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The application of technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior to discuss the behavioral intention of Wii 林忠政、張志銘, 陳南琦


Academic year: 2022

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The application of technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior to discuss the behavioral intention of Wii

林忠政、張志銘, 陳南琦

E-mail: 354579@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The study “The Application of Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior to Discuss the Behavioral Intention of Wii Sports Gaming Participation” used the technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior with perceived playfulness to discuss the behavior intention of Wii Sports gaming participation. This includes the dimensions of attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, perceived ease of use, perceived of usefulness, perceived playfulness and behavior intention, as well as the relations of each path. The junior and senior high(vocational ) school students in Tanzi and Houli District were our research subjects, and a total of 386 valid questionnaires were collected. The SPSS12.0 version and LISREL8.52 package were used to compose the data file and for the statistical analysis. Through the verification of the research hypotheses, the conclusions were as follows: perceived of usefulness has no significant impact on attitude toward behavior; the impacts on perceived ease of use to the attitude toward behavior, perceived playfulness to attitude toward behavior, perceived ease of use to perceived of usefulness, perceived ease of use to the perceived playfulness, attitude toward behavior to behavior intention, subjective norm to behavior intention, while perceived behavioral control to behavior intention were significantly positive. In this study, the verification of integrating the application of technology acceptance model and the theory of planned behavior with the addition of perceived playfulness to discuss the behavioral intention of Wii Sports gaming participation results in a comparatively good performance. The contribution of this study can be used as a reference for future research and direction.

Keywords : Perceived Ease of Use、Perceived Playfulness、Perceived of Usefulness、Attitude toward behavior Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 .....................

iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 .....................

vi 表目錄 ..................... viii 圖目錄 ..................... ix 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機............

1 第二節  研究目的............... 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制............ 3 第四節 名 詞釋義................. 4 第二章  文獻探討................. 7 第一節 Wii Sports運動型遊戲........ 7   第二節 科技接受模式與相關研究........ 12   第三節 計畫行為理 論與相關研究........ 18 第四節 研究假設與推論............ 25 第三章 研究方法......

........... 32 第一節 研究架構............... 32 第二節 研究流程.........

...... 33 第三節 研究對象............... 35 第四節 研究工具..............

. 35 第五節 資料分析............... 36 第四章 研究結果分析............... 43 第 一節 個人基本資料之?述性統計分析..... 43 第二節 各構面題項之?述性統計分析...... 47 第三節 配適度之 驗證分析........... 52 第四節 結構方程模式徑路分析與討論...... 54 第五章 結論與建議....

............ 60 第一節 結論................. 60 第二節 建議..........

....... 63 參考文獻...................... 64 附錄A 結合科技接受模式與計畫行為理 論探討Wii使用者 運動型遊戲之行為意圖預試問卷........ 75 附錄B 結合科技接受模式與計畫行為理論探討參 與Wii運 動型遊戲之行為意圖問卷........... 78 表目錄 表 2-1 相關理論模式比較............

... 23 表 2-2 研究假設................... 31 表 3-2 本研究信、效度分析量表.......

..... 39 表 4-1 個人基本資料之?述性統計分析......... 46 表 4-2 行為態度構面之敘述性統計量分析表.

...... 48 表 4-3 主觀規範構面之敘述性統計量分析表....... 48 表 4-4 知覺行為控制構面之敘述性統計量 分析表..... 49 表 4-5 知覺易用性構面之敘述性統計量分析表...... 50 表 4-6 知覺有用性構面之敘述性統計 量分析表...... 50 表 4-7 知覺娛樂性構面之敘述性統計量分析表...... 51 表 4-8 行為意圖構面之敘述性統 計量分析表....... 52 表 4-9 配適度指標統計表............... 52 表 4-10 結構模式徑路分析統 計表............ 54 表 5-1 研究驗證假設之結果呈現彙整.......... 60 圖目錄 圖 2-1 科技接受 模式架構圖.............. 14 圖 2-2 計畫行為理論架構圖.............. 21 圖 2-3


C-TAM-TPB架構圖............... 26 圖 3-1 研究架構................... 32 圖 3-2 研究流程................... 34 圖 4-1 本研究架構之徑路分析.............



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This study combines the Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior as its research foundation, added with dimension of perceived value as

This study was conducted using the key factor from Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Reasoned Action, Diffusion of Innovation, and Involve Theory to explore the