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Academic year: 2022

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學習科學與科技中心 (CLST)


在小學有策略地運用移動學習設計教學活動以 提升學生的參與及學習效能







1.1 移動學習在課程中的作用和重要性 1.2 全方位學習(LWL)和移動學習概述

1.3 配合EduVenture和其他移動學習系統的 探究式學習(IBL)

1.4 香港中文大學戶外考察

1.5 課業簡介




• 第二節:

2.1 課業討論及回饋;

2.2 運用EduVenture Composer創建地圖數據/熱點 和多媒體內容;

2.3 介紹用於環境調查的電子傳感器;

2.4 不同科目運用移動學習的教學案例之討論;

2.5 賬戶管理和設備的安排;

2.6 介紹移動學習活動的替代方案;

2.7 課程總結




• 第二節:

2.1 課業討論及回饋;

2.2 運用EduVenture Composer創建地圖數據/熱點 和多媒體內容;

2.3 介紹用於環境調查的電子傳感器;

2.4 不同科目運用移動學習的教學案例之討論;

2.5 賬戶管理和設備的安排;

2.6 介紹移動學習活動的替代方案;

2.7 課程總結



• 又稱全球衛星定位系統

(Global Positioning System簡稱GPS)

• 由美國國防部研製和維護,可以為地球表面絕大部 分地區(98%)提供準確的定位、測速和高精度的 時間標準。

• 系統包括太空中的24顆GPS衛星;地面上的1個主 控站、3個數據注入站和5個監測站及作為用戶端的 GPS接收機。

• 最少只需其中3顆衛星,就能迅速確定用戶端在地 球上所處的位置及海拔高度;所能收聯接到的衛星 數越多,解碼出來的位置就越精確。


(GPS-based technology)



• 這24個衛星不斷環繞太空,不斷發送其所在位置及 時間,提供地面接收機機收訊息與計算位置;

• 地面上主控站、數據注入站及監測站為管理衛星系 統使用;而大家所用的就是接收機,接收衛星提供 訊息,以計算接收機的位置。


(GPS-based technology)



• 廣泛應用在天文台、通信系 統基站

• 工程施工:採用GPS設備進 行工程測量

• 勘探測繪:野外勘探及城區 規劃中都有用到

• 導航及定位

• 車輛防盜及通信移動設備防 盜系統

(GPS-based technology)


(A) 認識 Eduventure 基本操作介面






編寫教件 進行活動 活動檢討












2 輸入考察描述 1 輸入考察名稱

3 選擇考察語言/共享/顏色

5 上載考察封面圖片 6 選擇考察是否發佈

7 選擇考察所屬 KLA/ 學科 4 選擇考察範圍











步驟七:加入熱點 及 編輯熱點 及 加入題目



1 加入熱點



2 輸入熱點位置 3 選手熱點顏色

4 輸入熱點問題


5 選擇熱點問題題型

步驟十:編輯熱點 題目題型


EduVenture EduVenture EduVenture

EduVenture VR VR VR VR


(B) . EduVenture VR

•EduVenture VR (EVVR) is an online platform to carry out Virtual Reality (VR) learning. Using the EVVR composer, teachers can distribute VR content and construct a VR field trip for students.

•They can also add interactive elements inside to enhance students’

learning motivation. With mobile devices and tray glasses on hand, students can experience outdoor learning in VR style, which makes teaching and learning more interesting and flexible.


Entering Entering Entering

Entering EduVenture EduVenture EduVenture EduVenture VR VR VR VR

Open the browser and enter the URL: http://vr.ev-cuhk.net

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Press the button to enter the EVVR Composer

2 Go to iTunes (iOS) / Play Store (Android) to download the EVVR App


EduVenture EduVenture EduVenture

EduVenture VR Composer VR Composer VR Composer VR Composer

Using the EVVR Composer, teachers can distribute VR content and create their own teaching materials.

In order to identify the owner of the VR content, teachers will be given a username and password to login.

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Input username and password, then press


2 Upon successful login, teachers should be able to see a list of VR contents in the main menu.


Control Panel Control Panel Control Panel Control Panel

How to Edit User Account Information

Step Procedures

1 Press at the top, then select “My Info” (name and email).

2 Input the new name, email or password, then press “OK”.

3 Press “Cancel” to discard everything and return to main menu.



Control Panel Control Panel Control Panel Control Panel

Similarly, teachers can also change their password.

Step Procedures

1 Press at the top, then select “Change Password”.

2 Input the old password and new password, then press “OK”.

3 Press “Cancel” to discard everything and return to main menu.



Locales Locales Locales Locales

• “ Locale”, place or locality, especially with reference to events or circumstances connected with it

• “ Locale” is referring to the VR learning materials. Each locale is made up of a series of stages;

• Each stage can either be a 360 movie or a 360 image. These stages can combine

together to produce a VR learning experience.


How to Create a Locale How to Create a Locale How to Create a Locale How to Create a Locale

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Press “Create New Locale” at the top.

2 Enter the locale’s name and description. Be creative!

3 Upload the locale’s cover image (jpg, jpeg, png, gif).


4 Indicate these 2 settings.

“Open to Public”:

Can all users view the locale?

“Ready to Publish”:

Is the locale ready to be used by public?

How to Create a Locale How to Create a Locale How to Create a Locale How to Create a Locale

Upon successful creation of locale, a new locale

(with the owner’s name, the locale’s name and the locale’s cover image) should appear in the main menu.


How to Edit a Locale How to Edit a Locale How to Edit a Locale How to Edit a Locale

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Press the setting button at the right bottom corner.

2 Press “View/Edit Detail”.

3 Edit the locale’s name, description, public and publish settings. Press

“OK” to confirm and “Cancel” to return.


How to Edit a Locale How to Edit a Locale How to Edit a Locale How to Edit a Locale

Step Procedures User Interface



How to Delete a Locale How to Delete a Locale How to Delete a Locale How to Delete a Locale

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Press the setting button at the right bottom corner.

2 Press “Delete”.

3 Press “Cancel” to return and “Confirm” to delete.



Stages Stages Stages Stages

• Stages are the building blocks of a locale.

• A stage can be a 360 movie or a 360 image.

• Inside a stage, teachers can add interactive elements such as tags,

MCs and portals.


How to Create a Stage How to Create a Stage How to Create a Stage How to Create a Stage

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Press “Create New Stage”.

2 Enter the stage’s name.

3 Indicate 360 Movie / Photo (Default: 360 Movie).

Upon successful creation, the new stage will appear on the left navigation bar.


• The left navigation bar shows all the stages in sequence

• The right hand side allows teachers to upload their 360 movie / image

How to Create a Stage How to Create a Stage How to Create a Stage How to Create a Stage

Icon Meaning

360 Movie

360 Image


Upload 360 Movie / Image for a Stage Upload 360 Movie / Image for a Stage Upload 360 Movie / Image for a Stage Upload 360 Movie / Image for a Stage

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Press “Upload”.

Movie: mov, mp4, m4v, avi Image: jpg, jpeg, png, gif

2 Wait until 100%


3 Upon successful upload, teachers should be able to see the thumbnail and the timeline for the VR content.



Edit a Stage Edit a Stage Edit a Stage Edit a Stage

•Teachers can further edit the display sequence of stages using the left navigation bar.

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Press the button.

2 Press “Move Up” / “Down”.


Delete a Stage Delete a Stage Delete a Stage Delete a Stage

Step Procedures User Interface


Press the button.


Press “Delete”.


Press “Cancel” to return and “Confirm” to delete.



Playback Elements Playback Elements Playback Elements Playback Elements

• Teachers can add interactive elements in the VR world.

• They include tags, MCs and portals.

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Drag the timeline to indicate when the element should appear.

2 Press “Element At This Moment”

3 Choose the element:

“Tag”, “MC” or “Portal”


How to Create a Tag How to Create a Tag How to Create a Tag How to Create a Tag

•Tag can display information such as text, voice or enlarged image.

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Enter the display text.

2 Choose the tag type.

2a For voice, upload an mp3.

Toggle autoplay or not (Default: Off).

2b For image, upload these formats:

jpg, jpeg, png, gif.


How to Create a Tag How to Create a Tag How to Create a Tag How to Create a Tag

•Tag can display information such as text, voice or enlarged image.

Step Procedures User Interface

3 Drag the pin to indicate where the tag should appear.

4 Drag the timeline to indicate how long the tag should appear.


Create a MC Create a MC Create a MC Create a MC

• Each MC has 4 choices and at least 1 correct answer.

• Teachers can limit how many times the students can attempt a MC.

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Enter the question.

2 Enter the 4 choices and toggle at least 1 correct answer.


3 Adjust how many times the students can answer this MC.


Create a Portal Create a Portal Create a Portal Create a Portal

• Portal is the transfer gateway to other stages.

• Teachers can set at most select 4 destination stages for a portal.

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Enter the display text, e.g.,

“To Stage 2”

2 Pick the destination stages.



Review the Playback Elements Review the Playback Elements Review the Playback Elements Review the Playback Elements

•Teachers can review the playback elements they added in the bottom panel.


Step Procedures

1 Press to edit the element. Press to delete the element.


EduVenture EduVenture EduVenture

EduVenture VR App VR App VR App VR App

After installing the EVVR App, students should be able to see the locales that are set public and ready to publish in the composer.


Control Panel Control Panel Control Panel Control Panel

No. Icons Functions

1a Display the online locales

(Can switch to 1b)

1b Display the downloaded locales

(Can switch to 1a)

2 Refresh the locale menu

3a Display all public locales

(Can switch to 3b)

3b Display private locales only

(Can switch to 3a)

4 Search a particular locale

5 Configure game settings


Download a Locale Download a Locale Download a Locale Download a Locale

Step Procedures User Interface

1 Press the locale to download


2 Press “Yes” to download and press “No” to return.

3 Press to stop downloading if necessary.

Otherwise, wait until 100%



Download a Locale Download a Locale Download a Locale Download a Locale

4 Upon successful downloading, the students can start the locale!

Note that the icon at the right bottom corner changes.



Inside the VR World Inside the VR World Inside the VR World Inside the VR World

How to Reverse/Play/Stop the VR content

When the students look downwards, a control panel will pop up.

• There are 3 actions: reverse, pause/resume and stop the 360

movie / image.

• To perform these in the VR world, simply move the pointer to the button for 2 seconds.


How to Respond to a Tag How to Respond to a Tag How to Respond to a Tag How to Respond to a Tag

Either text, image or voice tag will be displayed (according to the composer’s database).

Type None Image Voice


Step Procedures

1 N/A Point to the

thumbnail image for 2 seconds.

Point to the play button for 2


2 N/A An enlarged image

will come out eventually.

The sound will be played eventually.


How to Respond to a MC How to Respond to a MC How to Respond to a MC How to Respond to a MC

The number of chances, the MC question and the 4 choices will now be displayed (according to the composer’s database).

Step Procedures


Move the pointer to the answer.


Correct Wrong



How to Respond to a Portal How to Respond to a Portal How to Respond to a Portal How to Respond to a Portal

Students can teleport to other stages through portal. The portal title and destination stages will now be displayed (according to the composer’s database).

Step Procedures

1 Move the pointer to the destination stage and wait for 2 seconds. The portal will then teleport to the destination stage.



How to Continue to Next Stage How to Continue to Next Stage How to Continue to Next Stage How to Continue to Next Stage

• After finishing a stage, a “Continue Panel” will pop up.

• The student can either replay, continue or quit, by moving the pointer to the option .





Replay the current stage.


Go on to next stage.


Return to the main menu.


Quit Panel

•After finishing all stages, a “Quit Panel” will pop up.

•The student can either replay, restart or quit, by moving the pointer to the option


Actions Meaning

Replay Replay the current stage.

Restart Restart from the first stage.

Quit Return to the main menu.


(B) 簡述監測學生學習成效報告的工具與技術

(EduVenture Retriever)


2.4 簡述監測學生學習成效報告的工具與技術

(EduVenture Retriever)


2.4 簡述監測學生學習成效報告的工具與技術

(EduVenture Retriever)


2.4 簡述監測學生學習成效報告的工具與技術

(EduVenture Retriever)



2.4 簡述監測學生學習成效報告的工具與技術

(EduVenture Retriever)





• 第二節:

2.1 課業討論及回饋;

2.2 運用EduVenture Composer創建地圖數據/熱點 和多媒體內容;

2.3 介紹用於環境調查的電子傳感器;

2.4 不同科目運用移動學習的教學案例之討論;

2.5 賬戶管理和設備的安排;

2.6 介紹移動學習活動的替代方案;

2.7 課程總結


2.3 介紹數碼傳感器和便攜式數據採集儀器,以進行有關移動學習的探究










Connected Science System – data sharing

• Use Data Sharing to wirelessly view, collect, analyze, and share experimental data.

• Stream to mobile devices such as Chromebook

notebooks, iPad


, and


tablets for hands-on, collaborative learning with individualized




• Stainless Steel Temperature Probe 不銹鋼溫度傳感器



• Relative Humidity Sensor

相對濕度傳感器 • pH Sensor




• Light Sensor 光強傳感器


2.3 介紹數碼傳感器和便攜式數據採集儀器,以進行有關移動學習的探究





• 第二節:

2.1 課業討論及回饋;

2.2 運用EduVenture Composer創建地圖數據/熱點 和多媒體內容;

2.3 介紹用於環境調查的電子傳感器;

2.4 不同科目運用移動學習的教學案例之討論;

2.5 賬戶管理和設備的安排;

2.6 介紹移動學習活動的替代方案;

2.7 課程總結


2.4 不同科目運用移動學習的教學案例之討論;



目的:掌握市區更新的 三個策略

• 復修

• 重建

• 活化





• 景點二:藍屋


• 景點四:灣仔舊街市

• 景點五:灣仔舊郵局

• 景點六:太原街市集

• 景點七:利東街 (囍帖街)

• 景點八:和昌大押

• 景點九:船街


目的:認識經濟發展 與文化保育的平衡 - 可持續發展概念





• 景點二:上璋圍

• 景點三:古井

• 景點四:鄧氏宗祠

• 景點五:覲廷書室

• 景點六:鄧氏博物館



• 目的:探討屯門城市 發展與文化保育 的平衡


• 景點二:魚塘與農地

• 景點三:VCITY






• 第二節:

2.1 課業討論及回饋;

2.2 運用EduVenture Composer創建地圖數據/熱點 和多媒體內容;

2.3 介紹用於環境調查的電子傳感器;

2.4 不同科目運用移動學習的教學案例之討論;

2.5 賬戶管理和設備的安排;

2.6 介紹移動學習活動的替代方案;

2.7 課程總結


2.5 賬號管理與活動後勤措施

• 必須具備真名稱

• 可考慮使用班別學號




• 第二節:

2.1 課業討論及回饋;

2.2 運用EduVenture Composer創建地圖數據/熱點 和多媒體內容;

2.3 介紹用於環境調查的電子傳感器;

2.4 不同科目運用移動學習的教學案例之討論;

2.5 賬戶管理和設備的安排;

2.6 介紹移動學習活動的替代方案;

2.7 課程總結


2.6 介紹移動學習活動的替代方案


Google Form with QR Code Esri 美國環境系統研究所公司 Survey 123



運用Google Applications

• Google Maps


• Google Earth

https://www.google.com/intl/zh- HK/earth/

• Google Street View




運用Google Applications

• Google Art and Culture


• Google Expedition





• 第二節:

2.1 課業討論及回饋;

2.2 運用EduVenture Composer創建地圖數據/熱點 和多媒體內容;

2.3 介紹用於環境調查的電子傳感器;

2.4 不同科目運用移動學習的教學案例之討論;

2.5 賬戶管理和設備的安排;

2.6 介紹移動學習活動的替代方案;

2.7 課程總結





http://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/edu-system/primary-secondary/applicable-to-primary- secondary/it-in-edu/support.html


Q & A?



 Reading and discussion task: Read the descriptors for Level 4 under ‘Content’ in the marking criteria and identify areas for guiding the students to set their goals for the

Now, nearly all of the current flows through wire S since it has a much lower resistance than the light bulb. The light bulb does not glow because the current flowing through it

“In assessing the impact of the PNET Scheme on the professional development of local teachers, the centralised seminars have made a significant contribution and their value should

In view of the large quantity of information that can be obtained on the Internet and from the social media, while teachers need to develop skills in selecting suitable

NETs can contribute to the continuing discussion in Hong Kong about the teaching and learning of English by joining local teachers in inter-school staff development initiatives..

In the context of public assessment, SBA refers to assessments administered in schools and marked by the student’s own teachers. The primary rationale for SBA in ICT is to enhance

to introduce how teachers may enhance learning and teaching effectiveness by adopting virtual reality (VR) technology and relevant strategies in the classroom as well as

Most of teachers agree with positive effects of the 99 curriculum on practical instruction in school, however, they seem to concern inequalities of content between volumes and