本﹒此事詰與國內經濟專安(如仲容見)一談。 而見在國際銀行將來亦可從旁推動,不知尊意如何? 口巴巴戶口教段在電子管方面從事製遇有年,或可設、法 三、鄭鈞校友來書,原為一個建議, >:.尤其文寫成 O 他拉希望能向國內校友公開,以引起全體校友 注意及反應,拉以原文發表,精卉其具:








仲容先生 什公校長 熙謀先生 位私趟古,為額為慰。兆提於昨日來康校,與大中談 灰一民…叭叭 -m 機系教授巴巴 BMH 口及 Enmm 口MH}MMH 口即將至 母校電子研究研執教一年事 y 極感狀慰。電子研究研 畢業生在國內兌一適當之職位,自 F 恐非品事,似宜 郎平選一裝備並不昂貴之電子工業,在校中先行 -P 視 接一試造,如試製成功,將來可擴充篇專業,非僅可解 決學業生就業問題?於堂海工業發展及增加出口亦均 極有梓益。巴巴白山口設投在的℃白門門司同呂門戶服務多年 一,對製造自戶口門。可抖〈 OEUS 極有經驗,如有約五 萬美元之設備,即可開始小說模試制耳。此種製造信用 細工甚多而設備低錯 F 於我國最揖極為適合,或可成 飛出口工業之一。如能於 UhLB 凶口教授在臺期間, 將改備裝置,早日完成,研究生即可得到賞際生產之 訓練。如裝置迦逞,即難利用口旦旦旦在星之臨會 訊線學生,前閉會正且→一一日, H吋口方面恐難即時俱和研 需裝備之款項。惟五萬美元,為數倘不過鉅'是否能 自其他方面籌措(如美援等),想 公等已早在計劃中央,敬碩 勛按後學主 吸餌 illit--ii[iplilt-fffizifftttaz David K. Cheng (鄭鈞)

It was a great personal disappointment to me that I

would not be able to serve at the Institute of Electronics

of our Alma Mater in the coming year. In spite of the

intensive efforts of the United Nations and all others

con-cerned, Syracuse Uuiversity has not deemed it possible to

relieve me for another year so soon after my year in Europe as a Fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation fat

1960--'61. Mowever, I am glad to learn from Mr. T. C. Tsao

that two professors from Cornell and one from M.1.T. are



go back to our own country if their special knowledgeand talents can be advantageously utilized and further developed

there. As conditions stand now, one is afraid to go back

for fear that highly technical lmowledge is not really needed there and that one would soon fall behind due to stag-nation in to-day's world of rapid technological progress. To

attract and keep people with advanced education and

training, there must be challenging jobs that offer security,

recognition,administrative support,and personal satisfaction.

On the other hand, it is absolutely essential that some of

these people should be willing to go back and remain in Taiwan so that the scientific level there can improve.

Otherwise, all our efforts would be in vain and result in no

net gain for China in the long run.

In line with the above, I would like to propose the

formation of a research division at the Institute of Electr一

onies. For the purpose of inviting discussion on this matter,

I am sketching some of my ideas below.

Research Laboratories of the Institute of Electronics National Chiao-Tung University

1. PURPOSE: (a) To preserve, utilize, and develop talents

in electronicsand related fields in Taiwan: (b) To foster a sustained research effort in electronics and related fields; (c) To keep China on the frontiers of electronic knowledge and to enhan':e her international reputation in scientific accomplishments.

II. ORGANIZATION: The Research Laboratories shall be a

di vision of the Iustitute of Electronics (separate from

teaching). The staff shall be consisted of Senior Memhers

(Ph. D. degree or equivalent, to be in charge of major

research tasks), Members (M. S. degree or equivalent),

and Student Members. There shall also be technicians

and other supporting personnel.

lIT. FUNCTIONS: (a) To do analytical and experimental

research in electronics and related fields; (的 Topresent


now getting ready to leave for Taiwan.

The ITU project is certainly a boon to the future of

the Institute. It enables the Institute to invite foreign

experts to Taiwan as visiting professors and to acquire needed equipment and other facilities-yet?at the risk of

being disputatious, one might dlli ask:what good does it

ultimately do to Taiwan-s scielltificleveiand achievement? I feel that this question is justified because few jobs exist in Taiwan which require advanced knowledge and because

most‘ if not all, of the Institute's graduates expect to go

abroad and stay abroad. Are we r以 just e心cati時 the

very best gronp of electronic engineers for other countrles? It seems to me that this whole undertaking would be a waste of effort and money if it does not do any real good

to China in the end. To justify its existence the Institute

of Electronics must strive to accomplish more than just training studeats who will eveILtually eithOE leave Taiwan permanently or be frustrated at some trivial jobs in Taiwan. I remember vividly a comment made by Professor Shr eveof purdue and Cheng Kung Universities at a dinner given by Dr.SM.Lee?Directorof the Institute of

Electron-ics、 whenI was in Taipei last November. He said flatly that

there was no need for postgraduate engineering training in Taiwan. This comment naturally hurt our pride; yet those of us who KIlow Professor Shreve would agree that he did

not mean to slight Chinese. It is a controvertoial topic to

which most of us are sensitive emotio叫ly. Nevertheless,it

is difficult to refute Professor Shreve's oplllion unless we provide a way to preservey efficiently utilize?and further develop our engineering talents after they have recieved advanced training in Taiwan.

Whv do Chinese students want to go abroad and stay abroadf To bBsure 7salaries are higher abroad;but thls does not necessarily mean that life is more comfortable or

IIleaIIlngf111.As a matter of fact7most cflintse residing abroad嘻

including those who are eminently successfui3would l athar


research seminars; (c) To pu日ish technica‘ reports; and

(d) To publish technical papεrs 1立 recogniled journals.


1.Research Direction: Tbis could initially be provided by

ITU professors. I think the lack of research direction and ideas is at the present more serious than the

lack of teaching personnεl

2. Research Load: Some Senior Members and Members

may also teach at the Institute, but their teaching

load shall not be more than one coms巴 )er semester.

No one shall carry a regular outside job at the sa;ne

time even on' a p:nt-time basis

3.Salary Scale; Senior Members at the Re;;earch

Labor-atories shall be persom. with demonstrated research ability. These shall be positions of prestige arid carry a salary of at least US$100 a month(A number of graduate students from Taiwan havendicated that thev would prefer a US$100 a month researchjob in

Taiwan to a US$l, OOO 往 month job in 1.\S.).

4. Source of Financial Support: The fol1o¥.ing are


(a) Chinese Government一- I have no idea how much

money can be mad己 availablefrom tli 古巴ource; but

the present practice of sending stJdents abroad

yearly at the Government's eXT:ense '.vithout

particular purpose or overall pia 1Iling is like

presEmting our" best talents yearly 10 other

coun-tries as national gifts

(b) United Nations 一- I.'a~~ of the present lTU

project money can probably be div吋ted for this

purpose. Certainly this,pr.~pos3l) ~oul d. be included

r;";u'r future requests to the Unit巴( Nations.The

yearly salaTy and travel expenseE provided for

~~~h-'foreign-profe3sor would be enough to employ

over a dozen Members and Senior Members for

a year.

(c) Foundations---Asia Foundation, China Founbation,

Ford Foundation


Sloan Foundation



Fou-ndatio日, and the like.

Cd) Contract Sponsors---As the Research Laboratories gain reputation through publications in foreign

journals, there is a possibility to obtain contracts

from U.S. defense research organizations.

(e) Alumini-一-1 an sUre that many of our alumini in

the U. S, would be willing to subscribe to the

support of theResearch Laboratories on a conti-nuing basis.

5. Ph. .D. program: A possibility in the future Laboratories grow in stature.

Many of the points in the above proposal could

doubt-lessly be improved on. It also may not be the only solution

possible. It has been suggested that manufacturing facilities

for electronic components, devices, and systems be

establi-shed. This would be a good undertaking, but it would

involve more serious problems in equipment, raw material,

,manufacturing skill, marketing, and financing.

Manufactur-ing without ressarch or at least development work does not offer enough challenge to people with postgraduate degrees.

Discussions, amendments, and counter-arguments are all

welcome. as the 5 fiieffi--[fzli--tftf?IBIF--rEfrlt§ltE 以上三位校友,劉大中是康奈爾 大學(的 OE ∞且也 EJHRm 古巴著名 之統計經濟學教援,鄭鈞是雪萊恩斯 犬學(的 MAmHC 口的。巴巴〈 O門的 ZY) 教授 ,在去年中國工程師學會五十週年紀 念會時,會來參加作學術演講,他著 有電路網絡一書,推罵名著。王兆振 是微波工程及微波電子管權威學者, 現在並在康奈爾大學替口已百戶口教授 代授若干功課。一三位校友來書中意見 ,都出於至誠,期期以電子研劈即發 展,必須建設電子工業,以協助發展 臺灣經濟為指埠。愛國情緒‘溢於言 表',令人興無眠之欽景。 巴巴 ES 教授,擬在最子研究 昕建立乏高真話微技管實驗主(目前計 〈戶口戶口自已戶口門 043 〈 mw 、門口宮廿戶 Uoi EHO 門三 F 昕需經費四萬六于餘元之 美金,現已有中國閥際基金(已口口州 H EZgmtc 口且可 O口口已丘吉口)捐助 美金五干元,紐約交犬校友會捐助美 金五千元,其餘昕需款項,正在民國際 電信總會 (EH 叩門口已古巴-、阿巴巴。 i g 自己口甘心泣。出口已。口)拾,間,擬即 在聯合國特別基金未支配用途之餘款 移充。其高真翠微技管實驗主計割 tA 特別某金齡款已分別由巴巴白白白故授 及熙謀模具報告,寄送岡際噎信總會 ,請于核定。芷(詳細情形,當於另文 中敘述之。(李熙謀謹識) 6 一



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