Science Education Key Learning Area
Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4 - 6)
Jointly prepared by the Curriculum Development Council and The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
Recommended for use in schools by the Education Bureau HKSARG
2007 (with updates in June 2018)
Preamble i
Acronyms iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Implementation of Science Subjects in Schools 2
1.3 Rationale 3
1.4 Curriculum Aims 3
1.5 Interface with the Junior Secondary Curriculum and
Post-secondary Pathways 4
Chapter 2 Curriculum Framework 7
2.1 Design Principles 7
2.2 Learning Targets 9
2.2.1 Knowledge and Understanding 9
2.2.2 Skills and Processes 9
2.2.3 Values and Attitudes 11
2.3 Curriculum Structure and Organisation 13
2.3.1 Compulsory Part 16
2.3.2 Elective Part 67
2.3.3 Investigative Study 82
Chapter 3 Curriculum Planning 85
3.1 Guiding Principles 85
3.2 Progression of Studies 86
3.3 Curriculum Planning Strategies 88
3.3.1 Interface with Junior Secondary Science Curriculum 88 3.3.2 Suggested Learning and Teaching Sequences 90 3.3.3 Curriculum Adaptations for Learner Diversity 95
3.3.4 Flexible Use of Learning Time 96
3.4 Curriculum Management 97
Chapter 4 Learning and Teaching 103
4.1 Knowledge and Learning 103
4.2 Guiding Principles 104
4.3 Approaches and Strategies 105
4.3.1 Approaches to Learning and Teaching 105
4.3.2 Variety and Flexibility in Learning and Teaching Activities 107 4.3.3 From Curriculum to Pedagogy: How to Start 107
4.4 Interaction 115
4.4.1 Scaffolding Learning 116
4.4.2 Questioning and Feedback 116
4.5 Learning Communities 117
4.6 Catering for Learner Diversity 117
4.6.1 Understanding the Students 117
4.6.2 Flexible Grouping 118
4.6.3 The Use of Diverse Learning and Teaching Approaches 118 4.6.4 The Use of Differentiated Learning Tasks 119
4.6.5 The Use of Information Technology 119
4.6.6 Catering for Gifted Students 119
Chapter 5 Assessment 121
5.1 The Roles of Assessment 121
5.2 Formative and Summative Assessment 122
5.3 Assessment Objectives 123
5.4 Internal Assessment 124
5.4.1 Guiding Principles 124
5.4.2 Internal Assessment Practices 125
5.5 Public Assessment 127
5.5.1 Guiding Principles 127
5.5.2 Assessment Design 128
5.5.3 Public Examinations 128
5.5.4 School-Based Assessment 129
5.5.5 Standards and Reporting of Results 129
Chapter 6 Learning and Teaching Resources 132 6.1 Purpose and Function of Learning and Teaching Resources 132
6.2 Guiding Principles 132
6.3 Types of Resources 133
6.3.1 Textbooks 133
6.3.2 The Internet and Technologies 134
6.3.3 Resource Materials from the EDB 134
6.3.4 Community Resources 135
6.3.5 Documentary Videos and Television Programmes 136
6.3.6 Journals and Newspaper Articles 137
6.4 Flexible Use of Learning and Teaching Resources 137
6.5 Resource Management 138
6.5.1 Acquisition of Resources 138
6.5.2 Sharing Resources 138
6.5.3 Storing Resources 138
1. Timetable arrangement and deployment of teachers to cater for the diverse needs of students
140 2. Experimental techniques for the Chemistry Curriculum 144
Glossary 148
References 154
Membership of the CDC-HKEAA Committee on Chemistry
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The Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB, now renamed Education Bureau (EDB)) stated in its report1 in 2005 that the implementation of a three-year senior secondary academic structure would commence at secondary 4 in September 2009. The senior secondary academic structure is supported by a flexible, coherent and diversified senior secondary curriculum aimed at catering for students’ varied interests, needs and abilities. This Curriculum and Assessment (C&A) Guide is one of the series of documents prepared for the senior secondary curriculum. It is based on the goals of senior secondary education and on other official documents related to the curriculum and assessment reform since 2000 including the Basic Education Curriculum Guide (Primary 1-6) (CDC, 2014) and the Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (CDC, 2017a). To gain a full understanding of the connection between education at the senior secondary level and other key stages, and how effective learning, teaching and assessment can be achieved, it is strongly recommended that reference should be made to all related documents.
This C&A Guide is designed to provide the rationale and aims of the subject curriculum, followed by chapters on the curriculum framework, curriculum planning, pedagogy, assessment and use of learning and teaching resources. One key concept underlying the senior secondary curriculum is that curriculum, pedagogy and assessment should be well aligned. While learning and teaching strategies form an integral part of the curriculum and are conducive to promoting learning to learn and whole-person development, assessment should also be recognised not only as a means to gauge performance but also to improve learning. To understand the interplay between these three key components, all chapters in the C&A Guide should be read in a holistic manner.
The C&A Guide was jointly prepared by the Curriculum Development Council (CDC) and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) in 2007. The first updating was made in January 2014 to align with the short-term recommendations made on the senior secondary curriculum and assessment resulting from the New Academic Structure (NAS) review so that students and teachers could benefit at the earliest possible instance. The updating in November 2015 and June 2018 are made to align with the recommendations from the medium-term NAS review and the ongoing review of the curriculum and assessment of senior secondary subjects respectively review made on curriculum and assessment. The CDC is an advisory body that gives recommendations to the HKSAR Government on all matters relating to curriculum development for the school system from kindergarten to senior
employers, academics from tertiary institutions, professionals from related fields/bodies, representatives from the HKEAA and the Vocational Training Council (VTC), as well as officers from the EDB. The HKEAA is an independent statutory body responsible for the conduct of public assessment, including the assessment for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE). Its governing council includes members drawn from the school sector, tertiary institutions and government bodies, as well as professionals and members of the business community.
The C&A Guide is recommended by the EDB for use in secondary schools. The subject curriculum forms the basis of the assessment designed and administered by the HKEAA. In this connection, the HKEAA issues a handbook to provide information on the rules and regulations of the HKDSE Examination as well as the structure and format of public assessment for each subject.
The CDC and HKEAA will keep the subject curriculum under constant review and evaluation in the light of classroom experiences, students’ performance in the public assessment, and the changing needs of students and society. All comments and suggestions on this C&A Guide may be sent to:
Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Science Education) Curriculum Development Institute
Education Bureau
Room E232, 2/F, East Block
Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre 19 Suffolk Road
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Fax: 2194 0670
AL Advanced Level
ApL Applied Learning
ASL Advanced Supplementary Level C&A Curriculum and Assessment CDC Curriculum Development Council CE Certificate of Education
EC Education Commission
EDB Education Bureau
EMB Education and Manpower Bureau
HKALE Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination HKCAA Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation HKCEE Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination HKDSE Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
HKEAA Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority HKEdCity Hong Kong Education City
HKSAR Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
IT Information Technology
KLA Key Learning Area
KS1/2/3/4 Key Stage 1/2/3/4
LOF Learning Outcomes Framework
MOI Medium of Instruction
NOS Nature of Science
NGO Non-governmental Organisation OLE Other Learning Experiences
QF Qualifications Framework
RASIH Review of the Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Interface with Higher Education
S1/2/3/4/5/6 Secondary 1/2/3/4/5/6
SBA School-based Assessment
SEN Special Educational Needs SLP Student Learning Profile
SRR Standards-referenced Reporting
STSE Science, Technology, Society and Environment TPPG Teacher Professional Preparation Grant
VTC Vocational Training Council
Chapter 1 Introduction
This chapter provides the background, rationale and aims of Chemistry as an elective subject in the three-year senior secondary curriculum, and highlights how it articulates with the junior secondary curriculum, post-secondary education, and future career pathways.
1.1 Background
The Education Commission’s education blueprint for the 21st Century, Learning for Life, Learning through Life – Reform Proposals for the Education System in Hong Kong (EC, 2000), highlighted the vital need for a broad knowledge base to enable our students to function effectively in a global and technological society such as Hong Kong, and all subsequent consultation reports have echoed this. The 334 Report advocated the development of a broad and balanced curriculum emphasising whole-person development and preparation for lifelong learning. Besides the four core subjects, Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies, students are encouraged to select two or three elective subjects from different Key Learning Areas (KLAs) according to their interests and abilities, and also to engage in a variety of other learning experiences such as aesthetic activities, physical activities, career-related experiences, community service, and moral and civic education. This replaces the traditional practice of streaming students into science, arts and technical/commercial subjects.
Study of the three different areas of biology, chemistry and physics often complement and supplement each other. In order to provide a balanced learning experience for students studying sciences, the following elective subjects are offered under the Science Education KLA:
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
These subjects are designed to provide a concrete foundation in the respective disciplines for further studies or careers.
This subject operates in two modes. Mode I, entitled Integrated Science, adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the study of science, while Mode II, entitled Combined
Mode I: Integrated Science
This is designed for students wishing to take up one elective subject in the Science Education KLA. It serves to develop in students the scientific literacy essential for participating in a dynamically changing society, and to support other aspects of learning across the school curriculum. Students taking this subject will be provided with a comprehensive and balanced learning experience in the different disciplines of science.
Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry)
Mode II: Combined Science Combined Science (Chemistry, Biology)
Combined Science (Biology, Physics)
Students wishing to take two elective subjects in the Science Education KLA are recommended to take one specialised science subject, and Combined Science with the content selected from the other two science subjects. Students are, therefore, offered three possible combinations:
– Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry) + Biology
– Combined Science (Chemistry, Biology) + Physics
– Combined Science (Biology, Physics) + Chemistry
1.2 Implementation of Science Subjects in Schools
The five separate Curriculum and Assessment Guides for the subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Integrated Science and Combined Science are prepared for the reference of school managers and teachers, who are involved in planning school-based curriculum, designing learning and teaching activities, assessing students, allocating resources and providing administrative support to deliver the curricula in schools. Arrangements for time-tabling and deployment of teachers are given in the Appendix 1.
This C&A Guide sets out guidelines and suggestions for the Chemistry Curriculum. The delivery of the Chemistry part of Combined Science contributing towards the qualifications of Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry) and Combined Science (Chemistry, Biology) in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education will be discussed in the Combined Science C&A Guide (CDC & HKEAA, 2007).
1.3 Rationale
The emergence of a highly competitive and integrated economy, rapid scientific and technological innovations, and a growing knowledge base will continue to have a profound impact on our lives. In order to meet the challenges posed by these developments, Chemistry, like other science electives, will provide a platform for developing scientific literacy and for building essential scientific knowledge and skills for lifelong learning in science and technology.
Chemistry deals with the composition, structures and properties of matter, the interactions between different types of matter, and the relationship between matter and energy. Through the learning of chemistry, it is possible to acquire relevant conceptual and procedural knowledge. A study of chemistry also helps to develop understanding and appreciation of developments in engineering, medicine and other related scientific and technological fields.
Furthermore, learning about the contributions, issues and problems related to innovations in chemistry will help students develop an understanding of the relationship between science, technology, society and the environment.
The curriculum attempts to make the study of chemistry exciting and relevant. It is suggested that the learning of chemistry be situated in real-life contexts. The adoption of a range of such contexts together with a range of learning and teaching strategies and assessment practices is intended to appeal to students of all abilities and aspirations, and to stimulate interest and motivation for learning. Students are expected to be able to apply their knowledge of chemistry, to appreciate the relationship between chemistry and other disciplines, to be aware of the science-technology-society-environment (STSE) connections within contemporary issues, and to become responsible citizens.
1.4 Curriculum Aims
The overarching aim of the Chemistry Curriculum is to provide chemistry-related learning experiences for students to develop scientific literacy, so that they can participate actively in our rapidly changing knowledge-based society, prepare for further studies or careers in fields related to chemistry, and become lifelong learners in science and technology.
The broad aims of the Chemistry Curriculum are to enable students to:
appreciate and understand the evolutionary nature of science;
develop skills for making scientific inquiries;
develop the ability to think scientifically, critically and creatively, and solve problems individually and collaboratively in chemistry-related contexts;
discuss science-related issues using the language of chemistry;
make informed decisions and judgements on chemistry-related issues;
develop open-mindedness, objectivity and pro-activeness;
show appropriate awareness of working safely;
understand and evaluate the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of chemistry, and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship.
1.5 Interface with the Junior Secondary Curriculum and Post-secondary Pathways
The Chemistry Curriculum builds on the CDC Syllabus for Science (S1-3) published in 1998 and extends the study of the three strands in science education KLA: “The Material World”,
“Scientific Investigation” and “STSE”. Figure 1.1 depicts how the strands in the science education KLA are interrelated.
Figure 1.1 Diagrammatic Representation of the Strands in Science Education
Please refer to Chapter 3 of this Guide for details about the interface between the junior secondary science curriculum and the Chemistry Curriculum.
The senior secondary academic structure provides multiple pathways to post-secondary education and the workplace so that every student has an opportunity to succeed in life.
Figure 1.2 shows the continuum of study and career pathways open to students studying Chemistry.
Figure 1.2 Multiple Pathways to Higher Education and the Workplace
For some students, the study of this curriculum facilitates their pursuit of degree courses in science-related or other disciplines. Some students may find the study of this curriculum suitable for their further study in sub-degree course. Knowledge of daily-life applications of chemistry and the practical skills acquired through this curriculum will also enable students to study effectively in various vocational training courses. Furthermore, the logical thinking and the problem-solving skills acquired from the study of this curriculum will make the students more competitive in the workplace.
S1-3 Science S4-6
S4-6 Combined
Science 4-year
Bachelor Degrees
& Vocational Training Courses
Further Professional Qualifications Further Studies / Career
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Chapter 2 Curriculum Framework
The curriculum framework for Chemistry embodies the key knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that students are to develop at senior secondary level. It forms the basis on which schools and teachers plan their school-based curriculum and design appropriate learning, teaching and assessment activities.
2.1 Design Principles
The Chemistry Curriculum is one of the constituents of the senior secondary curriculum. In this connection, the recommendations in Chapter 3 of the report New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education – Action Plan for Investing in the Future of Hong Kong (EMB, 2005a) and the Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (CDC, 2017a) have been adopted. The following principles are used in the design of the Chemistry Curriculum framework.
(1) Prior knowledge
This curriculum is developed upon the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, and learning experiences acquired by students in the Science Curriculum (S1-3). There is a close connection between the topics in the Science Curriculum (S1-3) and the Chemistry Curriculum. Please refer to Chapter 3 for details.
(2) Balance between breadth and depth
The Chemistry Curriculum serves as one of the elective subjects. On the one hand, a broad coverage of topics is provided, while on the other hand there will be in-depth study on a certain number of topics to prepare students for further study in a particular field of science and technology.
(3) Balance between theoretical and applied learning
Learning of the conceptual knowledge described in this curriculum should enable students to develop a solid foundation in chemistry. In addition, students are expected to apply the knowledge, concepts and skills to real-life contexts, to develop an understanding of how science, technology, society and environment are interrelated, and to analyse authentic problems they may encounter.
(4) Balance between essential learning and a flexible and diversified curriculum The compulsory part of the curriculum provides students with essential knowledge and concepts, whilst the choices in the elective part provide flexibility to cater for students with different interests, aspirations and abilities.
(5) Learning how to learn and inquiry-based learning
In this curriculum, a wide range of learning activities is suggested to help develop students’
capacities for self-directed and lifelong learning. In addition, teachers are recommended to adopt a range of learning and teaching strategies, e.g. application-first approach, scientific investigations and problem-based learning, to enhance students’ understanding of contemporary issues.
(6) Progression
Students may explore their interests through the study of selected topics within the compulsory part in S4. This will also ensure effective progression to S5 and S6 and their chosen studies. Please refer to Chapter 3 for details.
(7) Smoother articulation to a range of progression pathways
The curriculum enables students to pursue a wide range of post-secondary education and vocational/professional training. It also equips students with knowledge and skills to enter the workplace.
(8) Greater coherence
There are cross-curricular elements in the curriculum to strengthen connections with other subjects.
(9) Catering for diversity
Students vary in their aspirations, abilities, interests and needs. This curriculum provides an opportunity for students to choose topics in the elective part according to their interests and needs. Furthermore, the curriculum is designed to enable students to achieve the learning targets at their own pace.
(10) Relevance to students’ life
Motivation and interest are key student characteristics in active and effective learning. This curriculum includes learning content and activities that are relevant to students’ real life, especially the events and substances they commonly encounter daily.
2.2 Learning Targets
The learning targets of the curriculum are categorised into three domains: knowledge and understanding, skills and processes, and values and attitudes.
2.2.1 Knowledge and Understanding Students are expected to:
understand phenomena, facts and patterns, principles, concepts, laws and theories in chemistry;
learn chemical vocabulary, terminology and conventions;
appreciate applications of chemistry in everyday life;
understand methods used in scientific investigations.
2.2.2 Skills and Processes (1) Scientific thinking
Students are expected to:
identify patterns and changes in the natural world, and predict trends from them;
appreciate the fundamental role of models in exploring phenomena, and that models are modified as new or conflicting evidences are found;
examine evidence and apply logical reasoning to draw valid conclusions;
examine theories and concepts using logical reasoning and experimentation;
integrate new concepts into their existing knowledge framework, and apply them to new situations.
(2) Scientific method, scientific investigations and problem solving Students are expected to:
identify scientific, social, technological and environmental problems and ask relevant questions;
identify assumptions, concepts and theories related to a problem posed;
propose hypotheses and devise methods to test them;
identify dependent and independent variables;
devise plans and procedures to carry out investigations;
select appropriate apparatus to carry out investigations;
use appropriate techniques to present findings and to convey concepts;
evaluate suggested solutions to a problem from different perspectives;
evaluate the validity and reliability of findings and identify factors affecting their validity and reliability;
propose plans for further investigations, if appropriate;
apply knowledge and understanding to solve problems in unfamiliar situations;
recognise the usefulness and limitations of scientific methods.
(3) Decision making
Students are expected to:
make decisions based on evidence and arguments;
support judgements using appropriate scientific principles;
put forward suitable reasoning to choose between alternatives.
(4) Practical work
Students are expected to:
select appropriate apparatus and materials for an experiment;
handle chemicals safely and apparatus in a proper way;
carry out instructions for experiments and record observations accurately;
interpret observations and experimental data;
devise and plan experiments;
evaluate experimental methods and suggest possible improvements;
build models to aid comprehension.
(5) Information handling Students are expected to:
search, retrieve, reorganise, analyse and interpret scientific information from a variety of sources;
use information technology to manage and present information;
be wary of the accuracy and credibility of information from secondary sources;
distinguish among fact, opinion and value judgement in processing scientific information.
(6) Communication
Students are expected to:
use symbols, formulae, equations and conventions appropriately;
interpret scientific information from text and data presented in verbal, diagrammatic, numerical, tabular and graphical forms;
organise and present ideas and arguments in a clear and logical form;
communicate scientific ideas and values in a meaningful and creative way.
(7) Collaboration
Students are expected to:
participate actively, share ideas and offer suggestions in group discussions;
liaise, negotiate and compromise with others in group work;
identify collective goals, define and agree on roles and responsibilities of members in group work;
make use of strategies to work effectively as a group member.
(8) Learning and self-directed learning Students are expected to:
develop study and self-directed learning skills to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning;
develop basic learning habits, abilities and attitudes that are essential to lifelong learning.
2.2.3 Values and Attitudes Students are expected to:
develop curiosity and interest in making scientific investigation;
develop personal integrity through objective observation and honest recording of experimental data;
be willing to communicate and make decisions on issues related to chemistry and demonstrate an open-minded attitude towards the views of others;
be aware that chemistry is a developing science and that it has its limitations;
appreciate the interrelationship of chemistry with other disciplines in providing social and cultural values;
be committed to working safely in a laboratory;
be aware of the impact of chemistry in social, economic, industrial, environmental and technological contexts;
appreciate the importance of lifelong learning in our rapidly changing knowledge-based society.
Figure 2.1 summarises some important learning targets of the curriculum.
Figure 2.1 Learning Targets of the Chemistry Curriculum.
Phenomena, facts, principles, concepts, laws and theories
Vocabulary, terminology and textual conventions
Applications of chemistry
Scientific investigations
Curiosity and interest in science
Personal integrity
Willingness to communicate and make decisions
Open-minded attitude
Awareness of the limitations of science
Appreciation of the interrelationship of chemistry and other disciplines
Commitment to safe practices
Awareness of the impact of chemistry
Appreciate the importance of lifelong learning
Scientific thinking
Scientific method, scientific investigation and problem solving
Decision making
Practical work
Information handling
Learning and self-directed learning
Knowledge and Understanding
Values and Attitudes
Skills and Processes
2.3 Curriculum Structure and Organisation
The curriculum consists of compulsory and elective parts. The compulsory part covers a range of content that enables students to develop an understanding of fundamental chemistry principles and concepts, and scientific process skills. Topics such as “atomic structure”,
“bonding, structures and properties”, “metals and non-metals”, “periodicity”, “mole and stoichiometry”, “acids and bases”, “electrochemistry”, “chemistry of carbon compounds”,
“chemical energetics”, “chemical kinetics” and “chemical equilibrium” are included. Please refer to topics I to XII for details.
To cater for the diverse interests, abilities and needs of students, an elective part is included in the curriculum. The elective part aims to provide an in-depth treatment of some of the compulsory topics, or an extension of certain areas of study. The elective part consists of three topics: “Industrial Chemistry”, “Materials Chemistry” and “Analytical Chemistry”. In addition, “green chemistry” is introduced in this part. Please refer to topics XIII to XV for details.
To facilitate the integration of knowledge and skills, students are required to conduct an investigative study relevant to the curriculum. A proportion of the total lesson time is allocated to this study. Please refer to Topic XVI “Investigative Study in Chemistry” for details.
The content of the curriculum is divided into 15 topics and an investigative study. However, the concepts and principles of chemistry are interrelated and should not be confined by any artificial boundaries between topics. The order of presentation of the topics in this chapter can be regarded as a possible teaching sequence, but teachers should adopt sequences that best suit their chosen teaching approaches. For instance, one topic can be integrated with a later one; some parts of a certain topic may be covered in advance if they fit well in a chosen context. Please refer to Suggested Learning and Teaching Sequences depicted in Chapter 3 for details.
There are five major parts in each of the topics I to XV:
Overview outlines the main theme of the topic. The major concepts and important chemistry principles to be acquired will be highlighted. The foci of each topic will be briefly described. The interconnections between subtopics will also be outlined.
What students should learn and should be able to lists learning objectives (students should learn) and learning outcomes (students should be able to) to be achieved by students in the curriculum. It provides a broad framework upon which learning and teaching activities can be developed. For general principles and examples of learning and teaching strategies, please refer to Chapter 4 of this Guide.
Suggested Learning and Teaching Activities lists some possible activities that may enable students to acquire some of the skills associated with the topic. The list includes a wide range of activities, such as discussion, debate, practical work, investigations and information searching. It should be seen as a guide for teachers rather than as an exhaustive or mandatory list. Teachers should use their professional judgement to arrange learning activities that will develop the knowledge and skills listed in the “What students should learn and should be able to” part of the Curriculum Framework. More discussion on learning and teaching strategies will be provided in Chapter 4 of this Guide.
Values and Attitudes suggests some desirable values and attitudes that can be related to particular topics. Students are expected to develop such intrinsically worthwhile values and positive attitudes in the course of the study of Chemistry. Through discussion and debate, students are encouraged to develop value judgements and good habits for the benefit of themselves and society.
STSE Connections suggests interconnections between science, technology, society and the environment. Through discussion, debate, role play, information search and investigative study on the STSE issues, students can develop communication skills, information handling skills, critical thinking and the making of informed judgements. Teachers are free to select other current topics and issues as a basis for meaningful learning activities.
The table shows the topics and time allocations for the Chemistry Curriculum.2
Compulsory Part (Total 182 hours) I. Planet earth* (6 hours)
II. Microscopic world I* (21 hours) III. Metals* (22 hours)
IV. Acids and bases* (25 hours)
V. Fossil fuels and carbon compounds* (18 hours) VI. Microscopic world II (8 hours)
VII. Redox reactions, chemical cells and electrolysis* (23 hours) VIII. Chemical reactions and energy* (7 hours)
IX. Rate of reaction (9 hours)
X. Chemical equilibrium (10 hours)
XI. Chemistry of carbon compounds (25 hours) XII. Patterns in the chemical world (8 hours) Elective Part (Total 48 hours, select any 2 out of 3) XIII. Industrial chemistry (24 hours)
XIV. Materials chemistry (24 hours) XV. Analytical chemistry (24 hours) Investigative Study (20 hours)
XVI. Investigative study in chemistry
* These topics are included in the chemistry part of Combined Science Curriculum.
2 The lesson time for Liberal Studies and each elective subject is 250 hours (or 10% of the total allocation time) for planning purpose, and schools have the flexibility to allocate lesson time at their discretion in order to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness and cater for students’ needs.
“250 hours” is the planning parameter for each elective subject to meet local curriculum needs as well as requirements of international benchmarking. In view of the need to cater for schools with students of various abilities and interests, particularly the lower achievers, “270 hours” was recommended to facilitate schools’
planning at the initial stage and to provide more time for teachers to attempt various teaching methods for the NSS curriculum. Based on the calculation of each elective subject taking up 10% of the total allocation time, 2500 hours is the basis for planning the 3-year senior secondary curriculum. This concurs with the reality check and feedback collected from schools in the short-term review, and a flexible range of 2400±200 hours is recommended to further cater for school and learner diversity.
As always, the amount of time spent in learning and teaching is governed by a variety of factors, including
2.3.1 Compulsory Part (Total 182 hours)
Topic I Planet Earth (6 hours)
The natural world is made up of chemicals which can be obtained from the earth’s crust, the sea and the atmosphere. The purpose of this topic is to provide opportunities for students to appreciate that we are living in a world of chemicals and that chemistry is a highly relevant and important area of learning. Another purpose of this topic is to enable students to recognise that the study of chemistry includes the investigation of possible methods to isolate useful materials in our environment and to analyse them. Students who have completed this topic are expected to have a better understanding of scientific investigation and chemistry concepts learned in the junior science curriculum.
Students should know the terms “element”, “compound” and “mixture”, “physical change”
and “chemical change”, “physical property” and “chemical property”, “solvent”, “solute” and
“saturated solution”. They should also be able to use word equations to represent chemical changes, to suggest appropriate methods for the separation of mixtures, and to undertake tests for chemical species.
Students should learn Students should be able to a. The atmosphere
composition of air
separation of oxygen and nitrogen from liquid air by fractional distillation
test for oxygen
describe the processes involved in fractional distillation of liquid air, and understand the concepts and procedures involved
demonstrate how to carry out a test for oxygen
b. The ocean
composition of sea water
extraction of common salt and isolation of pure water from sea water
tests to show the presence of sodium and chloride in a sample of common salt
test for the presence of water in a sample
electrolysis of sea water and uses of the products
describe various kinds of minerals in the sea
demonstrate how to extract common salt and isolate pure water from sea water
describe the processes involved in evaporation, distillation, crystallisation and filtration as
different kinds of physical separation methods and understand the concepts and procedures involved
evaluate the appropriateness of using evaporation, distillation, crystallisation and filtration for different physical separation situations
demonstrate how to carry out the flame test, test for chloride and test for water
Students should learn Students should be able to c. Rocks and minerals
rocks as a source of minerals
isolation of useful materials from minerals as exemplified by the extraction of metals from their ores
limestone, chalk and marble as different forms of calcium carbonate
erosion processes as exemplified by the action of heat, water and acids on calcium carbonate
thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate and test for carbon dioxide
tests to show the presence of calcium and carbonate in a sample of limestone/chalk/marble
describe the methods for the extraction of metals from their ores, such as the physical method, heating alone and heating with carbon
describe different forms of calcium carbonate in nature
understand that chemicals may change through the action of heat, water and acids
use word equations to describe chemical changes
demonstrate how to carry out tests for carbon dioxide and calcium
Suggested Learning and Teaching Activities
Students are expected to develop the learning outcomes using a variety of learning experiences. Some related examples are:
searching for information on issues related to the atmosphere, such as air pollution and the applications of the products obtained from fractional distillation of liquid air.
using an appropriate method to test for oxygen and carbon dioxide.
performing experiments and evaluating methods of physical separation including evaporation, distillation, crystallisation and filtration.
using appropriate apparatus and techniques to carry out the flame test and test for chloride.
performing a test to show the presence of water in a given sample.
doing problem-solving exercises on separating mixtures (e.g. a mixture of salt, sugar and sand, and a mixture of sand, water and oil).
extracting silver from silver oxide.
investigating the actions of heat, water and acids on calcium carbonate.
designing and performing chemical tests for calcium carbonate.
Values and Attitudes
Students are expected to develop, in particular, the following values and attitudes:
to value the need for the safe handling and disposal of chemicals.
to appreciate that the earth is the source of a variety of materials useful to human beings.
to show concern over the limited reserve of natural resources.
to show an interest in chemistry and curiosity about it.
to appreciate the contribution of chemists to the separation and identification of chemical species.
STSE Connections
Students are encouraged to appreciate and comprehend issues which reflect the interconnections of science, technology, society and the environment. Related examples are:
Oxygen extracted from air can be used for medicinal purposes.
Methods involving chemical reactions are used to purify drinking water for travellers to districts without a clean and safe water supply.
Desalination is an alternative means of providing fresh water to the Hong Kong people rather than importing water from the Guangdong province.
Mining and extraction of chemicals from the earth should be regulated to conserve the environment.
Products obtained by the electrolysis of sea water are beneficial to our society.
Topic II Microscopic World I (21 hours)
The study of chemistry involves the linkage between phenomena in the macroscopic world and the interaction of atoms, molecules and ions in the microscopic world. Through studying the structures of atoms, molecules and ions, and the bonding in elements and compounds, students will acquire knowledge of some basic chemical principles. These can serve to further illustrate the macroscopic level of chemistry, such as patterns of change, observations in various chemical reactions, the rates of reactions and chemical equilibria. In addition, students should be able to perform calculations related to chemical formulae, which are the basis of mole calculations to be studied in later topics.
Students should also be able to appreciate the interrelation between bonding, structures and properties of substances by learning the properties of metals, giant ionic substances, simple molecular substances and giant covalent substances. With the knowledge of various structures, students should be able to differentiate the properties of substances with different structures, and to appreciate that knowing the structure of a substance can help us decide its applications. While materials chemistry is becoming more important in applied chemistry, this topic provides the basic knowledge for further study of the development of new materials in modern society.
Through activities such as gathering and analysing information about atomic structure and the Periodic Table, students should appreciate the impact of the discoveries of atomic structure and the development of the Periodic Table on modern chemistry. Students should also be able to appreciate that symbols and chemical formulae constitute part of the common language used by scientists to communicate chemical concepts.
Students should learn Students should be able to a. Atomic structure
elements, atoms and symbols
classification of elements into metals, non-metals and metalloids
electrons, neutrons and protons as subatomic particles
simple model of atom
atomic number (Z) and mass number (A)
isotopic masses and relative atomic masses based on 12C=12.00
electronic arrangement of atoms (up to Z=20)
stability of noble gases related to their electronic arrangements
state the relationship between element and atom
use symbols to represent elements
classify elements as metals or non-metals on the basis of their properties
be aware that some elements possess
characteristics of both metals and non-metals
state and compare the relative charges and the relative masses of a proton, a neutron and an electron
describe the structure of an atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons
interpret and use symbols such as 2311Na
deduce the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions with given atomic numbers and mass numbers
identify isotopes among elements with relevant information
perform calculations related to isotopic masses and relative atomic masses
understand and deduce the electronic arrangements of atoms
represent the electronic arrangements of atoms using electron diagrams
relate the stability of noble gases to the octet rule
b. The Periodic Table
the position of the elements in the Periodic Table related to their electronic arrangements
similarities in chemical properties among elements in Groups I, II, VII and 0
understand that elements in the Periodic Table are arranged in order of ascending atomic number
appreciate the Periodic Table as a systematic way to arrange elements
define the group number and period number of an element in the Periodic Table
relate the position of an element in the Periodic Table to its electronic structure and vice versa
relate the electronic arrangements to the chemical properties of the Group I, II, VII and 0 elements
describe differences in reactivity of Group I, II and VII elements
predict chemical properties of unfamiliar elements in a group of the Periodic Table
Students should learn Students should be able to
c. Metallic bonding describe the simple model of metallic bond d. Structures and properties of metals describe the general properties of metals
relate the properties of metals to their giant metallic structures
e. Ionic and covalent bond
transfer of electrons in the formation of ionic bond
cations and anions
electron diagrams of simple ionic compounds
names and formulae of ionic compounds
ionic structure as illustrated by sodium chloride
sharing of electrons in the formation of covalent bond
single, double and triple bonds
electron diagrams of simple covalent molecules
names and formulae of covalent compounds
formula masses and relative molecular masses
describe, using electron diagrams, the formation of ions and ionic bonds
draw the electron diagrams of cations and anions
predict the ions formed by atoms of metals and non-metals by using information in the Periodic Table
identify polyatomic ions
name some common cations and anions according to the chemical formulae of ions
name ionic compounds based on the component ions
describe the colours of some common ions in aqueous solutions
interpret chemical formulae of ionic compounds in terms of the ions present and their ratios
construct formulae of ionic compounds based on their names or component ions
describe the structure of an ionic crystal
describe the formation of a covalent bond
describe, using electron diagrams, the formation of single, double and triple bonds
describe the formation of the dative covalent bond by means of electron diagram using H3O+ and NH4
+ as examples
interpret chemical formulae of covalent
compounds in terms of the elements present and the ratios of their atoms
write the names and formulae of covalent compounds based on their component atoms
communicate scientific ideas with appropriate use of chemical symbols and formulae
define and distinguish the terms: formula mass and relative molecular mass
Students should learn Students should be able to f. Structures and properties of giant ionic
describe giant ionic structures of substances such as sodium chloride and caesium chloride
state and explain the properties of ionic compounds in terms of their structures and bonding
g. Structures and properties of simple molecular substances
describe simple molecular structures of substances such as carbon dioxide and iodine
recognise that van der Waals’ forces exist between molecules
state and explain the properties of simple molecular substances in terms of their structures and bonding
h. Structures and properties of giant covalent substances
describe giant covalent structures of substances such as diamond, graphite and quartz
state and explain the properties of giant covalent substances in terms of their structures and bonding i. Comparison of structures and
properties of important types of substances
compare the structures and properties of
substances with giant ionic, giant covalent, simple molecular and giant metallic structures
deduce the properties of substances from their structures and bonding, and vice versa
explain applications of substances according to their structures
Suggested Learning and Teaching Activities
Students are expected to develop the learning outcomes using a variety of learning experiences. Some related examples are:
searching for and presenting information on the discoveries related to the structure of an atom.
searching for and presenting information on elements and the development of the Periodic Table.
performing calculations related to relative atomic masses, formula masses and relative molecular masses.
drawing electron diagrams to represent atoms, ions and molecules.
investigating chemical similarities of elements in the same group of the Periodic Table (e.g. reactions of group I elements with water, group II elements with dilute hydrochloric acid, and group VII elements with sodium sulphite solution).
predicting chemical properties of unfamiliar elements in a group of the Periodic Table.
writing chemical formulae for ionic and covalent compounds.
naming ionic and covalent compounds.
exploring relationship of colour and composition of some gem stones.
predicting colours of ions from a group of aqueous solutions (e.g. predicting colour of K+(aq), Cr2O72(aq) and Cl(aq) from aqueous solutions of potassium chloride and potassium dichromate).
investigating the migration of ions of aqueous solutions, e.g. copper(II) dichromate and potassium permanganate, towards oppositely charged electrodes.
building models of three-dimensional ionic crystals and covalent molecules.
using computer programs to study three-dimensional images of ionic crystals, simple molecular substances and giant covalent substances.
building models of diamond, graphite, quartz and iodine.
predicting the structures of substances from their properties, and vice versa.
justifying some particular applications of substances in terms of their structures.
reading articles or writing essays on the applications of materials such as graphite and aluminium in relation to their structures.
Values and Attitudes
Students are expected to develop, in particular, the following values and attitudes:
to appreciate that scientific evidence is the foundation for generalisations and explanations about matter.
to appreciate the usefulness of models and theories in helping to explain the structures and behaviours of matter.
to appreciate the perseverance of scientists in developing the Periodic Table and hence to envisage that scientific knowledge changes and accumulates over time.
to appreciate the restrictive nature of evidence when interpreting observed phenomena.
to appreciate the usefulness of the concepts of bonding and structures in understanding phenomena in the macroscopic world, such as the physical properties of substances.
STSE Connections
Students are encouraged to appreciate and comprehend issues which reflect the interconnections of science, technology, society and the environment. Related examples are:
Using the universal conventions of chemical symbols and formulae facilitates communication among people in different parts of the world.
Common names of substances can be related to their systematic names (e.g. table salt and sodium chloride; baking soda and sodium hydrogencarbonate).
Some specialised new materials have been created on the basis of the findings of research on the structure, chemical bonding, and other properties of matter (e.g.
bullet-proof fabric, superconductors and superglue).
Topic III Metals (22 hours)
Metals have a wide range of uses in daily life. Therefore, the extraction of metals from their ores has been an important activity of human beings since prehistoric times. This topic provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of how metals are extracted from their ores and how they react with other substances. Students are expected to establish a reactivity series of metals based on experimental evidence.
The corrosion of metals poses a socioeconomic problem to human beings. It is therefore necessary to develop methods to preserve the limited reserve of metals. An investigation of factors leading to corrosion and of methods to prevent metals from corroding is a valuable problem-solving exercise and can help students develop a positive attitude towards the use of resources on our planet.
A chemical equation is a concise and universally adopted way to represent a chemical reaction. Students should be able to transcribe word equations into chemical equations and appreciate that a chemical equation shows a quantitative relationship between reactants and products in a reaction. Students should also be able to perform calculations involving the mole and chemical equations. The mole concepts acquired from this topic prepare students for performing further calculations involving concentration of solutions, molar volume of gases and equilibrium constant of reaction in other topics of the curriculum.
Students should learn Students should be able to a. Occurrence and extraction of metals
occurrence of metals in nature in free state and in combined forms
obtaining metals by heating metal oxides or by heating metal oxides with carbon
extraction of metals by electrolysis
relation of the discovery of metals with the ease of extraction of metals and the availability of raw materials
limited reserves of metals and their
state the sources of metals and their occurrence in nature
explain why extraction of metals is needed
understand that the extraction of metals involves reduction of their ores
describe and explain the major methods of extraction of metals from their ores
relate the ease of obtaining metals from their ores to the reactivity of the metals
deduce the order of discovery of some metals from their relative ease of extraction
Students should learn Students should be able to
describe metal ores as a finite resource and hence the need to recycle metals
evaluate the recycling of metals from social, economic and environmental perspectives b. Reactivity of metals
reactions of some common metals (sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, lead, copper, etc.) with oxygen/air, water, dilute
hydrochloric acid and dilute sulphuric acid
metal reactivity series and the tendency of metals to form positive ions
displacement reactions and their interpretations based on the reactivity series
prediction of the occurrence of reactions involving metals using the reactivity series
relation between the extraction method of a metal and its position in the metal reactivity series
describe and compare the reactions of some common metals with oxygen/air, water and dilute acids
write the word equations for the reactions of metals with oxygen/air, water and dilute acids
construct a metal reactivity series with reference to their reactions, if any, with oxygen/air, water and dilute acids
write balanced chemical equations to describe various reactions
use the state symbols (s), (l), (g) and (aq) to write chemical equations
relate the reactivity of metals to the tendency of metals to form positive ions
describe and explain the displacement reactions involving various metals and metal compounds in aqueous solutions
deduce the order of reactivity of metals from given information
write balanced ionic equations
predict the feasibility of metal reactions based on the metal reactivity series
relate the extraction method of a metal to its position in the metal reactivity series
Students should learn Students should be able to c. Reacting masses
quantitative relationship of the reactants and the products in a reaction as revealed by a chemical equation
the mole, Avogadro’s constant and molar mass
percentage by mass of an element in a compound
empirical formulae and molecular formulae derived from
experimental data
reacting masses from chemical equations
understand and use the quantitative information provided by a balanced chemical equation
perform calculations related to moles, Avogadro’s constant and molar masses
calculate the percentage by mass of an element in a compound using appropriate information
determine empirical formulae and molecular formulae from compositions by mass and molar masses
calculate masses of reactants and products in a reaction from the relevant equation and state the interrelationship between them
solve problems involving limiting reagents
d. Corrosion of metals and their protection
factors that influence the rusting of iron
methods used to prevent rusting of iron
socioeconomic implications of rusting of iron
corrosion resistance of aluminium
anodisation as a method to enhance corrosion resistance of aluminium
describe the nature of iron rust
describe the essential conditions for the rusting of iron
describe and explain factors that influence the speed of rusting of iron
describe the observations when a rust indicator (a mixture of potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) and phenolphthalein) is used in an experiment that investigates rusting of iron
describe and explain the methods of rusting prevention as exemplified by
i. coating with paint, oil or plastic ii. galvanising
iii. tin-plating iv. electroplating v. cathodic protection vi. sacrificial protection vii. alloying
be aware of the socio-economic impact of rusting
understand why aluminium is less reactive and more corrosion-resistant than expected
describe how the corrosion resistance of