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The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Sales Performance of Life Insurance Agents 劉士豪、張怡筠 翁淑緣


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The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Sales Performance of Life Insurance Agents

劉士豪、張怡筠 翁淑緣

E-mail: 9500903@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this Research was to exam the relationship between emotional intelligence and sales performance of life insurance agents. Emotional intelligence is a competency model, describing as “the capacity for cognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.” The construct of this study was based on the Goleman’s emotional intelligence framework. Goleman introduced the concept of emotional intelligence and the role of emotions: “The new measure takes for granted having enough intellectual ability and technical know-how to do our jobs. The emotional intelligence measuring questionnaire is ECI 2.0 developed by Goleman, Boyatizs and Rhee(2000). The emotional

intelligence measuring questionnaire is ECI 2.0, providing 360-degree measurement to participating agents. The participating agents completed selfreport version of the ECI 2.0. They, in turn, asked others with whom they work closely to complete 360-degree versions of the instrument, providing feedback on the participants. Not only measuring the emotional competency scores, also comparing different rating sources. The sample came from a major life insurance company. The data was collected by each 180 questionnaire for different rating resources (self-report, coworker rating and supervisor rating). After invalid questionnaires were eliminated, the valid questionnaire is 95 with 53% effective return rate. Statistical analyses such as frequency, means, t-test, Pearson

’s produce-moment correlation, and MANOVA were applied to exam the hypothesis of the study. Findings of this study are described as follows: 1. Mean score of insurance agents emotional intelligence is 3.75. Comparing with normal samples, life insurance agents’ emotional intelligence score is higher and major competencies are different from normal sample. The major competencies of life insurance agent are “Emotional self-awareness”, “Accurate Assessment”, “Self-Confidence”,

“Transparent”, “Achievement Drive”, “Empathy”, “Service Orientation”, “Developing Others:, “Influence” and

“Teamwork and collaboration”. 2. There is no significant difference between population variables and emotional intelligence.

Finding indicates that different age, gender, education, marriage and work experience will not influence emotional intelligence. 3.

There is no significant difference between population variables and emotional intelligence. Finding indicates that different age, gender, education, marriage and work experience will not influence emotional intelligence. 4. The relationship between EI and sales performance is reaching significant correlation to show that emotional intelligence is a valid predictor of sales performance. Among all emotional competencies, “Self-Confidence”, “Service Orientation”, “Initiative”, “Influence”, “Empathy”,

“Transparent” are reaching remarkable significant correlation to sales competency. 5. This study measure emotional competency is using multi-source feedback system. Through this system, we can analyze the relationship among different rating sources. Results indicate that there is no significant difference among different rating sources, and every source has good consistency.

Keywords : Emotional Intelligence, sales performance, multi-source feedback Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書...iii 中文摘要... iv 英文 摘要... vi 誌 謝... ix 目

錄... xi 圖目錄...xiii 表目 錄... xiv 第一章 緒論... 1 1.1 研究背 景... 1 1.2 研究動機... 3 1.3 研究目 的... 7 1.4 研究流程... 8 第二章 文獻探

討... 10 2.1 情緒智力理論的緣起... 10 2.2 情緒智力理論介 紹... 19 2.3 情緒智力的測量... 39 2.4 情緒智力與工作表現之相關 研究... 52 2.5 保險業務人員相關文獻... 60 第三章 研究設計與方

法... 70 3.1 研究架構與研究假設... 70 3.2 抽樣設計與資料分析方 法... 74 3.3 研究主要變數之定義... 78 3.4 問卷介

紹... 80 3.5 問卷評估... 85 第四章 研究結 果... 93 4.1 樣本特性... 93 4.2 敘述性統計分


析... 94 4.3 不同評量方式之差異分析... 107 4.4 銷售績效與情緒能力 之相關... 119 4.5 不同人口統計變項在情緒智力及績效差異分析... 129 4.6 情緒智力、

人口變項對銷售績效之迴歸分析... 139 4.7 假設檢定結果... 142 第五章 結論與 建議... 146 5.1 研究結論... 146 5.2 研究建

議... 150 5.3 研究限制... 153 5.4 對後續研究的建 議... 153 參考文獻... 155


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4 The relationship between the weak Brownian motion of order k, the kth Wiener chaos, kth time-space Wiener chaos, and the.. generalization of the

• One technique for determining empirical formulas in the laboratory is combustion analysis, commonly used for compounds containing principally carbon and

It is well known that second-order cone programming can be regarded as a special case of positive semidefinite programming by using the arrow matrix.. This paper further studies

For R-K methods, the relationship between the number of (function) evaluations per step and the order of LTE is shown in the following

Finally, adding the discussion of cultural causes and the rise of Rome typeface, the relationship between the gothic script and the renaissance typeface design for the future study

and Jorgensen, P.l.,(2000), “Fair Valuation of Life Insurance Liabilities: The Impact of Interest Rate Guarantees, Surrender Options, and Bonus Policies”, Insurance: Mathematics

(The Emotional and Mental Health Needs of Gifted Students and the Main Categories of Emotional and Mental

(The Emotional and Mental Health Needs of Gifted Students and the Main Categories of Emotional and Mental