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Support vector machines for data classification and regression


Academic year: 2021

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Support Vector Machines for Data

Classification and Regression

Chih-Jen Lin

Department of Computer Science National Taiwan University



Support vector classification Two practical example

Support vector regression Discussion and conclusions


Data Classification

Given training data in different classes (labels known) Predict test data (labels unknown)


Handwritten digits recognition Spam filtering

Text classification

Prediction of signal peptide in human secretory proteins



Nearest Neighbor Neural Networks Decision Tree

Support vector machines: a new method Becoming more and more popular


Why Support Vector Machines

Existing methods:

Nearest neighbor, Neural networks, decision trees. SVM: a new one

In my opinion, after careful data pre-processing

Appropriately use NN or SVM similar accuracy But, users may not use them properly

The chance of SVM

Easier for users to appropriately use it


Support Vector Classification

Training vectors : xi, i = 1, . . . , l

Consider a simple case with two classes: Define a vector y

yi = (

1 if xi in class 1 −1 if xi in class 2,


wTx + b =    +1 0 −1    A separating hyperplane: wTx + b = 0 (wTxi) + b > 0 if yi = 1 (wTxi) + b < 0 if yi = −1


Decision function f (x) = sign(wT x + b), x: test data

Variables: w and b : Need to know coefficients of a plane

Many possible choices of w and b

Select w, b with the maximal margin.

Maximal distance between wTx + b = ±1 (wTxi) + b ≥ 1 if yi = 1 (wTxi) + b ≤ −1 if yi = −1


Distance between wTx + b = 1 and −1: 2/kwk = 2/√wTw max 2/kwk ≡ min wTw/2 min w,b 1 2w T w subject to yi((wTxi) + b) ≥ 1, i = 1, . . . , l.


Higher Dimensional Feature Spaces

Earlier we tried to find a linear separating hyperplane

Data may not be linear separable

Non-separable case: allow training errors

min w,b,ξ 1 2w T w + C l X i=1 ξi yi((wTxi) + b) ≥ 1 − ξi, ξi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , l


Nonlinear case: linear separable in other spaces ?

Higher dimensional ( maybe infinite ) feature space


Example: x ∈ R3, φ(x) ∈ R10

φ(x) = (1, √2x1, √2x2, √2x3, x21,

x22, x23, √2x1x2, √2x1x3, √2x2x3)

A standard problem [Cortes and Vapnik, 1995]:

min w,b,ξ 1 2w T w + C l X i=1 ξi


Finding the Decision Function

w: a vector in a high dimensional space ⇒ maybe

infinite variables The dual problem

min α 1 2α T Qα − eTα subject to 0 ≤ αi ≤ C, i = 1, . . . , l yT α = 0, where Qij = yiyjφ(xi)Tφ(xj) and e = [1, . . . , 1]T


Primal and dual : optimization theory. Not trivial.

Infinite dimensional programming. A finite problem:

#variables = #training data

Qij = yiyjφ(xi)Tφ(xj) needs a closed form

Efficient calculation of high dimensional inner products Kernel trick, K(xi, xj) = φ(xi)Tφ(xj)


Example: xi ∈ R3, φ(xi) ∈ R10 φ(xi) = (1, √2(xi)1, √2(xi)2, √2(xi)3, (xi)21, (xi)22, (xi)23, √ 2(xi)1(xi)2, √ 2(xi)1(xi)3, √ 2(xi)2(xi)3), Then φ(xi)Tφ(xj) = (1 + xTi xj)2. Popular methods: K(xi, xj) =

e−γkxi−xjk2, (Radial Basis Function)


Kernel Tricks

Kernel: K(x, y) = φ(x)Tφ(y)

No need to explicitly know φ(x)

Common kernels K(xi, xj) =

e−γkxi−xjk2, (Radial Basis Function)

(xTi xj/a + b)d (Polynomial kernel)

They can be inner product in infinite dimensional space Assume x ∈ R1 and γ > 0.


e−γkxi−xjk2 = e−γ(xi−xj)2 = e−γx2i+2γxixj−γx2j = e−γx2i−γx2j 1 + 2γxixj 1! + (2γxixj)2 2! + (2γxixj)3 3! + · · ·  = e−γx2i−γx2j 1 · 1 + r 2γ 1! xi · r 2γ 1! xj + r (2γ)2 2! x 2 i · r (2γ)2 2! x 2 j + r (2γ)3 3! x 3 i · r (2γ)3 3! x 3 j + · · ·  = φ(xi)Tφ(xj), where


Decision function

w: maybe an infinite vector

At optimum w = Pli=1 αiyiφ(xi) Decision function wTφ(x) + b = l X i=1 αiyiφ(xi)Tφ(x) + b


> 0: 1st class, < 0: 2nd class Only φ(xi) of αi > 0 used


Support Vectors: More Important Data

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2


Let Us Try An Example

A problem from astroparticle physics

1.0 1:2.617300e+01 2:5.886700e+01 3:-1.894697e-01 4:1.251225e+02 1.0 1:5.707397e+01 2:2.214040e+02 3:8.607959e-02 4:1.229114e+02 1.0 1:1.725900e+01 2:1.734360e+02 3:-1.298053e-01 4:1.250318e+02 1.0 1:2.177940e+01 2:1.249531e+02 3:1.538853e-01 4:1.527150e+02 1.0 1:9.133997e+01 2:2.935699e+02 3:1.423918e-01 4:1.605402e+02 1.0 1:5.537500e+01 2:1.792220e+02 3:1.654953e-01 4:1.112273e+02 1.0 1:2.956200e+01 2:1.913570e+02 3:9.901439e-02 4:1.034076e+02

Training and testing sets available: 3,089 and 4,000 Data format is an issue


SVM software:



Now one of the most used SVM software Installation

On Unix:

Download zip file and make On Windows:

Download zip file and make

c:nmake -f Makefile.win


Usage of



Usage: svm-train [options] training_set_file [model_file] options:

-s svm_type : set type of SVM (default 0) 0 -- C-SVC

1 -- nu-SVC

2 -- one-class SVM 3 -- epsilon-SVR 4 -- nu-SVR


Training and Testing


$./svm-train train.1 ...*

optimization finished, #iter = 6131 nu = 0.606144

obj = -1061.528899, rho = -0.495258 nSV = 3053, nBSV = 724

Total nSV = 3053



What does this Output Mean

obj: the optimal objective value of the dual SVM rho: −b in the decision function

nSV and nBSV: number of support vectors and bounded support vectors

(i.e., αi = C).

nu-svm is a somewhat equivalent form of C-SVM where C is replaced by ν.


Why this Fails

After training, nearly 100% support vectors Training and testing accuracy different

$./svm-predict train.1 train.1.model o Accuracy = 99.7734% (3082/3089)

Most kernel elements:

Kij (

= 1 if i = j, → 0 if i 6= j.


Data Scaling

Without scaling

Attributes in greater numeric ranges may dominate

Example: height sex x1 150 F x2 180 M x3 185 M and y1 = 0, y2 = 1, y3 = 1.


The separating hyperplane


x2 x3

Decision strongly depends on the first attribute What if the second is more important


Linearly scale the first to [0, 1] by:

1st attribute − 150

185 − 150 ,

New points and separating hyperplane


Transformed to the original space,


x2 x3


After Data Scaling

A common mistake

$./svm-scale -l -1 -u 1 train.1 > train.1.scale $./svm-scale -l -1 -u 1 test.1 > test.1.scale


Same factor on training and testing

$./svm-scale -s range1 train.1 > train.1.scale $./svm-scale -r range1 test.1 > test.1.scale $./svm-train train.1.scale

$./svm-predict test.1.scale train.1.scale.model test.1.predict

→ Accuracy = 96.15%

We store the scaling factor used in training and apply them for testing set


More on Training

Train scaled data and then prediction

$./svm-train train.1.scale

$./svm-predict test.1.scale train.1.scale.model test.1.predict

→ Accuracy = 96.15%

Training accuracy now is

$./svm-predict train.1.scale train.1.scale.model o Accuracy = 96.439% (2979/3089) (classification)

Default parameter


Different Parameters

If we use C = 20, γ = 400

$./svm-train -c 20 -g 400 train.1.scale

./svm-predict train.1.scale train.1.scale.model o Accuracy = 100% (3089/3089) (classification)

100% training accuracy but

$./svm-predict test.1.scale train.1.scale.model o Accuracy = 82.7% (3308/4000) (classification)

Very bad test accuracy Overfitting happens


Overfitting and Underfitting

When training and predicting a data, we should

Avoid underfitting: small training error Avoid overfitting: small testing error



In theory

You can easily achieve 100% training accuracy This is useless



Parameter Selection

Is very important

Now parameters are

C, kernel parameters Example:

γ of e−γkxi−xjk2

a, b, d of (xTi xj/a + b)d


Performance Evaluation

Training errors not important; only test errors count

l training data, xi ∈ Rn, yi ∈ {+1, −1}, i = 1, . . . , l, a

learning machine:

x → f(x, α), f(x, α) = 1 or − 1. Different α: different machines

The expected test error (generalized error)

R(α) =

Z 1


P (x, y) unknown, empirical risk (training error): Remp(α) = 1 2l l X i=1 |yi − f(xi, α)| 1

2|yi − f(xi, α)| : loss, choose 0 ≤ η ≤ 1, with probability

at least 1 − η:

R(α) ≤ Remp(α) + another term


Performance Evaluation (Cont.)

In practice

Available data training and validation Train the training

Test the validation

k-fold cross validation:

Data randomly separated to k groups.


CV and Test Accuracy

If we select parameters so that CV is the highest, Does CV represent future test accuracy ?

Slightly different

If we have enough parameters, we can achieve 100% CV as well

e.g. more parameters than # of training data But test accuracy may be different


Using CV on training + validation


A Simple Procedure

1. Conduct simple scaling on the data

2. Consider RBF kernel K(x, y) = e−γkx−yk2

3. Use cross-validation to find the best parameter C and γ

4. Use the best C and γ to train the whole training set 5. Test

Best C and γ by training k − 1 and the whole ? In theory, a minor difference


Parameter Selection Procedure in


grid search + CV

$./grid.py train.1 train.1.scale

[local] -1 -7 85.1408 (best c=0.5, g=0.0078125, rate=85.1408) [local] 5 -7 95.4354 (best c=32.0, g=0.0078125, rate=95.4354) .

. .


Easy parallelization on a cluster

$./grid.py train.1 train.1.scale

[linux1] -1 -7 85.1408 (best c=0.5, g=0.0078125, rate=85.1408) [linux7] 5 -7 95.4354 (best c=32.0, g=0.0078125, rate=95.4354) .

. .


Parallel Parameter Selection

Specify machine names in grid.py

telnet_workers = []

ssh_workers = [’linux1’,’linux1’,’linux2’, ’linux3’]

nr_local_worker = 1

linux1: more powerful or two CPUs A simple centralized control

Load balancing not a problem We can use other tools


Contour of Parameter Selection

d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 98.8 98.6 98.4 98.2 98 97.8 97.6 97.4 97.2 97 -1 0 1 2 3 lg(gamma)


Simple script in


easy.py: a script for dummies

$python easy.py train.1 test.1 Scaling training data...

Cross validation... Best c=2.0, g=2.0 Training...

Scaling testing data... Testing...


Example: Engine Misfire



Problem Description

First problem of IJCNN Challenge 2001, data from Ford Given time series length T = 50, 000

The kth data

x1(k), x2(k), x3(k), x4(k), x5(k), y(k)

y(k) = ±1: output, affected only by x1(k), . . . , x4(k)

x5(k) = 1, kth data considered for evaluating accuracy 50,000 training data, 100,000 testing data (in two sets)


Past and future information may affect y(k)

x1(k): periodically nine 0s, one 1, nine 0s, one 1, and so on. Example: 0.000000 -0.999991 0.169769 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -0.659538 0.169769 0.000292 1.000000 0.000000 -0.660738 0.169128 -0.020372 1.000000 1.000000 -0.660307 0.169128 0.007305 1.000000 0.000000 -0.660159 0.169525 0.002519 1.000000 0.000000 -0.659091 0.169525 0.018198 1.000000 0.000000 -0.660532 0.169525 -0.024526 1.000000 0.000000 -0.659798 0.169525 0.012458 1.000000


Background: Engine Misfire Detection

How engine works

Air-fuel mixture injected to cylinder

intact, compression, combustion, exhaustion

Engine misfire: a substantial fraction of a cylinder’s air-fuel mixture fails to ignite

Frequent misfires: pollutants and costly replacement On-board detection:

Engine crankshaft rational dynamics with a position sensor


Encoding Schemes

For SVM: each data is a vector

x1(k): periodically nine 0s, one 1, nine 0s, one 1, ... 10 binary attributes

x1(k − 5), . . . , x1(k + 4) for the kth data

x1(k): an integer in 1 to 10 Which one is better

We think 10 binaries better for SVM

x4(k) more important


Training SVM

Selecting parameters; generating a good model for prediction

RBF kernel K(xi, xj) = φ(xi)T φ(xj) = e−γkxi−xjk2

Two parameters: γ and C

Five-fold cross validation on 50,000 data Data randomly separated to five groups.

Each time four as training and one as testing

Use C = 24, γ = 22 and train 50,000 data for the final model


d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 98.8 98.6 98.4 98.2 98 97.8 97.6 97.4 97.2 97 -1 0 1 2 3 lg(gamma)


Test set 1: 656 errors, Test set 2: 637 errors

About 3000 support vectors of 50,000 training data A good case for SVM

This is just the outline. There are other details.


Machine Learning Is Sometimes An Art

But not a science

For complicated problems, there is no real systematic procedure


An Example: Vehicle Classification

Vehicle classification in distributed sensor networks

http://www.ece.wisc.edu/~sensit and


Prepared by Duarte and Hu in University of Wisconsin

Three classes of data: two vehicles and noise

Each instance: acoustic and seismic features # features of each part: 50 and 50


Distribution of data:

#class 1 #class 2 #class 3


How Data Are Generated

Wireless distributed sensor networks (WDSN) Several sensors in a field

Event extraction

Only information when the vehicle is close enough to the sensor

Then a time series FFT-based features

Noise: high-energy factors such as wind and radio chatter.


Sample instances: Acoustic Data

2 1:-1.8893190e-02 2:-7.2501253e-03 3:-9.3349372e-03 4:8.2397278e-02 5:1.0000000e+00 6:2.8431799e-02 7:-3.9595759e-03 8:-2.2467102e-02 9:-2.7549071e-03 10:-2.2973921e-02 11:-2.4513591e-10:-2.2973921e-02 12:-2.7172349e-10:-2.2973921e-02 13:-2.2274419e-10:-2.2973921e-02 14:-1.8458129e-10:-2.2973921e-02 15:-2.6647322e-02 16:-2.6252666e-02 17:-2.2212002e-02 18:-2.5001779e-02 19:-2.6927617e-02 20:-2.7374419e-19:-2.6927617e-02 21:-2.7112618e-19:-2.6927617e-02 22:-2.4519:-2.6927617e-02704e-19:-2.6927617e-02 23:-2.5475226e-19:-2.6927617e-02 24:-2.5618921e-02 25:-2.6852989e-02 26:-2.5735666e-02 27:-2.7456095e-02 28:-2.7803905e-02 29:-2.6621734e-28:-2.7803905e-02 30:-2.4935499e-28:-2.7803905e-02 31:-2.7729578e-28:-2.7803905e-02 32:-2.6718499e-28:-2.7803905e-02 33:-1.9738297e-02 34:-2.2609663e-02 35:-2.3814977e-02 36:-2.6252692e-02


37:-2.4909885e-Results from the Authors

Paper available from


Three-fold CV Accuracy

Method Acoustic Seismic

k-nearest neighbor 69.36% 56.24% Maximal likelihood 68.95% 62.81%

SVM 69.48% 63.79%

We think more investigation may improve the accuracy So I decided to let students do a project on this


A report presented in my statistical learning theory


By C.-C. Chou, S.-T. Wang, R.-E. Fan, C.-W. Lin, and C.-C. Lin


Authors’ Approach

Data split to three folds

Two as training and one as validation

Average of three validation accuracy reported Polynomial kernel used

(1 + xTi xj)T C = 1


My Students’ Approach

Cross-validation is a biased estimate

Too many parameters: CV accuracy overfitted Practically ok for two/three parameters

We do a more formal way


Kernel/Parameter Selection

RBF kernel


Parameter selection very important

C and γ

Fewer than polynomial kernel Huge training time


Issue: best (C, γ) for 10% may not be the best for the whole

In theory C should be decreased a bit

min w,b,ξ 1 2w T w + C l X i=1 ξi



Test accuracy (log2 C, log2 γ) Acoustic Seismic

75.01 (7,-2) 72.03 (18,-10) Not very good

Try to combine two features New accuracy 83.70 (9,-6) This case:


Data Scaling

Earlier we mention the importance of data scaling How about this data set ?

Each attribute in a suitable range ? First 4 attributes of training/validation:

X1 X2 X3 X4

Min.:-0.5988 Min.:-0.5194 Min.:-0.4806 Min.:-0.5111 Mean: 0.1319 Mean: 0.2481 Mean: 0.1512 Mean: 0.1844 Max.: 1.0000 Max.: 1.0000 Max.: 1.0000 Max.: 1.0000


Data Scaling (Cont.)

From the authors’ original matlab code: x ∈ Rn:

xi xi


Instance-wise scaling

Earlier: feature-wise scaling

First 4 features scaled to [−1, 1]

X1 X2 X3 X4


Other features similar

max of X1 < 1 as

we scale all and the above: only 4/5

Very different distributions

How attributes scaled to [−1, 1]:

xi − min


In original data, most xi close to min

After instance-wise scaling, may not be that close to the new min


After Scaling

New results

Acoustic Seismic Combined 79.71 (6,-2) 76.68 (6,-2) 87.18 (5,-3) Compare to earlier results

Acoustic Seismic Combined

75.01 (7,-2) 72.03 (18,-10) 83.70 (9,-6) New results consistently better

Feature-wise scaling seems more appropriate Six data sets available at


Issues not Investigated Yet

If most values close to min of the features

are these values outliers or useful information ? Is 86% enough for practical use ?


Assault Amphibian Vehicle (AAV) Main Battle Tank (M1)

High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)


So five-class problem

Now we have only AAV, DW, and noise # of SVs is an issue

Now around 20,000 SVs

Can they be stored in a sensor ? Further improvement

Feature selection


Lesson from This Experiment

No systematic way for a machine learning task However, some simple techniques/analysis help Better understanding on ML methods also helps Of course you need good luck


SVM Primal and Dual

Standard SVM min w,b,ξ 1 2w T w + C l X i=1 ξi subject to yi(wTφ(xi) + b) ≥ 1 − ξi, ξi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , l.

w: huge vector variable

Possibly infinite variables


Dual problem min α 1 2 l X i=1 l X j=1 αiαjyiyjφ(xi)Tφ(xj) − l X i=1 αi subject to 0 ≤ αi ≤ C, i = 1, . . . , l, l X i=1 yiαi = 0. K(xi, xj) = φ(xi)Tφ(xj) available using special φ


Primal Dual Relationship

At optimum ¯ w = l X i=1 ¯ αiyiφ(xi) (1) 1 2w¯ T ¯ w + C l X i=1 ¯ ξi = eTα¯ 1 2α¯ TQ ¯α. (2) where e = [1, . . . , 1]T.


Derivation of the Dual

We follow the description in [Bazaraa et al., 1993] Consider a simpler problem

min w,b 1 2w T w subject to yi(wTφ(xi) + b) ≥ 1, i = 1, . . . , l. Its dual min α 1 2 l X i=1 l X j=1 αiαjyiyjφ(xi)Tφ(xj) − l X i=1 αi


Lagrangian Dual

Defined as max α≥0(minw,b L(w, b, α)), (3) where L(w, b, α) = 1 2kwk 2 − l X i=1 αi  yi(wTφ(xi) + b) − 1  . (4)

Minimize with respect to the primal variables w and b


Assume ( ¯w, ¯b) optimal for the primal with optimal objective value γ = 12k ¯wk2. No (w, b) satisfies 1 2kwk 2 < γ and y i(wTφ(xi) + b) ≥ 1, i = 1, . . . , l. (5)

There is α¯ ≥ 0 such that for all w, b 1 2kwk 2 − γ − l X i=1 ¯ αi yi(wTφ(xi) + b) − 1 ≥ 0. (6)




α≥0 minw,b L(w, b, α) ≥ γ.


i.e., for any α,

min w,b L(w, b, α) ≤ L( ¯ w, ¯b, α), so max α≥0 minw,b L(w, b, α) ≤ maxα≥0 L( ¯w, ¯b, α) = 1 2k ¯wk 2 = γ. (8)


With α¯i ≥ 0 and yi( ¯wTφ(xi) + ¯b) − 1 ≥ 0, ¯

αi[yi( ¯wTφ(xi) + ¯b) − 1] = 0, i = 1, . . . , l,

Complementarity condition.

Simplify the dual, when α is fixed,

min w,b L(w, b, α) = ( −∞ if Pl i=1 αiyi 6= 0, minw 1 2wT w − Pl i=1 αi[yi(wTφ(xi) − 1] if Pl i=1 αiyi = 0.


If Pli=1 αiyi 6= 0, decrease −b Pli=1 αiyi in L(w, b, α) to −∞ If Pli=1 αiyi = 0, Optimum of 12wTw − Pi=1l αi[yi(wTφ(xi) − 1] happens when ∂ ∂wL(w, b, α) = 0. Thus,


More details ∂ ∂wL(w, b, α) =    ∂ ∂w1L(w, b, α) .. . ∂ ∂wn L(w, b, α)    Assume w ∈ Rn L(w, b, α) rewritten as 1 2 n X wj2 l X αi[yi( n X wjφ(xi)j − 1]


So ∂ ∂wj L(w, b, α) = wj − l X i=1 αiyiφ(xi)j = 0 Note that wTw =  l X i=1 αiyiφ(xi) T l X j=1 αjyjφ(xj)  = X i,j αiαjyiyjφ(xi)Tφ(xj)


The dual is max α≥0 (Pl i=1 αi − 12 P i,j αiαjyiyjφ(xi)T φ(xj) if Pl i=1 αiyi = 0, −∞ if Pli=1 αiyi 6= 0.

−∞ definitely not maximum of the dual

Dual optimal solution not happen when Pl

i=1 αiyi 6= 0. Dual simplified to max l X αi 1 2 l X l X αiαjyiyjφ(xi)Tφ(xj)


Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions of the primal: ¯ αi[yi( ¯wTφ(xi) + ¯b) − 1] = 0, i = 1, . . . , l, l X i=1 αiyi = 0, αi ≥ 0, ∀i, w = l X i=1 αiyiφ(xi).


An Example

Two training data in R1:


0 1


Primal Problem

x1 = 0, x2 = 1 with y = [−1, 1]T. Primal problem min w,b 1 2w 2 subject to w · 1 + b ≥ 1, (11) −1(w · 0 + b) ≥ 1. (12)


−b ≥ 1 and w ≥ 1 − b ≥ 2.

For any (w, b) satisfying two inequality constraints

w ≥ 2

We are minimizing 12w2

The smallest possibility is w = 2.

(w, b) = (2, −1) is the optimal solution. The separating hyperplane 2x − 1 = 0 In the middle of the two training data:


Dual Problem

Formula derived before

min α∈Rl 1 2 l X i=1 l X j=1 αiαjyiyjφ(xi)Tφ(xj) − l X i=1 αi subject to αi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , l, and l X i=1 αiyi = 0.

Get the objective function


Objective function 1 2α 2 1 − (α1 + α2) = 1 2 h α1 α2i " 0 0 0 1 # " α1 α2 # − h1 1i " α1 α2 # . Constraints α1 − α2 = 0, 0 ≤ α1, 0 ≤ α2.


α2 = α1 to the objective function, 1 2α 2 1 − 2α2 Smallest value at α1 = 2. α2 as well If smallest value < 0 clipped to 0


Dual Problems for Other Formulas

So we think that for any optimization problem Lagrangian dual exists

This is wrong Remember we calculate min 1 2w T w − l X i=1 αi[yi(wTφ(xi) − 1] by ∂ L(w, b, α) = 0.


Note that

f0(x) = 0 ⇔ x minimum is wrong


f (x) = x3, x = 0 not minimum This function must satisfy certain conditions Some papers wrongly derived the dual of their new formulations without checking conditions


[2, 2]T satisfies constraints 0 ≤ α1 and 0 ≤ α2 It is optimal Primal-dual relation w = y1α1x1 + y2α2x2 = 1 · 2 · 1 + (−1) · 2 · 0 = 2


Multi-class Classification

k classes

One-against-all: Train k binary SVMs:

1st class vs. (2 − k)th class 2nd class vs. (1, 3 − k)th class .. . k decision functions (w1)Tφ(x) + b1


Multi-class Classification (Cont.)

One-against-one: train k(k − 1)/2 binary SVMs

(1, 2), (1, 3), . . . , (1, k), (2, 3), (2, 4), . . . , (k − 1, k)

Select the one with the largest vote

This is the method used by LIBSVM

Try a 4-class problem 6 binary SVMs


$libsvm-2.5/svm-train bsvm-2.05/vehicle.scale optimization finished, #iter = 173

obj = -142.552559, rho = 0.748453 nSV = 194, nBSV = 183

optimization finished, #iter = 330 obj = -149.912202, rho = -0.786410 nSV = 227, nBSV = 217

optimization finished, #iter = 169 obj = -139.655613, rho = 0.998277 nSV = 186, nBSV = 177

optimization finished, #iter = 268 obj = -185.161735, rho = -0.674739 nSV = 253, nBSV = 244

optimization finished, #iter = 477 obj = -378.264371, rho = 0.177314 nSV = 405, nBSV = 394


There are many other methods

A comparison in [Hsu and Lin, 2002] For a software

We select one which is generally good but not always the best

Finally I chose 1 vs. 1

Similar accuracy to others Shortest training


Why Shorter Training Time

1 vs. 1

k(k − 1)/2 problems, each 2l/k data on average 1 vs. all

k problems, each l data

If solving the optimization problem: polynomial of the size with degree d

Their complexities k(k − 1) 2 O  2l k d vs. kO(ld)



Support vector regression (SVR) Practical examples


Support Vector Regression (SVR)

Support vector machines: a new method for data classification and prediction

Given training data (x1, y1), . . . , (xl, yl)

Regression: find a function so that

f (xi) ≈ yi

Least square regression:

min l X


x y wT x + b This is equivalent to min l X ξi2 + (ξi∗)2


A quadratic programming problem L1-norm regression min w,b l X i=1 |yi − (wTxi + b)| or min w,b,ξ,ξ∗ l X i=1 (ξi + ξi∗)


A linear programming problem This is equivalent to min w,b,ξ,ξ∗ C l X i=1 (ξi + ξi∗) subject to −ξi≤ yi − (wTxi + b) ≤ ξi, ξi ≥ 0, ξi≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , l. C: a constant


Linear support vector regression min w,b,ξ,ξ∗ 1 2w T w + C l X i=1 (ξi + ξi∗) subject to −ξi−  ≤ yi − (wT xi + b) ≤  + ξi, ξi ≥ 0, ξi≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , l.


A tube

− ≤ y − (wT x + b) ≤ 

Data in the tube considered no error Most training data in the tube


2wTw: regularization, wTx + b more smooth

Similar to the classification case General support vector regression:

Data mapped to a higher space by φ(x) The new approximation function


ξi ξi∗ wT φ(x) + b = h  0 − i


Standard SVR min w,b,ξ,ξ∗ 1 2w T w + C l X i=1 ξi + C l X i=1 ξi∗ − − ξi∗ ≤ yi − (wTφ(xi) + b) ≤  + ξi, ξi, ξi∗ ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , l.

Data in high dimensional spaces

Possible wT φ(xi) + b = yi, i = 1, . . . , l ⇒ overfitting


Good regression methods: balance between overfitting and underfitting

min 12wTw: avoid overfitting


Support vector regression using


Using the option -s 3

Usage: svm-train [options] training_set_file [model_file] options:

-s svm_type : set type of SVM (default 0) 0 -- C-SVC

1 -- nu-SVC

2 -- one-class SVM 3 -- epsilon-SVR 4 -- nu-SVR


Check a regression data $head -n 5 svrprob/trans/abalone.scale.shuffle.train.1 13 1:-1 2:0.310811 3:0.193277 4:-0.707965 5:-0.273012 6:-0.441693 7:-0.175958 8:-0.324278 12 1:-1 2:0.797297 3:0.764706 4:-0.637168 5:0.86369 6:0.301118 7:0.634146 8:0.101302 9 1:-1 2:-0.121622 3:-0.159664 4:-0.769912 5:-0.771641 6:-0.848243 7:-0.766551 8:-0.765705 8 1:-1 2:0.189189 3:0.142857 4:-0.761062 5:-0.212691 6:-0.247604 7:-0.132404 8:-0.432937 19 1:1 2:0.202703 3:0.12605 4:-0.752212 5:-0.427732 6:-0.615815 7:-0.5 8:-0.414827 Additional parameter  $svm-train -s 3 -c 64 -g 0.25 -p 0.5 svrprob/trans/abalone.scale.shuffle.train.1



$svm-predict svrprob/trans/abalone.scale.shuffle.test.1 abalone.scale.shuffle.train.1.model o Accuracy = 0% (0/200) (classification)

Mean squared error = 5.00931 (regression)

Squared correlation coefficient = 0.58387 (regression)

Test data $head -n 5 svrprob/trans/abalone.scale.shuffle.test.1 8 1:1 2:0.0945946 3:0.0420168 4:-0.823009 5:-0.640423 6:-0.649361 7:-0.710801 8:-0.697793 20 2:0.756757 3:0.747899 4:-0.690265 5:0.662358 6:0.220447 7:0.571429 8:0.92077 7 1:1 2:0.175676 3:0.142857 4:-0.769912 5:-0.529573 6:-0.552716 7:-0.503484 8:-0.636672 8 1:-1 2:0.189189 3:0.12605 4:-0.752212 5:-0.470427 6:-0.456869 7:-0.54007 8:-0.734012


Check $head -n 5 o 7.62474 14.7385 8.40741 7.13157 9.74578


SVR Performance Evaluation

Not accuracy any more

MSE (Mean Square Error):

l X


(yi − ˆyi)2

Squared correlation coefficient (also called r2)


i=1(yi − ¯y)2(ˆyi − ¯ˆy)2 Pl

i=1(yi − ¯y)2




Dealing with data is interesting

especially if you get good accuracy

Some basic understandings are essential when applying methods

e.g. the importance of validation No method is the best for all data



Error bounds for the analytic center pOCP soln when distances have small errors... Decrease µ by a factor

Error bounds for the analytic center SOCP soln when distances have small errors... Decrease µ by a factor

A floating point number in double precision IEEE standard format uses two words (64 bits) to store the number as shown in the following figure.. 1 sign

A floating point number in double precision IEEE standard format uses two words (64 bits) to store the number as shown in the following figure.. 1 sign

In this report, formats were specified for single, double, and extended precisions, and these standards are generally followed by microcomputer manufactures using

An algorithm is called stable if it satisfies the property that small changes in the initial data produce correspondingly small changes in the final results. (初始資料的微小變動

If the bootstrap distribution of a statistic shows a normal shape and small bias, we can get a confidence interval for the parameter by using the boot- strap standard error and

“Transductive Inference for Text Classification Using Support Vector Machines”, Proceedings of ICML-99, 16 th International Conference on Machine Learning, pp.200-209. Coppin