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The Content and Structure of E-Learning -A Case Study of Elementary School Web Site 吳家進、林清同


Academic year: 2022

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The Content and Structure of E-Learning -A Case Study of Elementary School Web Site 吳家進、林清同

E-mail: 9222443@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The rapid development and prevalence of information technology has changed the traditional ways of learning, which makes teachers add a kind of new medium in their teaching activities and new energy in traditional lessons. Learning is no more interaction between teachers and students in the same classroom, teachers may use information technology to take out the boundary of learning and provide more varieties of interactive relationship between them and students, in order to elevate the willingness of study and the efficiency of it. Ordinary learning web-sites are often lock of varieties and cannot induce learning motivation from learners, what is more is that they cannot attract the curious children in their elementary stage. The learning web-site of such stage use multimedia most, in order to let learners learn from activities and increase the motivation of learning on the initiation, thus, they can achieve the outcome of learning from playing. In this research, theories from references and the network of virtual community of Kuai-Guan elementary school in Chang Hwa county were discussed and analyzed more in depth, then to plan and to construct a complete and in combination of reality's outline in learning web-sites for the elementary stage. The main idea includes: 1.Provide methods such as tests and games to the main stream of learning. 2.The web-sites should be in accordance with the functional item suggested by the Department of Education. 3.The standard of the designer in learning web-sites is to match the goal of education. With the demand of school in 'teaching', 'training', 'helping', and seven main fields of lessons. 4.The main goal is to fulfill the demand of teachers, parents, and students; elevate the interaction of learning. 5.To conform to the spirit of games, visual acknowledgement, and the theory of constructive principle, in order to become the ultimate direct principle for tests and game designing.

Keywords : information technology, learning web-sites, learning motivation.

Table of Contents

第一章 緒論 ... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 ...1 第二節 研究目的 ...2 第三節 研究範圍 與限制 ...3 第四節 研究流程 ...3 第二章 文獻探討 ...6 第一節 資訊科技於教育之應 用現況... 6 第二節 九年一貫課程與資訊教育 ... 11 第三節 學習理論之探討 ...13 第四節、學習型網站 的建置基準 ...19 第三章 學習型網站的概念性架構 ...36 第四章 個案研究 ...42 第一節 快官國 小網路虛擬社區背景... 42 第二節 快官國小學習型網站分析 ...45 第三節 網站滿意度分析 ...52 第四 節 國小學習型網站之內容架構 ...62 第五章 結論 ...66 第一節 結論 ...66 第二節 建議 ...69 參考文獻 ...72 附錄一 快官國小網路虛擬社區使用者調查問卷(老師)... 80 附錄二 快官國小網路虛擬社區使用者調查問卷(家長)... 82 附錄三 快官國小網路虛擬社區使用者調查問卷(學生)... 84 附錄 四 快官國小網路虛擬社區規劃建置者訪談綱要... 86 附錄五 老師對網站的相關建議內容明細表... 87 附錄六 家長對網 站的相關建議內容明細表... 88 附錄七 學生對網站的相關建議內容明細表 ...90


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