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外籍英語教學人員招募文宣之中英翻譯對照 110/03/25


Academic year: 2022

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一、外籍英語教師 (Foreign English Teachers) (一) 申請資格(Eligibility)

1. 申請之外籍英語教師,其護照國籍之官

方語言或通行語言應為英語,各國之官 方語言或通行語言依外交部認定。

2. 應取得獲認可之大學或獨立學院學士學

位或更高學歷。獲認可之大學或獨立學 院名單以教育部外國大學校院參考名冊 查詢系統所列校院為限。

3. 取得合格教師證或任教資格。

4. 收件日前半年申請之全國性無犯罪紀錄



建議(但非必要)提供經外館認證之學歷或教 師資格證明,或由具公信力之國際文憑認證 單位1提供文憑證明。

1. The official or common language of the nation (as the nationality shown on the passport) where the applicant is from must be English. Identification of the official or common language of a nation is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan).

2. Hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited university or college. The list of the accredited universities and colleges is based on the Database for the Reference List of Foreign Universities from the Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan) website.

3. Hold a state-issued teaching license or certificate.

4. A police check/clearance issued within 6 months before submitting the application.

Note: Applicants who have never taught in public schools in Taiwan or other countries are highly advised (but not required) to provide education or teaching qualifications that are either certified by Republic of China (Taiwan) embassies and missions or verified by credential evaluation agencies.2

1 包括:WES (World Education Service)、NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Service)、Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada (ACESC)、International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES)等。

2 Credential evaluation agencies such as WES (World Education Service), NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Service), Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada (ACESC), and International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES).



(二) 工作說明(Job Description)

外籍英語教師之工作為與臺灣教師共同合 作,提升英語課程、教學、評量品質,強化英 語教學專業,提供學生良好、沉浸式英語學習 環境,強化學生整體英語能力。外籍英語教師 之主要工作內容如下:

1. 每週工作五天,每天八小時。

2. 與臺灣教師協同教學,每週以20 節課為


3. 提供學生良好英語學習環境,參與學校各


使學生能沉浸於豐富之英語環境,提升其 整體英語能力、學習興趣與信心。

4. 參與學校英語相關教學會議、專業發展活

動、課外活動、競賽展演、相關計畫規劃 撰寫與推動等。

5. 利用課餘時間備課,含編選教材、撰寫教

案、製作教具、批改作業、編擬測驗評量 等。

6. 接受學校指派,參與各級政府英語教學相


Foreign English teachers work with Taiwanese teachers to improve the quality of English curriculum, teaching, and assessment, enhance the professional standards of English teaching, create a positive and immersive English learning environment, and strengthen the overall English abilities of students. The main job duties for foreign English teachers are listed below:

1. Work hours are 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.

2. Conduct co-teaching with Taiwanese teachers up to 20 periods a week.

3. Provide a positive English learning environment for students by taking part in various school activities, exhibitions, performances, and projects. Create a rich immersive English learning environment via diverse approaches to enhance student’s overall English ability, learning interests, and confidence.

4. Participate in English teaching meetings, professional development activities, extracurricular activities, competitions, exhibitions, performances, and other related projects.

5. Prepare lessons with colleagues or independently, including writing lesson plans, preparing teaching materials, grading assignments, and assessing evaluations.

6. Accept assignments from the school to participate in English teaching professional development activities, competitions, exhibitions, performances, and other related affairs organized by the government.



(三) 薪資及相關福利(Remuneration and Other Benefits)

1. 薪俸:以外師之最高學歷與教學年資核計

薪級。學士為新臺幣(以下同)62,720 至 78,045 元;碩士為 69,965 至 86,820 元;

博士為 73,025 至 91,420 元。(教學年資 以在國內外公立及國內已立案之私立國 高中及小學校任教期間始計入,另未取得 教師證前、非全職、實習年資,或不足年 之年資皆不得採計。)

2. 機票補助:每學年補助由護照國籍居住地

之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各乙 次之補助,每次以四萬元為上限且核實支 應。若有直系親屬隨行來臺,另行核定每

學年 1 名眷屬來回機票費新臺幣 8 萬

元,單趟以新臺幣 4 萬元為上限,核實 支應。

3. 住宿津貼:聘僱機關或學校若未能免費提


外師每月補助新臺幣5 千元,攜眷來臺者

每月補助新臺幣1 萬元。

1. Monthly Salary (Depending on teaching experience): Holders of bachelor’s degree:

NT$ 62,720~78,045. Holders of master’s degree: NT$ 69,965~86,820. Holders of doctoral degree: NT$ 73,025~91,420. (The salary rate is based on the teacher’s highest level of education and years of teaching experience. Teaching experience only refers to full-time teaching positions at a public or state school inside or outside of the R.O.C., or a registered private high or primary school in the R.O.C.. Teaching experience which is less than one year or without a valid teaching license at the time of the employment will not be considered.

2. Airfare Allowance: The program offers reimbursements every school year of one’s economy class airfare of coming and leaving Taiwan (one time for each). The reimbursements are on an actual expense basis and are capped at NT$40,000/one- way. Only flights departing from or arriving at the nearest airport to the place of residence indicated on one’s passport can be reimbursed. One accompanying lineal blood relative is provided with reimbursements every school year of economy class airfare, on an actual expense basis and capped at NT$80,000 for round-trip and NT$40,000 for one-way.

3. Housing Allowance: The contract employer should offer a housing allowance if accommodations cannot be provided. A single person is provided with a housing allowance of NT$5,000 per month and NT$10,000 per month if living with lineal blood relatives.



4. 考核獎金:服務滿一學年,考核評等為甲

等者,發予 1 個月月薪考核獎金;乙等 者得領半個月月薪之考核獎金。

5. 超支鐘點費:國小每節新臺幣 400 元,

國中每節新臺幣 450 元。

6. 享勞健保。

4. Performance Bonus: Teachers who have worked for a school year and have been graded A in annual performance are given an extra month’s pay as a bonus; teachers who have worked for a school year and have been graded B are given an extra 1/2 month's pay as a bonus.

5. Overtime Pay: For elementary school, each period is NT$400; for junior high school, each period is NT$450.

6. Health Insurance and Labor Insurance: The program offers health insurance and labor insurance for teachers during their employment. Teachers need to share part of the insurance premiums, which are usually deducted right from their paychecks.



二、外籍英語教學助理(Foreign English Teaching Assistants) (一) 申請資格(Eligibility)

1. 申請之外籍英語教學助理,其護照國籍

之官方語言或通行語言應為英語,各國之 官方語言或通行語言依外交部認定。

2. 應取得獲認可之大學或獨立學院學士學

位或更高學歷。獲認可之大學或獨立學院 名單以教育部外國大學校院參考名冊查 詢系統所列校院為限。

3. 收件日前半年申請之全國性無犯罪紀錄



建議(但非必要)提供經外館認證之學歷或教 師資格證明,或由具公信力之國際文憑認證 單位3提供文憑證明。

1. The official or common language of the nation (as the nationality shown on the passport) where the applicant is from must be English. Identification of the official or common language of a nation is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan).

2. Hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited university or college. The list of the accredited universities and colleges is based on the Database for the Reference List of Foreign Universities from the Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan) website.

3. A police check/clearance issued within 6 months before submitting the application.

Note: Applicants who have never taught in public schools in Taiwan or other countries are highly advised (but not required) to provide education or teaching qualifications that are either certified by Republic of China (Taiwan) embassies and missions or verified by credential evaluation agencies.4

(二) 工作說明(Job Description)

外籍英語教學助理之工作為在臺灣教師指導 下,為學生營造良好、豐富、多元、沉浸式英 語學習環境,使學生能喜愛並主動學習英語,

進而提升其整體英語能力。外籍英語教學助 理之主要工作內容如下:

Foreign English teaching assistants work under the guidance of Taiwanese teachers to create a positive, diverse, and immersive English learning environment that encourages students to enjoy English, actively learn English, and improve their overall English ability. The main

3 包括:WES (World Education Service)、NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Service)、Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada (ACESC)、International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES)等。

4 Credential evaluation agencies such as WES (World Education Service), NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Service), Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada (ACESC), and International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES).



1. 每週服務五天,每天八小時。

2. 於課堂中輔助臺灣教師,每週以20 節課


3. 協助學校各項活動、展演與計畫,藉由多

元之方式,使學生處於沉浸式英語之環 境,提升其整體英語能力、學習興趣與信 心。

4. 參與學校英語相關教學會議、專業發展活

動、課外活動、競賽展演、相關計畫規劃 撰寫與推動等。

5. 利用課餘時間備課,含協助編選教材、撰

寫教案、製作教具、批改作業、編擬測驗 評量等。

6. 接受學校指派,參與各級政府英語教學相


job duties for foreign English teaching assistants are listed below:

1. Service hours are 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.

2. Assist Taiwanese teachers during class up to 20 periods a week.

3. Assist in various school activities, presentations, exhibitions, performances, and projects. Create a rich immersive English learning environment via diverse approaches to enhance student’s overall English ability, learning interests, and confidence.

4. Participate in English teaching meetings, professional development activities, extracurricular activities, competitions, exhibitions, performances, and other related projects.

5. Prepare lessons with colleagues or independently, including writing lesson plans, preparing teaching materials, grading assignments, and assessing evaluations.

6. Accept assignments from the school to participate in English teaching professional development activities, competitions, exhibitions, performances, and other related affairs organized by the government.

(三) 薪資及相關福利(Remuneration and Other Benefits)

1. 獎學金:每月獎學金為新臺幣(以下

同)4 萬 5 千元。

2. 機票補助:每學年補助由護照國籍居住

地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各 乙次之補助,每次以四萬元為上限且核 實支應。

1. Monthly scholarship: The program provides a teaching assistant with a monthly scholarship of NT$45,000.

2. Airfare Allowance: The program offers reimbursements every school year of one’s economy class airfare of coming and leaving Taiwan (one time for each). The



3. 住宿津貼:服務學校若未能免費提供專


貼,並以每學年2 萬 6 千元為上限,核


4. 研習津貼:如外籍教學助理修習 TESOL

或CELTA 英語教學證照課程,補助每個

月5 千元修習課程費用。

5. 交通津貼:補助外籍教學助理交通費支

出,並以每學年 3 千元為上限,核實支


6. 享健保及意外保險。

reimbursements are on an actual expense basis and are capped at NT$40,000/one- way. Only flights departing from or arriving at the nearest airport to the place of residence indicated on one’s passport can be reimbursed.

3. Housing Allowance: The contract school should offer a housing allowance if accommodations cannot be provided. The housing allowance should be reimbursed on an actual expense basis and capped at NT$26,000 for each school year.

4. Learning Allowance: The program offers a monthly learning allowance of NT$5,000 for assistants to take TESOL or CELTA courses.

5. Transportation Allowance: The program offers a transportation allowance. The transportation allowance should be reimbursed on an actual expense basis and capped at NT$3,000 for each school year.

6. Health Insurance and Group Accident Insurance: The program offers health insurance and group accident insurance for assistants during their service. Assistants need to share part of the insurance premiums, which are usually deducted right from their scholarships.

三、聯絡資訊(Contact Information) 外籍英語教學人員計畫招募網站:




Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program Website:


Contact Us:




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