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A Study of the Leisure Activities and Travel Consumer Behaviors of the Tourists in SPA Area of Center Tawian_Use Vacatio 鄭世元、鄭健雄、李維靈


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of the Leisure Activities and Travel Consumer Behaviors of the Tourists in SPA Area of Center Tawian_Use Vacatio


E-mail: 9314216@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of consumer features and behavior by different vacation lifestyle segmentation. And, we discuss relationship of the different vacation lifestyle dimensions and leisure activity. This study used the Taiwan vacation lifestyle scale by Dr. Cheng & Dr. Liou. A convenience sample of 332 hot spring traveler in the central counties of Taiwan during April, 19~20 and May, 3~4 in 2003. The total of 291 valid samples was used. We obtained 3 vacation life style segmentation (Home-Hoodang, Relax-pressure, Weekend) and 4 leisure activity dimensions (sports, entertainment, learning, outdoor activity). The findings were as follows: 1.The purposes of vacation by the relax-pressure group were relieving stress work pressure and relax. Their age and income were higher then other group. The vocation frequency of this was less then others, but the expenditure was higher then others when in vocation. Based on this, the suggestion was the business should make theme relax to appeal the consumer. 2.The purposes of vacation by the weekend group were escape regular life and physical strength enhancement or restoration. On the consumer behavior, the groups who prefer consuming in low-price accommodation. On the leisure activity, the groups who prefer entertainment activity. The suggestion was the business should make low-price and diversify entertainment accommodations to appeal the consumer. 3.The purposes of vacation by the group of Home-Hoodang were improved the family motion, centripetal force, and recollection. On the consumer behavior, the groups who prefer consuming in low-price

accommodation, and vocation frequency of this was higher then others. The suggestion was the business should make theme parent-child relationship to appeal the consumer.

Keywords : Vacation Lifestyle, Travel Consumer Behavior, Leisure Activities Table of Contents

目  錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 iii 中文摘要 v 英文摘要 vii 誌謝 ix 目錄 x 圖目錄 xii 表目錄 xiii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研 究緣起 1 第二節 研究重要性 5 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 休閒活動 7 第二節 市場區隔及渡假生活型態 19 第三章 研究方法 第 一節 變項的操作性定義 36 第二節 研究架構與研究問題 39 第三節 問卷設計與抽樣方法 41 第四節 分析方法 43 第四章 樣本 基本特性分析 第一節 受訪者人口統計分析 45 第二節 旅遊消費行為分析 48 第三節 渡假生活型態與渡假市場區隔 51 第五 章 結果與討論 第一節 不同渡假市場區隔的遊客其旅遊消費行為之差異 58 第二節 不同渡假族群間平日從事休閒活動類型 之差異 60 第三節 遊客平日從事不同的休閒活動其旅遊消費行為之差異 65 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結果摘要 68 第 二節 建議 73 第三節 研究限制 75 參考文獻 一、中文部分 77 二、英文部分 85 附  錄 附錄一 84年-89年國人出國人數 90 附錄二 職業表 91 附錄三 2002國民旅遊生活型態調查問卷 92


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