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彰化縣私立精誠中學105 學年度第一學期第二次段考 英文科 國三試題

考試範圍:L4 ~ R2 Target reading p.36-41 文法: U22、23、51、100、101 單字 U39、U1-7

☆本卷共 6 頁 另附答案卷、卡。

I. Vocabulary: (choose the best answer) 15%

1. My company is close to my home. It’s quite for me. (A) talkative (B) childlike (C) frank (D) handy

2. Don’t be so . It’s not funny. Grow up, okay? (A) diligent (B) exciting (C) childish (D) frank

3. There are many different in South Africa, like, Asians, Americans, Europeans, and aborigines.

(A) peoples (B) pages (C) smoke (D) moment 4. Ed found the thief by his .

(A) cure (B) inch (C) fingerprint (D) stranger

5. The lake in the park is a lake. Workers spent 3 years digging the hole. (A) man-made (B) dizzy (C) vocational (D) considerate

6. I passed my final exam by the skin of my . (A) chin (B) teeth (C) beard (D) nose

7. Ray feels when his parents are out. He needs someone to stay with him. (A) alone (B) along (C) lovely (D) lonely

8. She is caught by the police, and she’s ready to the mistake. (A) shoulder (B) nose (C) knee (D) hop

9. After practicing the interview many times, he in getting the job. (A) knelt (B) carried (C) succeeded (D) combed

10. I spent my learning cooking in Italy. Now, I ‘m 49 and own a restaurant in Taiwan.

(A) young (B) teenager (C) youth (D) rumor 11. Mark leads a poor but happy .

(A) life (B) medicine (C) health (D) wound

12. John is interested in cooking. He wants to be a in the future. (A) drawer (B) cooker (C) cook (D) pianist

13. Chinese New Year is a festival that people get with their family. (A) perhaps (B) together (C) some times (D) yet

14. Do you want to study after graduation? It’s interesting to experience the life in foreign countries.

(A) ahead (B) abroad (C) rather (D) nearly 15. Ellyn: Would you like some coffee?

Bell: No, thanks. I drink coffee. Coffee makes me palpitations (心悸).

(A) always (B) quite (C) neither (D) seldom

II. Grammar: 15%

16. These apps are the students English.

(A) used to teach (B) use to teach (C) used to teaching (D) use to teaching 17. The telephone was invented Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

(A) with (B) of (C) to (D) by

18. May is not going to the party. She hasn’t . (A) be invite (B) been invited (C) invited (D) invite

19. The concert will tomorrow.

(A) been held (B) held (C) be held (D) hold 20. I was made the truth.

(A) to tell (B) tell (C) told (D) telling 21. I don’t know who talk to.

(A) should I (B) should me (C) me should (D) I should 22. Alice isn’t sure is in the box.

(A) how (B) what (C) why (D) where 23. No one knew what to him.

(A) was happened (B) happened (C) were happened (D) is happening 24. Lisa wants her children to know .

(A) when to go home (B) how to do (C) what should they do (D) who does they ask 25. Tom doesn’t know to keep in touch with her or not.

(A) whether (B) if (C) when (D) what 國三英文 第 1 頁


26. The steak is much for me to eat. (A) so (B) such (C) too (D) enough

27. It is an interesting book that I can’t stop reading. (A) so (B) such (C) too (D) very

28. We are going to go on a picnic at the park it doesn’t rain. (A)if (B) whether (C) when (D) that

29. Choose the wrong sentence.

(A) Kate said that she would call me. (B) Steve said he was tired.

(C) Rachel told me she was going to buy a car. (D) He told that he would go to bed early.

30. Choose the wrong sentence.

(A) I don’t know the answer. If I knew the answer, I’d tell you. (B) If you didn’t have a job, what would you do?

(C) It’s not a very nice place. I wouldn’t go there if I are you.

(D) It’s raining, so we’re not going out. We’d get wet if we went out. III. Cloze: 12%

A. Humans have 31. robots doing our work for hundreds of years. However, now that it’s happening, it may turn out to be more of a nightmare.

The idea works in theory: robots doing all the work so we have more time to relax. But in practice it’s totally 32. . When a robot replaces a human worker, that worker simply loses his or her job. There’s no time to kick back and relax, just a 33. search for a new job. And you had better find one the robots can’t do—yet.

Human workers will soon be replaced on a large scale. One study 34. that 45% of jobs in the United States will be done by robots by 2030. Robots may soon be working as nurses, teachers, clerks, cleaners, and even writers. In fact,

computers have already taken 35. the writing of some news articles. Perhaps even this article was written 36. a robot!

31. (A) gotten in touch (B) knocked down (C) dreamed of (D) pushed around 32. (A) the same (B) different (C) dislike (D) the similar

33. (A) well (B) hardly (C) empty (D) frantic

34. (A) says (B) speaks (C) speeches (D) tells 35. (A) over (B) off (C) place (D) out

36. (A) to (B) by (C) of (D) with

B. In the 1990s, beepers were used 37. millions of people in Taiwan, but now,

they have been a thing 38. the past. More and more people use smartphones

39. . They just have to pick up their phones, touch the screens, and talk. 40. smartphones, people can also use Facebook or other apps to reach each other.

Though smartphones are very popular now, will they still be used 41. others in the future? 42. in ten years, your glasses or your watches can do the job. 37. (A) with (B) to (C) by (D) of

38. (A) on (B) of (C) in (D) at

39. (A) yet (B) away (C) instead (D) inside 40. (A) At (B) Into (C) Above (D) With

41. (A) to reach (B) reach (C) reached (D) reaching 42. (A) May be (B) May (C) Might (D) Maybe

IV. Reading: 28%


43. Who is Madam Clara in the article? (A) She is an assistant manager.

(B) She is a fortune-teller. (C) She is a scientist. (D) She is a biologist.

44. What does “previous” mean in the reading? (A) Future. (B) Just now. (C) Past. (D) Present. 45.What is the reading mainly about?

國三英文 第 2 頁

Will you ever fall in love?

Who were you in a past life?

When will you have children?

Does he or she like you as more than a friend?

Will you ever find your soul mate?

If you have questions about your past,

present, or future,

Madam Clara has the answers.

“Before I met with Madam Clara, I

worried that I would never get married. She told me I would get married within the next year. Now, I can finally stop worrying and be positive about my future!”

~Stephanie, age 34

“Madam Clara told me that I wasn’t getting a promotion at work because I lacked

confidence. Now, I’m an assistant manager in a large company.”

~David, age 42 “I’ve always liked learning about

biology but didn’t know why. Madam Clara told me that I was a scientist in a

previous life!”

~Jessica, age 25

“I was worried about passing a test. Madam Clara told me that as long as I studied, I would succeed —and I did!”


(A) Most people worry about their past. (B) Madam Clara is good at her job.

(C) You can find love, if you find Madam Clara. (D) It is cheap to ask Madam Clara questions.


Game Rules

1. Need two to four players. 2. Each player begins at Start.

3. Every player chooses their own color, takes turns throwing the dice.

4. Answer the question of the square that the player land on. Cover the square with the player’s color card when they answer the question correctly.

5. If you land on a square that is already occupied, just stay there and wait for the next turn. Keep taking turns until all the squares are colored.

6. The player who gets the most squares wins the game.


46. Al got the answer right after he threw four. He said that his answer was the owl. What did he do before he landed on the square?

(A) He drew a lily on a piece of paper. (B) He had to go back to Start.

(C) He stopped on a square for one time.

(D) He said bees and butterflies were the correct answer.

47. After throwing the dice, “Oh, no….I just stopped once and have to stop again!” said Ella. Which is true about Ella?

(A) She threw the dice and then got a three.

(B) She went for five squares from Stop and stopped there. (C) She just landed on the spaces that said Begin From Start. (D) She didn’t know the answer of the question.

48. What can we learn from the game? (A) The game is about stray dogs.

(B) A polar bear is the correct answer to one of the questions in the game. (C) Sherry occupied five squares in the end and won the game.

(D) More than five players can play the game at a time.

C. John’s parents died when he was a teenager, so he lived with his uncle. However, his uncle was poor and ill. John couldn’t go to school because he had to work. In the factory, he was the youngest worker, but he worked the hardest. John liked to read, so he read as much as he could when he had free time. After working several years, he had his own factory. He loved to help the poor. For example, he gave them jobs or encouraged them to look for their talents. His kindness and honesty attracted many people to do business with him. He became one of the greatest businessmen in the world.

49. According to the article, why didn’t John go to school? (A) He was sick, so he couldn’t go to school.

(B) He didn’t like school.

(C) He was not old enough to study. (D) He had to make money.

50. When did John’s parents die? 國三英文 第 3 頁 Draw a picture of a dinosaur. Name two insects that collect honey.




What do we call a butterfly before it becomes a real butterfly?


Name five animals that can

swim underwater. Name three

animals that lay eggs.

Draw a picture of a flower.

It’s a bird, but it sleeps during the day. It hunts rats as its food. What is it?

Go Back



It has four legs. It gives milk. It lives on the farm, and it doesn’t have horns.



(A) When John was five. (B) When John was fifteen. (C) When John was a baby. (D) When John was ten. 51. Why do people like to do business with John?

(A) Because of John’s personality. (B) Because John was rich.

(C) Because John liked to help stray cats. (D) Because people liked John’s uncle. 52.Which is Not true?

(A) John encouraged and gave jobs to the poor. (B) John liked to read when he had time.

(C) John didn’t have his own factory. (D) John treated people nicely.

D. For students who have a writing talent, finishing an essay might be a simple task.

But for others, it is a big challenge. Some students can’t even decide their main idea of the article. There is a helpful strategy called “brainstorming.”

Brainstorming is just like a storm with lots of ideas inside of your brain. For practicing brainstorming, first you need to choose a topic of your article. Then,

brainstorm for at least 5 minutes before you start to write your article. Of course, don’t forget to write all your ideas down.

Many experts suggest drawing a brainstorming map. You can write your topic in a circle in the middle of your paper. After that, write all your ideas around the topic. There are no wrong ideas, so don’t hold back your ideas while thinking.

If your ideas are full of the paper, it’s time to organize them. Link related ideas together with lines. These will help you to arrange your paragraphs of your article. For the ideas that aren’t good enough or don’t fit your topic, just delete them.

When you finish your brainstorming map, you should have a clearer idea about your article. And this organized map is called an outline. An understandable outline is the foundation of a good article. So, now, why not give it a try?  

53. According to the reading, what does “brainstorming” mean? (A) A hobby that people make their brains wisely.

(B) An organization that people can improve their memory.

(C) A strategy for helping people to think about ideas of an essay. (D) An article that is popular with students.

54. While you are brainstorming, what should you do? (A) Take the medicine to stop the storm in your mind. (B) Imagine that you take an umbrella and stand in the storm. (C) Draw the map about your neighborhood.

(D) Write down all your ideas on your paper.

55. After brainstorming, what should we do with similar ideas? (A) Connect them with lines.

(B) Delete all of them. (C) Read them out loudly.

(D) Think at least five minutes and type them on computers. 56. What’s the main idea of this article?

(A) Reading books is a foundation of a good essay.

(B) Organizing your ideas well can help your writing better.

(C) Brainstorming is the only good way to improve writing skill for children.

(D) It’s a good way to write your essay first, then you will have a clear main idea.

V. Translation: 15%

57. 在不同的時代,不同的科技工具被用來讓人們的生活更便利。

58. 全世界的人都想知道要如何變得幸運。

59. 人們相信這麼做的話,他們一整年都可以遠離壞運。

60. 跟著你的心走。它會告訴你該去哪裡。

61. 信不信由你。我真不知道該說些什麼(…what…)。我無言了。

國三英文 第 4 頁



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