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Twenty-fifth Congregation


Academic year: 2021

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s Address by Professor Tony F CHAN 校畏陳繁自教授的講辭

Honorary Degree Citations (in order of degree presentation) 榮譽博士的讀辭﹝按學位煩擾次序)

Prof Dr Emmanuelle CHARPENTIER, Doctor of Science honoris causa Emmanuelle CHARPENTIER 博士理學榮譽博士

Mr Ian FOK Chun”wan, Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa 霍震聾先生社會科學榮譽博士

Prof Dipak C JAIN, Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa Dipak C JAIN 教授工商管理學榮譽博士

Prof Lianke YAN, Doctor of Letters honoris cαusα 閻遠科教授文學榮譽博士 孔1edal Citations 獎章得主的讀辭 是 8 12 16 20

Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching 24


Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body 26


President’s Cup 28


Addresses by Graduate Representatives 30


Congregation Programs 學位頒授典禮

Session 1 第一節 10:30am, 16·11•2017 Order of Proceedings


Graduates in the Interdisciplinary Programs Office (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc) 44 跨學科課程事務處專業生名錄(哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士)

Graduates in the School of Engineering (PhD, MPhil, MSc) 46 工學院專業生名錄(哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士)

Session 2 第二節 3:30pm, 16·11·2017 Order of Proceedings


Graduates in the School of Science (BSc)


Graduates in the School of Business and Management (B缸, BEA) 工商管理學院畢業生名錄(理學士、工商管理學士j Session 3 第三節 10:30am, 17 • 11 • 2017 Order of Proceedings 典禮程序 64 70

Graduates in the School of Humanities and Social Science 8 6 (PhD, MPhil, M缸, MA, BSc)

人文社會科學學院畢業生名錄(哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、文學碩士、理學士) Graduates in the School of Science (PhD, MPhil, MSc) 90 理學院專業生宅錄(哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士)

Graduates in the School of Business and Management 9 5

(PhD, MPhil, MSc, EMBA, MBA)

工商管理學曉畢業生名錄(哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、 高層管理人員工商管理碩士、工商管理碩士) Session 4 第四節 3:30pm, 17·11·2017 Appendices 附錯 Order of Proceedings 典禮程序

Graduates in the School of Engineering (BSc, BEng)


Degrees Conferred 頒援學位

Titles of PhD Theses Completed in 2016-17 2016-17年博士畢業論文題目




President's Address

Professor Tony F CHAN

Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends and colleagues,

Graduates, congratulations[ You have completed years of hard work to get to where you are, and you should savour this very moment, in the presence of your family and friends. No matter where life leads you, you will be our ambassadors. Make us proudl

Today is a very special day for me, as this will be my last congregation speech at HKUST. I still remember vividly my inaugural speech in 2009. I cherish the many remarkable moments HKUST has given me over the past eight years.

In 2009, I pledged that "we must be known as one of the best science and technology universities globally in both education and research"; "we will grow our own talent and train students to be future leaders"; "we must be recognized as a global innovator in research". In a lecture in 2011, our 20th anniversary year, I ventured to predict that by our 401h anniversary, the world will be lining up to buy a product invented by one of our alumni or faculty member. Many probably thought that we set the bar too high.

Yet that's exactly what we have achieved. HKUST has gained international recognition in a mere 26

in Asia in the latest QS University Rankings. Our EMBA program has been ranked best in the globe eight out of the past 10 years. In the 2014 Research Assessment Exercise, we attained the highest proportion of world leading and internationally excellent research amongst all universities in Hong Kong, by a big margin. And our alumni are leaders in all walks of life: the founder of the market-leading drone company in the world, voted by Forbes magazine as one of China's top 10 innovators; the leader of the biggest political party in Hong Kong; and the founder of the largest unmanned water surface vessel company are all HKUST alums. Our alumni currently ranks 13th in a Global Employability Survey as published by Times Higher Education. People are indeed lining up to buy DJI drones.

We were able to achieve all these, because everyone involved in our community, including our council, partners and donors, fully supported our vision and our cause. In our 25th anniversary Global Vision campaign, we raised over one billion dollars. What is noteworthy is that 100 million dollars of this was donated from one of our local undergraduate alumnus. These precious funds will enable us to do things otherwise we cannot do, including the University's first auditorium, an innovation building and a water sports center. These new facilities will greatly improve our student life experience and promote


We have done great things, but yet we must not be satisfied. The world is a rapidly changing place, and there is no room for complacency. Today, innovation and technology is what fuels the world economy and no society can afford to be left behind. Thankfully, HKUST is in a great position to play a key role in this race. Our University's mission has always been to advance learning and knowledge through teaching and research, and to assist in the economic and social development of Hong Kong. Government initiatives, such as the Greater Bay Area, the River Loop, and Belt &

Road, are going to bring unforeseen opportunities for us. What's more, our Chief Executive's first policy address has pledged significant investment in innovation and technology. Graduates, there has never been a better time for you to chart your own course and deliver on HKUST's mission. Let's continue innovating today and imagining tomorrow.

But the road ahead will also be full of challenges. We are living in an age of political polarization, where extreme ideologies have impeded our society's development. In times like these, you will need not only skills and knowledge, but also a critical mind that thinks independently rather than follows others blindly. The world is changing fast and you should be prepared to grasp opportunities that come your way. Do not get caught in short term thinking about quick paths to career and financial stability. Be a leader, not just a follower; take some risks, set long term goals, constantly broaden your horizons, and aim to leave your own mark in this world.

I will leave HKUST with a feeling of pride that HKUST is in a much better position than when I came. I am optimistic about the future of HKUST. If all our stakeholders, including Council, management, students, faculty and staff, put our minds together, focus on our mission, respect our individual roles and responsibilities, then we can together achieve goals in the future that today we may consider too high to reach. With our core values of 1-HKUST and can-do spirit, we can make miracles happen.

Graduates, may you succeed in all your future endeavors, and remember to give back to society. Those before you have made us proud, and we expect even greater things from you. Good luck to you all.




各位嘉賓、畢業同學、家長、親友及同事: 畢業生們,我在此向你們送上最誠摯衷心的祝 賀。你們款款耕耘多年,今天終於學有所成,在 你們的家人與親友見誰下,請好好細味這屬於你 們神聖寶貴的一刻。不論你往後人生的際遇如 何,你們皆代表著科大,請讓我們以你們為榮! 對我而言,今天是個非常特別的日子,這將是我 最後一次在科大畢業典禮致辭。驀然回首,我還 清楚記得 2009 年的那番就職講話。這八年來科大 贈予我的每一個珍貴片段,至今仍然歷歷在目, 點滴在心頭。 2009 年,我曾作出承諾一一「科大將會成為其中 一所教研卓越的國際頂尖研究型大學」、「科大 將為世界培育更多未來頓袖 J 及「科大的創新研 究成就廣獲全球認同」。回想起在 2011 年,我於 科大 20 周年校慶活動其中一個分享會中曾大膽預 想,在科大踏入40 周年之前,由科大畢業生或教 授所發明的產品將會引起一般全球購買熱潮。當 時,很多人大概都認為我們的心頭未免過高。 然而,目進有功,當天的志向已成為我們今天的 成就。科大創立僅26 年已成為國際知名品牌一一 在最新 QS 最佳大學排名位列全球第 30 、亞洲第 三﹔我們的行政人員工商管理碩士課程(EMBA)於 過去 10 年八度位列榜首﹔科大在大學教育資助委 員會的 2014 年度研究評審工作,獲評為世界領先 及國際卓越的研究項目之比例為本地所有院校之 冠,傲視同儕﹔科大校友出類拔萃,在各行各業 大放異彩,當中包括獲〈福布斯〉選為中國十大 創新者之一的全球無人機市場龍頭創辦人、香港 最大政黨領袖及全球最大無人船開發公司創辦人 等,都是科大校友。科大校友在英國泰曙士報高 等教育公佈最新的全球大學就業能力排名位列第 13 名。當天的預想在今天成真,人們爭相購買炙 手可熟的大疆創新無人機。 我們今天取得豐碩成果,全賴科校上下一心、同 心同德,包括校董會、合作夥伴與一原善長,全 力支持我們的願景及目標。科大透過25 周年校慶 全球視野計劃,籌得超過 10 億港元,當中一億港 元為我們其中一位本地本科生校友慷慨捐贈,成 果令人鼓舞。這些寶貴的捐款將協助科大改善校 園設施,包括大學首個大禮堂、創科大樓及1k 上 運動中心,大大促進學生生活體驗,推廣科大全 人教育的理念。 科大今天卓然有成,但我們絕不可自滿。世界日 新月異,我們要明白「一山還有一山高」的道 理。今天,創新科技帶頓著全球經濟,跟不上步 做就只落得被淘汰的局面。幸而,科大在這場競 賽中擔當著重要角色。科大的使命是透過教學與


研究,增進學習與知識,並協助推進香港的經濟 與社會發展。政府多項新舉措如大灣區、河套及 一帶一路等,將為我們帶來前所未有的機遇。此 外,行政長官首份施政報告亦宣布增撥大量資源 以推動創科發展。各位畢業同學,這是最佳的時 機去追尋理想,實踐科大的使命,就讓我們一起 繼續敢創未來。 儘管如此,你們的前路將會挑戰重重。我們身處 在這個政治兩極化的年代,極端意識形態窒礙社 會發展,我們不只需要技能和知識,更應具備批 判思維,懂得獨立思考,絕不盲從附和。這個世 界瞬息萬變,你們應要裝備好自己,才能抓緊前 路的機遇。不要總想著走上事業及財務穩定的捷 徑,更切勿急功近利。謹記要擔當領袖,南非追 隨者,勇於冒險,建立長遠目標,擴闊視野,並 致力在這個世界留下你們的印記。 回望往昔,科大在這些年來已攀得比我剛上任時 更高、走得更遠,我將會心懷自豪之情告別科 大。科大的未來一片光明,若科大仝人包括校董 會、管理層、學生及教職員,能夠集思廣益, 專注實踐科大使命,尊重彼此的角色與責任,我 們將能一起達成超乎想像的目標。懷著「同一科 大 J 及「凡事皆可為」的精神,我們定能創造奇 蹟。 各位畢業同學,祝你們前程錦繡’也請你們謹記 要回饋社會。你們的前輩百尺竿頭,我期望你們 將更進一步。謝謝! 校長陳繁昌教授的講辭︱ 7


Doctor of Science honoris causa

Prof Emmanuelle CHARPENTIER


How would you respond when you suddenly realize you are about to change the world and its future? When the email arrived from her students saying that a crucial experiment had been successful, microbiologist Prof Emmanuelle Charpentier, now world-renowned as one of the key innovators of the recent gene editing revolution, enjoyed a "very, very happy" moment of quiet triumph and joy. Then, with her usual focus and commitment, she sat down to send a reply on how to take the explorations further.

Prof Charpentier's findings starting in the years 2006-2009 were related to the CRISPR-Cas9 bacterial immune system, on how it protects the bacteria from invading viruses, and the role of novel RNA-mediated regulation in this process. The new pathway they discovered and characterized set in motion a whirlwind of research and seminal publications from Prof Charpentier and her co-workers, leading to a much more straightforward and versatile genome engineering technology than was previously available, and opening up astounding opportunities in life sciences for gene manipulation and new therapies.

Variously labeled "molecular scissors" or "a scalpel for researchers", labs worldwide are now utilizing this methodology to "cut" and "paste" DNA sequences at precise sites in plants, animals

Shaun Foy and Rodger Novak in 2013 to develop gene-editing based therapeutics for diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease, now known as CRISPR Therapeutics.

As a result, and still to turn 50, Prof Charpentier already has a "biotech discovery of the century" label attached to her work and a dizzying list of international honors and awards. She is a recipient of over 60 awards and honours. She was awarded among other prizes, the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, the Gruber Foundation Genetics Prize, the Japan Prize, the Novozymes Prize, and five previous honorary doctorates. She is elected a member of numerous prestigious academic institutions, including a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences. She is also an awardee of the Chevalier Ordre de la Legion d'Honneur, the highest decoration in France. Such acclaim can be a heady experience but Prof Charpentier still remains totally dedicated to her long-held goal to advance medicine through fundamental scientific discovery. "The scientist that I am got me here and that is the scientist that I want to remain," she noted in a previous interview.


Microbiology from the Pasteur Institute, both located in Paris. During six years in the US, she worked as a research associate at The Rockefeller University in New York and St Jude Children's Research Hospital in Tennessee, among others. Back in Europe, the intrepid explorer set up her own research group at the University of Vienna, before moving on to Umea University in Sweden, and Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research and Medical School of Hannover in Germany. Prof Charpentier is currently the Director of the Department of Regulation in Infection Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin, where her team is now exploring variations of the CRISPR-Cas system and what purposes they might herald, along with other aspects of bacterial physiology.

While dedicated to her work as a researcher, Prof Charpentier has not shied from recruiting her additional fame to serve wider goals. She has become a vocal and visible proponent of basic research as a key way to progress and innovation. She has spoken up on the need for ethical considerations related to the use of gene editing technology. She is keen to encourage younger researchers to enter the field; and HKUST was delighted when Prof Charpentier made her first trip to Hong Kong last year to take part in the University's 25th Anniversary Distinguished Speakers Series. She is also generously inclusive in her acknowledgement of the teamwork involved in her achievements. In all, a true example of the transformational inspiration of all-round excellence in both her dedication to science and approach to life.

Chancellor, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Prof Emmanuelle Charpentier, Director of the Department of Infection Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, for the award of Doctor of Science

honoris causa.





讀書干 假如你突然發現,自己即將改變世界及其未來 發展,你會有何反應?微生物學家 Emmanuelle Charpentier教授是近年開創基因編輯革命的其中 一位先驅,名開遐遍。當她收到學生的電郵’獲 悉一項重要實驗取得成功,她默然沉醉在那份成 就感及喜,既當中,然後以她一貫的專注及熱誠, 坐下回覆電郵’討論如何將科研突破進一步廣惠 世人。 Charpentier教授在 2006 至 2009 年期間進行的研究 發現,細菌免疫系統 CRISPR-Cas9 能夠保護細菌免 受外來病毒入侵,以及其調控核糖桔酸的過程中 所擔當的重要角色。這項突破促使 Charpentier教 授及其間僚進行更多研究及發表多篇影響深遠的 論文,令基囡組工程科技變得更直接及多元,有 效推動基因操縱及嶄新療法的發展,為生命科學 舖域開拓機遇。 目前,世界各地的實驗室都在應用這個有「分子 剪刀」或「研究人員解剖刀」之稱的方法,於 植物、動物及人體細胞內的特定位置「剪貼」脫 氧桔糖核酸序列。同時,多家初創企業應運而 生,其中一家名為 CRISPR Therapeutics 的公司由 Charpentier 教授、 Shaun Foy 及 Rodger Novak 於

2013 年成立,主力研發以基因編輯為基礎、治療囊 腫性纖維化類疾病及鍊刀型紅血球疾病的療法。 因此, Charpentier 教授未屆五十之齡已贏得超 過 60 項國際榮譽及獎項,其研究成果也獲譽為 「世紀最重大生物科技發現」。她曾榮獲生命科 學突破獎、格魯伯基金會(Gruber Foundation)遺 傳學獎、日本國際獎、諾維信(Novoz﹜rmes) 獎, 以及五個榮譽博士學位。她獲多家頂失學衛機構 選為院士,包括瑞典皇家科學院外籍院士及美盟 國家科學院外籍院士,她更獲頒法國最高殊榮 「榮譽軍國勳韋」。殊榮之多實難逐一縷述,不 過 Charpentier 教授仍謙卑自持,專注於實踐自己 的一貫目標 藉著基礎科學發現推動醫學進步。 她曾在訪問中提及:「我自身為科學家而獲得今 天的成就,我想一直繼纜做科學家。」 她在巴黎皮埃爾和瑪麗居旦大學修讀生物化學、 微生物學及遺傳學,並於巴斯德研究院取得微生 物學博士學位。於美國發展的六年間,她曾在紐 約州洛克菲勒大學及回納西州聖裘德兒童研究醫 院擔任研究人員。其後她返回歐洲,秉持堅毅的 探索精神,在維也納大學成立自己的研究聞隊, 再先後轉職至瑞典于默奧大學、德國的亥姆霍茲 感染研究中心和漢諾威醫學院。 Charpentier 教授 目前出任德國柏林馬克斯普朗克傳染病生物學研 究所調控傳染病生物學系系主任,其研究團隊正 探索 CRISPR-Cas9 系統的各種變化及其可能產生的 效用,以至病菌生理學的其他範疇。


Charpentier 教授除了積極投入研究工作,更推己 及人以成就更宏大的目標。她挺身倡議以基礎研 究作為推動進步及創新的重要途徑,並指出道德 是運用基因編輯技術時必須考慮的因素。她又致 力鼓勵年輕研究人員投身此範疇,香港科技大學 便有幸於去年邀請到 Charpentier教授首次蒞臨 香港,在「科大25 周年傑出人士講座系列」擔任 主講嘉賓。她功成不居,謙稱成就有賴所有參與 工作的團隊成員。總而言之,不論是對科研的熱 誠,或待人處事,她都卓爾不群,展現帶動變革 的智慧,堪稱典範。 大學監督,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請閣下頒授理學榮譽博士學位頒授予馬克斯普朗 克傳染病生物學研究所調控傳染病生物學系系主 任 Emmanuelle Charpentier 教授。 榮譽博士的讀辭︱ 11


Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa

Mr Ian Chun Wan FOK


"It takes 10 years to grow trees but 100 years to educate people." This is a Chinese proverb that Mr Ian Fok Chun Wan has not only quoted but also taken to heart. As the second son of the late well-known patriot, entrepreneur and philanthropist Dr Henry Fok Ying Tung, he has made it his business - along with his far-sighted leadership of the Fok Ying Tung Group of companies - to power forward the challenging, long-term task of fostering the people as well as the educational institutions and programs that let learning and human talent advance and be diffused, and a better future be unfurled.

Mr Ian Fok has done so mainly through the Fok Ying Tung Foundation and associated charitable foundations, established by his father as early as 40 years ago. Such endeavors have resulted in over 70 major buildings at higher education institutions and schools in Hong Kong, overseas, and throughout Mainland China. Also, the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation has in the past 30 years provided prizes and research grants to over 3,600 young professors in Mainland Universities to support their early development. Further, the Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation he helped founded 3 5 years ago promoted exchanges between universities in Hong Kong and the Mainland and provided over 600 wide-ranging programs to train over 14,000 Mainland government officials for its modernization efforts.

With the integral link between science and technology and economic and social development, HKUST has enjoyed an on-going relationship with Fok Ying Tung Foundation, including jointly launching the Nansha Information Technology Park in 2002, along with the Guangzhou government, and a HK$30 million donation to support the University's research and academic development the following year. In 2005, the Foundation pledged HK$800 million to HKUST. The visionary main goal was a Pearl River Delta hub to drive knowledge transfer - that vital way to bring new discoveries, cutting-edge perspectives, and innovation out of the University and into the community through commercialization, entrepreneurship, and professional training - and boost advancement.

The goal became reality with the establishment of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School and the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute. As an active supporter as well as generous donor, Mr Ian Fok is strongly committed to the Nansha institutions. At the same time, he has proactively contributed to the University overall, as a member of the Council (2004-10) and now the Court, and as an advisor to the Knowledge Transfer Advisory Group.

All this has been achieved while fast-forwarding the Fok Ying Tung Group, where he is currently


Chief Executive Officer, and Hong Kong business as a whole. Constantly seeking to bring together knowledge, human capital and economic growth, Mr Fok has strived to raise Hong Kong's profile as a business center internationally and continue his family legacy as a major bridge between Hong Kong, Mainland China and the world. Born in Hong Kong, with ancestral roots in Panyu, and Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration degrees from University of British Columbia in Canada, he had the all-round understanding and perspectives to succeed.

Mr Fok served as Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and has received a Silver Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong government for his distinguished endeavors in business development and fostering closer Mainland ties. Further, he has participated in high-level national and regional political and economic bodies, as a Hong Kong Deputy to the National People's Congress, Vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Mr Fok is an honorary citizen of cities in Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces and has been named among the top 10 philanthropists of Guangzhou. He has also received commendations from the China State Department for his contributions to development of the minority in China.

The championing of healthy lifestyles through sports, along with academic education, has always been a Fok family passion locally, nationally and internationally, and Mr Ian Fok is no exception. He is a strong and committed proponent of the Chinese martial art of wushu and Vice-President

of the International Wushu Federation, striving to have Wushu included in future Olympic games.

By literally building resources and nurturing human talents to generate change in such seminal and myriad ways, Mr Fok has inspired, motivated and enabled hundreds of thousands of people to push themselves and society forward. Even more significant as the opening proverb highlights, the institutions, education and training enjoyed by this generation as a result of his percipient philanthropy will extend to those yet to come.

Chancellor, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Mr Ian Fok, Chief Executive Officer of the Fok Ying Tung Group, for the award of Doctor of Social Sciences

honoris causa.




中國諺語有云:「十年樹木,百年樹人。」霍震寰 先生不時引用這句話,更將其銘記於心。身為已 故著名愛國商人、慈善家霍英東博士的次子,霍 震寰先生縱橫商界,一路高瞻遠囑。他除了頓導 霍英東集圖多家企業,更視推動長遠而富挑戰性 的教育事業為己任,致力培育人才,造福未來。 霍英東博士於40 年前先後創立霍英東基金會及多 個慈善基金。子承父業,霍震寰先生透過基金會 實踐教育心志,廣施善心,惠及香港、海外及中 國內地的專上學府與教育機構,至今已興建逾 70 座教學大樓。同時,霍英東教育基金於過去 30 年 資助及獎譽中國內地大學超過 3600 名年輕教授, 支持他們早期發展。此外,他 35 年前協助創立的 香港培華教育基金會,一直致力促進中港兩地大 學的交流,並資助 600 多個項目,為超過 14000 名 中國內地官員提供培訓。 香港科技大學擁有在科技、經濟及社會發展之間 不可或缺的連繫’因此與霍英東基金會一直合作 無鬧。 2002 年,雙方攜手與廣州市政府一同創辦 南沙資訊科技園,盟年基金會捐款3000 萬港元, 支持大學的研究及學術發展。 2005 年,基金會承 諾贊助科大八億港元,主要用於促進商業化、創 業計劃及專業培訓,從而將大學的研究突破、先


譚辭 行支持南沙各學院。同時,他積極貢獻科大, 曾任校董會成員( 2004-10 ),現任顧問委員會成 員及知識轉移顧開小組顧問。 與此同時,作為霍英東集團行政總裁,霍震寰 先生積極拓展家業,促進香港商業整體急劇發 展。霍先生一直致力結合知識、人才及經濟增 長,在國際問提升香港作為商業中心的地位, 並延續其家族使命,擔當香港至中國內地及全 世界的重要橋樑。霍先生出生於香港,籍貫番 崗,及後在加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學取得科學 學士及工商管理碩士學位,其學賞中宙之才能 加上豐富的閱歷,令他掌握成功的金鑰。 霍先生曾為香港中華總商會會長,並對商業發 展及加強與內地聯繫有重大貢獻,因此獲香港 特區政府頒授銀紫荊星章。他熱心國家社會及 經濟事務,身兼全國人民代表大會的香港特別 行政區代表及中華全國工商業聯合會中國民間 商會副會長。此外,霍先生也是廣東省及江西 省多個城市的榮譽市民,並曾獲選為廣州、i 十大 慈著家之一。同時,他獲中國國務院就其對國 家少數民族發展的貢獻予以表揚。 除了推動教育,霍氏家族一向也在香港、中國, 以至全世界極力提倡體育運動,鼓吹健康生活。 霍震寰先生也不例外,他大力推動國術,目前出


霍先生慈惠博施、匡扶後進,並以不同方式推動 變革,潤物無聲。不少人受其激發、鼓勵及幫 助,積極推動自己及平靜續社會前進,影響深遠。 更為重要的是,正如本文開首的諺語所言,他對 教育的灌溉與無私奉獻,不僅讓當代受益,還能 惠及彼世。 大學監督,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請閣下頒授社會科學榮譽博士學位于霍英東集闡 行政總裁霍震寰先生。 榮智博士的棚︱ 15


Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa

Prof Dipak JAIN


In today's highly competitive global business arena, where a winner-takes-all mentality may appear the only profitable way to go, there is a leading exponent among business educators of an alternative way for executives to succeed. To Prof Dipak Jain, who always leads from the front and his own experience: "People respect people who are genuine."

His own life certainly seems to reflect the power of sincerity to bring achievement. Prof Jain's curriculum vitae encompasses the rare accomplishment of visionary leadership at business schools on three separate continents. He is a cherished and award-winning educator. He has published more than 60 articles in leading academic journals. He has also held numerous company directorships in different countries and served as a consultant for major companies, including Microsoft, Sony and American Express, as well as governments. As such, Prof Jain is a management guru who has scaled all the heights of his chosen field. Not through playing hard ball or force of personality, but a patient emphasis on positive values and quiet effectiveness in bringing about change.

As one interview has noted, his first year as Dean at the world-leading Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in the US

and employment challenges for the graduating class. He then personally visited all the School's recruiters to advocate for his students, with 91 % gaining job placements in 2002, a record achievement for a management institute in the US that year.

In total, Prof Jain spent 25 years at Kellogg, eight years as Dean. Starting out in the Marketing Department, he later become Sandy and Morton Goldman Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies and Professor of Marketing, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs working alongside Donald P Jacobs, the School's long-serving Dean, before being chosen to take on the leadership role himself. In an age of globalization, he took Kellogg out to the world, championing the extension of the School's footprint around the globe. His international vision extended to the joint Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA, where he helped the University's faculty and Kellogg colleagues first steer the program to the world's No. l spot in the Financial Times league table in 2007, a collaborative achievement the program has now attained eight times in total.

For business education as a whole, Prof Jain sought pedagogical and curriculum development to enable its teaching and learning to embrace a much wider worldview. Cross-cultural


campuses in France, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi, and recently Director of Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, he has been a powerful voice for global change. He also strove to increase business education's relevance to the corporate world while always retaining intellectual rigor. By building bridges between academia and the business sector to help each learn from the other, he has assisted both to grow stronger.

As a marketing and management researcher, he has brought fresh insights to organizational entrepreneurship, the marketing of hi-tech products, cross-cultural issues in product diffusion, new product innovation and forecasting models, among others. Recognitions include the prestigious John D C Little Best Paper Award and senior editorial roles on leading academic publications, including Management Science, Marketing Science and the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

Prof Jain always knew education was his calling. Growing up in a small town in the state of Assam, northeast India, during his early schooldays, he could not afford textbooks so his teachers lent them to him overnight to make notes. His school could not afford chairs and students sat on the floor till grade four. But he still excelled. He won honors as a bachelor and master's student in statistics and mathematical statistics respectively at Gauhati University and later as an educator at his alma mater. Determined to learn more about the world, he earned a Master's in Management Science at the University of Texas, Dallas, one year later a PhD in Marketing, ahead of impressing his own recruiters at Kellogg.

With his on-going passion to contribute, despite the challenge of ill-health in recent years, Prof Jain serves as a brilliant example of how a proactive, forward-looking attitude, patience and determination, and the ability to gain the trust and confidence of others through frank exchange and mutual respect can richly empower all facets of the business community to the immense benefit of the world at large.

Chancellor, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Prof Dipak Jain, for the award of Doctor of Business Administration

honoris causa.





讀辭 現今全球商業領域競爭激烈,「勝者為主」似 乎是唯一的致勝之道,不過有一位頂尖商學教 育家則認為行政人員還有另一快通往成功之路 一-Dipak Jain 教授以身作財,經驗讓他明白: 「真誠的人必獲尊重。」 真誠的力量正正造就 Jain 教授的成功人生。他以 前瞻視野先後在三大洲領導多家商學院,是備 受愛戴及屢獲殊榮的教育家。他遊刃於學界與 商界,曾於權威學衛期刊發表逾 60 篇論文,並 在不同國家出任公司董事,同時為多國政府及 多家大企業擔當顧問工作,包括微軟、 Sony 及 美國運通。 Jain 教授在他的專業範疇中已登峰 造極,成為管理學大師。他主張創新,推動變 革從不依靠高壓手段或強烈個人作風,而是耐 心地強調轉變的價值,誨人不佫,以收潛移默 化之效。 2001 年,他在世界頂尖的美國西北大學凱洛格 商學說出任院長,同年發生 911 恐怖襲擊事件。 Jain 教授預視到這項災難可能會導致經濟下 滑,該屆畢業生或會面對求職困難的局面,於 是他四出拜訪各路僱主,為高足弟子作引薦, 汲引忘疲,結果 2002 年該學院畢業生的就業率 高達到%,冠絕當年美圓一原商學院。 Jain 教授在凱洛格商學院任教合共 25 年,其中八 年出任院長。他最初為市場學系工作,其後青雲直 上,成為 Sandy and Morton Goldman 創業研究教 授及市場學教授,並升任該學院學術事務副院長, 與在任時間最長的院長 DonaldP Jacobs 共事,最後 更獲選擔任領導之職。在全球化的年代,他帶領凱 洛格走向世界,令學院的足跡遍佈天下。憑藉其國 際視野, Jain教授成功協助科大及凱洛格一原教職 員於 2007年推動「凱洛格一一科大行政人員工商管 理碩士(EMBA)課程」在〈金融時報〉排行榜首奪 世界第一,至今已八度高鋸榜首。 就整體商學教育而言, Jain 教授致力改進教學方 法及課程發展,推動教學相長,培養更廣闊的世 界觀。要尊重多元觀點,跨文化的了解異常重 要。 Jain教授先後領導凱洛格、在法國、新加坡及 阿布扎比設有校園的歌淵工商管理學院(INSEAD)、 泰國朱拉隆功大學 Sasin 工商管理研究院,成為倡 導全球變革的翹楚。他積極推動商學教育與時並 進,緊貼商界最新發展,同時一直保持學衛的嚴謹 性。他協助學衛界及商界建立起溝通橋樑,促進彼 此認識,相得益彰。 作為市場學及管理學的研究學者, Jain教授在組織 創業精神、高科技產品市場營銷、產品擴散速度的


跨文化問題、新產品的開創及預測模型,以及其他 多個範疇均提出嶄新見解。他曾榮獲名聞遐遁的 「 John D C Little 最佳論文獎」’並獲邀在多份權 威學術期刊,包括〈管理科學〉、《市場科學〉及 〈商業與經濟統計學學刊〉等擔任資深編輯。 成長於印度東北部阿薩姆邦的 Jain教授一生以教育 為志業。求學初期,他回家境貧困無力負擔購買 教科書的費用,於是老師將書本借給他做筆記,加 上校舍設備簡陋,椅子欠奉,同學上課只能席地而 坐,情況一直維持至小學四年級。儘管如此, Jain 教授自學克勤,卓然有成,他在印度高哈提大學取 得統計學學士及數學統計學碩士學位,其後於母校 任教。他深明世界之大,學海無涯,決心要加深對 世界的了解,因此前赴美國德克薩斯大學深造,取 得管理科學碩士學位,一年後再下一城,取得市場 學哲學博士學位,接著更獲凱洛格商學院青睞聘 用。 雖然 Jain教授近年身體抱悉,但他仍繼續熱心為學 術作出貢獻。他積極主動,高瞻遠囑,堅毅篤勤, 透過坦誠交流和立相尊重,廣受尊崇。他以身作 則,匯聚商界力量,造福社會,堪為典範。 大學監督,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭請閣下頒授工商管理榮譽博士學位予 Dipak Jain 教授。 榮譽博士的讀辭︱ 19


Doctor of Letters honoris causa

Prof Lianke YAN


The discipline of a soldier runs through the pen of writer Yan Lianke. Every morning he sits down and every morning, without recourse to a computer, the former People's Liberation Army officer marshals his thoughts on to the paper in front of him. Yet what unbounded ideas emerge! While the experimental writing that flourished in the late 1980s and 1990s in Mainland China has mostly moved back to realism, Yan travels his own path to the shores of "mythorealism", the term he has originated for his creative vision. There, he seeks to harness everyday life and his own experiences to continuously push beyond the conventional and accepted through literature's unique power of illumination. To do so, he draws on his deep, self-driven knowledge of Chinese literature and international writing, ranging from European absurdism and US black humor to Latin American magical realism and Russian naturalism, and all imbued with his eastern China worldview.

Such diligence and an innovative diversity in language and style combined with outspoken reflections on Chinese history and modern society have helped Prof Yan, now a faculty member at Renmin University and Sin Wai Kin Visiting Professor of Chinese Culture at HKUST, become one of China's most prolific and distinctive contemporary authors. Over more than 35 years as an author, he has published numerous short stories, 13 full novels, 15 novellas and a 17-volume

collected works. Renowned books include Lenin's Kisses (2003) and The Chronicles of Zhalie (2014), questioning the utopian dreams of both Communism and the open-door era, Dream of Ding Village (2006), exploring the Herran blood-selling and HIV infection disaster, as well as philosophical narrative tapestry The Sunlit Years (1998) and The Four Books (2010). The Four Books, yet to be published in the Mainland, involves a range of Chinese intellectuals, the great famine of the Great Leap Forward - the era into which Prof Yan was born in 1958 - and a searing examination of human nature.

The writer's own life story is as fascinating as his novels. Hailing from a poor peasant family in Herran Province, he joined the army at 20 at the behest of his parents, as a pathway to education and opportunities they could not provide. He remained in the army for more than 25 years where, in a mythorealistic turn of events, he worked as a propaganda writer while simultaneously developing his individual literary vision. In starting out, he saw writing simply as a means to move away from the countryside and make money. Along the way, he earned a degree in politics and education from Herran University and a degree in literature from the People's Liberation Army Art Institute. The more he read and reflected, the more motivated he became to write what his heart and his art steered him to set down.


Recognitions for his work at home include the Lu Xun Literature Prize and Lao She Literature Prize. Overseas, where his books have now been translated into over 20 languages, he was the first Chinese writer to be awarded the Franz Kafka Literature Prize. He has been shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize and Prix Femina Literature Prize, among others. Yet he wears such eminence lightly, remaining modest about his achievements, ready to listen should respected friends suggest revisions to manuscripts, and always willing to step beyond the commercially popular to embrace fresh literary landscapes.

At HKUST, students across the University have greatly benefited from Prof Yan's passion, eloquence, and generous readiness to share his literary genius. He served as writer-in-residence at the University in 2013 and launched a creative writing class after being awarded a named visiting professorship in 2016. The program and his stature have drawn science, engineering and business undergraduates as well as humanities and social students into the enthralling realm of literature. Prof Yan has edited and helps publish a collection of short stories by students from his class. He has also published two textbooks on teaching creative writing, based on his work at HKUST.

Prof Yan has not chosen an easy path. But in his rigorous and courageous search for that timeless work, which resounds with readers and at the highest levels of literary excellence, in his role as an inspiring, dedicated educator, through his unassuming response to world renown and on-going compassion for the everyman, he serves as

an outstanding example of a truly committed artist, and to us all.

Chancellor, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you, Prof Yan Lianke, Sin Wai Kin Visiting Professor of Chinese Culture for the award of Doctor of Letters






作家閻連科的筆耕生涯展現了軍人的紀律。每朝 晨曦初露之際,這位前解放軍幹部都會坐在書桌 前,沒有電腦輔助,一揮筆尖,萬千思緒便躍然 紙上,思如湧泉。回顧中國內地文壇的潛流,上 世紀八十至九十年代興起一股實驗式創作風潮, 近年卻回歸寫實主義。然而,閻教授另闢蜈徑, 創作出一種被他稱為「神實主義」的作品風格。 他積極利用日常生活中的例子及個人經驗,再憑 藉文學獨特的敢迪力量去不斷突破傳統觀念。閻 教授自幼陶醉於文學的淵博天地,其深厚的文學 根基於創作時大派用場,亦使他的作品課合中國 傳統文學元素及西方文學風格,包括歐洲荒誕主 義、美國黑色幽默、拉丁美洲魔幻寫實主義及俄 國自然主義,展現出他的東方中國世界觀。 關教授筆耕不轍,文風創新多變,對中國歷史及 現代社會敢於發表意見,成為中國其中一位最為 多產及風格出累的現代作家。他在文壇的驕人成 就亦讓他成為中國人民大學教授,及香港科技大 學洗為堅中國文化客座教授。閻教授從事文學創 作逾 35 年,著作等身,包括無數短篇小說、 13 部 長篇小說、 15 部中長篇小說及一套 17 本的作品 集,當中對改革開放年代及共產主義所嚮往的烏 托邦理想抱有懷疑態度的《受活} (2003 )及《炸 裂志} (2014)、探討河南賣血及感染愛滋病慘況的 〈丁莊夢} (2006),以及交集多重哲理式敘事的 《日光流年} (1998)及〈四書} (2010)最受注目。 讚辭 〈四書〉以關教授於 1958 年出生時的大躍進時代 為背景,該書透過描繪一群中國知識分子的角色 及一場大饑荒,深刻探討人性,惟這部文學小說 目前尚未能於內地出版。 人生如戲,戲如人生,關教授一生的故事跟他的 小說同樣引人入勝。出身自河南省的貧農家庭的 他,由於父母沒有能力供書教學,於是按照雙親 的建議在 20 歲時從軍,以求獲得接受教育及發展 的機會。在超過25 年的軍旅生涯期間發生過不少 充滿「神實主義」味道的事情,他一邊擔當宣傳 文稿的寫手,一邊開聞自己的文學視野。最初間 教授只視寫作為離聞鄉間和賺錢的途徑,然雨, 走在文學的道路上,他不斷王軍磨自己,先後在河 南大學政治與教育系及解放軍藝術學院文學系取 得學位。他閱讀和思考得越多,便越是希望能夠 透過筆失去表達自己的所思所想,寫作從此成為 其安身立命的事業。 閻教授的作品屢奪文學殊榮,包括國內的「魯迅 文學獎」及「老舍文學獎 J 。在海外,其著作迄 今已有逾 20種語文的翻譯,他也是首位榮獲「 卡夫卡文學獎」的華人作家,並且得到多項國際 文學獎如「卡克國際獎」及「費米娜獎」等的提 名。經巳輩聲國際的關教授依然虛懷若谷,只以 平常心看待成就,良朋益友對其文稿不吝賜教, 他定必虛己以聽,從諜如流。他亦不會在商業浪


潮中隨波逐流,更反其道而行,盡心竭力地擁抱 文學世界多姿多彩的新面貌。 閻教授充滿熱誠,能言善道,不吝典人分享自己 的文學才華,令科大學生獲益良多。 2013 年,他 出任科大的駐校作家,至 2016 年獲頒冠名客座教 授席後,更為科大學生開辦創意寫作班,吸引來 自理、工、商及人文社會科學等學院的學生慕名 參與,一同邁進那人入勝的文學殿堂。閻教授將 學生的創作結集成短篇小說集,並擔任主編及出 版的工作。此外,他並以自己在科大的教學經驗 為基礎,出版兩本教授創意寫作的教科書。 關教授拾易取難,以堅毅勇敢的精神寫出讓讀者 產生共鳴的不朽文學巨著﹔他同時又是循循善 誘、誨人不錯的教育家。他淡泊名利,只一心關 顧普羅大罪,將心力全投放於藝衛,他那份高尚 情操及散然風骨,堪為楷模。 大學監督,本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會,恭 請閣下頒授文學榮譽博士學位于洗為堅中國文化 客座教授閣連科教授。 榮智博士的鑽辭︱ 23


Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching

Prof David Paul ROSSITER


The Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching was established by the University Council in 1994 to commemorate the distinguished service of Founding Council Member Mr Michael G Gale.

It is awarded to the faculty member who best exemplifies the continued pursuit of excellence, devotion to teaching and the ability to inspire and motivate others. This year the University is pleased to present the Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching to Prof David Paul Rossiter of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Prof David Paul Rossiter received his doctorate from the University of York in England. His expertise is in software technologies and his research interests include multimedia, internet technologies, computer graphics, computer sound and music, as well as human-computer interaction. He joined HKUST in 1996 and is currently Associate Professor of Engineering Education in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Prof Rossiter is an all-round educator who richly deserves recognition for his contributions to teaching excellence, curriculum design, and academic administration.

Prof Rossiter's success as a teacher is demonstrated by the astonishing list of teaching awards he has earned including the HKUST School of Engineering's Teaching Excellence on six occasions, the Best Instructor for the Master's Degree in Information Technology on five occasions, and the Best Ten Lecturers award. He has consistently achieved an extremely high rating in the student evaluation exercise, properly reflecting how much the students appreciate him. He also led numerous student projects and among them, many have won the President Cups, the highest student project award at HKUST. As one of his students stated, "Prof Rossiter is an inspiring, passionate and considerate teacher and he always explains things from different perspectives

the four-year undergraduate degree. He has been heavily involved in the creation, and subsequent leading, of several new introductory first-year computing courses, courses that collectively form the computing course requirement for almost all HKUST undergraduate students. He has also adopted flipped classroom pedagogy in teaching and designed learning projects to encourage student active engagement - his innovative and creative pedagogical approach is both an example and a lead to Faculty across the institution. But his professional influence is not limited just to the University. He developed a MOOC course "HTML, CSS and JavaScript" in Summer 2015 which has since been offered monthly via the Coursera platform. The course was very well-received with over 140,000 learners and 15,000 course completers from around the world.

Prof Rossiter has always been an active user of IT in teaching. Back in 2005, Prof Rossiter developed the Gong and NanoGong systems for language learning which have been used by thousands of institutions across the global Higher Education sector. In 2008, as the department coordinator of the outcome based education (OBE), he initiated the development of Programs and Courses Outcomes System, a web-based system for the centralized input of, and access to, OBE information. This system has not only been extensively used within HKUST, but has also been · freely shared with external organizations.

Prof Rossiter believes that the curriculum and its contents, as well as the open source projects, need to evolve continually. By repeatedly questioning and revising his own approach and drawing on his educational experience, he has been able both to maintain and to enhance the quality of the provision. For his achievements in the classroom, his dedication to students and his broad contribution to the University's educational mission, Prof David Paul




香港科技大學校董會於 1994 年設立「祁款卓越教 學服務獎章」,以紀念創校校董會成員祁款先生 對大學和社會的傑出貢獻。 獲頒這個獎項的科大教授熱衷教學,不斷追求卓 越,循循善誘,居士導後學,堪稱教師的典範。今 年,大學將「祁款卓越教學服務獎章」頒授予計 算機科學及工程學系的羅大偉教授。 讚辭 積極參與構思及頓導多個一年級電腦入門課程, 為幾近全體科大本科生達成電腦課程要求。他倡 導新穎而其創意的教學方法,在教學及設計學習 項目中採用「翻轉課堂教學法」’以提升學生的 參與度,成為全校同儕的典範及學習對象。羅大 偉教授的專業影響力並不局限於科大之內:他於 2005 年夏季開辦一項由 Coursera 平台每月提供的 大規模開放在線課程(MOOC) {HTML, CSS and JavaScript} 。該課程在推出後大受歡迎,全球曾 羅大偉教授於英國納克大學取得博士學位,專長 有逾 140,000 人士修請,其中凹, 000 人已完成課 於軟件科技,其研究興趣包括多媒體、互聯網 程。 科技、電腦圖像、電腦音響及音樂,以及人機互 動。他於 1996 年加入香港科技大學,現任計算機 科學及工程學系工程教育副教授。羅大偉教授實 屬教育全才,對提升教學水平、課程設計及學衛 行政等方面均貢獻良多,殊堪表揚。 他曾贏得多個教學獎項,包括六度獲科大工學院 卓越教學獎、五度獲資訊科技碩士課程最佳導 師,以及十大傑出講師獎,足誰他的教學成就非 凡。羅大偉教授屢獲學生高度評價,廣受愛戴。 他又曾帶有買學生籌劃多項研習項目,其中不少奪 得科大學生項目的最高榮譽「校長杯」。誠如其學 生所說:「羅大偉教授循循善誘,熱心教學,關懷 學生,並擅長以多角度分析問題,讓我們對事情 有更深的了解。」 羅大偉教授一直大力提倡在教學中應用資訊科 技,早於 2005 年,他開發了 Gong 及 NanoGong 系統,供學習語言之用,至今已獲全球高等教育 界數以千計的學府使用。 2008 年,作為學系內 「成果導向教育」(OBE)的統籌,他構思開發網上 「課程成果系統」’可中央處理所有 OBE 資訊。 這個系統不單在科大獲廣泛應用,更免費讓多家 校外機構共享。 他深信,學科課程及其內容,以至開放源碼的項 目,均需要不斷開創新敵。他經常反覆修訂自 己的教學方式,並應用其教育經驗,不斷精益求 精,盡心盡力,務求令教學水平更上層樓。 羅大偉教授教學成就斐然,熱心提攜後進,竭誠 羅大偉教授在新課程設計及課程發展擔當舉足輕 推動大學的教育使命,獲賴科大祁歉卓越教學服 葷的角色,尤其是四年制本科生學位課程。他 務獎章,實至名歸。 獎章得主的讀醉︱ 25


Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body

Adrian Tsz-Hin WU

Professional Accounting and Information Systems, Year 4

The Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body was established by the University Council in 1993 in memory of the late Honorable Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen, founding Council Member and distinguished public servant.

It is awarded to the student who best exemplifies the qualities of caring, constructive and dedicated leadership for which our late colleague is remembered.

This year, we are pleased to present the Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body to Adrian Tsz-Hin Wu.

Since 2014, Adrian has demonstrated his strong devotion and leadership in serving the student body. He was a house representative of the Student's Union Council in 2014-2015. With his outstanding leadership, he was elected to the Students' Union Council as Chairperson in 2015-2016. While he was in office, he played an

important role in fostering closer relationships and a teamwork spirit among the Students' Union and its affiliated societies. Having completed his term of service as SU Council Chairperson, he also served on the Students' Union Executive Committee as Promotion Secretary from February to April 2017, when the Union's President and two Executive Committee members departed unexpectedly.

Adrian is highly regarded by his peers for his dedication in serving the student body. His effort to represent students' interests and views on a wide range of campus issues, as well as his contributions in facilitating good communication with university offices, are all well appreciated by the HKUST community.

The presentation of this medal to Adrian acknowledges his leadership in and dedication to student affairs. He is a deserved winner, and may this award encourage more students to take the initiative to serve the HKUST community.




專業會計學及資訊系統學四年級 「張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎章」由香港科技大學校 董會於 1993 年設立,以紀念已故校董張鑑泉議員 對大學和社會的卓越貢獻。 獲獎的同學需具備關懷他人、服務社群的精神和 傑出的頻導才能。這些特質都是張議員的寫照。 今年,大學將「張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎章」授予 胡梓軒同學。 胡梓軒同學自 2014 年起巴展示其服務同學的熱誠 與輔導才能。他在 2014-2015 學年期間擔任學生 會評議會委員,並於童年當選學生會評議會主 席,任內積極促進學生會和屬會之間的合作關 悔。 2017 年,當屆學生會會長和兩位幹事突然宣 布離職,胡同學當時雖已卸任學生會評議會主席 一職,但仍奮起協助維持學生會幹事會的運作, 並於同年二月至四月擔任學生會宣傳秘書。 胡同學熱心服務同學,努力廣獲認同。他積極在 校內多項事務上表達學生意見,致力維護學生權 益,同時與大學不同部門保持良好溝通,有效擔 當大學與學生之間的橋樑。 我們特意頒發此獎項予胡梓軒同學,肯定他對學 生事務付出的努力和取得的成果,更重要的是鼓 勵各位同學積極擔任頓袖角色,服務科大。 獎章得主的讀辭︱ 27


President's Cup 2017

President's Cup

As a young, dynamic and international university, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has achieved excellence in education and research. To further enhance students' experience in learning, and to encourage creativity, the President's Cup was launched in 2002 as an annual event for undergraduate students to compete for the awards based on outstanding achievements in research and innovation.

There are three classes of awards this year, including: President's Cup Winner, Gold Award and Silver Award.

The 26 participating teams went through a rigorous selection process culminating in the final competition with winners chosen by the Selection Committee of the University.

The President's Cup Winner and the recipients of the Gold Award and Silver Award are as follows:



President's Cup FENG Chenxi

Winner JIANG Chunli

TSE Yu Alexander ZHANG Zihang ZHOU Peng

Gold Award LAIMAN Evan Roberto STANZA Tan Erez Pablo WIJAYA Reynaldi Octavian us Silver Award ATTIA Hala




Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science

Logistics Management and Engineering

Logistics Management and Engineering

Logistics Management and Engineering

Project title

Smart Soft End Effector

Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) by Smartphone App

Artificial Intelligence in Agent Based Simulation Modeling for Airline Seat Upgrade Auction


2017 年 r 校長杯」


作為一所研究型大學,香港科技大學積極推動研究與創新。為了鼓勵本科生參與研究與創新工作,科大於 2002 年創辦了「校長杯 J 競賽。本科生可透過參加每年一度的比賽,角逐大學頒發的獎項。「校長杯」競 賽不但可增強同學從事研究的興趣,更可培養同學在管理研究項目、人際溝通及推介研究成果等方面的技 巧和經驗。 今年,「校長杯」競賽共設三類獎項,分別為:校長杯、金獎及銀獎。部隊參賽隊伍經過初賽及決賽後, 最後由大學評審委員會選出得勝者。 榮獲校長杯、金獎、銀獎之名單表列如下: 獎項 繹獎者 主修科目 縛獎研究項目 校長杯 鳳晨奎 機械工程學 智能采性末端執行器 江春李 機械工程學 謝宇 機械工程學 張自航 機械工程學 周朋 機械工程學

金獎 LAIMAN Evan Roberto 計算機科學 糖尿眼早期檢測程式

STANZA Tan Erez Pablo 計算機科學 WIJAYA Reynaldi Octavianus 計算機科學

銀獎 ATTIA Hala 物流管理及工程學 運用代理人模式模擬系統模擬航

BEN LETAIEF Leyla 物流管理及工程學 空公司座位升等拍賣的人工智能

MICHELLE 物流管理及工程學


Address by the Graduate Representative of the Interdisciplinary Programs Office

Kim Abigail Ramos BASILIO

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and Technology

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is my privilege to be here to represent the students. Thank you for being with us to celebrate this huge milestone to the start of the rest of our lives.

Much like everybody here, when I first walked into HKUST, I remembered getting lost countless times, whether it be the lecture halls, classrooms, lifts, and even toilets; no matter how prepared I thought I was to journey to my next destination, I always got lost. But getting lost on this campus taught me a very valuable lesson in life.

"Getting lost is a good way to find yourself." Four years later, if you ask me for directions, I can instruct you better than UST Path Advisor. Metaphorically speaking, we may have walked into the wrong lecture theatres or toilets at one point in our lives - but here we all are, looking fresher than ever, with battle wounds and great stories to show for our hard-earned degrees.

On our graduation day, let's not forget to express our deepest gratitude to the people that have brought us to where we are today. As much as this is your milestone, this is very much theirs too;

Be grateful for your family, they put in as much sweat, tears and time into this degree as you did.

Be grateful for your professors and everybody else you've encountered during your time in HKUST. Regardless of how big (or small) their impact was; they were a part of making your journey here a fruitful one. They may have given you a better sense of direction towards what you want to pursue.

And for those who feel more lost than ever, or have been disappointed, despite where you are right now. Do not be discouraged; you still have so much more to offer to the world; this is just the beginning.

Last but not least, be grateful for your achievement and the opportunities that have come, and will come your way. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back; you are worthy, and have your whole life ahead to make a difference.

Pursue your passion and stay true to yourself; just as HKUST trained us to be resilient; don't let anyone or anything bring you down.




理學士(環境管理及科技) 各位嘉賓: 今天很榮幸可以代表所有畢業生向大家致辭,首 先要感謝大家蒞臨今天的畢業禮,見誰我們這個 人生中重要的里程碑。 跟在座各位一樣,剛踏入科大校園時,我曾經於 往演講廳、課室、升降機,甚至洗手間的路上述 路過無數次。無論我準借得多充足,還是一次又 一次的迷路。不過,「迷失校園」為我上了人生 寶貴的一課。 也許迷失就是找尋自我的最好方法。經過四年的 尋尋覓覓,如果今天你向我問路,我可以肯定較

UST Path Advisor 更能給你清晰的指示。人生中我 們總會走錯地方,去錯講堂。但看看我們在座的 每位畢業生,我們比從前更有朝氣,各自帶著不 同的「戰蜻」和「故事」’取得這個得來不易的學 位。 在畢業權的這個大日子,請讓我代表大家向所有 幫助我們走到今天的人致謝。這個畢業禮不只是 你與我的里程碑,也是他們重要的一頁。 感謝每一位畢業生的家人,他們與我們同樣付出 了心血和汗水來成就這個學位。 感謝每一位教授及每一位我在科大遇上的人,不 論他們對你的影響多寡,他們豐富了你的科大之 旅,讓你朝著更正確的方向追尋自己的夢想。 感到迷失和失望的人,不要氣蟬,我相信你絕對 能為這個世界作出無比貢獻,今天只是一個開 始。 最後,感恩你已經及將會得到的成就和機會,不 要吝青對自己的官贊賞﹔你值得成功,就讓你未來 的人生為世界帶來改變吧!追隨你的夢想,坦誠 面對自己,就像科大教導我們,要成為一個靈活 的人,不要被任何人與事打倒。 恭喜各位畢業生!我們畢業了! 畢業生代表的講辭 i 31


Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Business and Management


Master of Business Administration

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honor to speak on behalf of my fellow class of 2017 graduates. I wish you all a fruitful return on your investment.

A distant memory by now, the beginning of this journey involved asking ourselves questions. Some asked, "How can I become a better version of myself?" or "What are my expectations of this program?"

Minimally, everyone arrived here expecting to leave with a diploma. But a diploma is a human construct only as good as the value we choose to give it. We have already achieved greater: further to gaining knowledge for the sake of knowledge, many individuals here have already earned promotions, found new jobs, or pursued entrepreneurial endeavors.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and I am excited to see what lies beneath it in the years and decades to come. Now is the time to embrace our future together, for we have more days in front of us as alumni of this university than we have behind us as students.

As alumni, we enter into a social contract with the university: through our success, we will serve as ambassadors for the university, and we will support the success of future generations of the HKUST family. In exchange, we expect the school to be the best version of itself. We expect that the brand - the value placed on this diploma - will not diminish but strengthen in time.

I am humbled, and I am proud, to be associated with this community. Together, we became smarter, stronger and more sophisticated, as I expect we will continue to do long after this day becomes another distant memory.




工商管理碩士 各位嘉賓: 我很榮幸能代表各位畢業生致辭。在此祝願大家 前程錦繡’學有所成。 回想剛開始修請工商管理碩士(MBA)課程時,我們 都曾反覆問過自己不少問題:「怎樣才能讓自己更 上一層樓?」或是「我對這課程抱有甚麼期望呢?」 起初,大家可能只為一紙文憑﹔然而,文憑只是人 類創造出來的東西,它的價值因人而異。相比那一 紙誰書,我們不知不覺間獲得了更大成就:為豐富 人生而追求知識,在座不少同學亦獲得晉升機會、 尋覓到理想工作及實現自己的創業夢想。 這只是冰山一角,我對那未知的未來滿懷期待。 現在,就讓我們一起迎接及擁抱未來,抓緊每個 機遇。 作為校友,我們將與科大訂立社會契約:我們會 以個人成就去宣傳科大,並支持科大未來一代成 就夢想。同樣地,我們都期望科大能夠繼續追求 卓越,精益求精,讓科大的名聲及這文憑的價值 與日俱增。 能夠成為科大人,我以此為傲。我們在這裡共同 經歷的點滴,讓我們變得更聰明、更強大和更成 熟。我相信,在未來的日子裡’我們將繼繪把科 大精神發揚光大。 畢業生代表的擒醉︱ 33



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