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Academic year: 2021

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臺灣港務公司 101 年儲備從業人員甄試試題

職位別 甄選類科【代碼】:助理管理師/助理工程師 航運技術【C3005】




注意:•作答前須檢查答案卷、入場通知書編號、桌角號碼、應試類別是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試 人員處理,否則不予計分。

‚本試卷為一張雙面,共有六大題之非選擇題,各題配分均為 25 分,本科目滿分為 150 分。

ƒ非選擇題限用藍、黑色鋼筆或原子筆於答案卷上採橫式作答,不必抄題但須標示題號,並請從答 案卷內第一頁開始書寫,違反者該科酌予扣分。


…應考人得自備簡易型電子計算機應試(按鍵不得發出聲響);不得使用財務型或工程用計算機。若 應考人測驗時於桌面上放置或使用不符規定之電子計算機,經勸阻無效,仍執意使用者,該科扣 10 分;計算機並由監試人員保管至該節測驗結束後歸還。



臺灣港務股份有限公司訂於 101 年三月一日正式成立,請就該公司成立與港務組織改造 的發展走向之相關議題,回答下列問題:

(一)您認為該公司成立的主要目的為何?【5 分】

(二)從組織改造面而言,如何進行「政企分離」及「統合管理」?【10 分】

(三)就業務拓展面而言,如何促進管理效能?【10 分】



(一)貨物的積載因素。 【5 分】

(二)何謂「運費同盟」?並請針對其對貨主的利弊,各舉 1 項為例。【5 分】

(三)共同海損(General Average)。【5 分】

(四)P & I Insurance(防護與補償協會險)。【5 分】

(五)鹿特丹規則。【5 分】


請回答有關地文航海(海圖水深、海水潮流)及天文航海(時間、229 表)之問題:

(一)請以圖示方式標示海圖水深、吃水、餘裕水深、基準潮高、海圖水深誤差、潮高 誤差餘裕量、船舶航駛之下沉高度之關係。【5 分】

(二)假設 2000 年 01 月 07 日已知 ZT 11-28-45、λ 121°45'.0 E,則同一時間在 λ 056°20'.0 W 之 ZT 為何?【4 分】

(三)假設某橋垂直間隙為 22.8 呎,海圖高度基準面為 MHW,深度基準面為 MWLS,

若 1027 潮高為 8.5 呎,平均潮面為 4.4 呎,平均潮距為 5.6 呎,請問:

1. 1027 時該橋下可利用之垂直間隙為何?

2.若 A 船、B 船、C 船之乾舷分別為 7.7 呎、6.8 呎、8.1 呎,船橋艛高度分別為 13.5 呎、12.9 呎、14.5 呎,請問哪幾艘船舶可於 1027 時安全通行經過該橋橋下?

3.假設所求得垂直間隙內須衡量預留間隙 1.3 呎條件下,請問此時哪幾艘船舶可 於 1027 時安全通行經過該橋橋下?【8 分】

(四)請依據下列【附件一、附件二】的資料,計算出在沙士比灣(Chesapeake Bay) 吹 ENE、風力 30 節之風激流的流速與流向為何?【4 分】

(五)天文航海 229 表可求算哪些航海資訊?【4 分】






(一)航行 GMDSS(全球海上遇險及安全系統)海域之船舶至少應要求配置哪些遇險 及安全設備?【7 分】

(二)船舶遇險呼叫使用無線電報時,該如何發送緊急信號、遇險信號?【4 分】

(三)船舶遇險呼叫使用無線電話時,該如何發送緊急信號、遇險信號?【4 分】


【6 分】

(五)海難搜救單位於白晝時,答覆海上遇險船舶將儘速前往救援之意,應如何發送發 光、聲響信號?【4 分】


請將下列內容翻譯為中文:【25 分】

United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea

Article 37 Identity of the Carriers

If no person is identified in the contract particulars as the carrier as required pursuant to article 36, subparagraph 2(b), but the contract particulars indicate that the goods have been loaded on board a named ship, the registered owner of that ship is presumed to be the carrier, unless it proves that the ship was under a bareboat charter at the time of the carriage and it identifies this bareboat charterer and indicates its address, in which case this bareboat charterer is presumed to be the carrier. Alternatively, the registered owner may rebut the presumption of being the carrier by identifying the carrier and indicating its address. The bareboat charterer may rebut any presumption of being the carrier in the same manner.


What are the three functions of a Bill of Lading?【25 分】



• Similar to futures options except that what is delivered is a forward contract with a delivery price equal to the option’s strike price.. – Exercising a call forward option results

• Similar to futures options except that what is delivered is a forward contract with a delivery price equal to the option’s strike price.. – Exercising a call forward option results

• It works as if the call writer delivered a futures contract to the option holder and paid the holder the prevailing futures price minus the strike price.. • It works as if the

 Having found that the fines as a whole are a measure falling within the scope of Article XI:1 and contrary to that provision, the Panel need not examine the European

(1) The attached contract for foreign workers to engage in such artistic work or performance (e.g. employment contract, appointment contract, and.. Required. Documents

z Choose a delivery month that is as close as possible to, but later than, the end of the life of the hedge. z When there is no futures contract on the asset being hedged, choose

Now, nearly all of the current flows through wire S since it has a much lower resistance than the light bulb. The light bulb does not glow because the current flowing through it

Courtesy: Ned Wright’s Cosmology Page Burles, Nolette & Turner, 1999?. Total Mass Density