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結論:伴侶性功能障礙、年齡、BMI 是護理人員性功能障礙的危險因子


Academic year: 2021

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護理人員輪班工作對女性性功能之影響-以中部兩家地區教學醫院為 例

Effects of Rotating-Shift Work on Female Sexual Function in Nurse- Two Hospitals Study




此探討夜班及輪班工作對睡眠品質、 自覺健康狀態、女性性功能的影響;並以此


研究方法: 以彰化秀傳及彰濱秀傳從事護理工作的女性護理人員為研究對象,


自覺健康狀態、性生活調查及女性性功能量表等。問卷資料以 Excel 建檔,利用 SPSS 統計軟體分析影響研究對象性功能之危險因子。

研究結果:排除糖尿病、曾接受骨盆腔手術、服用精神科藥物、正在懷孕及剛生 產完一個月內的護理人員,並篩檢出一個月內有性活動者,共獲得183 份有效 問卷。其有睡眠障礙者的比例為83.6%,而女性性功能障礙的盛行率為

30.05%,其中性欲望障礙為 51.9%,性興奮障礙為 23.5%,陰道濕潤障礙為 42.6%,高潮障礙為 16.4%,性滿意障礙為 10.9%,性交疼痛障礙為 14.75%;有 68.85%的護理人員至少有一項以上的性功能障礙,平均每人有 1.6 項性功能障礙


析調控干擾因子後,性伴侶有性功能障礙,性功能總分便減少4.997 分;年齡 每增加1 歲,性功能總分便減少 0.384 分;BMI 每增加 1,性功能總分便減少 0.405 分。夜班及輪班工作者的睡眠品質、睡眠時數、自覺健康狀態均較另兩組差 並達統計學上意義。開刀房、門診、內科、外科有較低的性功能頻率,而護理師、

檢查室、放射科技術人員有較高的性活動頻率。近兩個月的班別不含大夜及近兩 個月的班別為花花班者有較差的性功能,並達統計顯著意義。

結論:伴侶性功能障礙、年齡、BMI 是護理人員性功能障礙的危險因子。夜班及 輪班工作者的確會影響女性的睡眠品質及自覺健康狀態,而較差的睡眠品質及 自覺健康狀態亦有較差的女性性功能。近兩個月的班別不含大夜及近兩個月的班 別為花花班者有較差的性功能。


Objective: The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of night-shift task on the female sexual function, such as sexual desire、arousal、lubrication、

orgasm、satisfaction and sexual pain among the female nurses.

Method :The study subjects were female nurses who were 20-49 years old and worked in Changhua and Chang Bing Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital. All the study


nurses were asked by questionnaire about their time-shift working status, quality of sleep, health status and sexual function. Data were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).

Results: Compared to day-shift nurses, night-shift nurses had a higher risk to have poor sleep quality and self-report health status (p<0.05). The averaged female sexual function index among the study nurses was 56.42±9.12。There was 68.85% of the study nurses had at least one kind of female sexual dysfunction. The increased age, body mass index, poor sleep quality, and sexual dysfunction of partner were the risk factors of female sexual dysfunction (P<0.05). The odd ratio of sexual dysfunction of partner was 4.997(95% CI=-1.341~-8.654;P=0.008).

Conclusion : Night-shift task can cause female nurses to have poor sleep quality, and self reported health status. The female sexual function was also influence by different work and different shift way. The female sexual function was also influence by age, body mass index, partner sexual function, sleep quality and health status.



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