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中一級 中國歷史科 教學設計示例(供收錄非華語學生的學校參考使用)

科技發明--造紙術與天文儀器 一.建議教節:1-2 節



1. 認識蔡倫發明造紙術及造紙術的重要性。(知識內容) 2. 認識張衡發明天文儀器及天文儀器的重要性。(知識內容)

3. 透過閱讀文字資料、圖像、影片等,分析史事。(知識內容、技能)

4. 欣賞蔡倫及張衡的開拓與創新精神。(情意、態度)


1. 因應非華語學生的中文能力,工作紙較多圖像,部分題目輔以英文,協 助學生理解內容。

2. 題型包括選擇、圈示、配對等,學生可以透過口語回答。

3. 教師可按學生學習情況加入討論環節,以增加學生之間的互動。

4. 教師教授課題時,除教授相關史實外,亦須指導學生認識中國的文明和 文化,促進他們認識中國的文化特質。

5. 教師可因應學生的程度而選取適合的部分或教學活動施教。


內容重點 流程

課節一 (1-2 節):


1. 講解關鍵詞;

2. 透過圖像及其他資料,帶出以下重點:




1. 學校可參考本教材,並按學生的需要,以調適課程;

2. 可因應學生的中文程度刪去或減少當中的英文句子或詞彙;

3. 可同時參考課程發展處所出版的其他教材或為本調適課綱準備的其他示 例;

4. 可考慮向學生提供更多全方位學習的經驗如到內地考察、參觀博物館等 等。


XXX 中學

中一級 中國歷史科課堂工作紙 科技發明--造紙術與天文儀器

(Technological Inventions: Papermaking and Astronomy Instruments) 姓名 Name:


成績 Grade:


班別 Class:

__________________( )

批改日期 Date of Marking:


學習重點(Learning Objectives)

1. 認識蔡倫發明造紙術及造紙術的重要性。(To know the invention of papermaking by Cai Lun and the importance of papermaking)

2. 認識張衡發明天文儀器及天文儀器的重要性。(To know the invention of astronomy instruments by Zhang Heng and the importance of astronomy instruments)

一. 本節關鍵詞 (Key Terms)

英文詞彙 中文詞彙/粵語拼音 中文詞彙/普通話拼音

1 Compass 指南針(zi2 naam4 zam1) 指南針(zhǐ nán zhēn) 2 Printing 印刷術(jan3 caat3 seot6) 印刷術(yìn shuā shù) 3 Gunpowder 火藥(fo2 joek6) 火藥(huǒ yào)

4 papermaking 造紙術(zou6 zi2 seot6) 造紙術(zào zhǐ shù) 5 Cai Lun 蔡倫(coi3 leon4) 蔡倫(Cài Lún) 6 turtle plastron 龜甲(gwai1 gaap3) 龜甲(guī jiǎ) 7 animal bone 獸骨(sau3 gwat1) 獸骨(shòu gǔ) 8 silk cloth 絲織品(si1 zik1 ban2) 絲織品(sī zhī pǐn) 9 bamboo slips and

wooden plates

竹木(zuk1 muk6) 竹木(zhú mù) 10 Zhang Heng 張衡(zoeng1 hang4) 張衡(Zhāng Héng) 11 seismograph 地動儀(dei6 dung6 ji4) 地動儀(dì dòng yí) 12 armillary sphere 渾天儀(wan6 tin1 ji4) 渾天儀(hún tiān yí) 13 rotation of celestial


天體運行(tin1 tai2 wan6 hang4)

天 體 運 行 (tiān tǐ yùn xíng)


二. 本節概要 (Key Points of the Chapter) 1. 龜甲和獸骨是古時中國記錄文字


Turtle plastrons and animal bones were tools used for recording text in ancient China.

2. 蔡倫利用樹皮、破布、舊漁網及 麻頭製成廉價的紙張。

Cai Lun used bark, rags, torn fishing net and hemp to make affordable paper.

3. 張衡發明的地動儀能預測地震。 The seismograph invented by Zhang Heng could predict earthquakes.

4. 張衡發明的渾天儀能觀測星體。 The armillary sphere invented by Zhang Heng could be used at observing stars.


課節一:科技發明--造紙術與天文儀器(Technological Inventions:

Papermaking and Astronomy Instruments)

資料一:「四大發明」(Source A: “Four Great Inventions”)

在中國古代科技的發展史上,有四樣事物稱為「四大發明」。(In the history of the development of ancient Chinese technology, there were “Four Great


1. 請從下列事物中將它們選出來。請在空格上填上“✔”。(Please select them from the following items. Please write “✔” in the below boxes.)

粥 (Congee)

指南針 (Compass)

造紙術 (Papermaking)

粉 (Pasta)

✓ ✓

火藥 (Gunpowder)

飯 (Rice)

麵 (Noodles)


✓ ✓


2. 以下四張書簽,分別是中國古代四大發明(造紙術、印刷術、火藥和指 南針)的相關圖案。請將這四大發明的名稱,填在相關的書簽內。(The four bookmarks below contain images related to the four ancient Chinese inventions (papermaking, printing, gunpowder, and compass). Please write the names of these four great inventions on the relevant bookmark.)

I. 造紙術 (Papermaking)

資料二:中國古代用來記錄文字的工具(Source B:The main tools used for recording text in ancient China)

3. 中國古代用來記錄文字的工具,主要有以下幾種,請將圖片與名稱加以 配對。(The below are the main tools used for recording text in ancient China.

Please match the picture with the name.)

木板(木牘) (Wooden


竹片 (Bamboo


龜甲 (Turtle plastron)

獸骨 (Animal


絲織品(帛) (Silk cloth)

指南針 (Compass)

造紙術 (Papermaking)

印刷術 (Printing)

火藥 (Gunpowder)


4. 這些中國古代用來記錄文字的工具,其中兩項並非用作日常書寫,請找 出來。(The below are the main tools used for recording text in ancient China.

Two items are not used as daily writing tool. Please find out those items.)

絲織品 (Silk cloth)

竹片 (Bamboo slips)


(Wooden plate)

龜甲 (Turtle plastron)

獸骨 (Animal bone)

資料三:甲骨文(Source C: “oracle bone scripts”)

龜甲和獸骨是商朝時期王室用來記錄占卜的結果。巫師首先用火在甲和骨 上燒出裂紋,再根據裂紋的形狀作出解釋,並在裂紋旁邊用小刀刻寫簡單 的文字紀錄。這種在龜甲和獸骨上刻寫的上古文字,歷史學者稱為「甲骨 文」。(Turtle plastrons and animal bones were used only by the rulers of the Shang Dynasty to record the messages from gods in religious rituals. A shaman first used fire to burn cracks on a piece of turtle plastron or animal bone. Then, according to the shape of the cracks, he explained the messages from the gods, and inscribed them down on the plastron or bone with a small knife. These

ancient characters carved on turtle plastrons and animal bones are called“oracle bone scripts”by historians.)

資料四:漢代日常書寫的工具(Source D:The main tools used for every day writing in the Han Dynasty)

漢代用作日常書寫的工具,大概可以分為兩類:(The main tools used for every day writing in the Han Dynasty can be divided roughly into two categories:)

教師指引:龜甲和獸骨,供應有限,不可能成為日常書寫的工具,它們 只是商朝時期王室用來記錄占卜的結果。(Turtle plastrons and animal bones were in limited supply and could not be used regularly as writing implements. They were used only by the rulers of the Shang Dynasty to record the messages from gods in religious rituals.)


5. 這些書寫工具有什麼優點和缺點?請選擇適當的詞語,填到下面的空格 內。(What are the strengths and weaknesses of these writing surfaces? Please select the appropriate phrase and fill in the space below.)

A. 絲織品 (Silk cloth)

B. 竹片及木板

(Bamboo slips and wooden plate) 可選擇的詞語:(Phrases to be selected from:)

皇帝 (Emperor)

平 (Cheap)

重 (Heavy)

官員 (Officials)

貴 (Expensive)

輕 (Light) 重量


價錢 (Price)

使用者 (User) A. 絲織品 (Silk


輕 (Light)

貴 (Expensive)

皇帝 (Emperor) B. 竹片及木板

(Bamboo slips and wooden plate)

重 (Heavy)

平 (Cheap)

官員 (Officials)


資料五:以蔡倫人像為主題的郵票 (Source E: A stamp with the theme of Cai Lun’s portrait)

蔡倫是一名東漢時期的宦官,熱愛研究發明。他發現用絲織品和竹木作為 書寫的工具,各有缺點,便去研究新的代替品。(Cai Lun was a eunuch in the Eastern Han Dynasty era. He loved researching inventions. He found that using silk cloth, bamboo slips, and wooden plates as writing surfaces both had their respective shortcomings so he decided to research new alternatives.)

6. 請猜猜蔡倫會選些什麼材料來製造既輕巧又方便的紙張?請圈出來。

(Can you guess what materials Cai Lun would choose to use to make paper that is light and convenient? Please circle it.)

破布(Rags) 舊漁網(Torn fishing nets) 雞蛋(Eggs)

石頭(Stone) 樹皮(Bark) 麻頭(Hemp)


資料六:蔡倫發明紙張(Source F: Cai Lun invented paper)

蔡倫要發明一種新的可供書寫的工具,它要如絲綢一樣輕,但要較竹片和 木板便宜!究竟蔡倫是如何發明紙張的?請看以下的動畫。(Cai Lun had to invent a new writing implement that was as light as silk but cheaper than bamboo slips or wooden plates. How did Cai Lun invent paper? Please see the animation below. )


([ETV]小二常識之中國四大發明,粵語,請看 00:00-7:51,特別是 5:30-7:11)

([ETV] The Four Great Inventions of China for Primary 2, Cantonese, please see 00:00-7:51, 5:30-7:11 especially)

答案: Answer:

1. 樹皮(Bark) 2. 破布(Rags) 3. 舊漁網

(Torn fishing net)

4. 麻頭(Hemp)

由於蔡倫曾被封為「龍亭侯」,這種由蔡倫製造的紙叫「蔡侯紙」,而造 紙術經蔡倫發明之後,由於價格低廉,大受國人的歡迎,並通過絲綢之路 傳遍至整個世界。自此之後,即使是平民老百姓,也能夠享受讀書的樂趣 了!(Because Cai Lun was bestowed the title of Longting Hou (Longting Marquis), people called this type of paper made by Cai Lun “Cai Hou’s paper”.

After Cai Lun invented this papermaking technique, it was popular with the Chinese people due to its low price and even spread to the whole world through the Silk Road. Since then, even ordinary people could enjoy reading for leisure.)

7. 同學,根據動畫,我用了哪四種材料 製成廉價的紙張?你剛才選對了嗎?

(Based on the cartoon, which four materials did I use to make affordable paper? Did you choose the right one?)


II. 天文儀器 Astronomic Instruments

資料七:「古代發明」郵票 (Source G: Stamps showing “Ancient Inventions”)

1953 年,中國郵政發行「古代發明」郵票四款,其中有指南車、地動儀、

渾天儀和司南。(In 1953 the China Post issued 4 types of stamps showing

“Ancient Inventions”. They included the compass, the seismograph, the armillary sphere, and the South-pointing chariot.)

8. 請將它們加以配對。(Please match the labels to the images.)


A: 渾天儀

(Armillary sphere)


(South-pointing chariot)

C: 地動儀 (Seismograph)

D: 司南(指南針)


9. 這四項古代發明中,哪一項是天文儀器?(Of these four inventions, which was an astronomic instrument?)

答案(Answer):渾天儀(Armillary Sphere (A))


資料八:張衡(Source H: Zhang Heng)

張衡(78-139 年),東漢年間任職太史令。東漢的人相信皇帝是受到「天」

的任命而管理國家(因此叫做「天子」)。如果做得不符合天的意思,天 便會通過天象的變化(如出現日食、月食、彗星等)和災害(水災、旱災、

地震等)作出警告,好讓皇帝改善政策 。如果皇帝毫無改進,天便會找另 一人做新的天子,朝代便因而改換。(Zhang Heng (73-139 A.D.), during the Eastern Han Dynasty served as the Grand Scribe. People in the Eastern Han Dynasty believed that the emperor was appointed by the “Heaven” to rule the country, hence the title “the son of Heaven”. If he did not adhere to the Heaven’s wishes, the Heaven would warn him through celestial phenomena (such as solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, comets) and disasters (such as floods, droughts,

earthquakes) to encourage the emperor to improve his policies. If the emperor still made no improvement, the Heaven would find another person to become the Son of Heaven and the Dynasty would change. )

太史令的主要職務,便是替皇帝察看星象,若發現什麼不尋常,便立即報 告皇帝。(The Grand Scribe’s main duty was to observe the weather for the emperor and if he found anything unusual, he immediately reported to the emperor. )

因此可以說,太史令是中國古代的天文學家。(It can be therefore said that the Grand Scribe was an astronomer in ancient China.)


資料九:地動儀和渾天儀(Source I: Seismograph and armillary sphere) 歷史《後漢書》記載,張衡發明了能預測地震的「地動儀」和觀測星體的

「渾天儀」,但記載並不詳細 。後世的人嘗試根據《後漢書》內的文字描 述,複製這兩件科學儀器。因此有科學家認為這兩件複製品並不準確。

(The Book of the Later Han Dynasty (compiled in the 5th century) records that Zhang Heng invented (i) the seismograph that could predict earthquakes; and (ii) the armillary sphere that could observe stars. However, these records are not detailed. Later generations tried to re-engineer these two scientific instruments based on the descriptions in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Some scientists, however, found that these two modern-made instruments were not accurate enough to reflect the level of scientific achievements in the past. )

我們經常見到的這個渾天儀模型,其實是於明代 1437 年複製元朝科學家郭 守敬所製造的渾天儀。不過有學者認為,張衡製作的渾天儀也應該類似。

(The model of the Armillary sphere we often see in our textbooks is actually a Ming Dynasty (1437) copy of the Yuan Dynasty product made by the scientist Guo Shuojing. However, some scholars believe that the armillary sphere made by Zhang Heng should be similar.)


資料十: 天文現象(Source J:Astrological phenomena) 10. 活動:Activity:

這兩個是什麼天文現象?如何可以預知它們在什麼時間發生?(What are these two astrological phenomena? How can we predict when they will happen?)

左面這張是攝於 2011 年 12 月 10 日的月球圖像,呈現出 暗紅色。(The picture on the left was taken on 10 December 2011, showing a dark red moon. )

右面那張攝於 2016 年 3 月 9 日,太陽暗淡了,並且缺少 了一部分。(The picture on the right was taken on 9 March 2016, showing the sun darkened and part of it missing.)


資料十一:日食和月食(Source K:Solar eclipses and Lunar eclipse)

作為太史令,張衡其中一個任務是預測日食和月食,然後向皇帝報告。(As Grand Scribe, one of Zhang Heng’s duties was to predict solar and lunar eclipses and then report them to the emperor.)

我們今天知道:(We know today that: )

日食:是月球運行到太陽和地球之間,並擋住了全部(日全食)或部分(日偏食)太陽。(Solar eclipses: the moon moves between the sun and the earth, blocking all (total solar eclipse) or part (partial solar eclipse) of the sun.)

月食:是月球跑到地球的陰影裏面,使得月球的全部(月全食)或部分(月偏食)無法直接反射陽光的現象。(Lunar eclipse: the moon is covered by the shadow of the earth, so that all (total lunar eclipse) or part (partial lunar eclipse) of the moon cannot directly reflect sunlight.)


資料十二:張衡發明渾天儀(Source L: Zhang Heng invented armillary sphere)

張衡時代的人,未必知道地球是圓形,不過已明白太陽、月球以及其他星 體是根據某種規律運行。只要掌握這種規律,便能夠準確預測日食和月食 的日期。(The people of Zhang Heng’s time may not have known that the earth was round. However, they did know that the sun, moon, and other stars moved according to certain laws. Once this law was mastered, the people could

accurately predict the dates of solar and lunar eclipses. )

問題是:直接觀察天空的星體,是難以掌握這種規律。於是:(The problem was that it was difficult to grasp this law just from direct observation of the stars in the sky. Thus:)

如果我能製造一個模擬天空的 儀器,然後把各種星宿放在裡面 運行,便能夠掌握星體的運行。

(If I could build an instrument that simulates the sky and put various constellations in it, I could be able to understand the movement of the stars.)



但還有一個問題尚未解決……(Zhang Heng wove the cut bamboo pieces into rings and connected them together to make an armillary sphere. But there was one problem that had not been resolved…)

如何使渾天儀自己轉動?(How do I make the armillary sphere rotate by itself?)


據說張衡最後想出一個辦法:(It is said that Zhang Heng finally thought of a solution.)

就是在渾天儀旁放置一個測知時刻的「銅壺滴漏」。(He used a copper clepsydra to provide hydraulic power to the armillary sphere. )

銅壺滴漏的出水速度可直接推動渾天儀轉動,經過我反覆試驗,終於使渾 天儀的轉動與天體運行的速度一致。到這個階段,渾天儀總算大功告成!

(The speed of the dripping of the copper clepsydra can push the rotation of the armillary sphere. After repeated experiments, I finally made the armillary sphere rotate at the same speed as the celestial body. At this point, my astronomic

instrument is finally complete!)

他想:如果能夠利用一條管子把渾天儀和滴漏壺連接起來,將滴水作為動 力,便可以推動渾天儀了。(He thought if a tube could be used to connect the armillary sphere and the copper clepsydra, he could use dripping water from the copper clepsydra to push the armillary sphere.)


資料十三:銅壺滴漏(Source M: Copper clepsydra)

所謂「銅壺滴漏」,是古代的計時器。(The copper clepsydra was an ancient timer.)

有關它的運作原理,可以參看以下短片:(To understand how it worked, you may watch the following video:)

日晷與銅壺滴漏(粵語)(Sundial and copper clepsydra, Cantonese) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpT7jY1CZn8

(請從 1:16 開始觀看)(Please watch from 1:16)

注意:銅壺滴漏的發明時間不詳。(Note: the year of the invention of the copper clepsydra is unknown.)


便是元代(1271-1368)的產物。(The above video inaccurately states it was invented during the Qing Dynasty. The copper clepsydra clock preserved in the Guangzhou Museum (above image) is from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).)


資料十四:動畫:張衡(Source N:Cartoon:Zhang Heng)

11. 請觀看香港教育大學「看動畫.學歷史」第四集:張衡,然後回答問題:

(Please watch the video: Education University of Hong Kong “Watching Animation and Learning History: Zhang Heng” and answer the questions:) http://achist.mers.hk/chihistoryanime/download/can/animate/euhk_animate_04_

can_sd.mp4 (粵語 Cantonese)


eng_sd.mp4 (英語 English)

問題:請用筆圈出答案。(Questions: Circle your answer.)

11.1. 張衡的工作地點,是東漢的首都,它是:(Zhang Heng’s working place is the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is located at:)

A. 長安(Changan) B. 洛陽(Luoyang) C. 開封(Kaifeng) D. 北京(Beijing)

11.2. 由於張衡的學問和品行都佳,被推薦到朝廷擔任什麼職位?(What position was Zhang Heng recommended to the royal court for due to his knowledge and character?)

A. 丞相(Prime Minister)

B. 軍官(Military Commander Officer)

C. 武器製造官(Weapon Production Official) D. 太史令(Grand Scribe)

11.3. 動畫顯示,張衡發明了那兩種儀器?(According to the cartoon, which two instruments did Zhang Heng invent?)

A. 日晷與銅壺滴漏(Sundial and copper clepsydra)

B. 銅壺滴漏與地動儀(Copper clepsydra and seismograph) C. 地動儀與渾天儀(Seismograph and the armillary sphere) D. 渾天儀與日晷(Armillary sphere and sundial)

11.4. 為了紀念張衡的貢獻,國際天文學組織,在 1977 年將太陽系的一顆 小行星命名為: (To commemorate the contributions of Zhang Heng the

International Astronomical Union in 1977 named an asteroid in the solar system:)

A. 張衡(Zhang Heng) B. 東漢(Eastern Han) C. 中國(China)

D. 渾天(Celestial)


12. 課堂討論:(Classroom Discussion:)

試你用 5-10 分鐘,向同學介紹(Use 5-10 minutes to introduce the following to your classmates:)(學生可自由作答)

12.1. 你所屬的國家的歷史中,有那個科學家最值得你欣賞?為什麼?(In the history of your country, which scientist do you appreciate the most? Why?) 12.2. 如果你可以發明一樣東西去改善在香港的族群生活,那會是什麼?(If you could invent something to improve the lives of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, what would it be?)


黃浩明先生(erichmwong@edb.gov.hk; 35406829)或 羅嘉恩女士(lokayan@edb.gov.hk; 28925882)




different spectral indices for large and small structures Several scintil- lation theories including the Phase Screen, Rytov, and Parabolic Equa- tion Method


了⼀一個方案,用以尋找滿足 Calabi 方程的空 間,這些空間現在通稱為 Calabi-Yau 空間。.

Robinson Crusoe is an Englishman from the 1) t_______ of York in the seventeenth century, the youngest son of a merchant of German origin. This trip is financially successful,

fostering independent application of reading strategies Strategy 7: Provide opportunities for students to track, reflect on, and share their learning progress (destination). •

- Informants: Principal, Vice-principals, curriculum leaders, English teachers, content subject teachers, students, parents.. - 12 cases could be categorised into 3 types, based

volume suppressed mass: (TeV) 2 /M P ∼ 10 −4 eV → mm range can be experimentally tested for any number of extra dimensions - Light U(1) gauge bosons: no derivative couplings. =>

• Formation of massive primordial stars as origin of objects in the early universe. • Supernova explosions might be visible to the most