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The Mechanisms of Corporate Control: the case of China Development Financial Holding Corporation 陳玠汶、


Academic year: 2022

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The Mechanisms of Corporate Control: the case of China Development Financial Holding Corporation


E-mail: 9314175@mail.dyu.edu.tw


“The contest of Corporate Control” is a common circumstance of business. “The Outsides’ strategy of Acquisitions and Mergers” and “the insides’ strategy of anti-taking over” are commonly discussed in the academic community. However, the procedure of Acquisitions and Mergers is rarely being discussed and announced. This dissertation is to investigate the characteristic of the competition for corporate control in Taiwan market based on the case of board of director election of China Development Financial Holding Corporation. In this case study, the mechanisms adapted by the both party for the achieving the corporate control position is analyzed and described in detail. The study concludes: 1.When the corporate is carrying on the activity of “Acquisitions and Mergers”, the potential controller does the action of “tender offer” through the institutional investors, not through the individual financial ability. 2.Under the circumstances of having no enough stocks, the competitors achieved the best benefit by forming an alliance with other competitors. 3.The block holders play the key role in this corporate control competition. However, the wills of individual traders did not make any effort for this competition. 4.Insiders can adapt the way of Cross Holdings to achieve the stable power of control. However, after the insiders get the power of control with fewer stocks, the situation will become the deviation of control rights from cash flow rights of the controlling shareholders. Furthermore, it is deems as against the spirit of corporate governance 5.Government-owned can influence the result of the contest of corporate control by stock and also by Law.

Keywords : Acquisitions and Mergers ; Corporate Control ; Tender Offer ; The block holders ; Government-owned Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書...iii 中文摘要...iv 英文摘

要...v 誌謝...vii 目 錄...viii 圖目

錄...x 表目錄...xi 第一章 緒論...1 1.1 研究背 景...1 1.2 研究動機...2 1.3 研究目的...3 第二章 相關理論及 文獻探討...4 2.1 代理問題...4 2.2 國外與控制權爭奪相關的文獻...8 2.3 國內與 控制權爭奪議題相關之文獻...10 2.4 小結 ...11 第三章 研究方法...12 3.1 以開發金控為研究對象之因素...12 3.2 資料來源...15 3.3 開發金控簡介...15 3.4 資料分析...17 3.5 金融控股股權結構、及績效對公司控制權的影響...26 3.6 開發金控董監改選抗爭 事件...28 第四章 分析結果...33 4.1 混沌期...33 4.2 三方爭奪

期...40 4.3 協商期...42 4.4 協商破裂...43 4.5 委託書徵求 期...44 4.6 小結 ...47 第五章 台灣控制權爭奪現象...48 5.1 少數控制 型態依舊...48 5.2 官股的角色...49 5.3 公司派和中信集團的角色...54 5.4 市 場派控制權爭奪的機制...59 5.5 公司派防止控制權爭奪之機制...60 5.6 官股在控制權爭奪中所動用之 機制...60 第六章 結論及建議...62 6.1控制權的機制...62 6.2未來研究的方 向...62 參考文獻...65


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