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Quality Control of Environment


Academic year: 2021

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expected to grow faster than population growth and like-wise faster than the per capita income.

Although quite impolite to say,itis a fact that ourfath-ers,like aguatic microorganisms, liked to live along rivers, lakes or any other water area available and we follow in

叫時 the same. We simply need water f叫rinki略 C叫}

ing, washing, industrial cooling, transportation, food prod-uction and recreational purposes. At the same time \ve also use water as a waste receiving body,and a natural waste disposal. Municipal sewage, night soil, industrial waste,

city garbage, unconsolidated surface soil and other nutri-ents, all flow or are dumped into the water. All these wastes and refuses are forming the so-called pollutants of water. The Tan-sui River and the Kee-lung River are two typical examples.

These pollutants give the water an unpleasant color and odor, make it toxic and are the cause of waterborne diseases. To a certain degree polluted water is harmful to vegetation growth, kills fish and degrades the water used m our water supply system. The general biochemical process is that when the concentration of pollutants reaches a certain level, dissolved oxygen in water will decrease ra的y so that fish cannot survive a吋 then general food chain will be destroyed tending to an anerobic condition which is the best environment for pathological bacteria. Therefore to control the quality of 划的1 water is SImply to control ail waste and refuses goiIIg into the water. Accordingly municipal ga巾ge must be buried, or

nunerated Sewage and industrial waste mLISt be treated the same way andunconsolidated SUI-face soil aIld other


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EE RHH 冒 •• a.m.-RU VE--啥區,‘ mM nu pLW MEJ -qa--苟 明"阻,個 u hd R 間嗯,. 偽的咕

c. c.

vvεn9 (主幸清) Mr. Chairman, Gentlemen



It is a great honor and pleasure that I am asked to -speak to such a wonderful gathering of your club. Being a civil servant I am afraid that my speech as a profess-ional would be of little or no interest at all during this non-professional happy occasion. Neverthel巳ss I would like to raise a subject, whjch might be conceived as semi-Rrofessional, because it is a part of my job.

The subject is “Quality Control of Environment",with which we have so many experiences and with which we are so seriously confronted. To be more exact, technically speaking we mean by "Quality Control of Environment" water pollution control, air pollution control and land use control.

As we know, contemporary society depends on men's ability to make fundamental changes in the natural envi-ronment. This society cannot exist 'vVithout large scale

cleaning of forested land and plowing of prairies, without changes in natural drainage, and without conversion of rural landscapes into compact urban places for industrial and commercial processes. Through this economic behav一

iour, in using natural resources to reach higher levelsof income, incidental “side effects" are generally also produ-ced. One of these side effects is the dεteriorationin the quality of our physical environment. Unfortunately the demand for a

good" physical environment is sometimes


control in the United States,一 dustfall in Chicago decreased from an average of 395 tcns/square mile per month to 43

tons. In 1965, dust fall in the cities of Taipei, Keelung, and

kaohsiung, was respectively 呵?的, and 60 tons/sguare mile

per month.

Generally speaking secondary air pollutants are more intractable and more dangerous to health than primary

pollutants. They do not come from any industrial,

munk-ipal, or household sources, but are produced by

photo-chemical or physico-photo-chemical interactions between primary pollutants within the atmosphere. The most objectionable pollutants of this type are from oxidation of hydrocarbons

such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. The exhaust

from gasoline engine automobiles is one example. Latest

figures (January 1963) indicated that the 3 million carsin

the Los Angeles area emitted some 8,000 tons of carbon

monoxide and 1,650 tons of hydrocarbons.

We are glad to learn that our government has taken action to stop coal burning in the city of Taipei and dust fall has been declining since the action.

Speaking of the physicalenvironment of our inhabitated

locations, more attention should be given to our urban

places. Urban space takes less than 1好 of the nation's

area, but it houses more than 3丹 of the total population

i口 the USA, 5生% in Taiwan. It produces well over 到 5 of

-the nation's economic output in the USA and at least 50%

in Taiwan. This massive concentration suggests the critical importance of the urban efficiency to the national economy. By urban environmental guality. I never forget what

Aristotle said: “The government's responsibility to their

- 28 一

nutrients must be controlled in one way or other. This is

not only a matter of technology, but also and more impo~

rtantlv a matter of public decissbn. What guality is

requ-ired for our natural water, based on our standard of living

or on our per capita income? will the decision be made

only in view of public health or forrecreation· as well?

Hovv much is the phosphate percentage allowed in the

water, for instance 0.05 ppm or 0.5 ppm, which differenti也

ates millions of dollars? The cost of the sanitary sewage system of the city of Taipei was estimated to be 1.5 billions NT dollars.

Are vie willing to pay this cost for the enjoyment of the good quality of our sanitary environment or let the Taipei vvaterworks abandon its intake along the Tan-Sui River to pay millions of dollars to get its water Source hundred miles away? Or leave the two rivers as a gigantic septic tank for our children?

These guestions are generally not answered by our

G.NY It is a problem to the engineers and a~onomists, to

the government and to the public. With the exception of

North America and Western Europe, almost every country

wants to solve this problem but fails in doing so, so far.

Air pollution substances are divided into two categor-ies: Primary and secondary pollutants.

Primary pollutants come from industrial, commercial,

domestic, transport and agricultural activities, and appear

in the form of dust, fumes, and droplets. They dirty

buildings and other articles. corrode metals and affect life processes. Coal burning is usually the main cause.

Since between 1928 and 1962 the measure of air pollution


ally integrated. Planners tried to unite whole areas as one

body by the s。一call亡d regional planning, dut the question

is what is the optimum government organization to manage

the region, i.e. the land use, the natural resources, public

works and utilities, and other quality control of the

envi-ronment? There are many and different systemsin this

country as wε11 as in the U.S. and in other countries, but

so far they are still in a state of trialand-error, and

nobody could optimize them yet.

To conclude with, the problem 0吋f quality c∞ontr刀叫01 of

phyy屯叫S剖ica叫1 en趴vγ→訂廿i泣rOl1 m旭ε1叫1吋t i站s very c∞omp抖r緝℃甘ehen冶凶s剖ive巳, bL肘1吋t no仗t

cant記empo叫1' a缸l" y\O

than our fathers,' but our ε臼nvironmental quality is not

worse than theirs. For instance, aspects of air and water

sanitatiou in urban regions have bεen remarkably improved

in recent decades. Others have been changed also.

There-fore, I am still very optimistic along this line and I hope

all of us are

Thank you very much and I welcome your comments



citizens is theirh safety and welfare." For these, very

laree amounts of money must be spe前, and the larger the

city, the vvorse the quality of the environment, and of

course we have to pay more. When a city's population is

doubled, its cost in administration will be 10 times

·incre-ased. The problem is that we do hate city life because of

its environment, but we are all lured to stay in the city.

When a city is 0γer 500,000 in population, it grows faster

and faster, and accordingly its environment grows wcrse

and worse if its quality control is not sufficient.

It is not my intention to enter into details of what we

need f01. urban land use, but I want to raisεtwo

fundam-entals associated to our urban land. One is the problem of

the cores of cities, which is particularly difficult to treat

systematically. Howto determine what kind of urban

development to meet the aestheticprξferencesand practical

utilization? It is true that urbanrenewal efforts have

been desired to relieve the ugliness of a slum environment.

Billions of dollars were paid in the U.S. for the urban

renewal business, but few would deny that still many of

their cities are monuments to ugliness.

The Chung-Hwa one-mile market in Taipei City is another example.

The second problem is the govermment organization

over the urban land, particularly over a metropolitan

region. Cities cannot be alone. They may be a big city with a series of satellite towns or several cities combined

to be a metropolitan region. These cities to cities or

cities to towns are geographically and politically separa

ted, but they are social句, economically, and physic



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