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Academic year: 2021

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一、研究背景及動機 排球比賽是團隊的運動,需要很高的凝聚力與默契,才能讓球隊團結合作,發揮最大的 戰力,更是球隊成功與否的重要因果關係(張志青、吳忠政,2009)。團隊與凝聚力兩者是 相互依存的關係,在凝聚力形成之前必須要先有團體存在,而團體的維持與發展則有賴凝聚 力功能的發揮(陳其昌,1993)。黃金柱(1986)強調凝聚力是團體生命的重要構面,其中 運動的目的在使團隊成功,團隊如果沒有凝聚力,則不可能導致團隊成功。選手為了達成團 隊的目標,需要凝聚更強的團隊合作默契與彼此間的關係(吳慧卿,2001)。鄭志富(1995) 認為運動教練應了解自己及運動選手特質,配合團隊的內外在環境,發展一套「適合他們自 己」的領導哲學,採取合宜的領導行為,俾使團隊發揮最大凝聚力,創造佳績。 所謂「團隊凝聚力」,它是一門團體動力學(黃寶雀,2001)。Carron (1982)指出凝聚力是 一種動態過程,是團體內成員緊密結合在一貣,追求共同目標和目的的一種過程。Donnelly, Carron, & Chelladurai (1978) 歸納出團隊凝聚力來自於人際吸引、工作吸引、團體吸引及共同 的想法。實證研究發現,職業籃球運動中個人親和與吸引、團隊適應,與團隊戰力與功效呈 現正面的意義 (Heuzw, Raimbault & Fontayne, 2006)。Carron、Bray & Eys (2002) 研究指出, 優秀大學籃球隊與足球隊在聯賽中,團隊凝聚力與成功率有密切關係。吳益勝(2004)研究 發現,高中男子排球甲組排球選手在團隊凝聚力方面的得分,高低依序為人際親和、團隊適 應、人際吸引及團隊合作。黃惠芝(2008)針對不同運動項目知覺教練領導行為與團隊凝聚 力之研究發現,不同運動水準與團隊凝聚力:個人吸引之全運會選手顯著高於大專盃選手, 國家隊選手顯著高於全運會選手。


蔣憶德、陳淑滿、葉志仙(2001)。教練領導行為與團隊凝聚力之相關研究。體育學報,30 期,頁 195-206。 鄭志富(1995)。運動教練領導行為模式分析。台灣師大體育研究,復刊號,1期,頁75-90。 鄭敏雄、劉一民(1991)。教練領導行為與團隊凝聚力之關係研究-以79學年度大專男子排球 國手選拔賽之球隊為例。中華民國大專院校體育總會八十年度體育學術研討會報告書(頁 235-252)。桃園縣:中原大學。 鄭孝存(2008)。臺北市國小排球選手知覺教練領導行為與團隊凝聚力之相關研究。未出版 的碩士論文,台北巿立體育學院運動教育研究所,臺北市。 盧俊宏(1998)。運動心理學。台北:師大學苑。

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Stevens, J. (2001). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Widmeyer, W. N., Carron, A. V., & Brawley, L. R. (1993). Group cohesion in sportand exercise. In R. N. Singer, M. Murphey, & L. K. Tennant (Eds.) Handbook of research on sport


The Investigation of the Difference between Team Cohesion

in College Volleyball Athletes

Shih-Fam Li Yuan Ze University


Purpose: This study aimed to explore the differences between tertiary institutions volleyball players team cohesion. Methods: Scale revised questionnaire study of 245 players to participate in the 2011 College Volleyball League, statistical methods, including item analysis, factor analysis, reliability and validity testing, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis. Results: College Volleyball team players, "team cohesion", the people pro and is the highest, "the group adaptation" is the second high interpersonal attraction being the worst. Dimensions of "teamwork", female athletes was significantly higher than male athletes. Public schools than private schools in terms of school properties, team players, and four dimensions are significant differences. At the league level, open one better than the public three public two and four dimensions have significant differences. National team level players also better than the the college league level players, four dimensions are significant differences. High school volleyball players, better than high school non-volleyball players, and four dimensions are significant differences. Conclusions: Management team cohesion, should consider the differences of each player, and to be able to give appropriate individual guidance based on the player's ability and qualities. Of the players on the appropriate role, and step-by-step guide players to make the players feel a sense of responsibility and sense of honor, a sense of mission in the team, so the players feel that they are in the team's positioning and contribution. Furthermore, whether in weekdays or game, all should give players appropriate care, encouragement and appreciation to the players will be moved inside into action, thus increasing the cohesion of the team.



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