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The Study of Performance Evaluation of Tax Organization in Taiwan:The Balanced Scorecard Perspective 陳俊南、羅世輝


Academic year: 2022

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The Study of Performance Evaluation of Tax Organization in Taiwan:The Balanced Scorecard Perspective


E-mail: 9708182@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Seeing as performance that the government bodies use for condensing civil servant's centripetal force and promoting, government institutions follow standard business practices, including the promotion of performance management systems, the binding of individual civil servant, unit and performance organization, cooperation between personal development and work based training, is received to respect and believed in the sense the performance of checking and rate by the civil servant, and encourage governmental functionary's morale, but the biggest problem that the government bodies face at the present stage with the performance bonus system, is how should they set up a set of objective and effective performance appraisal systems, that make the appraisal system more than empty talk or impractical initiatives. This thesis uses the wide balance score card idea that has been praised highly by academia as well as in practical circles. It adopts a research approach that probes into the existing performance appraisal systems of the tax authority. This is complemented with an investagative questionnaire. Deepening the interview method are documents that sum up the case organ's performance and weights the index. The results of the study shows that the scene and tactics of the current performance appraisal system, using the case organ failed to combine and lacks a measurement index. Also, it revealed a

fundamental lack of careful planning, a lack of personal employee responsibilitv and a fixed sense of self-criticism, when faced with feedback. All in all the results of the channel balance measurement index reveal that thus is failing to produce a performance that accessed utilities should have. The desired case organ accords with 16 tactical scenario themes, and drafts 47 concrete action schemes. The feasible performance of every department weighs the index while becoming the organ, except that accessing the important index as the case organ's performance, can let other public affairs organs weigh the target that the index imitates as the performance even more. This thesis develops a balance score card course in the case of organs, the discovery should be succeeded in channeling the score card of the balance and setting up the an appraisal system to measure the performance such an index must possess three key factors: (1) & (2)the support and input of the organ's leader and (3)the planning that is examine and is perfected in the group and supported by the staff's cognition and support.

Keywords : strategic management ; the balanced scorecard ; evaluation of performance Table of Contents

中文摘要 ......................iii 英文摘要 ....................

.. iv 誌謝辭  ...................... vi 內容目錄 ................

...... vii 表目錄  ...................... ix 圖目錄 ..............

........ x 第一章  緒論.................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機..

........... 1   第二節  研究目的與範圍............. 3   第三節  研究架構與流 程............. 3 第二章  文獻探討.................. 5   第一節  願景與 策略管理............. 5   第二節  行政績效評估.............. 12   第三節   平衡計分卡概念............. 20   第四節  平衡計分卡於公部門之相關研究 ..... 37 第三章   研究方法.................. 50   第一節  個案研究法...............

50   第二節  研究架構與資料蒐集 .......... 54 第四章  個案背景與分析............

... 59   第一節  個案機關介紹.............. 59   第二節  個案機關平衡計分卡之設計實 施 ..... 69 第五章  結論與建議................. 90   第一節  研究結論......

.......... 90   第二節  研究限制................ 94   第三節  研究建議..

.............. 95 參考文獻 ...................... 99 附錄A  問卷調查 表................. 106 附錄B  彰化縣政府績效評核與管理制度暨工程獎金作業規定109 表 2- 1 策略定義表..................6 表 2- 2 衡量策略的財務主題..............25 表 2- 3 顧客構面之五大核心量度............26 表 2- 4 學習與成長的特定情況驅動因素.........29 表 2- 5 Charlotte市政府警察部門的策略目標......43 表 3- 1 個案研究設計型態...............51 表 3- 2 研究方法適用的特性..............52 表 3- 3 個案機關高階主管訪談稿摘要.........


.57 表 3- 4 受訪者目錄表.................58 表 4- 1 彰化縣地方稅務局96年施政績效評核表與計分 卡構面64 表 4- 2 專家訪談摘要.................76 表 4- 3 策略主題之衡量指標—專家訪談....

.....79 表 4- 4 衡量指標重要程度(問卷調查)統計彙整表.....80 表 4- 5 個案機關平衡計分卡彙整表.....

......86 表 5- 1 機關員工選取之最重要衡量指標彙整表 ..... 92 圖 1- 1 研究流程............

.......4 圖 2- 1 策略管理的基本元素..............10 圖 2- 2 策略管理模式.........

........11 圖 2- 3 績效評估之過程................15 圖 2- 4 平衡計分卡提供轉化策略為營 運的架構 .....23 圖 2- 5 顧客構面之核心量度 .............26 圖 2- 6 顧客價值主張的一般性模型

..........27 圖 2- 7 企業內部流程價值鏈 .............28 圖 2- 8 學習與成長的衡量架構 ..

..........29 圖 2- 9 將組織使命轉化為期望的結果圖 ........31 圖 2- 10 建構策略核心組織的五大 基本法則 .......32 圖 2- 11 平衡計分卡做為策略行動的架構 ........34 圖 2- 12 平衡計分卡的設計架構

............36 圖 2- 13 將平衡計分卡的架構應用在非營利組織圖 ....38 圖 2- 14 公共部門單位的財 務/顧客構面圖........39 圖 2- 15 Charlotte市政府的願景與使命 ........40 圖 2- 16 Charlotte市政府策 略圖 ...........41 圖 3- 1 研究架構 ..................55 圖 4- 1 彰化縣地方稅務局組 織與職掌系統 .......61 圖 4- 2 彰化縣地方稅務局願景構面與策略主題圖 ....71 圖 4- 3 彰化縣地方稅務局策 略主題、目標間之策略關係圖 84


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