Briefing Session (16 February 2022)
English Language Education Section Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau
Collaborative Research and Development “Seed” Project: EE0222 Exploiting Literary Texts to Promote Values Education and
Enhance Students’ Literacy Skills Development in the Junior Secondary English Classroom
Aim of the “Seed” Project
To develop teachers’ capacity in:
integrating values education and language arts into the school junior secondary English Language curriculum;
adopting effective teaching strategies to guide students to comprehend, appreciate and respond to literary texts; and
designing suitable learning and teaching activities and resources to support students’ development of literacy skills as well as positive values and attitudes that are conducive to their whole-person development.
To nurture in students positive values and attitudes and enhance their literacy skills development through appreciation of and interaction with literary texts in the junior secondary English classroom.
Objectives of the “Seed” Project
Final Report of Task Force on
Review of School Curriculum (2020)
Six Directions of Recommendations
Whole-person Development Values Education and Life Planning Education
Creating Space and Catering for Learner Diversity
Applied Learning
University Admissions
STEM Education
Recommendations for Values Education and Life Planning
EducationFinal Report of Task Force on Review of School Curriculum
Promoting Values Education in the School Curriculum
Added in 2020 Added in 2020 Added in 2021
Values Education Curriculum Framework (Pilot Version)(2021)
• To provide students with authentic learning
experiences so that they know how to put positive values and attitudes into practice
• To nurture students’
empathy and
positive attitudes towards life
• To enhance students’
understanding of positive
values and attitudes and skills in making moral judgements and decisions
Promoting Positive Values &
Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (2017) - Booklet 6A: Moral and Civic Education: Towards Values Education 7
Promoting Values Education in the School Curriculum
Final Report of Task Force on
Review of School Curriculum (2020)
Six Directions of Recommendations
Whole-person Development Values Education and Life Planning Education
Creating Space and Catering for Learner Diversity
Applied Learning
University Admissions
STEM Education
Recommendations for English Language
Creating Space and Catering for Learner Diversity
Offering vocational English as an Applied Learning (ApL) course
Optimising measures for Senior Secondary English Language
Enriching the existing curriculum, with more emphasis on the academic and creative use of the language
Enhancing students’ language competency through LaC and RaC
Final Report of Task Force on Review of School Curriculum
Integrating Values Education into the Junior Secondary English
Connecting the Ten Priority Values and Attitudes with the T hemes/Topics of Teaching Modules in the English
Language Curriculum
English Language Values Education
Focuses, e.g.
• Values and attitudes
• Text types
• Reading/writing strategies
• Language items
Literacy Skills Development
Language arts materials
Making Effective Use of Language Arts Materials in the Junior Secondary English Classroom
• Diligence
• Care for others
• Perseverance
• Empathy
• Perseverance
• Care for others
• Respect for others
The Grasshopper and the Ant (A Poem)
Wonder (A Movie)
The Road to Lhasa (A Short Story)
Strengthening the Connection between English
Language and Various Cross-curricular Domains to Facilitate Whole-person Development
Values Education
Strengthening the Connection between English
Language and Various Cross-curricular Domains to Facilitate Whole-person Development
English Language &
Science Features of biographical texts
Learning from success stories of famous scientists through
project work
Grit, perseverance
Research on Famous Failures
English Language &
Music Analysis of literary devices in lyrics
Rewriting the lyrics of
a song Hope, empathy,
respect others …
Song Dedication Activity
English Language Values Education
• Teenage life/
Getting along with Others
Values & Attitudes
Content objectives
• To learn about the story “Wonder”
• To cultivate positive values and attitudes (e.g. perseverance, respect for others, care for others)
Language objectives To explore:
• filmic elements (e.g. plot
development, characterisation, point of view)
• use of positive and negative adjectives to describe
Integrating Values Education into the
Junior Secondary English Classroom – An Example
(A Movie/Fiction) Literacy Skills Development
Planning & Implementation of the “Seed” Project
School Year (2022/23) School Year (2023/24) School Participation: Up to 2 School Years
Class Level S1 - 3
• Conducting the tryout in at least one class of
• Conducting the
tryout with the
Implementation (1-2 weeks)
• To try out the unit, i.e. the strategies and materials, in at least one class of students
Development • To design and develop materials for one unit of work (about 6 – 8 lessons) with the CDI officers
• To design and develop materials for one unit of work (about 8 – 12 lessons) with support from the CDI officers as appropriate
(1-2 weeks) • To try out the unit, i.e. the strategies and materials, in at least one class of students
Evaluation • To participate in the end-of-the-year evaluation
Planning & Implementation of the “Seed” Project
Phase I (Small Scale)
Phase II
2022/23 s.y.
Implementation (1-2 weeks)
• To try out the unit, i.e. the strategies and materials, in at least one class of students
Development • To design and develop materials for one unit of work (about 8 – 12 lessons) with the CDI officers
• To design and develop materials for one unit of work (about 8 – 12 lessons) with support from the CDI officers as appropriate
(1-2 weeks) • To try out the unit, i.e. the strategies and materials, in at least one class of students
Evaluation • To participate in the end-of-the-year evaluation
Planning & Implementation of the “Seed” Project
Phase I
Phase II
2023/24 s.y.
nominate one experienced and committed English teacher to be the school project coordinator, and where possible, identify more teachers to be the members of the project team;
build on the school’s existing reading / writing programmes and incorporate the tryout into the school-based English Language curriculum; and
School Project
School project coordinator
Project teachers
The “Seed” School is Expected to
assist in the collection of evidence (by supporting classroom observations, including video-recording the tryout lessons and interviewing students / teacher(s)) on the impact on student learning.
Role of the School Project Team
Identifying entry point(s) for the “Seed” Project
Working in collaboration with the CDI officers to identify suitable texts and resources for the units of tasks/learning activities
Developing and trying out teaching strategies, tasks and materials
Producing deliverables including two units of tasks illustrating how positive values and attitudes can be nurtured in students and how their literacy skills can be enhanced in the secondary English classroom
Collecting evidence (by supporting classroom observations, including video-recording tryout lessons and interviewing students / teacher(s)) on the impact on student learning Disseminating good practices for teachers’ professional development
School Project
Benefits for the “Seed” School
The “Seed” school will
build up the capacity of the English Panel in promoting values education and enhancing students’ literacy skills in the secondary English classroom; and
gain insights into how to integrate values education and language arts materials into the school English Language curriculum and devise a holistic plan for curriculum development.
Teachers from the “Seed” school will
develop the competence in developing effective strategies and resources to enhance students’ ability in comprehending, appreciating and responding to literary texts.
Deadline for Application 10 March 2022 (Thursday)
For details, please refer to the
EDB Circular Memorandum No.1/2022:
Appendix A(26), Appendix B with Annexes 2 & 3 and Appendix C
Human Resource Management Unit of EDB, 4/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices,
2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong
Return the application form (Appendix C) in duplicate to:
Results of the applications will be announced in June 2022.
Drop-in Box
(Box No.: EDB03 - Staff Interflow Schemes 2022)
Located at 2/F Entrance,
East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue,Tamar,
Hong Kong
By post By hand
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