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A study on the Correlation of GHGs and Economic Development in Metropolition Areas in Taiwan 黃為國、李康文


Academic year: 2022

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A study on the Correlation of GHGs and Economic Development in Metropolition Areas in Taiwan


E-mail: 9608200@mail.dyu.edu.tw


In this study,we use decoupling analysis to explore the characteristics and relationships among several indicators for GHGs and economic development in metropolition area.At first,we understanding the industry characteristic of the city,use decoupling analysis to explore that Taiwan main industry indicator analyse on later. In addition,OECD decoupling indicator analyses were used to find the interrelationships among industre、transpor、residential and commercial sector.Finally,we can discuss urban industry to will influence on greenhouse gas.There are four kinds of decoupling indicator analysis method way at present.This research utilizes OECD decoupling analysis indicator analytical method to analyse,the characteristic, in order to analyse the environmental pressure and economic driving force change annual to the base period in final year.Can be regarded as OECD decoupling indicator indicator of a kind of "rate of increase".So the income number value of the result of calculation is comparatively steady,and difficult to present and change by a large margin.OECD decoupling indicator possesses decompositon,so it is very convenient to make policy with the policy communicating. This research is to regard Taipei, Kaohsjung, Hsinchu, Taichung and Tainan of Taiwan as the target of assessing,and will urban greenhouse gas discharge source divide industre,residential and commercial ,transpor,agriculture and forest,waste sector.The greenhouse gas discharges the source mainly in industre,residential and commercial ,transpor sector.So three major value of industrial output , commercial output value, family income, total floor floor area and masses that department correlated is the economic driving force.In order to calculate every department OECD decoupling indicator. Results of OECD decoupling indicator analysis revealed that the relationship of Taiwan industry sector display the trend of increasing.In Hi-Tech industry,show that lowers the trend;In the urban industrial department,each of metropolition appear relative decoupling in recent years,but the decoupling factor show that lowers the trend;In residential and commercial sector,Regard commercial output value as economic driving force to see,its most CO2 decoupling factors increase the trend,but regard family income and total floor floor area as economic driving force to see,the CO2 decoupling factors show that lowers the trend;In transpor sector,only Taipei that CO2 decoupling factors increase the trend,other city how that lowers the trend. Can obtain the following conclusion via originally researching and analysing:(1)OECD decoupling factor increases the trend in recent years in the industrial department of Taiwan, it show greenhouse gas discharge relation with output value appear greenhouse gas lasting decrement and trend that the value of industrial output grows up continuously.(2)Hi-Tech industry(For example the output value and emission of greenhouse gas present the semiconductor that the high multiple grows up and liquid crystal panel industry in recent years) To knowing the impact that the city has brought the gas of the greenhouse and discharged, but according to intensive view of degree of carbon, favorable to march toward low carbon direction of density go on urban industry development.(3)Person who live department greenhouse gas is it watch from different angle emission and commercial relation of output value its appear greenhouse gas lasting decrement but commercial trend that output value grows up continuously to stand, but the relation with family income and area of total floor floor presents the gas of the greenhouse to increase with development in economy, can can know city department greenhouse gas of living decrement must from general family side to set about.(4)Taibei city from transportation sector, because masses transport victory transport system become people main means of transportation in recent years, so masses is it open development is it is it take care of will able to bear curve “ the environment raise” the situation to march toward to begin to transport, can is it is it will strengthen regional transportation sector greenhouse main direction, gas of decrement development that masses transport actively to find out to clear from “ Taipei experience”.

Keywords : GHGs ; decoupling indicator ; industrial development

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁... ii 授權書... iii 中文摘要... iv 英文摘 要... vi 誌謝... ix 目錄... x 圖目錄...

xiii 表目錄... xvi 第一章 緒論... 1 1.1 研究動機... 2 1.2 研究目 的... 3 第二章 文獻回顧... 4 2.1 溫室效應議題緣起... 4 2.1.1 溫室效應緣 起... 4 2.1.2 京都議定書... 5 2.1.3 溫室效應對產業影響... 12 2.2 GHGs排放量推


估... 15 2.2.1 GHGs排放源鑑別... 15 2.2.2 GHGs排放源型式... 17 2.2.3 GHGs推估方 法... 17 2.3 都會城市產業發展... 19 2.3.1 台北市... 19 2.3.2 新竹市(含竹科

)... 24 2.3.3 台中市(含中科)... 25 2.3.4 台南市(含南科)... 29 2.3.5 高雄 市... 31 2.4 台灣地區產業因應溫室氣體之對策... 35 2.4.1 鋼鐵業... 35 2.4.2 石化 業... 40 2.4.3 水泥業... 43 2.4.4 人造纖維製造業... 46 2.4.5 造紙

業... 49 2.5 脫鉤文獻回顧... 52 2.5.1 環境顧志耐曲線... 52 2.5.2 Juknys模 式... 53 2.5.3 Tapio模式... 55 第三章 研究方法... 58 3.1 OECD模

式... 58 3.2 研究流程... 63 3.3 蒐集與分析脫鉤指標文獻... 64 3.4 蒐集台灣地區 都會城市相關數據... 66 3.5 推估台灣地區都會城市GHGs排放量... 66 3.6 評估台灣地區都會城市與產業脫鉤狀 態... 69 第四章 脫鉤計算分析與討論... 70 4.1 台灣地區整體工業部門脫鉤分析... 70 4.2 台灣地區高科技 產業脫鉤分析... 97 4.3 不同產業碳密集度比較... 104 4.4 都會城市各部門脫鉤分析... 107 4.4.1 工 業部門... 108 4.4.2 住商部門... 116 4.4.3 運輸部門... 133 4.5 分析結果討 論... 141 第五章 結論與建議... 145 5.1 結論... 145 5.2 建

議... 147 參考文獻... 149 REFERENCES

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