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Tuberculosis: Infection Control/Exposure Control Issues for Oral Healthcare Workers (The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 9, No. 1, January 1, 2008)


Academic year: 2022

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To present the essential elements of an infection control/ exposure control plan for the oral healthcare settings with emphasis on

tuberculosis Introduction

˙In 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) published new guidelines for prevention the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT)

→Apply to healthcare workers (HCWs)

˙The magnitude of the risk varies by :

occupational group, prevalence, population Etiology and Epidemiology

˙Robert Koch first described MBT →carried in airborne particles (droplet nuclei) generated when

patients cough, sneeze,shout, sing, talk

˙Droplets nuclei are between 1-5 microns in diameters

→can remain in air for ours and can be

carried by air throughout a room or building

˙The probability of a person becoming infected depends on the concentration of droplets nuclei in the air and the duration of exposure

˙Environmental factors

→confined space, inadequate ventilation, recirculation of air


˙When hosts inhale droplets nuclei

→the bacilli travel through upper respiratory tract, bronchi, to alveoli where a local infection is established

˙The immune response is predominantly cell-mediated (CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell)

˙Pulmonary macrophages present antigens to

→major-histocompatibility-complex (MHC) class II molecules (active CD4+

T-cells) and MHC class I molecules (active CD8+ T-cells)

˙within 2-10 weeks

→the immune response will limit further multiplicaiton of MBT

→if the quantity and virulence of TB bacilli is high, then the bacilli may disseminate throughout by lymphatic and hematogenous spread

˙TB causes approximately two million death annually

˙In 2005, 14097 cases were reported to CDC represented 2.9% decease than 2004

˙In 2005, TB case rate of 4.8 per 100000 represented 3.8% decline compared with 2004

˙The rate of TB in foreign-borne persons was 7.8 times that of those born in U.S.


˙Classic symptoms include chronic ill health, coughing with hemoptysis, low-grade fever, weight loss, and night sweats.

˙About 15% of patients with TB disease present with an extrapulmonary site of infection

˙Expectoration of the infected sputum may cause tuberculous

tracheitis,laryngitis, and tuberculous ulcers on the tonsils and nasal cavity

˙When the cervical lymph nodes are involved,they may caseate forming tuberculous abscesses or fibrosis and calcification

Oral manifestations of TB

˙The estimated prevalence of oral tuberculous lesions ranges from 0.05 to 5%

˙Oral lesions are usually secondary, reflecting with infected sputum and hematogenous spread

˙Patients with TB disease and HIV-infection, the palate and dorsum of the tongue were the most frequent sites of oral involvement

˙Pain and cervical lymphadenopathy are common findings


Latent TB Infection

˙The tuberculin skin test (TST)

→The antigen is injected intracutaneously into the forearm

˙TST evokes the delayed hypersensitivity reaction mediated by T-cells

˙The test is read at 48-72 hours, and the diameter of the induration of erythema is measured


˙While the relative specificity of the TST is high →false positive and false negative

→false positive : sensitization with MBT

→false negative : immunocompromised, recent exposure, very young child

QuantiFERON -TB Gold (QFT-G) test (for LTBI)

˙Detects the release of interferon-gamma in fresh heparinized blood from sensitized persons when it is incubated with mixtures of synthetic peptides representing two proteins present in MBT

TB disease

˙Definitive diagnosis requires the demonstration of MBT in the patient’s tissues or secretions.

˙Bacteriologic which includes obtaining a specimen of sputum, detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in stained (Ziehl-Neelsen method) smears examined microscopically

˙DNA probes specific for the genus Mycobacterium now are used routinely to identify



antimycobacterial treatment regimens include antibiotics that target unique targets such as the synthesis of NAG-arabinogalactan

and the early steps in mycolic acid synthesis


„ Isoniazid safe used

TTrreeaattmmeenntt ooff TTBB DDiisseeaassee

„ Treatment of Susceptible TB Disease

„ Treatment of Resistant TB Disease

„ Treatment of TB Disease in Patient with HIV Infection

„ Treatment of TB disease in the Pregnant Patient

TBTB IInnffeeccttiioonn--CCoonnttrrooll SSttrraatteeggiieess iinn OOrraall HHeeaalltthhccaarree SSeettttiinnggss

„ OHCWs and patients with infectious TB disease will generate droplet nuclei by coughing, sneezing, laughing, and talking

„ A TB infection-control plan that is part of its written infection control/exposure control protocol

„ Inadequate to prevent the spread of organisms through droplet nuclei 1-5µm in diameter, and additional measures (e.g. transmission-based precautions) are necessary to prevent the spread of MBT

„ TB infection-control component should be based on a three-level hierarchy of administrative, environmental, and respiratory-protection controls

AdAdmmiinniissttrraattiivvee CCoonnttrroollss

„ The first and most important level

„ To reduce the risk of exposure to persons who might have infectious TB disease

TBTB RRiisskk AAsssseessssmmeenntt ffoorr tthhee OOrraall HHeeaalltthhccaarree SSeettttiinngg

„ Every oral healthcare setting should conduct initial and ongoing (annual) evaluations of TB risk for the setting

„ TB risk assessment for the community will determine the types of administrative, environmental, and respiratory-protection controls that are needed for the particular setting

„ Consult with the local or state health department

TBTB IInnffeeccttiioonn--CCoonnttrrooll PPrrooggrraamm tthhee OOrraall HHeeaalltthhccaarree SSeettttiinngg

„ With patients with undiagnosed or unsuspected infectious TB disease

„ Specific precautions: prevalence of TB in the community, patient population served, and the type of services provided in a particular setting

TBTB iinnffeeccttiioonn--ccoonnttrrooll pprroottooccooll

„ Prompt identification of patients with suspected or confirmed infectious TB disease

„ Separation of patients with suspected and confirmed TB disease from other OHCWs and patients


„ Referral for a medical evaluation and/or required oral healthcare procedures to a facility with appropriate environmental controls and respiratory-protection controls

IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff PPaattiieennttss wwiitthh SSuussppeecctteedd oorr CCoonnffiirrmmeedd TTBB DDiisseeaassee

Reviewing medical histories (initial and periodic update), including a review of organ systems

Their history of exposure to TB, LTBI, and any history of TB disease

Any medical conditions that increase the risk of TB disease

Any signs and symptoms of TB disease

„ Patients with a history of LTBI and confirmed TB disease should be questioned about the status of their antimycobacterial treatment

„ Provisional diagnosis of respiratory TB disease should be considered for any patient with signs and symptoms of infection in the lungs or airways, coughing for

>3 weeks, loss appetite, unexplained weight loss, night sweats, bloody sputum or hemoptysis, hoarseness, fever, fatigue, and chest pain

IsIsoollaattiioonn ooff PPaattiieennttss wwiitthh SSuussppeecctteedd oorr CCoonnffiirrmmeedd TTBB DDiisseeaassee ffrroomm OOtthheerr PPaattiieennttss anandd OOHHCCWWss

„ Isolated from other patients and OHCWs and instructed to observe strict respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette procedures

„ Should wear a surgical mask

„ When coughing or sneezing, they should turn their heads away from other persons and cover their mouth and nose with their hands or preferably a disposable facial tissue

RReeffeerrrraall ooff PPaattiieennttss wwiitthh SSuussppeecctteedd oorr CCoonnffiirrmmeedd TTBB DDiisseeaassee ffoorr aa MMeeddiiccaall EvEvaalluuaattiioonn aanndd//oorr RReeqquuiirreedd UUrrggeenntt DDeennttaall CCaarree

„ Routine dental care should be postponed until a physician confirms the patient

„ Patients with suspected or confirmed TB disease requiring urgent dental care must be promptly referred on an oral healthcare facility that meets the requirements for an airborne infection isolation (All) room

„ While performing procedures on such patients, OHCWs should use at least an N95 disposable respiratory


TBB EEdduuccaattiioonn aanndd TTrraaiinniinngg PPrrooggrraamm ffoorr OOHHCCWWss

„ The level of training will vary according to the risk classification of the setting

SSccrreeeenniinngg ffoorr LLTTBBII aanndd TTBB DDiisseeaassee iinn OOHHCCWWss

The administration, reading, and interpretation of TST or other tests are to be performed by trained personnel as follows:


TBTB IInnffeeccttiioonn--CCoonnttrrooll SSttrraatteeggiieess iinn OOrraall HHeeaalltthhccaarree SSeettttiinnggss Administrative Controls

„ Preventive Therapy

„ Workplace Restrictions for OHCWs

„ Environmental Controls

„ Respiratory Protection Controls

PPrreevveennttiivvee TThheerraappyy

„ Should be offered to all personnel with baseline-positive TST or BAMT results if they are younger that 35 years

„ Should further be offered to the all personnel, regardless of age, who conversion of their TST or BAMT results

„ Be provided through the local or state health department or by other healthcare providers


Poosstt--eexxppoossuurree MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ooff OOHHCCWWss

„ After an exposure to MBT, TST or BAMT testing should be done on personnel known to have had negative results on previous testing

„ If the initial post-exposure test is negative, repeat the test 12 weeks after exposure

„ Do not perform TST or BAMT testing or chest radiographs on personnel with previous positive test results, unless they have symptoms suggestive of TB disease


Woorrkkppllaaccee RReessttrriiccttiivvee ffoorr OOHHCCWWss

„ Personnel with TB disease should be excluded from the workplace until documentation is provided from their healthcare provider that

They are receiving adequate therapy

Their cough has resolved

They have had three consecutive sputum smears collected on different days with negative results for AFB

„ Personnel with TB disease who discontinue treatment before cured should be promptly evaluated for their infectious state

„ Do not restrict personnel from their usual duties if they are receiving preventing therapy because of positive TST results

„ Instruct them to seek prompt evaluation if symptoms suggestive of TB disease develop


Immmmuunnooccoommpprroommiisseedd OOHHCCWWss

„ Referred to their personal health professionals


„ Offer accommodations for work settings in which they would have the lowest possible risk for occupational exposure to MBT

EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall CCoonnttrroollss

„ Are physical or mechanical measures intended to prevent the spread and reduce the concentration of infectious droplet nuclei 1-5μm in diameter in ambient air

„ Patients with suspected or confirmed TB disease requiring urgent dental care must be treated in a room meeting requirements for airborne infection isolation

„ All rooms provide negative pressure in the room so air flows under the door gap into the room

„ They have an air exchange rate of 6-12 ACH, and a direct exhaust of air from the room to the outside of the building, or provide for a recirculation of air through a high efficiency particulate air filter

ReRessppiirraattoorryy PPrrootteeccttiioonn CCoonnttrroollss

„ Use of respiratory equipment in situations that pose a high risk for exposure

„ Performing urgent dental care on a patient with suspected or confirmed TB disease must wear at least an N95 disposable respirator

„ N95 disposable respirators are nonpowered, air-purifying, particulate-filter respirator

„ The N (not resistant to oil)-series respirators are available with filtration

efficiencies of 95% (N95), 99% (N99), and 99.7% (N100) when challenged with 0.3μm particles


„ The risk of MBT transmission in the oral healthcare setting is low, but the consequences of exposure can be substantial

„ TB infection-control surveillance

„ Post-exposure management strategies

„ TB infection-control protocol for patients with suspected or confirmed TB disease

題號 題目

1 Where is the most common extrapulmonary sites in the head and neck involved by TB?

(A) tongue

(B) cervical lymph nodes (C) nasal cavity

(D) ear

答案(B) 出處:Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology (P.173)



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